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How Smart Caching Boosts Your Tests Execution Speed

Smart Caching significantly reduces test execution times by optimizing resource utilization and minimizing redundant processes. This document provides a comprehensive technical overview of Smart Caching, detailing its architecture, functionalities, and benefits for software development teams.


Smart Caching operates on a distributed caching architecture, leveraging a network of caching nodes across LambdaTest's global infrastructure. This ensures low latency and high availability for test execution, regardless of user location.

The core functionalities of Smart Caching include:

Dependency Doping

Caches frequently used libraries, frameworks, and test assets at caching nodes, eliminating the need for repeated downloads and reducing test execution times.

Environment Enhancers

Pre-configures and stores ready-to-use testing environments based on test configurations, eliminating time-consuming environment setup for each test case.


Key functionalities offered by Smart Caching:

  • Global Caching Network: Leverage a geographically distributed network of caching nodes for optimal performance and low latency.

  • Intelligent Caching Strategy: Smart algorithms identify and cache the most frequently used dependencies and environments for maximum efficiency.

  • Seamless Scalability: The caching network automatically scales to accommodate growing test suites and concurrent test runs.


Implementing Smart Caching offers numerous benefits:

  • 50%-80% Faster Test Execution: Dramatically reduce test execution times, freeing up valuable developer resources.

  • Improved Resource Utilization: Minimize resource consumption, leading to cost savings and infrastructure optimization.

  • Enhanced Developer Productivity: Developers spend less time waiting for tests, focusing more on coding, innovation, and problem-solving.

  • Increased Scalability: Handle large and complex test suites with ease due to the inherent scalability of the caching network.

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