How to use Equals method of PuppeteerSharp.PdfOptions class

Best Puppeteer-sharp code snippet using PuppeteerSharp.PdfOptions.Equals


Source:FwReportController.cs Github


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...63 else if (request.renderMode == "Pdf" || request.renderMode == "Email")64 {65 //string pdfFileName = $"{baseFileName}.pdf";66 string pdfFileName = "";67 if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(reportFileName)) || (reportFileName.Equals(reportName))) // default68 {69 pdfFileName = baseFileName;70 }71 else72 {73 pdfFileName = reportFileName;74 }75 pdfFileName = RegexFilenameWhitelist.Replace(pdfFileName, "-") + ".pdf";76 string guidDownloadPath = Path.Combine(FwDownloadController.GetDownloadsDirectory(), guid);77 System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(guidDownloadPath);78 //string pathPdfReport = Path.Combine(FwDownloadController.GetDownloadsDirectory(), pdfFileName);79 string pathPdfReport = Path.Combine(guidDownloadPath, pdfFileName);80 //response.pdfReportUrl = $"{baseUrl}/temp/downloads/{pdfFileName}";81 response.pdfReportUrl = $"{apiUrl}/temp/downloads/{guid}/{pdfFileName}";82 response.consoleOutput = await FwReport.GeneratePdfFromUrlAsync(apiUrl, reportUrl, pathPdfReport, authorizationHeader, request.parameters, GetPdfOptions());83 if (request.renderMode == "Email")84 {85 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty( this.ModelState.AddModelError("email.from", "E-mail From is required.");86 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty( this.ModelState.AddModelError("", "E-mail To is required.");87 if (this.ModelState.IsValid && System.IO.File.Exists(pathPdfReport))88 {89 if ( == "[me]")90 {91 using (FwSqlConnection conn = new FwSqlConnection(this.AppConfig.DatabaseSettings.ConnectionString))92 {93 = await FwSqlCommand.GetStringDataAsync(conn, this.AppConfig.DatabaseSettings.QueryTimeout, "webusersview", "webusersid", this.UserSession.WebUsersId, "email");94 }95 }96 if ( == "[me]")97 {98 using (FwSqlConnection conn = new FwSqlConnection(this.AppConfig.DatabaseSettings.ConnectionString))99 {100 = await FwSqlCommand.GetStringDataAsync(conn, this.AppConfig.DatabaseSettings.QueryTimeout, "webusersview", "webusersid", this.UserSession.WebUsersId, "email");101 }102 }103 if ( == "[reportname]")104 {105 = GetReportFriendlyName();106 }107 string uniqueid = this.GetUniqueId(request);108 await FwReport.EmailPdfAsync(109 fromusersid: this.UserSession.UsersId,110 uniqueid: uniqueid,111 title: GetReportFriendlyName(),112 from:,113 to:,114 cc:,115 subject:,116 body:,117 pdfPath: pathPdfReport,118 appConfig: this.AppConfig);119 }120 }121 }122 else if (request.renderMode == "EmailImage")123 {124 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty( this.ModelState.AddModelError("email.from", "E-mail From is required.");125 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty( this.ModelState.AddModelError("", "E-mail To is required.");126 if (this.ModelState.IsValid)127 {128 if ( == "[me]")129 {130 using (FwSqlConnection conn = new FwSqlConnection(this.AppConfig.DatabaseSettings.ConnectionString))131 {132 = await FwSqlCommand.GetStringDataAsync(conn, this.AppConfig.DatabaseSettings.QueryTimeout, "webusersview", "webusersid", this.UserSession.WebUsersId, "email");133 }134 }135 if ( == "[me]")136 {137 using (FwSqlConnection conn = new FwSqlConnection(this.AppConfig.DatabaseSettings.ConnectionString))138 {139 = await FwSqlCommand.GetStringDataAsync(conn, this.AppConfig.DatabaseSettings.QueryTimeout, "webusersview", "webusersid", this.UserSession.WebUsersId, "email");140 }141 }142 if ( == "[reportname]")143 {144 = GetReportFriendlyName();145 }146 string uniqueid = this.GetUniqueId(request);147 ViewPortOptions viewPortOptions = new ViewPortOptions();148 viewPortOptions.Width = request.emailImageOptions.Width;149 viewPortOptions.Height = request.emailImageOptions.Height;150 viewPortOptions.DeviceScaleFactor = 1;151 ScreenshotOptions screenshotOptions = new ScreenshotOptions();152 screenshotOptions.Type = ScreenshotType.Png;153 await FwReport.EmailImageAsync(154 apiUrl: apiUrl,155 reportUrl: reportUrl,156 authorizationHeader: authorizationHeader,157 parameters: request.parameters,158 fromusersid: this.UserSession.UsersId,159 uniqueid: uniqueid,160 title: GetReportFriendlyName(),161 from:,162 to:,163 cc:,164 subject:,165 bodyHeader: string.Empty,166 bodyFooter:,167 appConfig: this.AppConfig,168 viewPortOptions: viewPortOptions,169 screenshotOptions: screenshotOptions);170 }171 }172 if (!this.ModelState.IsValid) return new BadRequestObjectResult(this.ModelState);173 return new OkObjectResult(response);174 }175 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 176 protected virtual async Task<ActionResult<DoExportExcelXlsxExportFileAsyncResult>> DoExportExcelXlsxFileAsync(FwJsonDataTable dt, FwReportRequest request, string worksheetName = "")177 {178 if (!ModelState.IsValid)179 {180 return BadRequest(ModelState);181 }182 try183 {184 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(worksheetName))185 {186 worksheetName = GetReportFriendlyName();187 }188 string strippedWorksheetName = new string(worksheetName.Where(c => char.IsLetterOrDigit(c)).ToArray());189 string downloadFileName = $"{strippedWorksheetName}_{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss")}";190 string filename = $"{this.UserSession.WebUsersId}_{strippedWorksheetName}_{Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty)}_xlsx";191 string directory = FwDownloadController.GetDownloadsDirectory();192 string path = Path.Combine(directory, filename);193 // Delete any existing excel files belonginng to this user194 FwDownloadController.DeleteCurrentWebUserDownloads(this.UserSession.WebUsersId);195 //if (!includeIdColumns)196 //{197 // foreach (FwJsonDataTableColumn col in dt.Columns)198 // {199 // string dataField = col.DataField.ToUpper();200 // if ((!includeIdColumns) && (dataField.EndsWith("ID") || dataField.EndsWith("KEY")) && (!dataField.ToUpper().Equals("RFID")))201 // {202 // col.IsVisible = false;203 // }204 // }205 //}206 //if specific fields were requested in the Excel download, remove all non-requested fields here207 if ((request.excelfields != null) && (request.excelfields.Count > 0))208 {209 List<int> removeIndexes = new List<int>();210 for (int c = 0; c < dt.Columns.Count; c++)211 {212 bool fieldInExcel = false;213 foreach (CheckBoxListItem item in request.excelfields)214 {215 if (item.selected.GetValueOrDefault(false))216 {217 if (item.value.Equals(dt.ColumnNameByIndex[c]))218 {219 fieldInExcel = true;220 break;221 }222 }223 }224 if (!fieldInExcel)225 {226 removeIndexes.Add(c);227 }228 }229 for (int i = removeIndexes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)230 {231 foreach (List<object> row in dt.Rows)232 {233 row.RemoveAt(removeIndexes[i]);234 }235 dt.Columns.RemoveAt(removeIndexes[i]);236 }237 dt.ResetColumnIndexes();238 }239 //columns need to be made "visible" to be included in the Excel file240 for (int c = 0; c < dt.Columns.Count; c++)241 {242 dt.Columns[c].IsVisible = true;243 }244 dt.ToExcelXlsxFile(worksheetName, path);245 DoExportExcelXlsxExportFileAsyncResult result = new DoExportExcelXlsxExportFileAsyncResult();246 result.downloadUrl = $"api/v1/download/{filename}?downloadasfilename={downloadFileName}.xlsx";247 await Task.CompletedTask; // get rid of the no async call warning248 return new OkObjectResult(result);249 }250 catch (Exception ex)251 {252 return GetApiExceptionResult(ex);253 }254 }255 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 256 [HttpGet("emptyobject")]257 [FwControllerMethod("", FwControllerActionTypes.Browse, ValidateSecurityGroup: false)]258 public ActionResult<FwJsonDataTable> GetEmptyObject()259 {260 if (!ModelState.IsValid)261 {262 return BadRequest(ModelState);263 }264 try265 {266 Type type = loaderType;267 FwReportLoader l = (FwReportLoader)Activator.CreateInstance(type);268 l.SetDependencies(AppConfig, UserSession);269 //foreach (PropertyInfo property in l.GetType().GetProperties())270 //{271 // // get the type of this property272 // Type propertyType = property.PropertyType;273 //274 // if (property.Name.Equals("RowType"))275 // {276 // property.SetValue(l, "detail");277 // }278 //279 // // if the property is a List, then get the type of the items in the List. Find the RowType property and set it to "detail"280 // if (typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(propertyType))281 // {282 // IList theList = property.GetValue(l, null) as IList;283 //284 // foreach (var listItem in theList)285 // {286 // PropertyInfo[] listItemProperties = listItem.GetType().GetProperties();287 // foreach (PropertyInfo listItemProperty in listItemProperties)288 // {289 // if (listItemProperty.Name.Equals("RowType"))290 // {291 // listItemProperty.SetValue(listItem, "detail");292 // break;293 // }294 // }295 // }296 // }297 //}298 return new OkObjectResult(l);299 }300 catch (Exception ex)301 {302 return GetApiExceptionResult(ex);303 }...

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Source:Form1.cs Github


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...870 Task.Run(async () =>871 {872 for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)873 {874 while (toolStripStatusLabel1.Tag != null && toolStripStatusLabel1.Tag.Equals("1"))875 {876 await Task.Delay(2000);877 continue;878 }879 var item = list[i];880 this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(() =>881 {882 toolStripStatusLabel1.Tag = "1";883 toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = $"批量生成进度{i}/{list.Count},设置店铺信息:{ item.shopModel.shopname}";884 }));885 var shopstatus = ChangeShop(item.shopModel.shopname, item.shopModel.address,,;886 this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(() =>887 {888 toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = $"批量生成进度{i}/{list.Count},设置订单信息:" + item.orderModel.Asin;...

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Source:WikiPDFExporter.cs Github


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...660 }661 //the file is a markdown file, create a link to it662 var isMarkdown = false;663 var fileInfo = new FileInfo(absPath);664 if (fileInfo.Exists && fileInfo.Extension.Equals(".md", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))665 {666 isMarkdown = true;667 }668 else if (fileInfo.Exists)669 {670 //convert images to base64 and embed them in the html. Chrome/Puppeter does not show local files because of security reasons.671 Byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(fileInfo.FullName);672 String base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);673 link.Url = $"data:image/{fileInfo.Extension};base64,{base64}";674 }675 fileInfo = new FileInfo($"{absPath}.md");676 if (fileInfo.Exists && fileInfo.Extension.Equals(".md", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))677 {678 isMarkdown = true;679 }680 //only markdown files get a pdf internal link681 if (isMarkdown)682 {683 var relPath = mf.RelativePath + "\\" + link.Url;684 //remove anchor685 relPath = relPath.Split("#")[0];686 687 relPath = relPath.Replace("/", "\\");688 // remove relative part if we are not exporting from the root of the wiki689 var pathBelowRootWiki = _wiki.exportPath().Replace(_wiki.basePath(), ""); 690 if( !pathBelowRootWiki.IsNullOrEmpty())...

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Source:Documenter.cs Github


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...357 }358 private string GetAttributesHtml(EntityDetailsInfo entity)359 {360 var attributes = Attributes361 .Where(a => a.ProjectId == entity.ProjectId && a.EntityName.Equals(entity.EntityName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))362 .OrderBy(a => a.Order);363 var attributeHtml = String.Join("", attributes.Select(a => GetAttributeHtml(a)));364 return $@"365 <table>366 <thead>367 <tr>368 <th>Attribute Name</th>369 <th>Data Type</th>370 <th>Nulls</th>371 <th>References</th>372 <th>Description</th>373 </tr>374 </thead>375 <tbody>376 {attributeHtml}377 </tbody>378 </table>379 ";380 }381 private string GetCalculationsHtml(EntityDetailsInfo entity)382 {383 var calculations = this.Calculations.Where(c => c.EntityName.Equals(entity.EntityName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));384 var calculationsHtml = calculations.Select(c => $"<tr><td>{c.CalculationName}</td><td>{c.CalculationDesc}</td><td>{c.CalculationComment}</td><td>{c.Formula}</td></tr>");385 if (calculations.Any())386 {387 return $@"388<table>389 <thead>390 <tr>391 <th>Calculation Name</th>392 <th>Calculation Description</th>393 <th>Calculation Comment</th>394 <th>Formula</th>395 </tr>396 </thead>397 <tbody>398 { String.Join("", calculationsHtml) }399 </tbody>400</table>";401 }402 else403 {404 return "";405 }406 }407 private string GetRelationsHtml(EntityDetailsInfo entity)408 {409 var relations = string.Join(" ", Relationships410 .Where(r => r.ReferencedEntityName.Equals(entity.EntityName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))411 .Select(r => new412 {413 RelationshipName = r.RelationshipName,414 ParentEntityName = r.ParentEntityName415 })416 .Distinct()417 .Select(r => new418 {419 Name = this.Entities.First(e => e.EntityName.Equals(r.ParentEntityName)).EntityAlias,420 Role = r.RelationshipName421 })422 .Select(r => $"<tr><td><a href='#{r.Name}'>{r.Name}</a></td><td>{r.Role}</td></tr>"));423 if (relations.Any())424 {425 return $@"426<table>427 <thead>428 <tr>429 <th>Entity</th>430 <th>Relationship</th>431 </tr>432 </thead>433 <tbody>434 { String.Join("", relations) }435 </tbody>436</table>";437 }438 else439 {440 return "";441 }442 }443 private string GetAttributeHtml(AttributeDetailsInfo attribute)444 {445 var attributeComment = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(attribute.AttributeComment) ? $"<p>{attribute.AttributeComment}</p>" : "";446 // References for the attribute447 var references = string.Join(" ", Relationships448 .Where(r => r.ParentEntityName.Equals(attribute.EntityName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))449 .Where(r => r.ParentAttributeName.Equals(attribute.AttributeName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))450 .Select(r => r.ReferencedEntityName)451 .Select(r => this.Entities.First(e => e.EntityName.Equals(r)).EntityAlias)452 .Select(r => $"<a href='#{r}'>{r}</a>"));453 // We include any value groups in the references column too.454 if (attribute.ValueGroupId != null)455 {456 var vg = ValueGroups.First(ValueGroupInfo => ValueGroupInfo.ValueGroupId == attribute.ValueGroupId);457 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(references))458 {459 references = references + " ";460 }461 references = references + $"<a href='#vg{vg.ValueGroupId}'>{vg.ValueGroupName}</a>";462 }463 Func<bool, string> getColor = (isPrimaryKey) => { return isPrimaryKey ? "style='background: wheat;'" : ""; };464 return $@"465 <tr { getColor(attribute.IsPrimaryKey) }>466 <td>{attribute.AttributeName}</td>467 <td>{attribute.DataTypeDesc}</td>468 <td>{(attribute.IsNullable ? "Yes" : "")}</td>469 <td>{references}</td>470 <td>{attribute.AttributeDesc}{attributeComment}</td>471 </tr>";472 }473 private string GetEntityDependencyHtml(EntityDetailsInfo entity, bool reverseDirection = false)474 {475 IEnumerable<ParentChild<string>> treeMapping = null;476 // False = dependency down (objects used by this object)477 // True = dependency up (objects that this object is used in)478 if (reverseDirection == false)479 {480 treeMapping = EntityDependencies.Select(ed => new ParentChild<string>(ed.ParentEntityName, ed.ChildEntityName));481 }482 else483 {484 treeMapping = EntityDependencies.Select(ed => new ParentChild<string>(ed.ChildEntityName, ed.ParentEntityName));485 }486 var tree = new TreeNode<string>(treeMapping, entity.EntityName, null, (string a, string b) => { return a.Equals(b, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); });487 return $@"<pre>{tree.PrettyPrint()}</pre>";488 }489 private string GetHierarchyHtml(EntityDetailsInfo entity)490 {491 IEnumerable<ParentChild<string>> treeMapping = null;492 //var hierarchies = MetadataRepository.GetAttributeHierarchies(entity.ProjectId, entity.EntityName).Where(a => !a.IsOneToOneRelationship).ToList();493 var hierarchies = MetadataRepository.GetAttributeHierarchies(entity.ProjectId, entity.EntityName).ToList();494 if (!hierarchies.Any())495 {496 return "";497 }498 var rootAttributeName = hierarchies.Where(h => h.IsRoot).First().ParentAttributeName;499 treeMapping = hierarchies.Select(h => new ParentChild<string>(h.ParentAttributeName, h.ChildAttributeName));500 var tree = new TreeNode<string>(treeMapping, rootAttributeName, null, null);501 return $@"<pre>{tree.PrettyPrint()}</pre>";502 }503 private string GetValueGroups()504 {505 var valueGroupIds = Attributes.Select(a => a.ValueGroupId).Distinct();506 var activeValueGroups = ValueGroups.Where(vg => valueGroupIds.Contains(vg.ValueGroupId));507 return string.Join(' ', activeValueGroups.Select(vg => GetValueGroup(vg)));508 }509 private string GetValueGroup(ValueGroupInfo valueGroup)510 {511 var values = MetadataRepository512 .GetValues(valueGroup.ValueGroupId.Value).Select(v => $"<tr><td>{v.Value}</td><td>{v.Desc}</td></tr>");513 var valueString = string.Join(' ', values);514 var usedBy = Attributes.Where(a => a.ValueGroupId == valueGroup.ValueGroupId.Value).Where(a => ActiveEntities.Any(ae => ae.ProjectId == ae.ProjectId && ae.EntityName.Equals(a.EntityName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)));515 var usedByString = string.Join(' ', usedBy.Select(u => $"<li><a href='#{Entities.First(e => e.EntityName.Equals(u.EntityName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).EntityAlias}'>{u.EntityName}.{u.AttributeName}</a>"));516 return $@"517 <script type='text/javascript'>518 pagenum.push({{519 type: 'valueGroup',520 id: {valueGroup.ValueGroupId},521 name: '{valueGroup.ValueGroupName}',522 page: currpage523 }});524 </script>525 <div class='valueGroup' id='vg{valueGroup.ValueGroupId}'>526 <h2>Value Group: {valueGroup.ValueGroupName}</h2>527 <h3>Values</h3>528 <table>529 <thead>...

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Source:PdfOptions.cs Github


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...73 /// Defaults to <c>false</c>, which will scale the content to fit the paper size.74 /// </summary>75 public bool PreferCSSPageSize { get; set; }76 /// <inheritdoc/>77 public override bool Equals(object obj)78 {79 if (obj == null || GetType() != obj.GetType())80 {81 return false;82 }83 return Equals((PdfOptions)obj);84 }85 /// <inheritdoc/>86 public bool Equals(PdfOptions options)87 => options != null &&88 Scale == options.Scale &&89 DisplayHeaderFooter == options.DisplayHeaderFooter &&90 HeaderTemplate == options.HeaderTemplate &&91 FooterTemplate == options.FooterTemplate &&92 PrintBackground == options.PrintBackground &&93 Landscape == options.Landscape &&94 PageRanges == options.PageRanges &&95 EqualityComparer<PaperFormat>.Default.Equals(Format, options.Format) &&96 EqualityComparer<object>.Default.Equals(Width, options.Width) &&97 EqualityComparer<object>.Default.Equals(Height, options.Height) &&98 EqualityComparer<MarginOptions>.Default.Equals(MarginOptions, options.MarginOptions) &&99 PreferCSSPageSize == options.PreferCSSPageSize;100 /// <inheritdoc/>101 public override int GetHashCode()102 => -711844102103 ^ Scale.GetHashCode()104 ^ DisplayHeaderFooter.GetHashCode()105 ^ EqualityComparer<string>.Default.GetHashCode(HeaderTemplate)106 ^ EqualityComparer<string>.Default.GetHashCode(FooterTemplate)107 ^ PrintBackground.GetHashCode()108 ^ Landscape.GetHashCode()109 ^ EqualityComparer<string>.Default.GetHashCode(PageRanges)110 ^ EqualityComparer<PaperFormat>.Default.GetHashCode(Format)111 ^ EqualityComparer<object>.Default.GetHashCode(Width)112 ^ EqualityComparer<object>.Default.GetHashCode(Height)113 ^ EqualityComparer<MarginOptions>.Default.GetHashCode(MarginOptions)114 ^ PreferCSSPageSize.GetHashCode();115 /// <inheritdoc/>116 public static bool operator ==(PdfOptions left, PdfOptions right)117 => EqualityComparer<PdfOptions>.Default.Equals(left, right);118 /// <inheritdoc/>119 public static bool operator !=(PdfOptions left, PdfOptions right) => !(left == right);120 }121}...

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Source:PaperFormat.cs Github


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...72 /// A6: 4.13 inches by 5.83 inches73 /// </summary>74 public static PaperFormat A6 => new PaperFormat(4.13m, 5.83m);75 /// <inheritdoc/>76 public override bool Equals(object obj)77 {78 if (obj == null || GetType() != obj.GetType())79 {80 return false;81 }82 return Equals((PaperFormat)obj);83 }84 /// <inheritdoc/>85 public bool Equals(PaperFormat format)86 => format != null &&87 Width == format.Width &&88 Height == format.Height;89 /// <inheritdoc/>90 public override int GetHashCode()91 => 85960037792 ^ Width.GetHashCode()93 ^ Height.GetHashCode();94 /// <inheritdoc/>95 public static bool operator ==(PaperFormat left, PaperFormat right)96 => EqualityComparer<PaperFormat>.Default.Equals(left, right);97 /// <inheritdoc/>98 public static bool operator !=(PaperFormat left, PaperFormat right) => !(left == right);99 }100}...

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Source:MarginOptions.cs Github


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...29 /// Right margin, accepts values labeled with units30 /// </summary>31 public string Right { get; set; }32 /// <inheritdoc/>33 public override bool Equals(object obj)34 {35 if (obj == null || GetType() != obj.GetType())36 {37 return false;38 }39 return Equals((MarginOptions)obj);40 }41 /// <inheritdoc/>42 public bool Equals(MarginOptions options)43 => options != null &&44 Top == options.Top &&45 Left == options.Left &&46 Bottom == options.Bottom &&47 Right == options.Right;48 /// <inheritdoc/>49 public override int GetHashCode()50 => -48139112551 ^ EqualityComparer<string>.Default.GetHashCode(Top)52 ^ EqualityComparer<string>.Default.GetHashCode(Left)53 ^ EqualityComparer<string>.Default.GetHashCode(Bottom)54 ^ EqualityComparer<string>.Default.GetHashCode(Right);55 /// <inheritdoc/>56 public static bool operator ==(MarginOptions left, MarginOptions right)57 => EqualityComparer<MarginOptions>.Default.Equals(left, right);58 /// <inheritdoc/>59 public static bool operator !=(MarginOptions left, MarginOptions right) => !(left == right);60 }61}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using PuppeteerSharp;2using System;3using System.Collections.Generic;4using System.Linq;5using System.Text;6using System.Threading.Tasks;7{8 {9 static void Main(string[] args)10 {11 {12 {13 }14 };15 {16 {17 }18 };19 Console.WriteLine(options.Equals(options2));20 Console.ReadKey();21 }22 }23}24using PuppeteerSharp;25using System;26using System.Collections.Generic;27using System.Linq;28using System.Text;29using System.Threading.Tasks;30{31 {32 static void Main(string[] args)33 {34 {35 {36 }37 };38 {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using PuppeteerSharp;2using System;3{4 public static async Task Main(string[] args)5 {6 await new BrowserFetcher().DownloadAsync(BrowserFetcher.DefaultRevision);7 using (var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions { Headless = true }))8 using (var page = await browser.NewPageAsync())9 {10 var pdf = await page.PdfDataAsync(new PdfOptions { Format = PaperFormat.A4 });11 File.WriteAllBytes("1.pdf", pdf);12 }13 }14}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using PuppeteerSharp;2using System;3using System.IO;4{5 {6 static void Main(string[] args)7 {8 MainAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();9 }10 static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task MainAsync()11 {12 {13 {14 },15 };16 if (options.Equals(options))17 {18 Console.WriteLine("Equals method works");19 }20 {21 Console.WriteLine("Equals method does not work");22 }23 }24 }25}26using PdfSharp.Pdf;27using System;28using System.IO;29{30 {31 static void Main(string[] args)32 {33 MainAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();34 }35 static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task MainAsync()36 {37 PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument();38 if (document.Equals(document))39 {40 Console.WriteLine("Equals method works");41 }42 {43 Console.WriteLine("Equals method does not work");44 }45 }46 }47}48using iTextSharp.text.pdf;49using System;50using System.IO;51{52 {53 static void Main(string[] args)54 {55 MainAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();56 }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using PuppeteerSharp;2using System;3using System.Collections.Generic;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6{7 {8 static async Task Main(string[] args)9 {10 {11 {12 }13 };14 using (var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions { Headless = true }))15 {16 using (var page = await browser.NewPageAsync())17 {18 await page.PdfAsync("1.pdf", options);19 }20 }21 }22 }23}24using PuppeteerSharp;25using System;26using System.Collections.Generic;27using System.Text;28using System.Threading.Tasks;29{30 {31 static async Task Main(string[] args)32 {33 {34 {35 }36 };37 using (var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions { Headless = true }))38 {39 using (var page = await browser.NewPageAsync())40 {41 await page.PdfAsync("2.pdf", options);42 }43 }44 }45 }46}47using PuppeteerSharp;48using System;49using System.Collections.Generic;50using System.Text;51using System.Threading.Tasks;52{53 {54 static async Task Main(string[] args)55 {56 {57 {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1{2 {3 }4};5var compareResult = pdfOptions.Equals(new PdfOptions6{7 {8 }9});10Console.WriteLine(compareResult);11{12 {13 }14};15{16 {17 }18};19Console.WriteLine(compareResult);20{21 {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using PuppeteerSharp;2using System;3{4 {5 static void Main(string[] args)6 {7 {8 MarginOptions = new MarginOptions { Top = "1cm", Bottom = "1cm" },9 };10 {11 MarginOptions = new MarginOptions { Top = "1cm", Bottom = "1cm" },12 };13 Console.WriteLine(options1.Equals(options2));14 }15 }16}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using System;2using PuppeteerSharp;3{4 {5 static void Main(string[] args)6 {7 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");8 var pdfOptions1 = new PdfOptions();9 var pdfOptions2 = new PdfOptions();10 Console.WriteLine(pdfOptions1.Equals(pdfOptions2));11 }12 }13}14using System;15using PuppeteerSharp;16{17 {18 static void Main(string[] args)19 {20 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");21 var pdfOptions1 = new PdfOptions();22 var pdfOptions2 = new PdfOptions();23 Console.WriteLine(pdfOptions1.Equals(pdfOptions2));24 }25 }26}27using System;28using PuppeteerSharp;29{30 {31 static void Main(string[] args)32 {33 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");34 var pdfOptions1 = new PdfOptions();35 var pdfOptions2 = new PdfOptions();36 Console.WriteLine(pdfOptions1.Equals(pdfOptions2));37 }38 }39}40using System;41using PuppeteerSharp;42{43 {44 static void Main(string[] args)45 {46 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");47 var pdfOptions1 = new PdfOptions();48 var pdfOptions2 = new PdfOptions();49 Console.WriteLine(pdfOptions1.Equals(pdfOptions2));50 }51 }52}53using System;54using PuppeteerSharp;55{56 {57 static void Main(string[] args)58 {59 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");60 var pdfOptions1 = new PdfOptions();61 var pdfOptions2 = new PdfOptions();62 Console.WriteLine(pdfOptions1.Equals(pdfOptions2));63 }64 }65}

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