All posts by Amy E Reichert
Test Intelligence in the Era of AI: Opportunities and Challenges
The software development field currently represents a significant target for artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technology. Why software development? Software development and testing are fields where AI/ML-driven technology is used because software applications are increasingly complex and data-intensive.
September 3, 2024
9 Min Read
A Practical Guide on Improving QA Testing with Gen AI
QA testing can benefit from integrating Gen AI (Generative AI) into testing processes. Gen AI offers several benefits to supplement human testers, including increasing efficiency, test execution speed, and assisting in identifying defects.
June 3, 2024
11 Min Read
Agile – Kanban, Scrum, Scrumban – Which One Works the Best?
Agile software development stems from a philosophy that being agile means creating and responding to change. Agile means the ability to adapt and respond to change without missing a beat or dissolving into chaos. Being Agile means working together as a team that’s built with diverse capabilities, skills, and talents.
March 4, 2024
8 Min Read
A Data-Driven Approach to Test Case Prioritization: The Role of Analytics
Test case prioritization is frequently used as an approach for managing software regression testing. The purpose of regression testing is to ensure new changes or bug fixes have not broken the existing functionality in the application.
October 30, 2023
8 Min Read
Test Case Design Techniques & When to Change Them
QA Testing involves developing test cases using various test design techniques to keep them fresh and actively identifying defects.
May 2, 2023
7 Min Read
Options for Manual Test Case Development & Management
The purpose of developing test cases is to ensure the application functions as expected for the customer. Test cases provide basic application documentation for every function, feature, and integrated connection.
December 16, 2022
7 Min Read
QA’s and Unit Testing – Can QA Create Effective Unit Tests
Unit testing is typically software testing within the developer domain. As the QA role expands in DevOps, QAOps, DesignOps, or within an Agile team, QA testers often find themselves creating unit tests.
December 14, 2022
8 Min Read
QA Innovation – Using the senseshaping concept to discover customer needs
QA testers have a unique role and responsibility to serve the customer. Serving the customer in software testing means protecting customers from application defects, failures, and perceived failures from missing or misunderstood requirements.
December 9, 2022
7 Min Read
Feeding your QA Career – Developing Instinctive & Practical Skills
The QA testing profession requires both educational and long-term or experience-based learning. One can learn the basics from certification courses and exams, boot camp courses, and college-level courses where available.
November 4, 2022
9 Min Read
Are Agile Self-Managing Teams Realistic with Layered Management?
Agile software development stems from a philosophy that being agile means creating and responding to change swiftly. Agile means having the ability to adapt and respond to change without dissolving into chaos.
October 25, 2022
6 Min Read