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Commonly Used APIs For Mobile App Testing


In this documentation, we look at some APIs that will help you optimize your mobile app testing workflow. If you are performing live or automated app testing, you can use these APIs in your scripts to perform various actions.

Fetching The Devices Available for Testing​

To fetch the Devices that are available for running Tests.

curl -u "undefined:undefined" -X GET ""
We can add a region parameter which will provide us the devices available in the relevant real device cloud.
us - USA
ap - Asia Pacific
eu - Europe

Uploading your Application​

custom_id-F "custom_id="Proverbial_1.0"You do not have to remember the app_URL and only use the custom_id to run your automation on the same app.
storage-F "storage=file"
Used to change the way LambdaTest stores the link.
Used when we Upload using App URL
visibility-F "visibility=team"
DEFAULT: individual
Used to change the visibility of the application being uploaded. Once the app is uploaded using the team, everyone in the organisation can use the same URL to run the tests.

Using App File:

curl -u "undefined:undefined" -X POST "" -F "appFile=@"/Users/macuser/Downloads/Appname.apk"" -F "name="appname""

Using App URL:

curl -u "undefined:undefined" -X POST "" -F "url=" -F "name=Proverbial_App" -F "custom_id=sampleName" -F "storage=url" -F "visibility=individual"
  • If you do not have any .apk or .ipa file, you can run your sample tests on LambdaTest by using our sample πŸ”— Android app or sample πŸ”— iOS app.
  • Response of above cURL will be a JSON object containing the App URL of the format - lt://APP123456789123456789

Fetching your Applications​

curl --location --request GET ""

Shown below is the response to the above cURL request.

"metaData": {
"type": "ios",
"total": 1
"data": [
"app_id": "APP100245789181570497850",
"name": "proverbial_ios.ipa",
"type": "ios",
"updated_at": "2022-05-10T11:19:30.000Z",
"shared": false,
"source": "web-client"

Deleting your Application​

To delete your uploaded apps, run the below cURL command.

curl --location --request DELETE "" --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{
"appIds" : "APPID1,APPID2"

Shown below is the response to the above cURL request.

"message": "Deleted successfully."

Processing check for your Application​

To unlock features such as network logs, image injection, and screenshotunblock feature for your application, app needs to undergo a processing phase. This processing takes a few minutes after the application is uploaded. You can verify if the processing is complete before running your automation script using the following API.

curl --location --request POST '' --header 'Authorization: Basic c2hhbnRhbnV3OkFPOEh3NHJtV2hxUlJZSVl3OEk1elMzajhCS0c2ZHl3SVBZeXNNSDJPakdtbFVheXZC' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' y
--data-raw '{
"appId": "APP10160161171698993659206876",
"imageInjectionEnabled": true,
"screenshotUnblockEnabled": true

The payload allows you to check the processing status for specific features. If the patched_url is empty, the processing is still in progress. To check if the processing for image injection or screenshot unblock is complete, pass either imageInjectionEnabled or screenshotUnblockEnabled as true based on the feature you are testing.

"data": {
"imageinjection_ready": false, //current processing status
"patched_url": "",
"screenshotunblock_ready": false, //current processing status
"status": "success"
"status": "success"

Fetching the concurrency details​

To get your concurrency details, run the below cURL command.

curl -u "undefined:undefined" -X GET ""

Shown below is the response to the above cURL request.


To generate public shareable build link, run the below cURL command.

curl ''   -H 'authorization: Bearer <Bearer Token>'   --data-raw '{"entityIds":["123456"],"entityType":"App Automation Build","expiresAt":7}'

To generate public shareable test link, run the below cURL command.

curl ''   -H 'authorization: Bearer <Bearer Token>'   --data-raw '{"entityIds":["APPTESaBCDefGHI5JlMnOPQ"],"entityType":"App Automation Test","expiresAt":7}'


For tests, pass entityIds as the test id and pass entityType as "App Automation Test"
expiresAt is the number of days after which the shareable test link will expire '


For builds, pass entityIds as the build id and pass entityType as "App Automation Build"
expiresAt is the number of days after which the shareable build link will expire '

That’s all! In case you have any questions or need any additional information, you could reach out at our 24X7 Chat Support or mail us directly at

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