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Features and Languages

TAS enables developers and engineering leaders to accelerate testing, reduce build times upto 95% & gain actionable visibility into their test cases. But that's not it, have a look at all of our features.


Smart Test Selection

Even though only certain sections of a codebase are changed in a commit, development teams usually execute the whole test suite every time. This practice clogs the development pipelines and becomes a bottleneck in achieving high development velocity.

TAS understands the dependencies in a codebase by executing the whole set of unit tests in the first iteration and then uses the stored information to accelerate the subsequent builds. Our smart test engine analyses the code changes and intelligently selects only a subset of the test suite that requires execution. This drastically reduces the testing time making frequent testing more feasible. TAS enables development teams to test smarter, release faster.

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Test Insights

With TAS you get actionable insights on your test cases.

  • See how tests are behaving over multiple commits in one glance.
  • TAS Trends give you in depth analysis on Tests Executed, Slowest Tests, Failing Tests, Contributor causing Failed Jobs
  • Find out contributor level test insights.

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Other Key Features

  • Post-merge Testing Pipelines : You can setup post merge pipelines that will only execute a build after certain thresholds as configured by you.
  • Test Blocklisting : With TAS it becomes super easy to blocklist test cases from our yaml configuration file.

Supported Languages

Currently we support Javascript Jest, Mocha & Jasmine

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