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Handling Dynamic Data with DOM Configuration and Options for SmartUI

cmdUsing the LambdaTest platform, perform regression testing in just one click and explore various possible solutions for grouping your screenshots into different builds and map as per your testing suite needs.

In case if you have any dynamic elements that are not in the same position across test runs, you can ignore / select a specific area to be removed from the comparison.

Configuration for Selenium

The following are the different options which are currently supported:

screenshotName (string)Specify a name for the screenshot in your tests to match the same screenshot with the name from your baseline
fullPage (boolean)Specify true if you want to take a Full Page Screenshot and false for viewport screenshots; fullPage: true is currently only supported for Chrome
ignoreDOM (object) NewSpecify one or a combination of selectors based on the HTML DOM ID, CSS class, CSS selector or Xpath used by your webpage that should be excluded from the comparison
selectDOM (object)Specify one or a combination of selectors based on the HTML DOM ID, CSS class, CSS selector or XPath used by your webpage that should be included in the comparison
This is a sample for your webhook configuration for Javascript to ignore by ID
let config = {
screenshotName: "Ignore-ID",
fullPage: false, //You can make this property as true in case of Chrome browser
ignoreDOM: {
id: ["ID-1", "ID-2"], // Ignoring elements by ID, you can ignore multiple at once
await driver.executeScript("smartui.takeScreenshot", config);
This is a sample for your webhook configuration for Javascript to select by ID.
let config = {
screenshotName: "Select-ID",
fullPage: false, //You can make this property as true in case of Chrome browser
selectDOM: {
id: ["ID-1", "ID-2"], // Selecting elements by ID, you can select multiple at once
await driver.executeScript("smartui.takeScreenshot", config);

Configuration for Puppeteer

The following are the different options which are currently supported:

screenshotName (string)Specify a name for the screenshot in your tests to match the same screenshot with the name from your baseline
ignoreDOM (object)Specify a selector based on the HTML DOM ID, CSS class or CSS selector used by your webpage that should be excluded from the comparison
selectDOM (object)Specify a selector based on the HTML DOM ID, CSS class or CSS selector used by your webpage that should be included in the comparison
ignoreXPath (object)Specify a selector based on theXPath of the element that should be excluded from the comparison
selectXPath (object)Specify a selector based on theXPath of the element that should be included in the comparison
This is a sample for your webhook configuration for Puppeteer
await page.evaluate((_) => {},
`lambdatest_action: ${JSON.stringify({ action: 'smartui.takeScreenshot', arguments: { fullPage: false, screenshotName: 'dom-screenshot', ignoreDOM : {id:["HTML DOM Id"]} }})}`)
This is a sample for your webhook configuration for Puppeteer
await page.evaluate((_) => {},
`lambdatest_action: ${JSON.stringify({ action: 'smartui.takeScreenshot', arguments: { fullPage: false, screenshotName: 'dom-screenshot', selectDOM : {id:["HTML DOM Id"]} }})}`)

Configuration for Playwright

The following are the different options which are currently supported:

screenshotName (string)Specify a name for the screenshot in your tests to match the same screenshot with the name from your baseline
ignoreDOM (object)Specify a selector based on the HTML DOM ID, CSS class or CSS selector used by your webpage that should be excluded from the comparison
selectDOM (object)Specify a selector based on the HTML DOM ID, CSS class or CSS selector used by your webpage that should be included in the comparison
ignoreXPath (object)Specify a selector based on theXPath of the element that should be excluded from the comparison
selectXPath (object)Specify a selector based on theXPath of the element that should be included in the comparison
This is a sample for your webhook configuration for Playwright
await page.evaluate((_) => {},
`lambdatest_action: ${JSON.stringify({ action: 'smartui.takeScreenshot', arguments: { fullPage: false, screenshotName: 'dom-screenshot', ignoreDOM : {id:["HTML DOM Id"]} }})}`)
This is a sample for your webhook configuration for Playwright
await page.evaluate((_) => {},
`lambdatest_action: ${JSON.stringify({ action: 'smartui.takeScreenshot', arguments: { fullPage: false, screenshotName: 'dom-screenshot', selectDOM : {id:["HTML DOM Id"]} }})}`)