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Selenium Automation Testing Using LambdaTest

LambdaTest Selenium Automation Grid enables you to perform end-to-end automation tests on a secure, reliable, and scalable Selenium infrastructure. You can perform automated cross browser testing with Selenium scripts on 3000+ browsers and operating systems environments, giving you higher test coverage and at significantly less built times. LambdaTest will help you evaluate how well your web application renders when accessed through a variety of different browsers. You can perform automated cross-browser testing of your locally hosted web pages using LambdaTest Tunnel. You could also run a single test across multiple browser/OS configurations simultaneously. This post will help you to quickly get started with running your automation test scripts on LambdaTest Selenium automation grid.

Supported Languages and Frameworks

Here are all the languages and frameworks supported by LambdaTest online Selenium Grid.


We support all languages and frameworks that are compatible with Selenium, so in case your favorite isn't in the table.
Don't worry, you can still run the test. Contact Us for any help.

Hybrid Frameworks Support

There are test automation frameworks which provide out-of-the-box features & functionality to help users perform Selenium test automation in a convenient manner. We support those frameworks too.


Tesbo is a hybrid framework for test automation that works on a keyword-driven approach. It allows you to write automation scripts in plain English like you’d do with a BDD framework. Built on top of Selenium, Tesbo helps you to perform cross browser testing over a Selenium Grid in parallel.

Check our support document to run your first Tesbo script over LambdaTest Selenium Grid.

You can run any framework which supports Selenium execution over LambdaTest Selenium Grid.

We are preparing documentation for more frameworks. If you want us to prioritize documentation of your beloved framework then feel free to give us a shout.

Test across 3000+ combinations of browsers, real devices & OS.

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