Best Python code snippet using playwright-python
...38 selectors, "foo", path=assetdir / "sectionselectorengine.js"39 )40 await page.set_content("<section></section>")41 assert await page.eval_on_selector("foo=whatever", "e => e.nodeName") == "SECTION"42async def test_selectors_register_should_work_in_main_and_isolated_world(43 selectors, page: Page, utils44):45 dummy_selector_script = """{46 create(root, target) { },47 query(root, selector) {48 return window.__answer;49 },50 queryAll(root, selector) {51 return window['__answer'] ? [window['__answer'], document.body, document.documentElement] : [];52 }53 }"""54 await utils.register_selector_engine(selectors, "main", dummy_selector_script)55 await utils.register_selector_engine(56 selectors, "isolated", dummy_selector_script, content_script=True...
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