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Biometric Authentication

Biometric Authentication is a security process that leverages the unique biological characteristics of individuals to verify their identities. In native applications, it is often used to provide a seamless, secure, and efficient user experience.

LambdaTest now supports Biometric Authentication for real devices (iOS and android). This new feature allows you to test your application's biometric authentication functionality more accurately and ensures your app provides an optimal user experience across a range of devices and platforms.


OS Version: Biometric authentication is supported only on Android devices with OS version 11 or above, and on iOS devices with OS version 13 or above.

Supported Biometric Authentication APIs​

Below given is the list of Biometric Authentication APIs which are supported. Please ensure that your app uses these APIs only to enable Biometric Authentication.

Supported APIs
LAContext: The LAContext class is used to interact with the local authentication framework.
evaluatePolicy: The evaluatePolicy(_:localizedReason:reply:) method of LAContext used to actually perform the biometric authentication, such as verifying a user's face or fingerprint.
canEvaluatePolicy: The canEvaluatePolicy(_:error:) method of LAContext that checks whether a specific biometric authentication policy can be evaluated on the device.

We don’t support apps using IOS Keychain APIs with Biometric access control. For more details IOS Keychain Documentation


The OS versions and APIs mentioned above are subject to change as per the latest OS updates and best practices recommended by Android and iOS.

Biometric Authentication in App Automation​

Using desired Capabilities​

To enable biometric authentication feature in your automation script, set the capability enableBiometricsAuthentication to true.

DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();

Using Lambda-Hook​

To implement pass or fail conditions for biometric authentication in your automation script, you have to use our Lambda-hook mentioned below:

capability (for both iOS & android)enableBiometricsAuthenticationbooleantrue
  • To use the web hook, passing enableBiometricsAuthentication capability is mandatory.
  • If you plan to use the Uninstall Lambda Hook, and then the Install Lambda Hook for the same application, biometric authentication can be used afterwards only via the lambda-hook. In this case, the initial capability won't be applicable anymore.

πŸ“• Check the documentation for Biometrics Authentication feature in Manual App Testing on Real devices

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