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Execute Maestro Framework Tests on HyperExecute

This page outlines how to execute your Maestro tests on HyperExecute with YAML 0.2


To run the Tests on HyperExecute from your Local System, you are required:

Step 1: Setup Your Test Suite

You can use your own project to configure and test it. For demo purposes, we are using the sample repository.

Sample repo

Download or Clone the code sample for the Maestro framework from the LambdaTest GitHub repository to run the tests on the HyperExecute.

Image View on GitHub

Step 2: Setup the CLI in your Test Suite

After cloning / downloading the sample repo, you need to setup the CLI and the environment variables.

Download the HyperExecute CLI

The CLI is used for triggering the tests on HyperExecute. It is recommend to download the CLI binary on the host system and keep it in the root directory of the suite to perform the tests on HyperExecute.

You can download the CLI for your desired platform from the below mentioned links:

PlatformHyperExecute CLI

Setup Environment Variable

Now, you need to export your environment variables LT_USERNAME and LT_ACCESS_KEY that are available in the LambdaTest Profile page.

Run the below mentioned commands in your terminal to setup the CLI and the environment variables.

export LT_USERNAME="undefined"
export LT_ACCESS_KEY="undefined"

Step 3: Upload your Application

Upload your android application (.apk file) to the LambdaTest servers using our REST API. You need to provide your Username and AccessKey in the format Username:AccessKey in the cURL command for authentication.


Enter your local path of the code repository instead of <YOUR_LOCAL_APP_PATH> in the below cURL command.

curl -u "undefined:undefined" -X POST "" -F "appFile=@"<YOUR_LOCAL_APP_PATH>"" -F "name="sampleApp""

Response of above cURL will be a JSON object containing the App ID of the format - <APP123456789012345678901234567> and will be used in the next step.

Step 4: Configure YAML in your Test Suite

Enter your <APP_ID> in the YAML file (line 52) that you have fetched in the above step.

# Define the version of the configuration file
version: "0.2"

# Specify the target platform for test execution (Android in this case)
runson: android

# Enable autosplit for test execution
autosplit: true

# Set the concurrency level for test execution (2 devices in parallel)
concurrency: 1

# Only report the status of the test framework
frameworkStatusOnly: true

# Enable dynamic allocation of resources
dynamicAllocation: true

# Pre-install required dependencies using pip
# will need java and maestro inside the container
- ./maestro-test/


# Test discovery configuration
# Command to discover tests from the test.txt file
command: cat ./maestro-test/discover.txt
# Test discovery mode can be static/dynamic
mode: static
# Test type is raw (custom test implementation)
type: raw

# Command to run the tests using the testRunnerCommand
testRunnerCommand: ./maestro-test/ $test

# Test framework configuration
# Name of the test framework (raw in this case)
name: raw
# List of devices to run tests on (two Pixel 5 devices in this case)
devices: ["Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G"]
# Enable or disable video recording support
video: true
# Enable or disable device log support
deviceLog: true
# App ID to be installed (mandatory field, using <app_id>)
appId: lt://<app-id>
# Build name for identification on the automation dashboard
buildName: maestro-t1
# All devices are in a private cloud
privateCloud: true
# Timeout for device queue
queueTimeout: 600
# Configuration fields specific to running raw tests
region: ap
disableReleaseDevice: true
isRealMobile: true
reservation: false
platformName: android

jobLabel: [maestro-testing, android, autosplit]

Step 5: Execute your Test Suite

NOTE : In case of MacOS, if you get a permission denied warning while executing CLI, simply run chmod u+x ./hyperexecute to allow permission. In case you get a security popup, allow it from your System PreferencesSecurity & PrivacyGeneral tab.

Run the below command in your terminal at the root folder of the project:

./hyperexecute --config <path_of_yaml_file>

OR use this command if you have not exported your username and access key in the step 2.

./hyperexecute --user <your_username> --key <your_access_key> --config <path_of_yaml_file>
JUnit HyperExecute Terminal Logs

Step 6: Monitor the Test Execution

Visit the HyperExecute Dashboard and check your Job status.
