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Jenkins Integration

Jenkins is an open-source automation server that is easy to install and configure. It can also be used as a simple CI server or turned into a continuous delivery hub for any project.

You can now integrate HyperExecute with your Jenkins project to shorten your test cycles.

How to Integrate HyperExecute with Jenkins

To integrate HyperExecute with your Jenkins project, follow the steps listed below.

You can use your own project to configure and test it. For demo purposes, we are using the sample repository.

Sample repo

Download or Clone the code sample from the LambdaTest GitHub repository to run the tests on the HyperExecute.

Image View on GitHub
  1. Log Into your Jenkins account. You will be directed to your Jenkins dashboard.

    Jenkins Plugin
  1. Select the project you want to integrate with HyperExecute. Or else, click on + New Item on the left panel to create a new project.

    Jenkins Plugin
  2. After opening your project, click on Configure.

    Jenkins Plugin
  3. Click on Build Steps.

    Jenkins Plugin
  1. Add a new build step and select Execute Shell if you are running your tests on MacOS. Alternatively, select Execute Windows batch command if you want to run your test on Windows.

    Jenkins Plugin
  2. Copy and paste the following code snippet in the Command section of your Build Step. Click on Save to add your Build Step.

  • For MacOS:

    curl -O
    chmod u+x hyperexecute
    ./hyperexecute --user <your_username> --key <your_access_key> --config hyperexecuteStatic.yaml
  • For Windows:

      curl -O 
    hyperexecute.exe -u <your_username> -k <your_access_key> -i <path_of_your_yaml_file>

    Note: Replace the placeholder values in the code with your username and access key for HyperExecute.

    Jenkins Plugin
  1. Build your Jenkins project by clicking on Build Now and wait for a few minutes.

    Jenkins Plugin

    After your build is successful, go to the HyperExecute dashboard to monitor the progress of your tests.

    Jenkins Plugin

    The HyperExecute Dashboard:

    Jenkins Plugin

    Click on the job to find out more details about your tests.

    Jenkins Plugin

You have successfully integrated your Jenkins project with HyperExecute.

Sample Jenkins File

pipeline {
agent any

stages {
# Download and Run Hyperexecute stage (optional)
stage('Download & Run Hyperexecute') {
steps {
# Download Hyperexecute CLI for macOS (adjust for other OS)
sh name: 'Download Hyperexecute CLI', script: 'wget'
# Grant execute permission to the downloaded binary
sh name: 'Make Hyperexecute executable', script: 'chmod +x hyperexecute'
# Run Hyperexecute with user credentials and configuration file
sh name: 'Run Hyperexecute Tests', script: './hyperexecute --user <your_username> --key <your_access_key> --config <your_yaml_file_path>