How to use object method of Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineTasks.CoffeeMachine class

Best Coyote code snippet using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineTasks.CoffeeMachine.object


Source:CoffeeMachine.cs Github


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...33 /// Implementation of the ICoffeeMachine interface.34 /// </summary>35 internal class CoffeeMachine : ICoffeeMachine36 {37 private readonly object SyncObject = new object();38 private bool Initialized;39 private ISensors Sensors;40 private bool Heating;41 private double? WaterLevel;42 private double? HopperLevel;43 private bool? DoorOpen;44 private double? PortaFilterCoffeeLevel;45 private double? WaterTemperature;46 private int ShotsRequested;47 private double PreviousShotCount;48 private bool RefillRequired;49 private string Error;50 private bool Halted;51 private TaskCompletionSource<bool> ShotCompleteSource;52 private readonly LogWriter Log = LogWriter.Instance;53 public async Task<bool> InitializeAsync(ISensors sensors)54 {55 this.Log.WriteLine("initializing...");56 lock (this.SyncObject)57 {58 this.Sensors = sensors;59 this.RegisterSensorEvents(false);60 this.RegisterSensorEvents(true);61 }62 await this.CheckSensors();63 this.Initialized = !this.RefillRequired && string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Error);64 return this.Initialized;65 }66 public async Task<string> MakeCoffeeAsync(int shots)67 {68 if (!this.Initialized)69 {70 throw new Exception("Please make sure InitializeAsync returns true.");71 }72 if (this.Halted)73 {74 return "Ignoring MakeCoffeeAsync on halted Coffee machine";75 }76 Specification.Monitor<LivenessMonitor>(new LivenessMonitor.BusyEvent());77 if (!this.RefillRequired && !this.Halted)78 {79 // Make sure water is hot enough.80 await this.StartHeatingWater();81 }82 this.Log.WriteLine($"Coffee requested, shots={shots}");83 this.ShotsRequested = shots;84 // Grind beans until porta filter is full. Turn on shot button for desired time dump the85 // grinds, while checking for error conditions, e.g. out of water or coffee beans.86 if (!this.RefillRequired && !this.Halted)87 {88 await this.GrindBeans();89 }90 if (!this.RefillRequired && !this.Halted)91 {92 await this.MakeShotsAsync();93 }94 await this.CleanupAsync();95 if (this.Halted)96 {97 return "<halted>";98 }99 return this.Error;100 }101 public async Task CheckSensors()102 {103 this.Log.WriteLine("checking initial state of sensors...");104 // When this state machine starts it has to figure out the state of the sensors.105 if (!await this.Sensors.GetPowerSwitchAsync())106 {107 // Coffee machine was off, so this is the easy case, simply turn it on!108 await this.Sensors.SetPowerSwitchAsync(true);109 }110 // Make sure grinder, shot maker and water heater are off.111 await this.Sensors.SetGrinderButtonAsync(false);112 await this.Sensors.SetShotButtonAsync(false);113 await this.Sensors.SetWaterHeaterButtonAsync(false);114 // Need to check water and hopper levels and if the porta filter115 // has coffee in it we need to dump those grinds.116 await this.CheckWaterLevelAsync();117 await this.CheckHopperLevelAsync();118 await this.CheckPortaFilterCoffeeLevelAsync();119 await this.CheckDoorOpenAsync();120 }121 private async Task CheckWaterLevelAsync()122 {123 this.WaterLevel = await this.Sensors.GetWaterLevelAsync();124 this.Log.WriteLine("Water level is {0} %", (int)this.WaterLevel.Value);125 if ((int)this.WaterLevel.Value <= 0)126 {127 this.OnRefillRequired("is out of water");128 }129 }130 private async Task CheckHopperLevelAsync()131 {132 this.HopperLevel = await this.Sensors.GetHopperLevelAsync();133 this.Log.WriteLine("Hopper level is {0} %", (int)this.HopperLevel.Value);134 if ((int)this.HopperLevel.Value == 0)135 {136 this.OnRefillRequired("out of coffee beans");137 }138 }139 private async Task CheckPortaFilterCoffeeLevelAsync()140 {141 this.PortaFilterCoffeeLevel = await this.Sensors.GetPortaFilterCoffeeLevelAsync();142 if (this.PortaFilterCoffeeLevel > 0)143 {144 // Dump these grinds because they could be old, we have no idea how long145 // the coffee machine was off (no real time clock sensor).146 this.Log.WriteLine("Dumping old smelly grinds!");147 await this.Sensors.SetDumpGrindsButtonAsync(true);148 }149 }150 private async Task CheckDoorOpenAsync()151 {152 this.DoorOpen = await this.Sensors.GetReadDoorOpenAsync();153 if (this.DoorOpen.Value != false)154 {155 this.Log.WriteLine("Cannot safely operate coffee machine with the door open!");156 this.OnError();157 }158 }159 private async Task StartHeatingWater()160 {161 if (!this.Halted)162 {163 // Start heater and keep monitoring the water temp till it reaches 100!164 this.Log.WriteLine("Warming the water to 100 degrees");165 Specification.Monitor<LivenessMonitor>(new LivenessMonitor.BusyEvent());166 await this.MonitorWaterTemperature();167 }168 else169 {170 this.Log.WriteLine("Ignoring StartHeatingWater on a Halted Coffee machine");171 }172 }173 private async Task OnWaterHot()174 {175 this.Log.WriteLine("Coffee machine water temperature is now 100");176 if (this.Heating)177 {178 this.Heating = false;179 // Turn off the heater so we don't overheat it!180 await this.Sensors.SetWaterHeaterButtonAsync(false);181 this.Log.WriteLine("Turning off the water heater");182 }183 this.OnReady();184 }185 private async Task MonitorWaterTemperature()186 {187 while (!this.IsBroken)188 {189 this.WaterTemperature = await this.Sensors.GetWaterTemperatureAsync();190 if (this.WaterTemperature.Value >= 100)191 {192 await this.OnWaterHot();193 break;194 }195 else196 {197 if (!this.Heating)198 {199 this.Heating = true;200 // Turn on the heater and wait for WaterHotEvent.201 this.Log.WriteLine("Turning on the water heater");202 await this.Sensors.SetWaterHeaterButtonAsync(true);203 }204 }205 this.Log.WriteLine("Coffee machine is warming up ({0} degrees)...", this.WaterTemperature);206 await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1));207 }208 }209 private void OnReady()210 {211 Specification.Monitor<LivenessMonitor>(new LivenessMonitor.IdleEvent());212 this.Log.WriteLine("Coffee machine is ready to make coffee (green light is on)");213 }214 private async Task GrindBeans()215 {216 // Grind beans until porta filter is full.217 this.Log.WriteLine("Grinding beans...");218 // Turn on the grinder!219 await this.Sensors.SetGrinderButtonAsync(true);220 // We now receive a stream of PortaFilterCoffeeLevelChanged events so we keep monitoring221 // the porta filter till it is full, and the bean level in case we get empty.222 await this.MonitorPortaFilter();223 }224 private async Task MonitorPortaFilter()225 {226 while (this.PortaFilterCoffeeLevel < 100 && !this.RefillRequired && !this.IsBroken)227 {228 await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1));229 }230 }231 private async Task OnHopperEmpty()232 {233 await this.Sensors.SetGrinderButtonAsync(false);234 this.OnRefillRequired("out of coffee beans");235 }236 private Task MakeShotsAsync()237 {238 // Pour the shots.239 this.Log.WriteLine("Making shots...");240 // First we assume user placed a new cup in the machine, and so the shot count is zero.241 this.PreviousShotCount = 0;242 // Wait for shots to be completed.243 return this.MonitorShotsAsync();244 }245 private async Task MonitorShotsAsync()246 {247 try248 {249 while (!this.IsBroken)250 {251 this.Log.WriteLine("Shot count is {0}", this.PreviousShotCount);252 // So we can wait for async event to come back from the sensors.253 var completion = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();254 this.ShotCompleteSource = completion;255 // Request another shot!256 await this.Sensors.SetShotButtonAsync(true);257 if (!this.IsBroken)258 {259 await completion.Task;260 if (!this.IsBroken)261 {262 this.PreviousShotCount++;263 if (this.PreviousShotCount >= this.ShotsRequested && !this.IsBroken)264 {265 this.Log.WriteLine("{0} shots completed and {1} shots requested!", this.PreviousShotCount, this.ShotsRequested);266 if (this.PreviousShotCount > this.ShotsRequested)267 {268 Specification.Assert(false, "Made the wrong number of shots");269 }270 break;271 }272 }273 }274 }275 }276 catch (OperationCanceledException)277 {278 // Cancelled.279 }280 }281 private Task CleanupAsync()282 {283 // Dump the grinds.284 this.Log.WriteLine("Dumping the grinds!");285 return this.Sensors.SetDumpGrindsButtonAsync(true);286 }287 private void OnRefillRequired(string message)288 {289 this.Error = message;290 this.RefillRequired = true;291 Specification.Monitor<LivenessMonitor>(new LivenessMonitor.IdleEvent());292 this.Log.WriteError(message);293 }294 private void OnError()295 {296 this.Error = "Coffee machine needs fixing!";297 Specification.Monitor<LivenessMonitor>(new LivenessMonitor.IdleEvent());298 this.Log.WriteError(this.Error);299 }300 public async Task TerminateAsync()301 {302 this.Halted = true;303 this.Log.WriteLine("Coffee Machine Terminating...");304 var sensors = this.Sensors;305 if (sensors != null)306 {307 await sensors.SetPowerSwitchAsync(false);308 }309 var src = this.ShotCompleteSource;310 if (src != null)311 {312 src.TrySetCanceled();313 }314 // Stop listening to the sensors.315 this.RegisterSensorEvents(false);316 Specification.Monitor<LivenessMonitor>(new LivenessMonitor.IdleEvent());317 this.Log.WriteWarning("#################################################################");318 this.Log.WriteWarning("# Coffee Machine Halted #");319 this.Log.WriteWarning("#################################################################");320 this.Log.WriteLine(string.Empty);321 }322 private void RegisterSensorEvents(bool register)323 {324 if (register)325 {326 this.Sensors.HopperEmpty += this.OnHopperEmpty;327 this.Sensors.PortaFilterCoffeeLevelChanged += this.OnPortaFilterCoffeeLevelChanged;328 this.Sensors.ShotComplete += this.OnShotComplete;329 this.Sensors.WaterEmpty += this.OnWaterEmpty;330 this.Sensors.WaterHot += this.OnWaterHot;331 this.Sensors.WaterTemperatureChanged += this.OnWaterTemperatureChanged;332 }333 else334 {335 this.Sensors.HopperEmpty -= this.OnHopperEmpty;336 this.Sensors.PortaFilterCoffeeLevelChanged -= this.OnPortaFilterCoffeeLevelChanged;337 this.Sensors.ShotComplete -= this.OnShotComplete;338 this.Sensors.WaterEmpty -= this.OnWaterEmpty;339 this.Sensors.WaterHot -= this.OnWaterHot;340 this.Sensors.WaterTemperatureChanged -= this.OnWaterTemperatureChanged;341 }342 }343 private void OnWaterTemperatureChanged(object sender, double level)344 {345 }346 private void OnWaterHot(object sender, bool value)347 {348 if (!this.IsBroken)349 {350 Task.Run(this.OnWaterHot);351 }352 }353 private void OnWaterEmpty(object sender, bool e)354 {355 if (!this.IsBroken)356 {357 // Turn off the water pump.358 Task.Run(async () =>359 {360 await this.Sensors.SetShotButtonAsync(false);361 });362 this.OnRefillRequired("Water is empty!");363 }364 }365 private void OnShotComplete(object sender, bool value)366 {367 if (!this.IsBroken && this.ShotCompleteSource != null)368 {369 try370 {371 this.ShotCompleteSource.SetResult(value);372 }373 catch (InvalidOperationException)374 {375 // Cancelled.376 }377 }378 }379 private void OnPortaFilterCoffeeLevelChanged(object sender, double level)380 {381 if (!this.IsBroken)382 {383 if (level >= 100)384 {385 this.PortaFilterCoffeeLevel = level;386 this.Log.WriteLine("PortaFilter is full");387 }388 else389 {390 if (level != this.PortaFilterCoffeeLevel)391 {392 this.PortaFilterCoffeeLevel = level;393 this.Log.WriteLine("PortaFilter is {0} % full", (int)level);394 }395 }396 }397 Task.Run(this.UpdatePortaFilterLevelAsync);398 }399 private Task UpdatePortaFilterLevelAsync()400 {401 if (this.PortaFilterCoffeeLevel >= 100)402 {403 return this.Sensors.SetGrinderButtonAsync(false);404 }405 return Task.CompletedTask;406 }407 private void OnHopperEmpty(object sender, bool value)408 {409 if (!this.IsBroken)410 {411 var nowait = this.OnHopperEmpty();412 }413 }414 private bool IsBroken415 {416 get { return this.Halted || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Error); }417 }418 }419}...

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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineTasks;2using System;3using System.Threading.Tasks;4{5 {6 static async Task Main(string[] args)7 {8 var coffeeMachine = new CoffeeMachine();9 await coffeeMachine.StartMachine();10 Console.WriteLine("CoffeeMachine started");11 await coffeeMachine.MakeCoffee();12 Console.WriteLine("Coffee is ready");13 await coffeeMachine.MakeCoffee();14 Console.WriteLine("Coffee is ready");15 await coffeeMachine.MakeCoffee();16 Console.WriteLine("Coffee is ready");17 await coffeeMachine.MakeCoffee();18 Console.WriteLine("Coffee is ready");19 await coffeeMachine.StopMachine();20 Console.WriteLine("CoffeeMachine stopped");21 }22 }23}

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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineTasks;2using System;3using System.Threading.Tasks;4{5 {6 static async Task Main(string[] args)7 {8 var coffeeMachine = new CoffeeMachine();9 await coffeeMachine.MakeCoffee();10 Console.WriteLine("Finished");11 }12 }13}

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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineTasks;2{3 {4 static void Main(string[] args)5 {6 var coffeeMachine = new CoffeeMachine();7 coffeeMachine.BrewCoffee();8 }9 }10}11using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineTasks;12{13 {14 static void Main(string[] args)15 {16 var coffeeMachine = new CoffeeMachine();17 coffeeMachine.BrewCoffee();18 }19 }20}21using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineTasks;22{23 {24 static void Main(string[] args)25 {26 var coffeeMachine = new CoffeeMachine();27 coffeeMachine.BrewCoffee();28 }29 }30}31using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineTasks;32{33 {34 static void Main(string[] args)35 {36 var coffeeMachine = new CoffeeMachine();37 coffeeMachine.BrewCoffee();38 }39 }40}41using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineTasks;42{43 {44 static void Main(string[] args)45 {46 var coffeeMachine = new CoffeeMachine();47 coffeeMachine.BrewCoffee();48 }49 }50}51using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineTasks;52{53 {54 static void Main(string[] args)55 {56 var coffeeMachine = new CoffeeMachine();57 coffeeMachine.BrewCoffee();58 }59 }60}

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1Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineTasks.CoffeeMachine coffeeMachine = new Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineTasks.CoffeeMachine();2coffeeMachine.MakeCoffee();3Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineTasks.CoffeeMachine coffeeMachine = new Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineTasks.CoffeeMachine();4coffeeMachine.MakeCoffee();5Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineTasks.CoffeeMachine coffeeMachine = new Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineTasks.CoffeeMachine();6coffeeMachine.MakeCoffee();7Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineTasks.CoffeeMachine coffeeMachine = new Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineTasks.CoffeeMachine();8coffeeMachine.MakeCoffee();9Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineTasks.CoffeeMachine coffeeMachine = new Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineTasks.CoffeeMachine();10coffeeMachine.MakeCoffee();11Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineTasks.CoffeeMachine coffeeMachine = new Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineTasks.CoffeeMachine();12coffeeMachine.MakeCoffee();13Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineTasks.CoffeeMachine coffeeMachine = new Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineTasks.CoffeeMachine();14coffeeMachine.MakeCoffee();

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1{2    {3        public string Name { get; }4        public bool IsOn { get; private set; }5        public bool IsBrewing { get; private set; }6        public bool IsReady { get; private set; }7        public bool IsBoiling { get; private set; }8        public bool IsHeating { get; private set; }9        public bool IsCoffeePotPlaced { get; private set; }10        public bool IsCoffeePotFull { get; private set; }11        public bool IsCoffeePotEmpty { get; private set; }12        public bool IsWaterTankFull { get; private set; }13        public bool IsWaterTankEmpty { get; private set; }14        public bool IsCoffeePotOnHeater { get; private set; }15        public bool IsCoffeePotOnBoiler { get; private set; }16        public bool IsCoffeePotOnWarmer { get; private set; }17        public bool IsCoffeePotOnGrinder { get; private set; }18        public bool IsCoffeePotOnFilter { get; private set; }19        public bool IsCoffeePotOnPump { get; private set; }20        public bool IsCoffeePotOnValve { get; private set; }21        public bool IsCoffeePotOnSwitch { get; private set; }22        public bool IsCoffeePotOnLight { get; private set; }23        public bool IsCoffeePotOnButton { get; private set; }24        public bool IsCoffeePotOnDisplay { get; private set; }25        public bool IsCoffeePotOnPower { get; private set; }26        public bool IsCoffeePotOnWaterTank { get; private set; }27        public bool IsCoffeePotOnCoffeePot { get; private set; }28        public bool IsCoffeePotOnWaterFilter { get; private set; }29        public bool IsCoffeePotOnWaterPump { get; private set; }30        public bool IsCoffeePotOnWaterValve { get; private set; }

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1using System;2using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineTasks;3{4 {5 public void MakeCoffee()6 {7 Console.WriteLine("Coffee is ready");8 }9 }10}11using System;12using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineTasks;13{14 {15 public void MakeCoffee()16 {17 Console.WriteLine("Coffee is ready");18 }19 }20}21using System;22using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineTasks;23{24 {25 public void MakeCoffee()26 {27 Console.WriteLine("Coffee is ready");28 }29 }30}31using System;32using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineTasks;33{34 {35 public void MakeCoffee()36 {37 Console.WriteLine("Coffee is ready");38 }39 }40}41using System;42using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineTasks;43{44 {45 public void MakeCoffee()46 {47 Console.WriteLine("Coffee is ready");48 }49 }50}

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1public async Task MakeCoffee()2{3 await this.SendEventAsync(new MakeCoffeeEvent());4}5public async Task MakeCoffee()6{7 await this.SendEventAsync(new MakeCoffeeEvent());8}9public async Task MakeCoffee()10{11 await this.SendEventAsync(new MakeCoffeeEvent());12}13public async Task MakeCoffee()14{15 await this.SendEventAsync(new MakeCoffeeEvent());16}17public async Task MakeCoffee()18{19 await this.SendEventAsync(new MakeCoffeeEvent());20}21public async Task MakeCoffee()22{23 await this.SendEventAsync(new MakeCoffeeEvent());24}25public async Task MakeCoffee()26{27 await this.SendEventAsync(new MakeCoffeeEvent());28}29public async Task MakeCoffee()30{31 await this.SendEventAsync(new MakeCoffeeEvent());32}

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