How to use Info method of Telerik.JustMock.Tests.Foo class

Best JustMockLite code snippet using Telerik.JustMock.Tests.Foo.Info


Source:ParserTest.cs Github


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...115 [TestMethod]116 public void TryMap_should_return_false_when_command_do_not_exist()117 {118 var mockHelpBuilder = Mock.Create<IHelpBuilder>();119 mockHelpBuilder.Arrange(x => x.PrintHelp(Arg.AnyString, Arg.IsAny<CommandInfo[]>()))120 .OccursOnce();121 var sut = new Parser(ParserOptions.None, mockHelpBuilder);122 sut.DefineCommand("commit")123 .WithParameter<string>("Message")124 .SetAlias("m")125 .SetDefault(string.Empty);126 // Act127 var failed = !sut.TryMap(new string[] { "deploy -m run" }, out CommandInfo result, out string error);128 // Assert129 failed.ShouldBeTrue();130 mockHelpBuilder.AssertAll();131 error.ShouldNotBeNullOrWhiteSpace();132 }133 [TestMethod]134 public void TryMap_should_create_command_when_its_member_name_is_used()135 {136 var sut = new Parser();137 sut.DefineCommand<NonDecoratedCommand>("foo")138 .WithParameter(x => x.NumericValue)139 .Required()140 .WithParameter(x => x.TextValue)141 .SetDefault("gazy");142 RunTryMapTest(sut, new string[]143 {144 $"foo -{nameof(NonDecoratedCommand.NumericValue)} 321",145 $"foo -{nameof(NonDecoratedCommand.TextValue)} abc -{nameof(NonDecoratedCommand.NumericValue)} 123",146 });147 }148 [TestMethod]149 public void Map_should_invoke_the_right_callback_method()150 {151 // Arrange152 string[] args(string text) => text.Split(' ');153 string errorMsg = null;154 bool didNotCastHelpCommand = true, didNotCastVersionCommand = true;155 MutableCommand instance2 = null;156 NonDecoratedCommand instance1 = null;157 ImmutableCommand instance3 = default(ImmutableCommand);158 var mockHelpBuilder = Mock.Create<IHelpBuilder>();159 mockHelpBuilder.Arrange(x => x.PrintHelp(Arg.AnyString, Arg.IsAny<CommandInfo[]>()))160 .Occurs(3);161 mockHelpBuilder.Arrange(x => x.PrintVersion())162 .OccursOnce();163 // Act164 /* Internal */165 var successExitCode = new Parser(ParserOptions.None, mockHelpBuilder).Map<MutableCommand, ImmutableCommand, int>($"{MutableCommand.Name} -b 99 -a".Split(' '),166 (a) => { instance2 = a; return 0; },167 (b) => 0,168 (e) => 1);169 var errorExitCode = new Parser(ParserOptions.None, mockHelpBuilder).Map<ImmutableCommand, MutableCommand, int>(new string[0],170 (a) => 0,171 (b) => 0,172 (e) => { errorMsg = e; return 1; });173 (new Parser()).Map<MutableCommand, NonDecoratedCommand>(args("1"),174 (a) => { },175 (b) => { instance1 = b; },176 (e) => { });177 /* Public */178 (new Parser()).Map<object>(args("immutable 1"), new Type[] { typeof(MutableCommand), typeof(ImmutableCommand) },179 (s) => { instance3 = (ImmutableCommand)s; }, (e) => { });180 (new Parser(ParserOptions.None, mockHelpBuilder)).Map<IFakeCommand>(args("help"), new Type[] { typeof(ImmutableCommand) },181 (s) => { didNotCastHelpCommand = false; }, (e) => { didNotCastHelpCommand = false; });182 (new Parser(ParserOptions.None, mockHelpBuilder)).Map<IFakeCommand>(args("help immutable"), new Type[] { typeof(ImmutableCommand) },183 (s) => { didNotCastHelpCommand = false; }, (e) => { didNotCastHelpCommand = false; });184 (new Parser(ParserOptions.None, mockHelpBuilder)).Map<IFakeCommand>(args("version"), new Type[] { typeof(ImmutableCommand) },185 (s) => { didNotCastVersionCommand = false; }, (e) => { didNotCastVersionCommand = false; });186 var nullErrorExitCode = new Parser().Map<IFakeCommand, int>(args("invalid -e 109"), new Type[] { },187 (s) => 0, null);188 // Assert189 errorExitCode.ShouldBe(1);190 successExitCode.ShouldBe(0);191 errorMsg.ShouldNotBeNullOrEmpty();192 nullErrorExitCode.ShouldBe(default(int));193 instance1.ShouldNotBeNull();194 instance2.ShouldNotBeNull();195 instance3.Id.ShouldBe(1);196 instance3.Dob.ShouldBe(default(DateTime));197 didNotCastHelpCommand.ShouldBeTrue();198 didNotCastVersionCommand.ShouldBeTrue();199 mockHelpBuilder.AssertAll();200 }201 private static void RunTryMapTest(Parser parser, string[] samples, bool expectErrors = false)202 {203 var results = new List<(bool Passed, string Error, string In, string Out)>();204 Func<object, string> get = (x) => ((x?.GetType()?.IsArray ?? false) ? string.Join(",", (object[])x) : Convert.ToString(x ?? string.Empty));205 // Act206 foreach (var item in samples)207 {208 string[] arg = item?.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);209 var success = parser.TryMap(arg, out CommandInfo command, out string error);210 results.Add((success, error, item, string.Join(Environment.NewLine, command.Select(211 (x) => string.Format("{0} {1} = {2}", x.DataType.Name, x.MemberName, (x.Value == null ? $"(default: {x.Default})" : get(x.Value)))))));212 }213 // Assert214 string template = @"215args: {0}216{1}217{2}218=========================219";220 Approvals.VerifyAll(results, x => string.Format(template, x.In, (x.Passed ? "PASSED" : $"ERROR: {x.Error}"), x.Out).Trim());221 results.ShouldAllBe(x => x.Passed == !expectErrors);222 }223 }...

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Source:OccurrenceFixture.cs Github


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...182 public interface IContainerResolver183 {184 T Resolve<T>(Dictionary<string, object> data);185 }186 public class MockDirectoryInfo187 {188 public MockDirectoryInfo(string path)189 {190 }191 }192 [TestMethod, TestCategory("Lite"), TestCategory("Occurrence"), TestCategory("Bug")]193 public void ShouldArrangeAndAssertExpressionInvolvingCollectionInitializerSyntax()194 {195 IContainerResolver containerResolver = Mock.Create<IContainerResolver>();196 Mock.Arrange(() => containerResolver.Resolve<MockDirectoryInfo>(new Dictionary<string, object> { { "path", @"pptestRoot\DrivesData\TestFamily" } })).Returns(new MockDirectoryInfo("ss")).OccursOnce();197 var ex = Assert.Throws<AssertionException>(() => Mock.Assert(containerResolver));198 Assert.True(ex.Message.Contains("Occurrence expectation failed."));199 }200 }201}...

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Source:MockByExampleTests.cs Github


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...10 {11 [Test]12 public void NotMockedByExample()13 {14 var blockingCondition1 = Mock.Create<IDetectionInfoBase>();15 Mock.Arrange(() => blockingCondition1.Name).Returns("foo");1617 var installer1 = Mock.Create<IInstallerInfo>();18 Mock.Arrange(() => installer1.BlockingCondition).Returns(blockingCondition1);19 Mock.Arrange(() => installer1.Name).Returns("blocked1");2021 var package1 = Mock.Create<IInstallPackage>();22 Mock.Arrange(() => package1.Installer).Returns(installer1);2324 var blockingCondition2 = Mock.Create<IDetectionInfoBase>();25 Mock.Arrange(() => blockingCondition2.Name).Returns("bar");2627 var installer2 = Mock.Create<IInstallerInfo>();28 Mock.Arrange(() => installer2.BlockingCondition).Returns(blockingCondition2);29 Mock.Arrange(() => installer2.Name).Returns("blocked2");3031 var package2 = Mock.Create<IInstallPackage>();32 Mock.Arrange(() => package2.Installer).Returns(installer2);3334 var installInfo = Mock.Create<IInstallInfo>();35 Mock.Arrange(() => installInfo.InstallPackages).Returns(new List<IInstallPackage> { package1, package2 });36 }3738 [Test]39 public void MockedByExample()40 {41 var installInfo = Mock.CreateLike<IInstallInfo>(me =>42 me.InstallPackages == new List<IInstallPackage>43 {44 Mock.CreateLike<IInstallPackage>(pkg => pkg.Installer.Name == "blocked1" &&45 pkg.Installer.BlockingCondition.Name == "foo"),46 Mock.CreateLike<IInstallPackage>(pkg => pkg.Installer.Name == "blocked2" &&47 pkg.Installer.BlockingCondition.Name == "bar"),48 });49 }50 } ...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var mock = Mock.Create<Foo>();2Mock.Arrange(() => mock.Info()).Returns("Hello World");3var mock = Mock.Create<Foo>();4Mock.Arrange(() => mock.Info()).Returns("Hello World");5var mock = Mock.Create<Foo>();6Mock.Arrange(() => mock.Info()).Returns("Hello World");

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Using AI Code Generation


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Using AI Code Generation


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1Foo info = new Foo();2info.Info();3Foo info = new Foo();4info.Info();5Foo info = new Foo();6info.Info();7Foo info = new Foo();8info.Info();9Foo info = new Foo();10info.Info();11Foo info = new Foo();12info.Info();13Foo info = new Foo();14info.Info();15Foo info = new Foo();16info.Info();17Foo info = new Foo();18info.Info();19Foo info = new Foo();20info.Info();21Foo info = new Foo();22info.Info();23Foo info = new Foo();24info.Info();25Foo info = new Foo();26info.Info();27Foo info = new Foo();28info.Info();29Foo info = new Foo();30info.Info();31Foo info = new Foo();32info.Info();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1public static void Main()2{3 var mock = Mock.Create<Foo>();4 Mock.Arrange(() => mock.Info()).Returns("Info").MustBeCalled();5 Mock.Assert(mock);6}7public static void Main()8{9 var mock = Mock.Create<Foo>();10 Mock.Arrange(() => mock.Info()).Returns("Info").MustBeCalled();11 Mock.Assert(mock);12}13public static void Main()14{15 var mock = Mock.Create<Foo>();16 Mock.Arrange(() => mock.Info()).Returns("Info").MustBeCalled();17 Mock.Assert(mock);18}19public static void Main()20{21 var mock = Mock.Create<Foo>();22 Mock.Arrange(() => mock.Info()).Returns("Info").MustBeCalled();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Foo.Info("Hello World");2Foo.Info("Hello World");3Foo.Info("Hello World");4Foo.Info("Hello World");5Foo.Info("Hello World");6Foo.Info("Hello World");7Foo.Info("Hello World");8Foo.Info("Hello World");9Foo.Info("Hello World");10Foo.Info("Hello World");11Foo.Info("Hello World");12Foo.Info("Hello World");13Foo.Info("Hello World");14Foo.Info("Hello World");15Foo.Info("Hello World");16Foo.Info("Hello World");17Foo.Info("Hello World");18Foo.Info("Hello World

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var foo = new Foo();2foo.Info("Hello World");3var foo = new Foo();4foo.Info("Hello World");5var foo = new Foo();6foo.Info("Hello World");7var foo = new Foo();8foo.Info("Hello World");9var foo = new Foo();10foo.Info("Hello World");11var foo = new Foo();12foo.Info("Hello World");13var foo = new Foo();14foo.Info("Hello World");15var foo = new Foo();16foo.Info("Hello World");17var foo = new Foo();18foo.Info("Hello World");19var foo = new Foo();20foo.Info("Hello World");21var foo = new Foo();22foo.Info("Hello World");23var foo = new Foo();24foo.Info("Hello World");25var foo = new Foo();26foo.Info("Hello World");27var foo = new Foo();28foo.Info("Hello World");29var foo = new Foo();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var foo = Mock.Create<Foo>();2Mock.Arrange(() => foo.Info()).Returns("Hello");3var result = foo.Info();4Assert.AreEqual("Hello", result);5var foo = Mock.Create<Foo>();6Mock.Arrange(() => foo.Info()).Returns("Hello");7var result = foo.Info();8Assert.AreEqual("Hello", result);9var foo = Mock.Create<Foo>();10Mock.Arrange(() => foo.Info()).Returns("Hello");11var result = foo.Info();12Assert.AreEqual("Hello", result);13var foo = Mock.Create<Foo>();14Mock.Arrange(() => foo.Info()).Returns("Hello");15var result = foo.Info();16Assert.AreEqual("Hello", result);17var foo = Mock.Create<Foo>();18Mock.Arrange(() => foo.Info()).Returns("Hello");19var result = foo.Info();20Assert.AreEqual("Hello", result);21var foo = Mock.Create<Foo>();22Mock.Arrange(() => foo.Info()).Returns("Hello");23var result = foo.Info();24Assert.AreEqual("Hello", result);25var foo = Mock.Create<Foo>();26Mock.Arrange(() => foo.Info()).Returns("Hello");27var result = foo.Info();28Assert.AreEqual("Hello", result);29var foo = Mock.Create<Foo>();30Mock.Arrange(() => foo.Info()).Returns("Hello");31var result = foo.Info();32Assert.AreEqual("Hello", result);33var foo = Mock.Create<Foo>();34Mock.Arrange(() => foo.Info()).Returns("Hello");35var result = foo.Info();36Assert.AreEqual("Hello", result);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var foo = Mock.Create<Foo>();2Mock.Arrange(() => foo.Info()).Returns(42);3var bar = Mock.Create<Bar>();4Mock.Arrange(() => bar.Info()).Returns(42);5{6 public virtual int Info()7 {8 return 0;9 }10}11{12 public override int Info()13 {14 return 1;15 }16}

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