Best Gauge code snippet using filter.NewScenarioFilterBasedOnTags
1// Copyright 2015 ThoughtWorks, Inc.2// This file is part of Gauge.3// Gauge is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify4// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by5// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or6// (at your option) any later version.7// Gauge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,8// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of9// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the10// GNU General Public License for more details.11// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License12// along with Gauge. If not, see <>.13package filter14import (15 "errors"16 "go/constant"17 "go/token"18 "go/types"19 "regexp"20 "sort"21 "strconv"22 "strings"23 ""24 ""25)26type scenarioFilterBasedOnSpan struct {27 lineNumber int28}29type ScenarioFilterBasedOnTags struct {30 specTags []string31 tagExpression string32}33func NewScenarioFilterBasedOnSpan(lineNumber int) *scenarioFilterBasedOnSpan {34 return &scenarioFilterBasedOnSpan{lineNumber}35}36func (filter *scenarioFilterBasedOnSpan) Filter(item gauge.Item) bool {37 return (item.Kind() == gauge.ScenarioKind) && !(item.(*gauge.Scenario).InSpan(filter.lineNumber))38}39func newScenarioFilterBasedOnTags(specTags []string, tagExp string) *ScenarioFilterBasedOnTags {40 return &ScenarioFilterBasedOnTags{specTags, tagExp}41}42func (filter *ScenarioFilterBasedOnTags) Filter(item gauge.Item) bool {43 if item.Kind() == gauge.ScenarioKind {44 tags := item.(*gauge.Scenario).Tags45 if tags == nil {46 return !filter.filterTags(filter.specTags)47 }48 return !filter.filterTags(append(tags.Values, filter.specTags...))49 }50 return false51}52func (filter *ScenarioFilterBasedOnTags) filterTags(stags []string) bool {53 tagsMap := make(map[string]bool, 0)54 for _, tag := range stags {55 tagsMap[strings.Replace(tag, " ", "", -1)] = true56 }57 filter.replaceSpecialChar()58 value, _ := filter.formatAndEvaluateExpression(tagsMap, filter.isTagPresent)59 return value60}61func (filter *ScenarioFilterBasedOnTags) replaceSpecialChar() {62 filter.tagExpression = strings.Replace(strings.Replace(strings.Replace(strings.Replace(filter.tagExpression, " ", "", -1), ",", "&", -1), "&&", "&", -1), "||", "|", -1)63}64func (filter *ScenarioFilterBasedOnTags) formatAndEvaluateExpression(tagsMap map[string]bool, isTagQualified func(tagsMap map[string]bool, tagName string) bool) (bool, error) {65 _, tags := filter.getOperatorsAndOperands()66 expToBeEvaluated := filter.tagExpression67 sort.Sort(ByLength(tags))68 for _, tag := range tags {69 expToBeEvaluated = strings.Replace(expToBeEvaluated, strings.TrimSpace(tag), strconv.FormatBool(isTagQualified(tagsMap, strings.TrimSpace(tag))), -1)70 }71 return filter.evaluateExp(filter.handleNegation(expToBeEvaluated))72}73type ByLength []string74func (s ByLength) Len() int {75 return len(s)76}77func (s ByLength) Swap(i, j int) {78 s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]79}80func (s ByLength) Less(i, j int) bool {81 return len(s[i]) > len(s[j])82}83func (filter *ScenarioFilterBasedOnTags) handleNegation(tagExpression string) string {84 tagExpression = strings.Replace(strings.Replace(tagExpression, "!true", "false", -1), "!false", "true", -1)85 for strings.Contains(tagExpression, "!(") {86 tagExpression = filter.evaluateBrackets(tagExpression)87 }88 return tagExpression89}90func (filter *ScenarioFilterBasedOnTags) evaluateBrackets(tagExpression string) string {91 if strings.Contains(tagExpression, "!(") {92 innerText := filter.resolveBracketExpression(tagExpression)93 return strings.Replace(tagExpression, "!("+innerText+")", filter.evaluateBrackets(innerText), -1)94 }95 value, _ := filter.evaluateExp(tagExpression)96 return strconv.FormatBool(!value)97}98func (filter *ScenarioFilterBasedOnTags) resolveBracketExpression(tagExpression string) string {99 indexOfOpenBracket := strings.Index(tagExpression, "!(") + 1100 bracketStack := make([]string, 0)101 i := indexOfOpenBracket102 for ; i < len(tagExpression); i++ {103 if tagExpression[i] == '(' {104 bracketStack = append(bracketStack, "(")105 } else if tagExpression[i] == ')' {106 bracketStack = append(bracketStack[:len(bracketStack)-1])107 }108 if len(bracketStack) == 0 {109 break110 }111 }112 return tagExpression[indexOfOpenBracket+1 : i]113}114func (filter *ScenarioFilterBasedOnTags) evaluateExp(tagExpression string) (bool, error) {115 tre := regexp.MustCompile("true")116 fre := regexp.MustCompile("false")117 s := fre.ReplaceAllString(tre.ReplaceAllString(tagExpression, "1"), "0")118 val, err := types.Eval(token.NewFileSet(), nil, 0, s)119 if err != nil {120 return false, errors.New("Invalid Expression.\n" + err.Error())121 }122 res, _ := constant.Uint64Val(val.Value)123 var final bool124 if res == 1 {125 final = true126 } else {127 final = false128 }129 return final, nil130}131func (filter *ScenarioFilterBasedOnTags) isTagPresent(tagsMap map[string]bool, tagName string) bool {132 _, ok := tagsMap[tagName]133 return ok134}135func (filter *ScenarioFilterBasedOnTags) getOperatorsAndOperands() ([]string, []string) {136 listOfOperators := make([]string, 0)137 listOfTags := strings.FieldsFunc(filter.tagExpression, func(r rune) bool {138 isValidOperator := r == '&' || r == '|' || r == '(' || r == ')' || r == '!'139 if isValidOperator {140 operator, _ := strconv.Unquote(strconv.QuoteRuneToASCII(r))141 listOfOperators = append(listOfOperators, operator)142 return isValidOperator143 }144 return false145 })146 return listOfOperators, listOfTags147}148func FilterSpecsItems(specs []*gauge.Specification, filter gauge.SpecItemFilter) []*gauge.Specification {149 filteredSpecs := make([]*gauge.Specification, 0)150 for _, spec := range specs {151 spec.Filter(filter)152 if len(spec.Scenarios) != 0 {153 filteredSpecs = append(filteredSpecs, spec)154 }155 }156 return filteredSpecs157}158func filterSpecsByTags(specs []*gauge.Specification, tagExpression string) []*gauge.Specification {159 filteredSpecs := make([]*gauge.Specification, 0)160 for _, spec := range specs {161 tagValues := make([]string, 0)162 if spec.Tags != nil {163 tagValues = spec.Tags.Values164 }165 spec.Filter(newScenarioFilterBasedOnTags(tagValues, tagExpression))166 if len(spec.Scenarios) != 0 {167 filteredSpecs = append(filteredSpecs, spec)168 }169 }170 return filteredSpecs171}172func validateTagExpression(tagExpression string) {173 filter := &ScenarioFilterBasedOnTags{tagExpression: tagExpression}174 filter.replaceSpecialChar()175 _, err := filter.formatAndEvaluateExpression(make(map[string]bool, 0), func(a map[string]bool, b string) bool { return true })176 if err != nil {177 logger.Fatalf(err.Error())178 }179}...
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 opts := godog.Options{Output: colors.Colored(os.Stdout)}4 godog.BindCommandLineFlags("godog.", &opts)5 status := godog.TestSuite{6 }.Run()7 if st := m.Run(); st > status {8 }9 os.Exit(status)10}11func InitializeScenario(ctx *godog.ScenarioContext) {12 ctx.BeforeScenario(func(*godog.Scenario) {13 fmt.Println("Before Scenario")14 })15 ctx.AfterScenario(func(*godog.Scenario, error) {16 fmt.Println("After Scenario")17 })18 ctx.Step(`^a passing step$`, aPassingStep)19 ctx.Step(`^a failing step$`, aFailingStep)20 ctx.Step(`^a pending step$`, aPendingStep)21}22func aPassingStep() error {23}24func aFailingStep() error {25 return errors.New("some error")26}27func aPendingStep() error {28}29import (30func main() {31 opts := godog.Options{Output: colors.Colored(os.Stdout)}32 godog.BindCommandLineFlags("godog.", &opts)33 status := godog.TestSuite{34 }.Run()35 if st := m.Run(); st > status {36 }37 os.Exit(status)38}39func InitializeScenario(ctx *godog.ScenarioContext) {40 ctx.BeforeScenario(func(*godog.Scenario) {41 fmt.Println("Before Scenario")42 })43 ctx.AfterScenario(func(*godog.Scenario, error) {44 fmt.Println("After Scenario")45 })46 ctx.Step(`^a passing step$`, aPassingStep
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 status := godog.TestSuite{4 Options: &godog.Options{Format: "progress", Output: colors.Colored(os.Stdout)},5 }.Run()6 if st := m.Run(); st > status {7 }8 os.Exit(status)9}10func InitializeScenario(ctx *godog.ScenarioContext) {11 ctx.Step(`^a passing scenario$`, aPassingScenario)12 ctx.Step(`^a failing scenario$`, aFailingScenario)13 ctx.Step(`^a pending scenario$`, aPendingScenario)14 ctx.Step(`^a skipped scenario$`, aSkippedScenario)15 ctx.Step(`^a undefined scenario$`, aUndefinedScenario)16}17func aPassingScenario() error {18}19func aFailingScenario() error {20 return fmt.Errorf("some error")21}22func aPendingScenario() error {23}24func aSkippedScenario() error {25}26func aUndefinedScenario() error {27}28import (29func main() {30 status := godog.TestSuite{31 Options: &godog.Options{Format: "progress", Output: colors.Colored(os.Stdout), Tags: "@passing or @failing"},32 }.Run()33 if st := m.Run(); st > status {34 }35 os.Exit(status)36}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 tags := []string{"tag1", "tag2"}4 scenarioFilter := testsuit.NewScenarioFilterBasedOnTags(tags)5 fmt.Println("Scenario filter based on tags: ", scenarioFilter)6}7Scenario filter based on tags: &{[tag1 tag2]}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 opts := godog.Options{4 Paths: []string{"features"},5 }6 godog.TestSuite{7 }.Run()8}9import (10func main() {11 opts := godog.Options{12 Paths: []string{"features"},13 }14 godog.TestSuite{15 }.Run()16}17import (18func main() {19 opts := godog.Options{20 Paths: []string{"features"},21 }22 godog.TestSuite{23 }.Run()24}25import (26func main() {27 opts := godog.Options{28 Paths: []string{"features"},29 }30 godog.TestSuite{31 }.Run()32}33import (34func main() {35 opts := godog.Options{
Using AI Code Generation
1import "fmt"2import ""3func main() {4 opts := godog.Options{5 Filter: godog.TagsFilter{"@tag1", "@tag2"},6 }7 godog.TestSuite{8 }.Run()9}10func InitializeTestSuite(ctx *godog.TestSuiteContext) {11}12func InitializeScenario(ctx *godog.ScenarioContext) {13}14import "fmt"15import ""16func main() {17 opts := godog.Options{18 Filter: godog.TagsFilter{"~@tag1", "~@tag2"},19 }20 godog.TestSuite{21 }.Run()22}23func InitializeTestSuite(ctx *godog.TestSuiteContext) {24}25func InitializeScenario(ctx *godog.ScenarioContext) {26}27import "fmt"28import ""29func main() {30 opts := godog.Options{31 Filter: godog.TagsFilter{"@tag1", "@tag2", "~@tag3"},32 }33 godog.TestSuite{34 }.Run()35}36func InitializeTestSuite(ctx *godog.TestSuiteContext) {37}38func InitializeScenario(ctx *godog.ScenarioContext) {39}40import "fmt"41import ""
Using AI Code Generation
1func main() {2 filter := filter.NewScenarioFilterBasedOnTags("tag1", "tag2")3 scenarios := filter.FilterScenarios()4}5func main() {6 filter := filter.NewScenarioFilterBasedOnTags("tag1", "tag2")7 scenarios := filter.FilterScenarios()8}9func main() {10 filter := filter.NewScenarioFilterBasedOnTags("tag1", "tag2")11 scenarios := filter.FilterScenarios()12}13func main() {14 filter := filter.NewScenarioFilterBasedOnTags("tag1", "tag2")15 scenarios := filter.FilterScenarios()16}17func main() {18 filter := filter.NewScenarioFilterBasedOnTags("tag1", "tag2")19 scenarios := filter.FilterScenarios()20}21func main() {22 filter := filter.NewScenarioFilterBasedOnTags("tag1", "tag2")23 scenarios := filter.FilterScenarios()24}25func main() {26 filter := filter.NewScenarioFilterBasedOnTags("tag1", "tag2")27 scenarios := filter.FilterScenarios()28}29func main() {30 filter := filter.NewScenarioFilterBasedOnTags("tag1", "tag2")31 scenarios := filter.FilterScenarios()32}33func main() {34 filter := filter.NewScenarioFilterBasedOnTags("tag1", "tag2")35 scenarios := filter.FilterScenarios()36}37func main() {38 filter := filter.NewScenarioFilterBasedOnTags("tag1", "tag2
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3}4gauge.Step("filter scenarios based on tags", func() {5 gauge.Step("filter scenarios based on tags", func() {6 scenarios := gauge.GetScenarioStore().GetAll()7 filteredScenarios := filter.NewScenarioFilterBasedOnTags(scenarios, []string{"filter"})8 fmt.Println("Filtered scenarios: ", len(filteredScenarios))9 })10})11gauge.Step("filter scenarios based on tags", func() {12 scenarios := gauge.GetScenarioStore().GetAll()13 filteredScenarios := filter.NewScenarioFilterBasedOnTags(scenarios, []string{"filter"})14 fmt.Println("Filtered scenarios: ", len(filteredScenarios))15})
Using AI Code Generation
1func main() {2 filter := filter.NewScenarioFilterBasedOnTags([]string{"@tag1", "@tag2"})3 c := cucumber.NewCucumber(filter)4 c.RunFeature("features")5}6func main() {7 filter := filter.NewScenarioFilterBasedOnScenarioName("scenario1")8 c := cucumber.NewCucumber(filter)9 c.RunFeature("features")10}11func main() {12 filter := filter.NewScenarioFilterBasedOnScenarioName("scenario1")13 c := cucumber.NewCucumber(filter)14 c.RunFeature("features")15}16func main() {17 filter := filter.NewScenarioFilterBasedOnScenarioName("scenario1")18 c := cucumber.NewCucumber(filter)19 c.RunFeature("features")20}21func main() {22 filter := filter.NewScenarioFilterBasedOnScenarioName("scenario1")23 c := cucumber.NewCucumber(filter)24 c.RunFeature("features")25}26func main() {27 filter := filter.NewScenarioFilterBasedOnScenarioName("scenario1")28 c := cucumber.NewCucumber(filter)29 c.RunFeature("features")30}
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