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Understanding .gitignore & .hyperexecuteignore

HyperExecute CLI creates a zip of your test scripts before sending it for execution on the HyperExecute Platform. If you want to ignore any un-necessary files during this process, you can use the .gitignore or the hyperexecuteignore feature.

Your log files, hidden files or any other private files can be ignored by the HyperExecute CLI if you use this feature. You can list multiple files or directories in the .gitignore file, and all of them will be ignored. However, a .gitignore file has a fixed format. Learn more

The .hyperexecuteignore file has a similar functionality and follows the same format as .hyperexecuteignore allowing you to ignore certain files in case you are not using .hyperexecuteignore. An example of a .gitignore file is given below.


The above file would make sure that following are excluded while the zip is created:

  1. examplename: All files and folder with the name examplename.
  2. examplename.type: All files with the name examplename and format type.
  3. *.type: All files of the format type.
  4. examplename/: All files and folders under the parent folder called examplename.

Note: If both files are present in the directory then the files listed in the .gitignore only are ignored. The items listed in .gitignore file take precedence over the items listed under .hyperexecuteignore.