Boosting Web Performance With CSS GPU Acceleration
Mbaziira Ronald
Posted On: January 22, 2025
18 Min Read
The look and feel of a website play an important role in having a great user experience, and this is where CSS becomes indispensable. CSS enables developers to create visually appealing websites through animations and transitions. Techniques like CSS animations and parallax scrolling make the experience more engaging but can slow things down by putting extra load on the CPU.
However, CSS GPU acceleration properties like transform and opacity can address this challenge by leveraging the GPU to handle graphics-heavy tasks, such as parallax scrolling effects.
In this blog, learn how to harness the power of CSS GPU acceleration to create smooth, performant web visual effects for more engaging web experiences.
What Is CSS GPU Acceleration?
GPU refers to the Graphics Processing Unit, a processor that performs intensive calculations simultaneously, particularly for rendering graphics and complex operations. Whereas, GPU acceleration refers to offloading computationally intensive operations from the CPU to the GPU, which speeds up the processing of videos, animations, and other operations.
Thus, CSS GPU acceleration involves using properties that trigger GPU acceleration, and these include:
- transform
- opacity
- filter
- will-change
- backface-visibility
Let’s explore practical implementations that demonstrate how to use the CSS GPU acceleration technique.
Examples of CSS GPU Acceleration
We’ll create two examples: a parallax scrolling effect and a toggleable sidebar menu.
We’ll also take a look at the will-change property, which, when well leveraged, can improve performance for frequent excessive DOM recalculations.
Parallax Scrolling Effect
In this example, we’ll explore parallax scrolling sections. Their background images move at different speeds relative to the foreground content, which can cause significant rendering performance challenges.
By using the CSS GPU acceleration technique, we can minimize browser rendering overhead and maintain a fluid scrolling experience.
See the Pen
LambdaTest – Parallax Scroll Effect by Mbaziira Ronald (@mbaziiraronald)
on CodePen.
Browser Output:
The performance screenshot above, taken while scrolling through the page, shows GPU utilization during the parallax scrolling. The parallax sections achieve fluid motion with minimal computational overhead on the CPU, resulting in a more visually seamless scrolling experience.
Toggleable Sidebar
In this example, we’ll create a navigation sidebar. Because users will often toggle it to access navigation items, this can cause frequent UI reflows. Using the CSS GPU acceleration technique can help us mitigate this.
See the Pen
Toggleable Sidebar by Mbaziira Ronald (@mbaziiraronald)
on CodePen.
Browser Output:
From the above screenshot, we can deduce that opening and closing our sidebar panel doesn’t trigger any recalculations or repaints. This is shown by the absence of rendering and painting when the animation is active, which is due to using the CSS GPU acceleration technique. Also, a 60fps frame rate is maintained throughout the animation run.
The results below show the sidebar navigation demo displayed on the LT Browser in different device viewports, which provides better website visuals of how our sidebar navigation would work across multiple devices.
LT Browser by LambdaTest is a responsive checker to test your web layouts across 53+ pre-installed viewports for mobile, tablet, desktop, and laptop. It helps ensure that the visual effect doesn’t break the layout even when the webpage is rendered on various screen resolutions.
Additionally, it’s important to test your GPU-accelerated CSS on real mobile devices to ensure it performs seamlessly across all devices and browsers. With LambdaTest, you can test mobile applications on a real device cloud and leverage its app profiling feature, which helps you detect and optimize performance issues before release. It also provides real-time insights into key metrics like CPU usage, memory consumption, and more.
To get started, you can refer to this guide on app performance analytics.
Let’s now look at the will-change property and what it does.

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Role of the will-change Property
The will-change property tells the browser how an element will likely change, allowing it to set up appropriate optimizations. These optimizations aim to handle potentially computationally intensive work for the browser.
1 |
will-change: auto | scroll-position | contents | <custom-indent>; |
This property is meant as a last resort for performance issues. Similar to 3D transforms, it triggers GPU acceleration. Thus, the browser creates a new layer for the element on which it is specified, as shown in the illustration below.
Below is what each property value references:
Value | Reference |
auto | It is the default value of the property, and it has no special behavior. The browser handles the element normally, like any other. |
scroll-position | Shows that the element’s scroll position will change or be animated. |
contents | Shows that the contents of the element will change or be animated. |
<custom-indent> | Shows one or more properties whose values are expected to change such as transform or opacity. You can specify a number of properties separated by commas. |
When you give a shorthand property a value like margin, you are telling the browser that all individual properties it contains, such as margin-right, will likely change.
Common use cases for will-change particularly involve scenarios like complex animations, draggable elements and elements with frequent DOM updates. Once the expected changes are complete, it is recommended to remove the property to prevent more resource allocation.
Let’s take a look at the example below illustrating its use and how you can remove it once the changes are done.
In the below example, we add the animation to the form when either the
First name, Last name, and Email fields are empty at the point of submission. The browser, however, first receives a hint through the element’s will-change property with the value of transform. The value is reset to auto when the animation ends to free up resource allocation.
See the Pen
Form animation by Mbaziira Ronald (@mbaziiraronald)
on CodePen.
Browser Output:
Best Practices of will-change Property
When using the will-change property, follow best practices to maximize performance while avoiding pitfalls. While the property can be helpful, improper use can lead to excessive resource consumption and degraded performance.
By implementing these best practices, you can ensure a smoother user experience in your web applications:
- Use the Property as a Last Resort: For performance optimizations, it is recommended that the will-change property be used as a last resort. The tweet below provides insight into this.
- Apply the Property to a Few Elements: Browsers inherently strive to optimize performance, and excessive use of will-change property can be resource-intensive and lead to increased resource consumption.
- Remove the Property When Changes Are Done: The remove will-change property once the expected changes have occurred to prevent unnecessary resource allocation.
remember that CSS will-change is a last resort though 🙏
more often than not if your CSS animation is struggling, there may be a better way to solve it
whether that be changing the approach, adjusting the DOM structure, properties used, or something else 🤙
— jhey ▲🐻🎈 (@jh3yy) October 13, 2024
The example below shows how Apple adds the will-change property to the carousel when it starts animating and removes it when it stops. Removing the property helps keep the browser’s memory usage optimized.
Understanding the need for GPU acceleration using CSS properties like transform, opacity, and filter requires understanding how the browser’s rendering process works. We will now examine this process and how it calls for using the CSS GPU acceleration technique.
How Does CSS GPU Acceleration Work?
Many CSS properties, such as width, height, and top, can impede performance in heavy rendering tasks. These tasks run on the CPU and trigger reflow and repaints, which often results in lower frame rates. The CSS GPU acceleration technique alleviates these issues, enabling rendering at higher frame rates that significantly enhance the user experience.
To render elements on the screen, the browser follows the below processes:
- Parsing HTML and CSS: The browser parses HTML into the Document Object Model (DOM), representing the Document’s HTML markup. It then parses the CSS next to create the CSS Object Model (CSSOM). The DOM and CSSOM trees are similar but independent structures.
- Render Tree Construction: The browser combines the DOM and CSSOM to form the render tree. Elements such as the <head> and <script>, and those whose display value is none, are not included in the render tree as they won’t appear on the screen. The output of the render tree thus contains only visible elements and their styles.
- Layout: This process determines the dimensions and locations of all nodes in the render tree by traversing it, starting at its root. Recalculating these dimensions and positions can be computationally intensive for the browser. However, using CSS GPU acceleration properties like transform can enable the browser to perform these calculations faster, as they don’t trigger reflow.
- Painting: This stage, whose first instance is known as the first meaningful paint, turns each calculated box from the layout stage into actual pixels on the screen.
- Compositing: During the rendering phase, the browser determines which elements to draw on separate layers. It includes elements with CSS properties like transform and opacity or HTML elements such as <canvas>.
The image below shows what the DOM Tree generated from the parsed HTML looks like.
The next step is calculating the size and position of each node on the screen from the render tree, and this is where the layout phase comes in.
As almost every element on a web page is represented as a box, the browser calculates the sizes of all the boxes on the screen. It takes the viewport as a base and lays out the body, followed by its descendants, each with its CSS box model properties.
Layout is sometimes used interchangeably with reflow; however, there is a slight distinction between the two. Layout refers to the first time each node’s size and position is determined, whereas reflow refers to the succeeding layout recalculations.
The @keyframes code below shows an animation that uses the top and left properties. These properties trigger reflow as they affect the positions of elements.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 |
@keyframes shake { 0%, 100% { top: 0; left: 0; } 50% { top: 10px; left: -10px; } } |
You can replace the above @keyframes code with the code:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 |
@keyframes shake { 0%, 100% { transform: translate(0, 0); } 50% { transform: translate(-10px, 10px); } } |
It involves drawing every visible part of an element onto the screen, such as images, backgrounds, and text. Redrawing pixels on the screen can be a load-bearing process for the browser. Here again, using CSS GPU acceleration properties like opacity is a better choice performance-wise than using properties like color that trigger repainting.
The example shows code that uses properties such as background-color that trigger re-painting:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 |
@keyframes change { 0% { background-color: red; width: 100px; height: 100px; } 50% { background-color: blue; width: 150px; height: 150px; } 100% { background-color: green; width: 100px; height: 100px; } } |
The below @keyframes code works the same as the above:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 |
@keyframes change { 0% { transform: scale(1) rotate(0deg); filter: hue-rotate(0deg); } 50% { transform: scale(1.5) rotate(180deg); filter: hue-rotate(180deg); } 100% { transform: scale(1) rotate(360deg); filter: hue-rotate(360deg); } } |
However, to speed up this process, the browser performs some optimization, such as separating the screen into different layers. When this happens, the compositing stage begins.
By putting elements into their separate layers and tracking layers affected by any changes, the browser will redraw only those rather than re-render the entire page.
The preview below shows what these composited layers look like. The section under that of the layers shows more information about the layers.
Browsers using the Chromium engine, such as Brave, Edge and Opera, have similar compositing reasons. In other words, the determinants for creating a layer for these browsers are largely the same.
Here’s a tweet that offers a brief overview of Chrome’s Layers Panel. It includes instructions on how to check composited layers and understand why they are hardware-accelerated.
Chrome's layers panel:
:one: → View document layers.
:two: → Inspect document layers.
:three: → View compositing reasons
:four: → Debug layering and overlapping issues
:five: → Verify hardware acceleration (GPU, etc)
:six: → Inspect layer memory usage, position, etc.— Mbaziira Ronald (@MbaziiraRonn) November 21, 2024
The above rendering processes—parsing HTML and CSS, creating the render tree, layout, painting, and compositing—can occur repeatedly after the initial page load, depending on what triggers them. For example, a change in an element’s dimensions can cause a reflow, instantiating a repaint, which can cause a recomposite.
Also, when it comes to animations, an area where repaints and reflows occur repeatedly, there are four key performance metrics to consider, namely:
- Responsiveness: It refers to how quickly an animation or interactive element responds to user actions. It measures the time taken from a user’s interactions, such as clicks or hovers, to visible change on the screen.
- Frame Rate: It refers to the number of frames displayed per second during an animation. Common frame rates include 60fps, 30fps, and 24fps. Users perceive animations to be more fluid and normal at 60fps and higher. Frame rates below 30fps are considered sluggish and disruptive.
- Memory Usage: It refers to the amount of system memory consumed by the animation. Optimizing memory usage ensures that animations run smoothly without negatively impacting the performance of other applications and processes.
- Power Consumption: It refers to how much energy is used by the device to run the animation.
The CSS GPU acceleration technique can significantly improve the above areas, notably the frame rate and responsiveness.
Common Use Cases of CSS GPU Acceleration
Let’s look at some of the common use cases of the CSS GPU acceleration technique:
- Smooth Animations: Animations are visual effects applied to elements that create motion and transformations on a web page over a specified period. They enhance interactivity and user experience.
- Seamless Transitions: These are sequential effects that gracefully change between two states of an element. They are usually caused by user interactions like hovering, focusing, clicking, or toggling visibility.
- Parallax Scrolling Effects: Parallax scrolling is a web design visual tactic that creates an illusion of depth and movement during a scroll by making the background move slower than the foreground. It means different layers of content move at different speeds to create a depth effect.
- Video Rendering: Rendering website videos is computationally demanding, requiring significant processing power, especially for high-resolution or lengthy videos. Videos rendered using CSS GPU acceleration technique can significantly improve playback performance and reduce potential rendering jank.
- Gallery and Testimonial Carousels: Also known as sliders, carousels usually display images, videos or other featured content in a rotating sequence. They help users navigate through items by using arrow buttons or swiping. Due to their horizontal motion, carousels usually trigger reflows and repaints, which are costly for browsers.
However, due to their motion, they usually cause layout and paint operations, which are resource-intensive for the browser. This is where CSS GPU acceleration comes to the rescue. uses the transform property with a translate3d() function on its scroll animation which makes the content move from right to left as the user scrolls. It triggers GPU acceleration for the animation and alleviates the issue of reflows and repaints.
Transitions also typically cause reflows and repaints which makes it ideal to use CSS that triggers GPU acceleration to handle the heavy lifting.
In the example below, Font Awesome uses an opacity transition on its Sign In icon to change its visibility when the user hovers over it. As users will frequently use the Sign In icon, this transition uses GPU acceleration. WhatsApp uses a transform transition for the same reason, as shown in the second example.
To diminish any performance flaws, GPU-accelerated CSS powers this effect, enabling the GPU to move each scrolling layer independently without recalculating or repainting the whole page.
The Boring Company uses this effect to create a sense of immersion and visual interest for the user. This depth perception and immersive experience encourages the user to spend more time on the website.
In the example below, SpaceX applies the translateZ(0) and the will-change property to the hero section video element to trigger hardware acceleration, creating a new composite layer.
It helps minimize browser jank, smooth out video playback, and isolate the video element from other page elements, improving its overall rendering efficiency.
Lyft uses a transform transition and the will-change property to take advantage of GPU acceleration to lessen the burden on the browser.
Other areas where the CSS GPU acceleration technique is used include sidebar navigation, dropdowns, and draggable elements. The term hardware acceleration is sometimes used synonymously with GPU acceleration. Although the two are quite similar in some aspects, they are different in others.
Hardware acceleration refers to offloading specific tasks to a machine’s specialized hardware components to attain better performance than is possible with the CPU.
Browsers like Chrome, Firefox and Brave enable hardware acceleration by default for some elements and processes. The screenshot below shows some of the items Brave supports, such as compositing video encoding/decoding and canvas.
Best Practices for CSS GPU Acceleration
The CSS GPU acceleration technique can enhance performance, but following the guidelines will help you capitalize on GPU acceleration while avoiding inefficiencies.
- Mitigate High Memory Usage: Accelerating the CSS for animations often involves creating additional layers to manage them. Each layer needs memory, which can accumulate with complex or many animations, leading to higher overall memory consumption.
- Reduce Complexity in Debugging: Identifying and resolving rendering issues related to GPU acceleration can be challenging. The complexity arises because the GPU operates in a separate processing environment from the CPU, and issues may manifest in ways that are not immediately apparent through conventional debugging tools.
The increase in memory usage can become a concern on devices with limited GPU resources. Many layers can increase memory consumption, resulting in potential browser crashes when the available memory depletes.
To mitigate this, use the properties like will-change sparingly. Remove the property when animations are complete to allow browsers to free up resources.
GPU tasks are processed concurrently with CPU tasks, and when properly managed, they remain independent. This independence reduces the chances of complex debugging scenarios. However, for interdependent tasks, proper synchronization is required to avoid deadlock and race-condition scenarios with the CPU and GPU.
To address this complexity, developers can use debugging tools for GPU-accelerated content, such as browser-specific developer tools and GPU performance analyzers, such as VTune Profiler, Basemark GPU, and Nsight Systems.
Thanks for reaching this far. We have looked at the CSS GPU acceleration technique and how you can utilize it to significantly improve the performance and fluidity of your website’s interactive visual effects.
We have also looked at the best practices you can follow to mitigate issues regarding GPU acceleration to continue delivering a unique user experience to users. By understanding the merits and best practices of GPU-accelerated CSS, you can make informed decisions that can enrich your projects’ performance and usability across multiple platforms.
That’s it for now. See you soon in the next one!
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Should I turn off GPU acceleration?
It depends on your use case. Turn it off if you’re experiencing glitches or performance issues, but leave it on for graphics-heavy tasks like video editing or gaming.
What does GPU-accelerated mean?
GPU acceleration refers to using a Graphics Processing Unit to speed up computational tasks, enhancing performance for demanding applications.
Is GPU acceleration good or bad?
GPU acceleration is generally good for tasks like rendering, simulations, and gaming, but it can be bad if it causes instability or consumes excessive power.
What is a GPU accelerator?
A GPU accelerator is a device or feature that offloads computational tasks from the CPU to the GPU, significantly boosting processing speed for certain workloads.
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