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GitLab Integration with HyperExecute

GitLab is a web-based Git repository that provides free open and private repositories, issue-following capabilities, and wikis. It is a complete DevOps platform that enables professionals to perform all the tasks in a project—from project planning and source code management to monitoring and security.

This document will show you how to integrate GitLab Pipeline with HyperExecute to greatly shorten your test cycles.

How To Integrate GitLab Pipeline with Hyperexecute

To integrate GitLab Pipeline with HyperExecute, follow the below steps:

You can use your own project to configure and test it. For demo purposes, we are using the sample repository.

Sample repo

Download or Clone the code sample from the LambdaTest GitHub repository to run the tests on the HyperExecute.

Image View on GitHub

1. Log into your GitLab account

2. Create a New Project

To create a new project and connect your external repository to GitLab CI/CD, click the Run CI/CD for external repository tab on the bottom right.

Create New Project

3. Connect Your External Repository:

On GitLab, you can either connect your external repository from GitHub or by URL. In this example, we will connect our external repository by URL.

To connect your external repository by URL, fill in the required information in the form below and click the Create Project button at the bottom of the page.

Create New Project

4. Configure the Pipeline

  • To configure the new pipeline that you just created, click the Configure Pipeline button in the center of the page.Create New Project

  • Click on the +Set up CI/CD button as shown below.

    Create New Project

  • Create a new .gitlab-ci.yml file at the root of the repository.

Below is a sample of GitLab YAML created for your reference:

## Define the image to use (adjust for macOS if needed)
image: ubuntu:latest

## Define pipelines (can have multiple pipelines)
## Default pipeline (can be named differently)
## Branches to trigger this pipeline on (adjust as needed)
- master

## Define steps in the pipeline
## Download Hyperexecute CLI (descriptive name)
- name: Download Hyperexecute CLI
script: |
chmod u+x hyperexecute

## Run Hyperexecute tests (descriptive name)
- name: Run Hyperexecute Tests
script: |
./hyperexecute --user <your_user_name> --key <your_access_key> --config <your_yaml_file_path>

5. Run Your Job

  • To commit your changes and run your job, click the Commit Changes button.

    Create New Project

Below is an example of a Hyperexecute job that was triggered through the above pipeline:

Create New Project

Run your tests at speeds never seen before. Happy testing! :)