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Puppeteer Testing With Jest

Jest is a Facebook-maintained framework for developing frontend and backend unit tests in JavaScript and executing end-to-end testing using Playwright. It provides you with the flexibility to target a single test, delivering structured output, or an entire suite for common assertions.

LambdaTest allows you to run Puppeteer tests with Jest on a browser farm of 40+ real browsers and operating system combinations.

This guide will cover the basics of getting started with Puppeteer testing with Jest on the LambdaTest platform.


Note: All the code samples in this documentation can be found in the LambdaTest's Repository on GitHub. You can either download or clone the repository to quickly run your tests. Image View on GitHub

  1. Clone the LambdaTest-Puppeteer repository on your system.

  2. Install the npm dependencies.

npm install
  1. In order to run your Puppeteer tests with Jest, you will need to set your LambdaTest username and access key in the environment variables. Click the Access Key button at the top-right of the Automation Dashboard to access it.





Running Tests Using Jest

Test Scenario: The below test script searches LambdaTest on DuckDuckGo and verifies the website title.

  1. To run the Puppeteer tests using Jest on LambdaTest, you need make some tweaks to the jest-puppeteer.config.js file.
const caps_chrome = {
browserName : 'Chrome',
browserVersion : 'latest',
'LT:Options' : {
platform : 'Windows 10',
build : 'Sample Puppeteer-Jest',
name : 'Puppeteer-jest test on Chrome',
resolution : '1366x768',
user : process.env.LT_USERNAME,
accessKey : process.env.LT_USER_KEY,
network : true

const caps_edge = {
browserName : 'MicrosoftEdge',
browserVersion : 'latest',
'LT:Options' : {
platform : 'Windows 10',
build : 'Sample Puppeteer-Jest',
name : 'Puppeteer-jest test on Edge',
resolution : '1366x768',
user : process.env.LT_USERNAME,
accessKey : process.env.LT_USER_KEY,
network : true

module.exports = {
connect : {
browserWSEndpoint : `wss://${encodeURIComponent(

  1. Pass the below command to run the test.
npm run test
  1. Visit the LambdaTest Automation Dashboard to see the results of your Puppeteer Jest tests.

Test across 3000+ combinations of browsers, real devices & OS.

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