How to use entry method of org.assertj.core.api.AssertionsForClassTypes class

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...1076 public static ThrowableTypeAssert<IllegalStateException> assertThatIllegalStateException() {1077 return assertThatExceptionOfType(IllegalStateException.class);1078 }1079 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1080 // fail methods : not assertions but here to have a single entry point to all AssertJ features.1081 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1082 /**1083 * Sets whether we remove elements related to AssertJ from assertion error stack trace.1084 * <p>1085 * Default is {@value org.assertj.core.configuration.Configuration#REMOVE_ASSERTJ_RELATED_ELEMENTS_FROM_STACK_TRACE}.1086 *1087 * @param removeAssertJRelatedElementsFromStackTrace flag.1088 */1089 public static void setRemoveAssertJRelatedElementsFromStackTrace(boolean removeAssertJRelatedElementsFromStackTrace) {1090 Fail.setRemoveAssertJRelatedElementsFromStackTrace(removeAssertJRelatedElementsFromStackTrace);1091 }1092 /**1093 * Throws an {@link AssertionError} with the given message.1094 *1095 * @param <T> dummy return value type1096 * @param failureMessage error message.1097 * @return nothing, it's just to be used in doSomething(optional.orElse(() -&gt; fail("boom")));.1098 * @throws AssertionError with the given message.1099 */1100 @CanIgnoreReturnValue1101 public static <T> T fail(String failureMessage) {1102 return;1103 }1104 /**1105 * Throws an {@link AssertionError} with the given message built as {@link String#format(String, Object...)}.1106 *1107 * @param <T> dummy return value type1108 * @param failureMessage error message.1109 * @param args Arguments referenced by the format specifiers in the format string.1110 * @return nothing, it's just to be used in doSomething(optional.orElse(() -&gt; fail("b%s", ""oom)));.1111 * @throws AssertionError with the given built message.1112 */1113 @CanIgnoreReturnValue1114 public static <T> T fail(String failureMessage, Object... args) {1115 return, args);1116 }1117 /**1118 * Throws an {@link AssertionError} with the given message and with the {@link Throwable} that caused the failure.1119 * @param <T> dummy return value type1120 * @param failureMessage the description of the failed assertion. It can be {@code null}.1121 * @param realCause cause of the error.1122 * @return nothing, it's just to be used in doSomething(optional.orElse(() -&gt; fail("boom", cause)));.1123 * @throws AssertionError with the given message and with the {@link Throwable} that caused the failure.1124 */1125 @CanIgnoreReturnValue1126 public static <T> T fail(String failureMessage, Throwable realCause) {1127 return, realCause);1128 }1129 /**1130 * Throws an {@link AssertionError} with a message explaining that a {@link Throwable} of given class was expected to be thrown1131 * but had not been.1132 * <p>1133 * {@link Assertions#shouldHaveThrown(Class)} can be used as a replacement.1134 * <p>1135 * @param <T> dummy return value type1136 * @param throwableClass the Throwable class that was expected to be thrown.1137 * @return nothing, it's just to be used in doSomething(optional.orElse(() -&gt; failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown(IOException.class)));.1138 * @throws AssertionError with a message explaining that a {@link Throwable} of given class was expected to be thrown but had1139 * not been.1140 *1141 */1142 @CanIgnoreReturnValue1143 public static <T> T failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown(Class<? extends Throwable> throwableClass) {1144 return Fail.shouldHaveThrown(throwableClass);1145 }1146 /**1147 * Throws an {@link AssertionError} with a message explaining that a {@link Throwable} of given class was expected to be thrown1148 * but had not been.1149 * @param <T> dummy return value type1150 * @param throwableClass the Throwable class that was expected to be thrown.1151 * @return nothing, it's just to be used in doSomething(optional.orElse(() -&gt; shouldHaveThrown(IOException.class)));.1152 * @throws AssertionError with a message explaining that a {@link Throwable} of given class was expected to be thrown but had1153 * not been.1154 */1155 @CanIgnoreReturnValue1156 public static <T> T shouldHaveThrown(Class<? extends Throwable> throwableClass) {1157 return Fail.shouldHaveThrown(throwableClass);1158 }1159 /**1160 * In error messages, sets the threshold when iterable/array formatting will be on one line (if their String description1161 * is less than this parameter) or it will be formatted with one element per line.1162 * <p>1163 * The following array will be formatted on one line as its length &lt; 80:1164 * <pre><code class='java'> String[] greatBooks = array("A Game of Thrones", "The Lord of the Rings", "Assassin's Apprentice");1165 *1166 * // formatted as:1167 *1168 * ["A Game of Thrones", "The Lord of the Rings", "Assassin's Apprentice"]</code></pre>1169 * whereas this array is formatted on multiple lines (one element per line)1170 *1171 * <pre><code class='java'> String[] greatBooks = array("A Game of Thrones", "The Lord of the Rings", "Assassin's Apprentice", "Guards! Guards! (Discworld)");1172 *1173 * // formatted as:1174 *1175 * ["A Game of Thrones",1176 * "The Lord of the Rings",1177 * "Assassin's Apprentice",1178 * "Guards! Guards! (Discworld)"]</code></pre>1179 *1180 * @param maxLengthForSingleLineDescription the maximum length for an iterable/array to be displayed on one line1181 */1182 public static void setMaxLengthForSingleLineDescription(int maxLengthForSingleLineDescription) {1183 StandardRepresentation.setMaxLengthForSingleLineDescription(maxLengthForSingleLineDescription);1184 }1185 /**1186 * In error messages, sets the threshold for how many elements from one iterable/array/map will be included in the1187 * in the description.1188 *1189 * E.q. When this method is called with a value of {@code 3}.1190 * <p>1191 * The following array will be formatted entirely as it's length is &lt;= 3:1192 * <pre><code class='java'> String[] greatBooks = array("A Game of Thrones", "The Lord of the Rings", "Assassin's Apprentice");1193 *1194 * // formatted as:1195 *1196 * ["A Game of Thrones", "The Lord of the Rings", "Assassin's Apprentice"]</code></pre>1197 *1198 * whereas this array is formatted only with it's first 3 elements, followed by {@code ...}:1199 * <pre><code class='java'> String[] greatBooks = array("A Game of Thrones", "The Lord of the Rings", "Assassin's Apprentice", "Guards! Guards!");1200 *1201 * // formatted as:1202 *1203 * ["A Game of Thrones", "The Lord of the Rings", "Assassin's Apprentice", ...]</code></pre>1204 *1205 * @param maxElementsForPrinting the maximum elements that would be printed from one iterable/array/map1206 * @since 2.6.0 / 3.6.01207 */1208 public static void setMaxElementsForPrinting(int maxElementsForPrinting) {1209 StandardRepresentation.setMaxElementsForPrinting(maxElementsForPrinting);1210 }1211 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1212 // properties methods : not assertions but here to have a single entry point to all AssertJ features.1213 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1214 /**1215 * Only delegate to {@link Properties#extractProperty(String)} so that Assertions offers a full feature entry point1216 * to1217 * all AssertJ features (but you can use {@link Properties} if you prefer).1218 * <p>1219 * Typical usage is to chain <code>extractProperty</code> with <code>from</code> method, see examples below :1220 *1221 * <pre><code class='java'> // extract simple property values having a java standard type (here String)1222 * assertThat(extractProperty(&quot;name&quot;, String.class).from(fellowshipOfTheRing))1223 * .contains(&quot;Boromir&quot;, &quot;Gandalf&quot;, &quot;Frodo&quot;, &quot;Legolas&quot;)1224 * .doesNotContain(&quot;Sauron&quot;, &quot;Elrond&quot;);1225 *1226 * // extracting property works also with user's types (here Race)1227 * assertThat(extractProperty(&quot;race&quot;, String.class).from(fellowshipOfTheRing))1228 * .contains(HOBBIT, ELF).doesNotContain(ORC);1229 *1230 * // extract nested property on Race1231 * assertThat(extractProperty(&quot;;, String.class).from(fellowshipOfTheRing))1232 * .contains(&quot;Hobbit&quot;, &quot;Elf&quot;)1233 * .doesNotContain(&quot;Orc&quot;);</code></pre>1234 * @param <T> the type of value to extract.1235 * @param propertyName the name of the property to be read from the elements of a {@code Iterable}. It may be a nested1236 * property (e.g. "address.street.number").1237 * @param propertyType the type of property to extract1238 * @return the created {@code Properties}.1239 * @throws NullPointerException if the given property name is {@code null}.1240 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given property name is empty.1241 */1242 public static <T> Properties<T> extractProperty(String propertyName, Class<T> propertyType) {1243 return Properties.extractProperty(propertyName, propertyType);1244 }1245 /**1246 * Only delegate to {@link Properties#extractProperty(String)} so that Assertions offers a full feature entry point1247 * to1248 * all AssertJ features (but you can use {@link Properties} if you prefer).1249 * <p>1250 * Typical usage is to chain <code>extractProperty</code> with <code>from</code> method, see examples below :1251 *1252 * <pre><code class='java'> // extract simple property values, as no type has been defined the extracted property will be considered as Object1253 * // to define the real property type (here String) use extractProperty(&quot;name&quot;, String.class) instead.1254 * assertThat(extractProperty(&quot;name&quot;).from(fellowshipOfTheRing))1255 * .contains(&quot;Boromir&quot;, &quot;Gandalf&quot;, &quot;Frodo&quot;, &quot;Legolas&quot;)1256 * .doesNotContain(&quot;Sauron&quot;, &quot;Elrond&quot;);1257 *1258 * // extracting property works also with user's types (here Race), even though it will be considered as Object1259 * // to define the real property type (here String) use extractProperty(&quot;name&quot;, Race.class) instead.1260 * assertThat(extractProperty(&quot;race&quot;).from(fellowshipOfTheRing)).contains(HOBBIT, ELF).doesNotContain(ORC);1261 *1262 * // extract nested property on Race1263 * assertThat(extractProperty(&quot;;).from(fellowshipOfTheRing)).contains(&quot;Hobbit&quot;, &quot;Elf&quot;).doesNotContain(&quot;Orc&quot;); </code></pre>1264 *1265 * @param propertyName the name of the property to be read from the elements of a {@code Iterable}. It may be a nested1266 * property (e.g. "address.street.number").1267 * @throws NullPointerException if the given property name is {@code null}.1268 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given property name is empty.1269 * @return the created {@code Properties}.1270 */1271 public static Properties<Object> extractProperty(String propertyName) {1272 return Properties.extractProperty(propertyName);1273 }1274 /**1275 * Utility method to build nicely a {@link Tuple} when working with {@link IterableAssert#extracting(String...)} or1276 * {@link ObjectArrayAssert#extracting(String...)}1277 *1278 * @param values the values stored in the {@link Tuple}1279 * @return the built {@link Tuple}1280 */1281 public static Tuple tuple(Object... values) {1282 return Tuple.tuple(values);1283 }1284 /**1285 * Globally sets whether1286 * <code>{@link org.assertj.core.api.AbstractIterableAssert#extracting(String) IterableAssert#extracting(String)}</code>1287 * and1288 * <code>{@link org.assertj.core.api.AbstractObjectArrayAssert#extracting(String) ObjectArrayAssert#extracting(String)}</code>1289 * should be allowed to extract private fields, if not and they try it fails with exception.1290 *1291 * @param allowExtractingPrivateFields allow private fields extraction. Default is {@value org.assertj.core.configuration.Configuration#ALLOW_EXTRACTING_PRIVATE_FIELDS}.1292 */1293 public static void setAllowExtractingPrivateFields(boolean allowExtractingPrivateFields) {1294 FieldSupport.extraction().setAllowUsingPrivateFields(allowExtractingPrivateFields);1295 }1296 /**1297 * Globally sets whether the use of private fields is allowed for comparison.1298 * The following (incomplete) list of methods will be impacted by this change :1299 * <ul>1300 * <li>1301 * <code>{@link org.assertj.core.api.AbstractIterableAssert#usingElementComparatorOnFields(java.lang.String...)}</code>1302 * </li>1303 * <li><code>{@link org.assertj.core.api.AbstractObjectAssert#isEqualToComparingFieldByField(Object)}</code></li>1304 * </ul>1305 *1306 * If the value is <code>false</code> and these methods try to compare private fields, it will fail with an exception.1307 *1308 * @param allowComparingPrivateFields allow private fields comparison. Default is {@value org.assertj.core.configuration.Configuration#ALLOW_COMPARING_PRIVATE_FIELDS}.1309 */1310 public static void setAllowComparingPrivateFields(boolean allowComparingPrivateFields) {1311 FieldSupport.comparison().setAllowUsingPrivateFields(allowComparingPrivateFields);1312 }1313 /**1314 * Globally sets whether the extractor considers bare-named property methods like {@code String name()}.1315 * Defaults to enabled.1316 * @param barenamePropertyMethods whether bare-named property methods are found1317 */1318 public static void setExtractBareNamePropertyMethods(boolean barenamePropertyMethods) {1319 Introspection.setExtractBareNamePropertyMethods(barenamePropertyMethods);1320 }1321 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1322 // Data utility methods : not assertions but here to have a single entry point to all AssertJ features.1323 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1324 /**1325 * Only delegate to {@link MapEntry#entry(Object, Object)} so that Assertions offers a full feature entry point to1326 * all1327 * AssertJ features (but you can use {@link MapEntry} if you prefer).1328 * <p>1329 * Typical usage is to call <code>entry</code> in MapAssert <code>contains</code> assertion, see examples below :1330 *1331 * <pre><code class='java'> Map&lt;Ring, TolkienCharacter&gt; ringBearers = ... // init omitted1332 *1333 * assertThat(ringBearers).contains(entry(oneRing, frodo), entry(nenya, galadriel));</code></pre>1334 * @param <K> the type of keys in the map.1335 * @param <V> the type of values in the map.1336 * @param key the key of the entry to create.1337 * @param value the value of the entry to create.1338 * @return the created {@code MapEntry}.1339 */1340 public static <K, V> MapEntry<K, V> entry(K key, V value) {1341 return MapEntry.entry(key, value);1342 }1343 /**1344 * Only delegate to {@link Index#atIndex(int)} so that Assertions offers a full feature entry point to all AssertJ1345 * features (but you can use {@link Index} if you prefer).1346 * <p>1347 * Typical usage :1348 * <pre><code class='java'> List&lt;Ring&gt; elvesRings = newArrayList(vilya, nenya, narya);1349 * assertThat(elvesRings).contains(vilya, atIndex(0)).contains(nenya, atIndex(1)).contains(narya, atIndex(2));</code></pre>1350 *1351 * @param index the value of the index.1352 * @return the created {@code Index}.1353 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value is negative.1354 */1355 public static Index atIndex(int index) {1356 return Index.atIndex(index);1357 }1358 /**1359 * Assertions entry point for double {@link Offset}.1360 * <p>1361 * Typical usage :1362 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(0.1).isEqualTo(0.0, offset(0.1));</code></pre>1363 * @param value the allowed offset1364 * @return the created {@code Offset}.1365 * @throws NullPointerException if the given value is {@code null}.1366 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value is negative.1367 */1368 public static Offset<Double> offset(Double value) {1369 return Offset.offset(value);1370 }1371 /**1372 * Assertions entry point for float {@link Offset}.1373 * <p>1374 * Typical usage :1375 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(0.2f).isCloseTo(0.0f, offset(0.2f));</code></pre>1376 * @param value the allowed offset1377 * @return the created {@code Offset}.1378 * @throws NullPointerException if the given value is {@code null}.1379 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value is negative.1380 */1381 public static Offset<Float> offset(Float value) {1382 return Offset.offset(value);1383 }1384 /**1385 * Alias for {@link #offset(Double)} to use with isCloseTo assertions.1386 * <p>1387 * Typical usage :1388 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(0.1).isCloseTo(0.0, within(0.1));</code></pre>1389 * @param value the allowed offset1390 * @return the created {@code Offset}.1391 * @throws NullPointerException if the given value is {@code null}.1392 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value is negative.1393 */1394 public static Offset<Double> within(Double value) {1395 return Offset.offset(value);1396 }1397 /**1398 * Alias for {@link #offset(Double)} to use with real number assertions.1399 * <p>1400 * Typical usage :1401 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(0.1).isEqualTo(0.0, withPrecision(0.1));</code></pre>1402 * @param value the required precision1403 * @return the created {@code Offset}.1404 * @throws NullPointerException if the given value is {@code null}.1405 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value is negative.1406 */1407 public static Offset<Double> withPrecision(Double value) {1408 return Offset.offset(value);1409 }1410 /**1411 * Alias for {@link #offset(Float)} to use with isCloseTo assertions.1412 * <p>1413 * Typical usage :1414 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(8.2f).isCloseTo(8.0f, within(0.2f));</code></pre>1415 *1416 * @param value the allowed offset1417 * @return the created {@code Offset}.1418 * @throws NullPointerException if the given value is {@code null}.1419 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value is negative.1420 */1421 public static Offset<Float> within(Float value) {1422 return Offset.offset(value);1423 }1424 /**1425 * Alias for {@link #offset(Float)} to use with real number assertions.1426 * <p>1427 * Typical usage :1428 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(0.2f).isEqualTo(0.0f, withPrecision(0.2f));</code></pre>1429 * @param value the required precision1430 * @return the created {@code Offset}.1431 * @throws NullPointerException if the given value is {@code null}.1432 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value is negative.1433 */1434 public static Offset<Float> withPrecision(Float value) {1435 return Offset.offset(value);1436 }1437 /**1438 * Assertions entry point for BigDecimal {@link Offset} to use with isCloseTo assertions.1439 * <p>1440 * Typical usage :1441 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(BigDecimal.TEN).isCloseTo(new BigDecimal("10.5"), within(BigDecimal.ONE));</code></pre>1442 *1443 * @param value the allowed offset1444 * @return the created {@code Offset}.1445 * @throws NullPointerException if the given value is {@code null}.1446 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value is negative.1447 */1448 public static Offset<BigDecimal> within(BigDecimal value) {1449 return Offset.offset(value);1450 }1451 /**1452 * Assertions entry point for BigInteger {@link Offset} to use with isCloseTo assertions.1453 * <p>1454 * Typical usage :1455 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(BigInteger.TEN).isCloseTo(new BigInteger("11"), within(new BigInteger("2")));</code></pre>1456 *1457 * @since 2.7.0 / 3.7.01458 * @param value the allowed offset1459 * @return the created {@code Offset}.1460 * @throws NullPointerException if the given value is {@code null}.1461 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value is negative.1462 * @since 2.7.0 / 3.7.01463 */1464 public static Offset<BigInteger> within(BigInteger value) {1465 return Offset.offset(value);1466 }1467 /**1468 * Assertions entry point for Byte {@link Offset} to use with isCloseTo assertions.1469 * <p>1470 * Typical usage :1471 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat((byte) 10).isCloseTo((byte) 11, within((byte) 1));</code></pre>1472 *1473 * @param value the value of the offset.1474 * @return the created {@code Offset}.1475 * @throws NullPointerException if the given value is {@code null}.1476 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value is negative.1477 */1478 public static Offset<Byte> within(Byte value) {1479 return Offset.offset(value);1480 }1481 /**1482 * Assertions entry point for Integer {@link Offset} to use with isCloseTo assertions.1483 * <p>1484 * Typical usage :1485 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(10).isCloseTo(11, within(1));</code></pre>1486 *1487 * @param value the value of the offset.1488 * @return the created {@code Offset}.1489 * @throws NullPointerException if the given value is {@code null}.1490 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value is negative.1491 */1492 public static Offset<Integer> within(Integer value) {1493 return Offset.offset(value);1494 }1495 /**1496 * Assertions entry point for Short {@link Offset} to use with isCloseTo assertions.1497 * <p>1498 * Typical usage :1499 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(10).isCloseTo(11, within(1));</code></pre>1500 *1501 * @param value the allowed offset1502 * @return the created {@code Offset}.1503 * @throws NullPointerException if the given value is {@code null}.1504 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value is negative.1505 */1506 public static Offset<Short> within(Short value) {1507 return Offset.offset(value);1508 }1509 /**1510 * Assertions entry point for Long {@link Offset} to use with {@link AbstractLongAssert#isCloseTo(long, Offset) isCloseTo} assertions.1511 * <p>1512 * Typical usage :1513 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(5l).isCloseTo(7l, within(2l));</code></pre>1514 *1515 * @param value the allowed offset1516 * @return the created {@code Offset}.1517 * @throws NullPointerException if the given value is {@code null}.1518 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value is negative.1519 */1520 public static Offset<Long> within(Long value) {1521 return Offset.offset(value);1522 }1523 /**1524 * Assertions entry point for {@link TemporalUnitOffset} with with less than or equal condition1525 * to use with isCloseTo temporal assertions.1526 * <p>1527 * Typical usage :1528 * <pre><code class='java'> LocalTime _07_10 = LocalTime.of(7, 10);1529 * LocalTime _07_12 = LocalTime.of(7, 12);1530 * assertThat(_07_10).isCloseTo(_07_12, within(5, ChronoUnit.MINUTES));</code></pre>1531 *1532 * @param value the allowed offset1533 * @param unit the {@link TemporalUnit} of the offset1534 * @return the created {@code Offset}.1535 * @since 3.7.01536 */1537 public static TemporalUnitOffset within(long value, TemporalUnit unit) {1538 return new TemporalUnitWithinOffset(value, unit);1539 }1540 /**1541 * Assertions entry point for Double {@link} to use with isCloseTo assertions for1542 * percentages.1543 * <p>1544 * Typical usage :1545 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(11.0).isCloseTo(10.0, withinPercentage(10.0));</code></pre>1546 *1547 * @param value the required precision percentage1548 * @return the created {@code Percentage}.1549 * @throws NullPointerException if the given value is {@code null}.1550 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value is negative.1551 */1552 public static Percentage withinPercentage(Double value) {1553 return withPercentage(value);1554 }1555 /**1556 * Assertions entry point for Integer {@link} to use with isCloseTo assertions for1557 * percentages.1558 * <p>1559 * Typical usage :1560 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(11).isCloseTo(10, withinPercentage(10));</code></pre>1561 *1562 * @param value the required precision percentage1563 * @return the created {@code Percentage}.1564 * @throws NullPointerException if the given value is {@code null}.1565 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value is negative.1566 */1567 public static Percentage withinPercentage(Integer value) {1568 return withPercentage(value);1569 }1570 /**1571 * Assertions entry point for Long {@link} to use with isCloseTo assertions for1572 * percentages.1573 * <p>1574 * Typical usage :1575 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(11L).isCloseTo(10L, withinPercentage(10L));</code></pre>1576 *1577 * @param value the required precision percentage1578 * @return the created {@code Percentage}.1579 * @throws NullPointerException if the given value is {@code null}.1580 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value is negative.1581 */1582 public static Percentage withinPercentage(Long value) {1583 return withPercentage(value);1584 }1585 /**1586 * Build a {@link Offset#strictOffset(Number) <b>strict</b> Offset} to use with {@link AbstractDoubleAssert#isCloseTo(double, Offset)} and {@link AbstractDoubleAssert#isNotCloseTo(double, Offset)} assertions.1587 * <p>1588 * A strict offset implies a strict comparison which means that {@code isCloseTo} will fail when <i>abs(actual - expected) == offset</i>.1589 * <p>1590 * Examples:1591 * <pre><code class='java'> // assertion succeeds1592 * assertThat(8.1).isCloseTo(8.0, byLessThan(0.2));1593 *1594 * // assertions fail1595 * assertThat(8.1).isCloseTo(8.0, byLessThan(0.1)); // strict comparison!1596 * assertThat(8.1).isCloseTo(8.0, byLessThan(0.01));</code></pre>1597 *1598 * @param value the value of the offset.1599 * @return the created {@code Offset}.1600 * @throws NullPointerException if the given value is {@code null}.1601 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value is negative.1602 */1603 public static Offset<Double> byLessThan(Double value) {1604 return Offset.strictOffset(value);1605 }1606 /**1607 * Alias for {@link #offset(Float)} to use with isCloseTo assertions.1608 * <p>1609 * Typical usage :1610 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(8.2f).isCloseTo(8.0f, byLessThan(0.5f));</code></pre>1611 *1612 * @param value the value of the offset.1613 * @return the created {@code Offset}.1614 * @throws NullPointerException if the given value is {@code null}.1615 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value is negative.1616 */1617 public static Offset<Float> byLessThan(Float value) {1618 return Offset.strictOffset(value);1619 }1620 /**1621 * Assertions entry point for BigDecimal {@link Offset} to use with isCloseTo assertions.1622 * <p>1623 * Typical usage :1624 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(BigDecimal.TEN).isCloseTo(new BigDecimal("10.5"), byLessThan(BigDecimal.ONE));</code></pre>1625 *1626 * @param value the value of the offset.1627 * @return the created {@code Offset}.1628 * @throws NullPointerException if the given value is {@code null}.1629 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value is negative.1630 */1631 public static Offset<BigDecimal> byLessThan(BigDecimal value) {1632 return Offset.strictOffset(value);1633 }1634 /**1635 * Assertions entry point for BigInteger {@link Offset} to use with isCloseTo assertions.1636 * <p>1637 * Typical usage :1638 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(BigInteger.TEN).isCloseTo(new BigInteger("11"), byLessThan(new BigInteger("2")));</code></pre>1639 *1640 * @param value the value of the offset.1641 * @return the created {@code Offset}.1642 * @throws NullPointerException if the given value is {@code null}.1643 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value is negative.1644 * @since 2.7.0 / 3.7.01645 */1646 public static Offset<BigInteger> byLessThan(BigInteger value) {1647 return Offset.strictOffset(value);1648 }1649 /**1650 * Assertions entry point for Byte {@link Offset} to use with isCloseTo assertions.1651 * <p>1652 * Typical usage :1653 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat((byte) 10).isCloseTo((byte) 11, byLessThan((byte) 2));</code></pre>1654 *1655 * @param value the value of the offset.1656 * @return the created {@code Offset}.1657 * @throws NullPointerException if the given value is {@code null}.1658 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value is negative.1659 */1660 public static Offset<Byte> byLessThan(Byte value) {1661 return Offset.strictOffset(value);1662 }1663 /**1664 * Assertions entry point for Long {@link Offset} to use with strict {@link AbstractIntegerAssert#isCloseTo(int, Offset) isCloseTo} assertions.1665 * <p>1666 * Typical usage :1667 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(10).isCloseTo(12, byLessThan(1));</code></pre>1668 *1669 * @param value the value of the offset.1670 * @return the created {@code Offset}.1671 * @throws NullPointerException if the given value is {@code null}.1672 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value is negative.1673 */1674 public static Offset<Integer> byLessThan(Integer value) {1675 return Offset.strictOffset(value);1676 }1677 /**1678 * Assertions entry point for Short {@link Offset} to use with isCloseTo assertions.1679 * <p>1680 * Typical usage :1681 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat((short) 10).isCloseTo((short) 11, byLessThan((short) 2));</code></pre>1682 *1683 * @param value the value of the offset.1684 * @return the created {@code Offset}.1685 * @throws NullPointerException if the given value is {@code null}.1686 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value is negative.1687 */1688 public static Offset<Short> byLessThan(Short value) {1689 return Offset.strictOffset(value);1690 }1691 /**1692 * Assertions entry point for Long {@link Offset} to use with strict {@link AbstractLongAssert#isCloseTo(long, Offset) isCloseTo} assertions.1693 * <p>1694 * Typical usage :1695 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(5l).isCloseTo(7l, byLessThan(3l));</code></pre>1696 *1697 * @param value the value of the offset.1698 * @return the created {@code Offset}.1699 * @throws NullPointerException if the given value is {@code null}.1700 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given value is negative.1701 */1702 public static Offset<Long> byLessThan(Long value) {1703 return Offset.strictOffset(value);1704 }1705 /**1706 * Assertions entry point for {@link TemporalUnitOffset} with strict less than condition1707 * to use with {@code isCloseTo} temporal assertions.1708 * <p>1709 * Typical usage :1710 * <pre><code class='java'> LocalTime _07_10 = LocalTime.of(7, 10);1711 * LocalTime _07_12 = LocalTime.of(7, 12);1712 * assertThat(_07_10).isCloseTo(_07_12, byLessThan(5, ChronoUnit.MINUTES));</code></pre>1713 *1714 * @param value the value of the offset.1715 * @param unit the {@link TemporalUnit} of the offset.1716 * @return the created {@code Offset}.1717 * @since 3.7.01718 */1719 public static TemporalUnitOffset byLessThan(long value, TemporalUnit unit) {1720 return new TemporalUnitLessThanOffset(value, unit);1721 }1722 /**1723 * A syntax sugar to write fluent assertion using {@link ObjectAssert#returns(Object, Function)}.1724 * <p>1725 * Example:1726 * <pre><code class="java"> Jedi yoda = new Jedi("Yoda", "Green");1727 * assertThat(yoda).returns("Yoda", from(Jedi::getName))1728 * .returns(2.4, from(Jedi::getHeight))1729 * .returns(150, from(Jedi::getWeight)); </code></pre>1730 *1731 * @param extractor A function to extract test subject's property1732 * @param <F> Type of test subject1733 * @param <T> Type of the property under the assertion1734 * @return same instance of {@code extractor}1735 */1736 public static <F, T> Function<F, T> from(Function<F, T> extractor) {1737 return extractor;1738 }1739 /**1740 * A syntax sugar to write fluent assertion with methods having an {@link InstanceOfAssertFactory} parameter.1741 * <p>1742 * Example:1743 * <pre><code class="java"> Jedi yoda = new Jedi("Yoda", "Green");1744 * assertThat(yoda).extracting(Jedi::getName, as(InstanceOfAssertFactories.STRING))1745 * .startsWith("Yo");</code></pre>1746 *1747 * @param assertFactory the factory which verifies the type and creates the new {@code Assert}1748 * @param <T> the type to use for the cast.1749 * @param <ASSERT> the type of the resulting {@code Assert}1750 * @return same instance of {@code assertFactory}1751 *1752 * @since 3.14.01753 * @see AbstractObjectAssert#extracting(String, InstanceOfAssertFactory)1754 * @see AbstractObjectAssert#extracting(Function, InstanceOfAssertFactory)1755 * @see AbstractMapAssert#extractingByKey(Object, InstanceOfAssertFactory)1756 * @see AbstractOptionalAssert#get(InstanceOfAssertFactory)1757 * @see AbstractIterableAssert#first(InstanceOfAssertFactory)1758 * @see AbstractIterableAssert#last(InstanceOfAssertFactory)1759 * @see AbstractIterableAssert#element(int, InstanceOfAssertFactory)1760 */1761 public static <T, ASSERT extends AbstractAssert<?, ?>> InstanceOfAssertFactory<T, ASSERT> as(InstanceOfAssertFactory<T, ASSERT> assertFactory) {1762 return assertFactory;1763 }1764 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1765 // Condition methods : not assertions but here to have a single entry point to all AssertJ features.1766 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1767 /**1768 * Creates a new <code>{@link AllOf}</code>1769 *1770 * @param <T> the type of object the given condition accept.1771 * @param conditions the conditions to evaluate.1772 * @return the created {@code AllOf}.1773 * @throws NullPointerException if the given array is {@code null}.1774 * @throws NullPointerException if any of the elements in the given array is {@code null}.1775 */1776 @SafeVarargs1777 public static <T> Condition<T> allOf(Condition<? super T>... conditions) {1778 return AllOf.allOf(conditions);1779 }1780 /**1781 * Creates a new <code>{@link AllOf}</code>1782 *1783 * @param <T> the type of object the given condition accept.1784 * @param conditions the conditions to evaluate.1785 * @return the created {@code AllOf}.1786 * @throws NullPointerException if the given iterable is {@code null}.1787 * @throws NullPointerException if any of the elements in the given iterable is {@code null}.1788 */1789 public static <T> Condition<T> allOf(Iterable<? extends Condition<? super T>> conditions) {1790 return AllOf.allOf(conditions);1791 }1792 /**1793 * Only delegate to {@link AnyOf#anyOf(Condition...)} so that Assertions offers a full feature entry point to all1794 * AssertJ features (but you can use {@link AnyOf} if you prefer).1795 * <p>1796 * Typical usage (<code>jedi</code> and <code>sith</code> are {@link Condition}) :1797 *1798 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(&quot;Vader&quot;).is(anyOf(jedi, sith));</code></pre>1799 *1800 * @param <T> the type of object the given condition accept.1801 * @param conditions the conditions to evaluate.1802 * @return the created {@code AnyOf}.1803 */1804 @SafeVarargs1805 public static <T> Condition<T> anyOf(Condition<? super T>... conditions) {1806 return AnyOf.anyOf(conditions);1807 }1808 /**1809 * Creates a new <code>{@link AnyOf}</code>1810 *1811 * @param <T> the type of object the given condition accept.1812 * @param conditions the conditions to evaluate.1813 * @return the created {@code AnyOf}.1814 * @throws NullPointerException if the given iterable is {@code null}.1815 * @throws NullPointerException if any of the elements in the given iterable is {@code null}.1816 */1817 public static <T> Condition<T> anyOf(Iterable<? extends Condition<? super T>> conditions) {1818 return AnyOf.anyOf(conditions);1819 }1820 /**1821 * Creates a new <code>{@link DoesNotHave}</code>.1822 *1823 * @param <T> the type of object the given condition accept.1824 * @param condition the condition to inverse.1825 * @return The DoesNotHave condition created.1826 */1827 public static <T> DoesNotHave<T> doesNotHave(Condition<? super T> condition) {1828 return DoesNotHave.doesNotHave(condition);1829 }1830 /**1831 * Creates a new <code>{@link Not}</code>.1832 *1833 * @param <T> the type of object the given condition accept.1834 * @param condition the condition to inverse.1835 * @return The Not condition created.1836 */1837 public static <T> Not<T> not(Condition<? super T> condition) {1838 return Not.not(condition);1839 }1840 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1841 // Filter methods : not assertions but here to have a single entry point to all AssertJ features.1842 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1843 /**1844 * Only delegate to {@link Filters#filter(Object[])} so that Assertions offers a full feature entry point to all1845 * AssertJ features (but you can use {@link Filters} if you prefer).1846 * <p>1847 * Note that the given array is not modified, the filters are performed on an {@link Iterable} copy of the array.1848 * <p>1849 * Typical usage with {@link Condition} :1850 *1851 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(filter(players).being(potentialMVP).get()).containsOnly(james, rose);</code></pre>1852 * <p>1853 * and with filter language based on java bean property :1854 *1855 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(filter(players).with(&quot;pointsPerGame&quot;).greaterThan(20).and(&quot;assistsPerGame&quot;).greaterThan(7).get())1856 * .containsOnly(james, rose);</code></pre>1857 *1858 * @param <E> the array elements type.1859 * @param array the array to filter.1860 * @return the created <code>{@link Filters}</code>.1861 */1862 public static <E> Filters<E> filter(E[] array) {1863 return Filters.filter(array);1864 }1865 /**1866 * Only delegate to {@link Filters#filter(Object[])} so that Assertions offers a full feature entry point to all1867 * AssertJ features (but you can use {@link Filters} if you prefer).1868 * <p>1869 * Note that the given {@link Iterable} is not modified, the filters are performed on a copy.1870 * <p>1871 * Typical usage with {@link Condition} :1872 *1873 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(filter(players).being(potentialMVP).get()).containsOnly(james, rose);</code></pre>1874 * <p>1875 * and with filter language based on java bean property :1876 *1877 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(filter(players).with(&quot;pointsPerGame&quot;).greaterThan(20)1878 * .and(&quot;assistsPerGame&quot;).greaterThan(7).get())1879 * .containsOnly(james, rose);</code></pre>1880 *1881 * @param <E> the {@link Iterable} elements type.1882 * @param iterableToFilter the {@code Iterable} to filter.1883 * @return the created <code>{@link Filters}</code>.1884 */1885 public static <E> Filters<E> filter(Iterable<E> iterableToFilter) {1886 return Filters.filter(iterableToFilter);1887 }1888 /**1889 * Create a {@link FilterOperator} to use in {@link AbstractIterableAssert#filteredOn(String, FilterOperator)1890 * filteredOn(String, FilterOperation)} to express a filter keeping all Iterable elements whose property/field1891 * value matches one of the given values.1892 * <p>1893 * As often, an example helps:1894 * <pre><code class='java'> Employee yoda = new Employee(1L, new Name("Yoda"), 800);1895 * Employee obiwan = new Employee(2L, new Name("Obiwan"), 800);1896 * Employee luke = new Employee(3L, new Name("Luke", "Skywalker"), 26);1897 * Employee noname = new Employee(4L, null, 50);1898 *1899 * List&lt;Employee&gt; employees = newArrayList(yoda, luke, obiwan, noname);1900 *1901 * assertThat(employees).filteredOn("age", in(800, 26))1902 * .containsOnly(yoda, obiwan, luke);</code></pre>1903 *1904 * @param values values to match (one match is sufficient)1905 * @return the created "in" filter1906 */1907 public static InFilter in(Object... values) {1908 return;1909 }1910 /**1911 * Create a {@link FilterOperator} to use in {@link AbstractIterableAssert#filteredOn(String, FilterOperator)1912 * filteredOn(String, FilterOperation)} to express a filter keeping all Iterable elements whose property/field1913 * value matches does not match any of the given values.1914 * <p>1915 * As often, an example helps:1916 * <pre><code class='java'> Employee yoda = new Employee(1L, new Name("Yoda"), 800);1917 * Employee obiwan = new Employee(2L, new Name("Obiwan"), 800);1918 * Employee luke = new Employee(3L, new Name("Luke", "Skywalker"), 26);1919 * Employee noname = new Employee(4L, null, 50);1920 *1921 * List&lt;Employee&gt; employees = newArrayList(yoda, luke, obiwan, noname);1922 *1923 * assertThat(employees).filteredOn("age", notIn(800, 50))1924 * .containsOnly(luke);</code></pre>1925 *1926 * @param valuesNotToMatch values not to match (none of the values must match)1927 * @return the created "not in" filter1928 */1929 public static NotInFilter notIn(Object... valuesNotToMatch) {1930 return NotInFilter.notIn(valuesNotToMatch);1931 }1932 /**1933 * Create a {@link FilterOperator} to use in {@link AbstractIterableAssert#filteredOn(String, FilterOperator)1934 * filteredOn(String, FilterOperation)} to express a filter keeping all Iterable elements whose property/field1935 * value matches does not match the given value.1936 * <p>1937 * As often, an example helps:1938 * <pre><code class='java'> Employee yoda = new Employee(1L, new Name("Yoda"), 800);1939 * Employee obiwan = new Employee(2L, new Name("Obiwan"), 800);1940 * Employee luke = new Employee(3L, new Name("Luke", "Skywalker"), 26);1941 * Employee noname = new Employee(4L, null, 50);1942 *1943 * List&lt;Employee&gt; employees = newArrayList(yoda, luke, obiwan, noname);1944 *1945 * assertThat(employees).filteredOn("age", not(800))1946 * .containsOnly(luke, noname);</code></pre>1947 *1948 * @param valueNotToMatch the value not to match1949 * @return the created "not" filter1950 */1951 public static NotFilter not(Object valueNotToMatch) {1952 return NotFilter.not(valueNotToMatch);1953 }1954 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1955 // File methods : not assertions but here to have a single entry point to all AssertJ features.1956 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1957 /**1958 * Loads the text content of a file, so that it can be passed to {@link #assertThat(String)}.1959 * <p>1960 * Note that this will load the entire file in memory; for larger files, there might be a more efficient alternative1961 * with {@link #assertThat(File)}.1962 * </p>1963 *1964 * @param file the file.1965 * @param charset the character set to use.1966 * @return the content of the file.1967 * @throws NullPointerException if the given charset is {@code null}.1968 * @throws UncheckedIOException if an I/O exception occurs.1969 */1970 public static String contentOf(File file, Charset charset) {1971 return Files.contentOf(file, charset);1972 }1973 /**1974 * Loads the text content of a file, so that it can be passed to {@link #assertThat(String)}.1975 * <p>1976 * Note that this will load the entire file in memory; for larger files, there might be a more efficient alternative1977 * with {@link #assertThat(File)}.1978 * </p>1979 *1980 * @param file the file.1981 * @param charsetName the name of the character set to use.1982 * @return the content of the file.1983 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given character set is not supported on this platform.1984 * @throws UncheckedIOException if an I/O exception occurs.1985 */1986 public static String contentOf(File file, String charsetName) {1987 return Files.contentOf(file, charsetName);1988 }1989 /**1990 * Loads the text content of a file with the default character set, so that it can be passed to1991 * {@link #assertThat(String)}.1992 * <p>1993 * Note that this will load the entire file in memory; for larger files, there might be a more efficient alternative1994 * with {@link #assertThat(File)}.1995 * </p>1996 *1997 * @param file the file.1998 * @return the content of the file.1999 * @throws UncheckedIOException if an I/O exception occurs.2000 */2001 public static String contentOf(File file) {2002 return Files.contentOf(file, Charset.defaultCharset());2003 }2004 /**2005 * Loads the text content of a file into a list of strings with the default charset, each string corresponding to a2006 * line.2007 * The line endings are either \n, \r or \r\n.2008 *2009 * @param file the file.2010 * @return the content of the file.2011 * @throws NullPointerException if the given charset is {@code null}.2012 * @throws UncheckedIOException if an I/O exception occurs.2013 */2014 public static List<String> linesOf(File file) {2015 return Files.linesOf(file, Charset.defaultCharset());2016 }2017 /**2018 * Loads the text content of a file into a list of strings, each string corresponding to a line.2019 * The line endings are either \n, \r or \r\n.2020 *2021 * @param file the file.2022 * @param charset the character set to use.2023 * @return the content of the file.2024 * @throws NullPointerException if the given charset is {@code null}.2025 * @throws UncheckedIOException if an I/O exception occurs.2026 */2027 public static List<String> linesOf(File file, Charset charset) {2028 return Files.linesOf(file, charset);2029 }2030 /**2031 * Loads the text content of a file into a list of strings, each string corresponding to a line. The line endings are2032 * either \n, \r or \r\n.2033 *2034 * @param file the file.2035 * @param charsetName the name of the character set to use.2036 * @return the content of the file.2037 * @throws NullPointerException if the given charset is {@code null}.2038 * @throws UncheckedIOException if an I/O exception occurs.2039 */2040 public static List<String> linesOf(File file, String charsetName) {2041 return Files.linesOf(file, charsetName);2042 }2043 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2044 // URL/Resource methods : not assertions but here to have a single entry point to all AssertJ features.2045 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2046 /**2047 * Loads the text content of a URL, so that it can be passed to {@link #assertThat(String)}.2048 * <p>2049 * Note that this will load the entire contents in memory.2050 * </p>2051 *2052 * @param url the URL.2053 * @param charset the character set to use.2054 * @return the content of the URL.2055 * @throws NullPointerException if the given charset is {@code null}.2056 * @throws UncheckedIOException if an I/O exception occurs.2057 */2058 public static String contentOf(URL url, Charset charset) {2059 return URLs.contentOf(url, charset);2060 }2061 /**2062 * Loads the text content of a URL, so that it can be passed to {@link #assertThat(String)}.2063 * <p>2064 * Note that this will load the entire contents in memory.2065 * </p>2066 *2067 * @param url the URL.2068 * @param charsetName the name of the character set to use.2069 * @return the content of the URL.2070 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given character set is not supported on this platform.2071 * @throws UncheckedIOException if an I/O exception occurs.2072 */2073 public static String contentOf(URL url, String charsetName) {2074 return URLs.contentOf(url, charsetName);2075 }2076 /**2077 * Loads the text content of a URL with the default character set, so that it can be passed to2078 * {@link #assertThat(String)}.2079 * <p>2080 * Note that this will load the entire file in memory; for larger files.2081 * </p>2082 *2083 * @param url the URL.2084 * @return the content of the file.2085 * @throws UncheckedIOException if an I/O exception occurs.2086 */2087 public static String contentOf(URL url) {2088 return URLs.contentOf(url, Charset.defaultCharset());2089 }2090 /**2091 * Loads the text content of a URL into a list of strings with the default charset, each string corresponding to a2092 * line.2093 * The line endings are either \n, \r or \r\n.2094 *2095 * @param url the URL.2096 * @return the content of the file.2097 * @throws NullPointerException if the given charset is {@code null}.2098 * @throws UncheckedIOException if an I/O exception occurs.2099 */2100 public static List<String> linesOf(URL url) {2101 return URLs.linesOf(url, Charset.defaultCharset());2102 }2103 /**2104 * Loads the text content of a URL into a list of strings, each string corresponding to a line.2105 * The line endings are either \n, \r or \r\n.2106 *2107 * @param url the URL.2108 * @param charset the character set to use.2109 * @return the content of the file.2110 * @throws NullPointerException if the given charset is {@code null}.2111 * @throws UncheckedIOException if an I/O exception occurs.2112 */2113 public static List<String> linesOf(URL url, Charset charset) {2114 return URLs.linesOf(url, charset);2115 }2116 /**2117 * Loads the text content of a URL into a list of strings, each string corresponding to a line. The line endings are2118 * either \n, \r or \r\n.2119 *2120 * @param url the URL.2121 * @param charsetName the name of the character set to use.2122 * @return the content of the file.2123 * @throws NullPointerException if the given charset is {@code null}.2124 * @throws UncheckedIOException if an I/O exception occurs.2125 */2126 public static List<String> linesOf(URL url, String charsetName) {2127 return URLs.linesOf(url, charsetName);2128 }2129 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2130 // Date formatting methods : not assertions but here to have a single entry point to all AssertJ features.2131 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2132 /**2133 * Instead of using default strict date/time parsing, it is possible to use lenient parsing mode for default date2134 * formats parser to interpret inputs that do not precisely match supported date formats (lenient parsing).2135 * <p>2136 * With strict parsing, inputs must match exactly date/time format.2137 *2138 * <p>2139 * Example:2140 * <pre><code class='java'> final Date date = Dates.parse("2001-02-03");2141 * final Date dateTime = parseDatetime("2001-02-03T04:05:06");2142 * final Date dateTimeWithMs = parseDatetimeWithMs("2001-02-03T04:05:06.700");2143 *2144 * Assertions.setLenientDateParsing(true);...

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...29 var aggregatedMeasurements = processor.process(loadedMeasurements);30 serializer.serialize(aggregatedMeasurements);31 //then32 AssertionsForClassTypes.assertThat(loadedMeasurements.size()).isEqualTo(9);33 AssertionsForClassTypes.assertThat(aggregatedMeasurements.entrySet().size()).isEqualTo(3);34 var serializedOutput = Files.readString(Paths.get(fullOutputFilePath));35 //обратите внимание: важен порядок ключей36 AssertionsForClassTypes.assertThat(serializedOutput).isEqualTo("{\"val1\":3.0,\"val2\":30.0,\"val3\":33.0}");37 }38}...

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1package;2import com.codeborne.pdftest.PDF;3import com.codeborne.xlstest.XLS;4import com.opencsv.CSVReader;5import org.assertj.core.api.AssertionsForClassTypes;6import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;7import;8import;9import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;10import java.util.List;11import;12import;13import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;14public class ParsingFilesFromZipTest {15 @Test16 void parsingFilesFromZip() throws Exception {17 ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile("src\\test\\resources\\");18 ZipEntry txt = zipFile.getEntry("Harry Potter.txt");19 try (InputStream stream = zipFile.getInputStream(txt)) {20 AssertionsForClassTypes.assertThat(new String(stream.readAllBytes(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)).contains("1. THE BOY WHO LIVED");21 }22 ZipEntry csv = zipFile.getEntry("packs.csv");23 try (InputStream stream = zipFile.getInputStream(csv)) {24 CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new InputStreamReader(stream));25 List<String[]> list = reader.readAll();26 assertThat(list).contains(27 new String[]{"pack_10_event_april1", "10"},28 new String[]{"pack_book8_offer_valentine", "book8"},29 new String[]{"pack_book4_ch11_paid", "book4"}30 );31 }32 ZipEntry pdf = zipFile.getEntry("sample.pdf");33 try (InputStream stream = zipFile.getInputStream(pdf)) {34 PDF parsed = new PDF(stream);35 assertThat(parsed.text).contains("Oh, how boring typing this stuff");36 }37 ZipEntry xls = zipFile.getEntry("testers.xlsx");38 try (InputStream stream = zipFile.getInputStream(xls)) {39 XLS parsed = new XLS(stream);40 assertThat(parsed.excel.getSheetAt(2).getRow(1).getCell(2).getStringCellValue())41 .isEqualTo("g04570552594797740025");42 }43 }44}...

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1import org.assertj.core.api.AssertionsForClassTypes;2public class Test {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 AssertionsForClassTypes.assertThat(1).isEqualTo(1);5 }6}7import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;8public class Test {9 public static void main(String[] args) {10 Assertions.assertThat(1).isEqualTo(1);11 }12}13import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractAssert;14public class Test {15 public static void main(String[] args) {16 AbstractAssert.assertThat(1).isEqualTo(1);17 }18}19import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractIntegerAssert;20public class Test {21 public static void main(String[] args) {22 AbstractIntegerAssert.assertThat(1).isEqualTo(1);23 }24}25import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractIntegerAssert;26public class Test {27 public static void main(String[] args) {28 AbstractIntegerAssert.assertThat(1).isEqualTo(1);29 }30}31import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractAssert;32public class Test {33 public static void main(String[] args) {34 AbstractAssert.assertThat(1).isEqualTo(1);35 }36}37import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractAssert;38public class Test {39 public static void main(String[] args) {40 AbstractAssert.assertThat(1).isEqualTo(1);41 }42}43import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractAssert;44public class Test {45 public static void main(String[] args) {46 AbstractAssert.assertThat(1).isEqualTo(1);47 }48}49import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractAssert;50public class Test {51 public static void main(String[] args) {52 AbstractAssert.assertThat(

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1import org.assertj.core.api.AssertionsForClassTypes;2public class Test {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 AssertionsForClassTypes.assertThat(1).isEqualTo(1);5 }6}7import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;8public class Test {9 public static void main(String[] args) {10 Assertions.assertThat(1).isEqualTo(1);11 }12}13import org.assertj.core.api.AssertionsForInterfaceTypes;14public class Test {15 public static void main(String[] args) {16 AssertionsForInterfaceTypes.assertThat(1).isEqualTo(1);17 }18}19import org.assertj.core.api.AssertionsForClassTypes;20public class Test {21 public static void main(String[] args) {22 AssertionsForClassTypes.assertThat(1).isEqualTo(1);23 }24}25import org.assertj.core.api.AssertionsForInterfaceTypes;26public class Test {27 public static void main(String[] args) {28 AssertionsForInterfaceTypes.assertThat(1).isEqualTo(1);29 }30}31import org.assertj.core.api.AssertionsForClassTypes;32public class Test {33 public static void main(String[] args) {34 AssertionsForClassTypes.assertThat(1).isEqualTo(1);35 }36}37import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;38public class Test {39 public static void main(String[] args) {40 Assertions.assertThat(1).isEqualTo(1);41 }42}43import org.assertj.core.api.AssertionsForClassTypes;44public class Test {45 public static void main(String[] args) {46 AssertionsForClassTypes.assertThat(1).isEqualTo(1);47 }48}49import org.assertj.core

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1import static org.assertj.core.api.AssertionsForClassTypes.*;2public class AssertJ {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 assertThat(1).isEqualTo(1);5 }6}7import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.*;8public class AssertJ {9 public static void main(String[] args) {10 assertThat(1).isEqualTo(1);11 }12}13import static org.assertj.core.api.Java6Assertions.*;14public class AssertJ {15 public static void main(String[] args) {16 assertThat(1).isEqualTo(1);17 }18}19import static org.assertj.core.api.Java6Assertions.*;20public class AssertJ {21 public static void main(String[] args) {22 assertThat(1).isEqualTo(1);23 }24}25import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.*;26public class AssertJ {27 public static void main(String[] args) {28 assertThat(1).isEqualTo(1);29 }30}31import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.*;32public class AssertJ {33 public static void main(String[] args) {34 assertThat(1).isEqualTo(1);35 }36}37import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.*;38public class AssertJ {39 public static void main(String[] args) {40 assertThat(1).isEqualTo(1);41 }42}43import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.*;44public class AssertJ {45 public static void main(String[] args) {46 assertThat(1).isEqualTo(1);47 }48}49import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.*;50public class AssertJ {51 public static void main(String[] args) {52 assertThat(1).isEqualTo(1);53 }54}

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1import org.assertj.core.api.AssertionsForClassTypes;2import org.testng.annotations.Test;3public class TestNGTest {4 public void test() {5 AssertionsForClassTypes.assertThat(1).isEqualTo(1);6 }7}8import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;9import org.testng.annotations.Test;10public class TestNGTest {11 public void test() {12 Assertions.assertThat(1).isEqualTo(1);13 }14}

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1public class Test {2 public static void main(String[] args) {3 Assertions.assertThat("abc").isEqualTo("abc");4 }5}6import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;7public class Test {8 public static void main(String[] args) {9 assertThat("abc").isEqualTo("abc");10 }11}12import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.*;13public class Test {14 public static void main(String[] args) {15 assertThat("abc").isEqualTo("abc");16 }17}18import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;19public class Test {20 public static void main(String[] args) {21 assertThat("abc").isEqualTo("abc");22 }23}24import static org.assertj.core.api.AssertionsForClassTypes.assertThat;25public class Test {26 public static void main(String[] args) {27 assertThat("abc").isEqualTo("abc");28 }29}30import static org.assertj.core.api.AssertionsForInterfaceTypes.assertThat;31public class Test {32 public static void main(String[] args) {33 assertThat("abc").isEqualTo("abc");34 }35}36import static org.assertj.core.api.AssertionsForClassTypes.assertThat;37public class Test {38 public static void main(String[] args) {39 assertThat("abc").isEqualTo("abc");40 }41}42import static org.assertj.core.api.AssertionsForClassTypes.assertThat;43public class Test {44 public static void main(String[] args) {45 assertThat("abc").isEqualTo("abc");46 }47}48import static org.assertj.core.api.AssertionsForClassTypes.assertThat;49public class Test {50 public static void main(String[]

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1import static org.assertj.core.api.AssertionsForClassTypes.*;2import org.junit.Test;3public class TestClass {4 public void test() {5 assertThat(true).isEqualTo(true);6 }7}

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1import static org.assertj.core.api.AssertionsForClassTypes.*;2import java.util.*;3import*;4import*;5import java.util.function.*;6import java.util.concurrent.*;7import java.util.regex.*;8import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*;9import java.util.concurrent.locks.*;10import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;11import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;12import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceArray;13import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater;14import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater;15import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;16import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongArray;17import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongFieldUpdater;18import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicMarkableReference;19import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicStampedReference;20import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;21import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;22import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;23import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;24import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;25import java.util.concurrent.locks.StampedLock;26import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport;27import java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer;28import java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractOwnableSynchronizer;29import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;30import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;31import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock.ReadLock;32import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock.WriteLock;33import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport;34import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;35import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;36import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;37import java.util.concurrent.locks.StampedLock;38import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport;39import java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer;40import java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractOwnableSynchronizer;41import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;42import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;43import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock.ReadLock;44import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock.WriteLock;45import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport;46import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;47import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;48import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;49import java.util.concurrent.locks.StampedLock;50import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport;51import java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer;52import java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractOwnableSynchronizer;53import java.util.concurrent.locks.Reentrant

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1package org.example;2import org.assertj.core.api.AssertionsForClassTypes;3public class App {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 AssertionsForClassTypes.assertThat("foo").isNotEmpty();6 }7}8package org.example;9import org.assertj.core.api.AssertionsForClassTypes;10public class App {11 public static void main(String[] args) {12 AssertionsForClassTypes.assertThat("foo").isNotEmpty();13 }14}

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