How to use setup method of NSpec.Tests.WhenRunningSpecs.SpecClass class

Best NSpec code snippet using NSpec.Tests.WhenRunningSpecs.SpecClass.setup


Source:describe_unexpected_exception_in_act.cs Github


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...23 };24 }25 }26 [SetUp]27 public void setup()28 {29 Run(typeof(SpecClass));30 }31 [Test]32 public void should_report_both_act_failure_and_example_failure()33 {34 TheExample("reports act failure and example failure")35 .Exception.Message.Should().Be("Context Failure: ActException, Example Failure: ItException");36 }37 }38 [TestFixture]39 public class describe_unexpected_exception_in_act_but_not_example : when_running_specs40 {41 private class SpecClass : nspec42 {43 void method_level_context()44 {45 context["when exception thrown from act but not from example"] = () =>46 {47 act = () =>48 {49 throw new ActException();50 };51 it["reports act failure only"] = () =>52 {53 Assert.That(true, Is.True);54 };55 };56 }57 }58 [SetUp]59 public void setup()60 {61 Run(typeof(SpecClass));62 }63 [Test]64 public void should_report_act_failure_only()65 {66 TheExample("reports act failure only")67 .Exception.Message.Should().Be("Context Failure: ActException");68 }69 }70 [TestFixture]71 public class describe_unexpected_exception_in_async_act_and_in_async_example : when_running_specs72 {73 private class SpecClass : nspec74 {75 void method_level_context()76 {77 context["when exception thrown from act and example itself has a failure"] = () =>78 {79 actAsync = async () => await Task.Run(() =>80 {81 throw new ActException();82 });83 itAsync["reports act failure and example failure"] = async () => await Task.Run(() =>84 {85 throw new ItException();86 });87 };88 }89 }90 [SetUp]91 public void setup()92 {93 Run(typeof(SpecClass));94 }95 [Test]96 public void should_report_both_act_failure_and_example_failure()97 {98 TheExample("reports act failure and example failure")99 .Exception.Message.Should().Be("Context Failure: ActException, Example Failure: ItException");100 }101 }102 [TestFixture]103 public class describe_unexpected_exception_in_async_act_but_not_async_example : when_running_specs104 {105 private class SpecClass : nspec106 {107 void method_level_context()108 {109 context["when exception thrown from act but not from example"] = () =>110 {111 actAsync = async () => await Task.Run(() =>112 {113 throw new ActException();114 });115 itAsync["reports act failure only"] = async () =>116 {117 await Task.Delay(0);118 Assert.That(true, Is.True);119 };120 };121 }122 }123 [SetUp]124 public void setup()125 {126 Run(typeof(SpecClass));127 }128 [Test]129 public void should_report_act_failure_only()130 {131 TheExample("reports act failure only")132 .Exception.Message.Should().Be("Context Failure: ActException");133 }134 }135}...

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Source:describe_method_level_examples.cs Github


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...25 Assert.That("hello", Is.Not.EqualTo("hello"));26 }27 }28 [SetUp]29 public void setup()30 {31 RunWithReflector(typeof(SpecClass));32 }33 protected override bool FirstExampleExecuted { get { return SpecClass.first_example_executed; } }34 protected override bool LastExampleExecuted { get { return SpecClass.last_example_executed; } }35 }36 public abstract class describe_method_level_examples_common_cases : when_running_method_level_examples37 {38 protected abstract bool FirstExampleExecuted { get; }39 protected abstract bool LastExampleExecuted { get; }40 [Test]41 public void the_class_context_should_contain_a_class_level_example()42 {43 contexts.Examples().Count().Should().Be(2);...

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Source:describe_xcontext.cs Github


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...21 };22 }23 }24 [SetUp]25 public void setup()26 {27 Run(typeof(SpecClass));28 }29 [Test]30 public void the_example_should_be_pending()31 {32 methodContext.Contexts.First().Examples.First().Pending.Should().Be(true);33 }34 }35 [TestFixture]36 [Category("RunningSpecs")]37 [Category("Pending")]38 public class describe_xcontext : when_running_specs39 {40 class SpecClass : nspec41 {42 public static string output = string.Empty;43 public static Action MethodLevelBefore = () => { throw new KnownException("this should not run."); };44 public static Action SubContextBefore = () => { throw new KnownException("this should not run."); };45 void method_level_context()46 {47 before = MethodLevelBefore;48 xcontext["sub context"] = () =>49 {50 before = SubContextBefore;51 it["needs an example or it gets filtered"] =52 () => Assert.That(true, Is.True);53 };54 }55 }56 [SetUp]57 public void setup()58 {59 Run(typeof(SpecClass));60 }61 [Test]62 public void it_should_not_run_befores_on_pending_context()63 {64 methodContext.AllExamples().First().Exception.Should().Be(null);65 }66 }67}...

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Source:describe_MethodContext.cs Github


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...25 }26 public static string ExceptionTypeName = typeof(KnownException).Name;27 }28 [SetUp]29 public void setup()30 {31 var specType = typeof(SpecClass);32 classContext = new ClassContext(specType);33 var methodInfo = specType.GetTypeInfo().GetMethod("method_level_context");34 var methodContext = new MethodContext(methodInfo);35 classContext.AddContext(methodContext);36 }37 [Test]38 public void building_should_not_throw()39 {40 Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => classContext.Build());41 }42 [Test]43 public void it_should_add_example_named_after_exception()...

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Source:describe_overriding_exception.cs Github


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...28 return new KnownException("Redefined exception.", originalException);29 }30 }31 [SetUp]32 public void setup()33 {34 Run(typeof(SpecClass));35 }36 [Test]37 public void the_examples_exception_is_replaced_with_exception_provided_in_override()38 {39 TheExample("specify method level failure").Exception.InnerException.Should().BeOfType<KnownException>();40 }41 [Test]42 public void the_examples_exception_is_replaced_with_exception_provided_in_override_if_async_method()43 {44 TheExample("specify async method level failure").Exception.InnerException.Should().BeOfType<KnownException>();45 }46 }...

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Source:describe_example_level_tagging.cs Github


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1using FluentAssertions;2using NUnit.Framework;3namespace NSpec.Tests.WhenRunningSpecs4{5 [TestFixture]6 [Category("RunningSpecs")]7 public class describe_example_level_tagging : when_running_specs8 {9 class SpecClass : nspec10 {11 void has_tags_in_examples()12 {13 it["is tagged with 'mytag'", "mytag"] = () => { Assert.That(true, Is.True); };14 it["has three tags", "mytag, expect-to-failure, foobar"] = () => { Assert.That(true, Is.True); };15 it["does not have a tag"] = () => { Assert.That(true, Is.True); };16 }17 }18 [SetUp]19 public void Setup()20 {21 Run(typeof(SpecClass));22 }23 [Test]24 public void it_only_has_the_default_class_tag()25 {26 TheExample("does not have a tag").Tags.Should().Contain("SpecClass");27 }28 [Test]29 public void is_tagged_with_at_mytag()30 {31 TheExample("is tagged with 'mytag'").Tags.Should().Contain("mytag");32 }33 [Test]34 public void has_three_tags_and_default_class_tag()35 {36 TheExample("has three tags").Tags.Should().Contain("SpecClass");37 TheExample("has three tags").Tags.Should().Contain("mytag");38 TheExample("has three tags").Tags.Should().Contain("expect-to-failure");39 TheExample("has three tags").Tags.Should().Contain("foobar");40 TheExample("has three tags").Tags.Count.Should().Be(4);41 }42 }43}...

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Source:describe_action_indexer_add_operator.cs Github


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...16 it["Should have this name"] = () => Assert.That(true, Is.True);17 }18 }19 [SetUp]20 public void setup()21 {22 Run(typeof(SpecClass));23 }24 [Test]25 public void should_contain_pending_test()26 {27 TheExamples().Count().Should().Be(1);28 }29 [Test]30 public void spec_name_should_reflect_name_specified_in_ActionRegister()31 {32 TheExamples().First().Should().BeAssignableTo<Example>();33 var example = (Example)TheExamples().First();34 example.Spec.Should().Be("Should have this name");...

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Source:describe_xdescribe.cs Github


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...19 };20 }21 }22 [SetUp]23 public void setup()24 {25 Run(typeof(SpecClass));26 }27 [Test]28 public void the_example_should_be_pending()29 {30 methodContext.Contexts.First().Examples.First().Pending.Should().Be(true);31 }32 }33}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using NSpec;2using NSpec.Tests;3{4 {5 void method_level_context()6 {7 before = () => { };8 it["should pass this example because it doesn't call an undefined method"] = () => { };9 it["should fail this example because it calls an undefined method"] = DefinePendingMethod();10 it["should pass this example because it calls a defined method"] = CallDefinedMethod();11 it["should fail this example because it calls a failing method"] = CallFailingMethod();12 it["should fail this example because it calls a throwing method"] = CallThrowingMethod();13 it["should fail this example because it calls an async failing method"] = CallAsyncFailingMethod();14 it["should fail this example because it calls an async throwing method"] = CallAsyncThrowingMethod();15 it["should fail this example because it calls an async pending method"] = CallAsyncPendingMethod();16 }17 void class_level_context()18 {19 before = () => { };20 it["should pass this example because it doesn't call an undefined method"] = () => { };21 it["should fail this example because it calls an undefined method"] = DefinePendingMethod();22 it["should pass this example because it calls a defined method"] = CallDefinedMethod();23 it["should fail this example because it calls a failing method"] = CallFailingMethod();24 it["should fail this example because it calls a throwing method"] = CallThrowingMethod();25 it["should fail this example because it calls an async failing method"] = CallAsyncFailingMethod();26 it["should fail this example because it calls an async throwing method"] = CallAsyncThrowingMethod();27 it["should fail this example because it calls an async pending method"] = CallAsyncPendingMethod();28 }29 void method_level_context_with_async_before()30 {31 beforeAsync = async () => { await Task.Delay(1); };32 it["should pass this example because it doesn't call an undefined method"] = () => { };33 it["should fail this example because it calls an undefined method"] = DefinePendingMethod();34 it["should pass this example because it calls a defined method"] = CallDefinedMethod();35 it["should fail this example because it calls a failing method"] = CallFailingMethod();

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1var spec = new NSpec.Tests.WhenRunningSpecs.SpecClass();2spec.Setup();3spec.Teardown();4var spec = new NSpec.Tests.WhenRunningSpecs.SpecClass();5spec.Setup();6spec.Teardown();7var spec = new NSpec.Tests.WhenRunningSpecs.SpecClass();8spec.Setup();9spec.Teardown();10var spec = new NSpec.Tests.WhenRunningSpecs.SpecClass();11spec.Setup();12spec.Teardown();13var spec = new NSpec.Tests.WhenRunningSpecs.SpecClass();14spec.Setup();15spec.Teardown();16var spec = new NSpec.Tests.WhenRunningSpecs.SpecClass();17spec.Setup();18spec.Teardown();19var spec = new NSpec.Tests.WhenRunningSpecs.SpecClass();20spec.Setup();

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1var spec = new SpecClass();2spec.setup();3spec.should_have_a_context();4spec.should_have_a_context_with_a_failing_example();5spec.should_have_a_context_with_a_passing_example();6spec.should_have_a_context_with_a_passing_example_and_a_failing_example();7spec.should_have_a_context_with_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example();8spec.should_have_a_context_with_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example_and_a_failing_example();9spec.should_have_a_context_with_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example();10spec.should_have_a_context_with_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example_and_a_failing_example();11spec.should_have_a_context_with_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example();12spec.should_have_a_context_with_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example_and_a_failing_example();13spec.should_have_a_context_with_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example();14spec.should_have_a_context_with_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example_and_a_failing_example();15spec.should_have_a_context_with_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example();16spec.should_have_a_context_with_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example_and_a_passing_example_and_a_failing_example();

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1{2 public void Setup()3 {4 var specClass = new SpecClass();5 specClass.setup();6 specClass.it_should_be_true();7 }8}9 SpecClass.it_should_be_true() line 2710 SpecClass.it_should_be_true() line 27

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