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HyperExecute Environment Variable Setup

To provide you with a secure cross-browser testing environment on-cloud, we recommend integrating LambdaTest Authentication Credentials in your test scripts. This would allow our cloud servers to establish a secure connection between your local system and HyperExecute. This document will help you understand how to set up HyperExecute environment variable for your respective operating system. This set up would also help authenticate your colleague's test cases when executed against an individual account.

Where to find LambdaTest Authentication Credentials?

LambdaTest Authentication Credentials consists of two fields:

  1. LambdaTest Username
  2. LambdaTest Access Key

You can find these authentication credentials by either visiting the HyperExecute Dashboard or your LambdaTest Profile.

#Step 1: Go to the right side Profile dropdown and select Account Settings.

Step 2: Under Account Settings, go to Password & Security

Step 3: You will find your LT Username and Access Key here, this would be required in order to trigger a Job using the HyperExecute CLI


You can directly copy your Username and Access Key using shortcut key button.

Configuring Environment Variables on your Operating System

Before the tests are run, please set the environment variables LT_USERNAME & LT_ACCESS_KEY from the terminal. The account details are available on your LambdaTest Profile page.

Download the HyperExecute CLI

The CLI is used for triggering the tests on HyperExecute. It is recommend to download the CLI binary on the host system and keep it in the root directory of the suite to perform the tests on HyperExecute.

You can download the CLI for your desired platform from the below mentioned links:

PlatformHyperExecute CLI

Setup Environment Variable

Now, you need to export your environment variables LT_USERNAME and LT_ACCESS_KEY that are available in the LambdaTest Profile page.

Run the below mentioned commands in your terminal to setup the CLI and the environment variables.

export LT_USERNAME="undefined"
export LT_ACCESS_KEY="undefined"