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Adhoc testing vs Exploratory testing

There are possibilities where you would have come across the term exploratory testing when looking up ad-hoc testing. This is due to a belief that both are the same. However, this is untrue. The list of distinctions between the two terminologies is given belows.

Adhoc TestingExploratory Testing
Before beginning the testing process, the first step in ad-hoc is to become familiar with the software and complete your homework. Exploratory testing is discovering bugs while simultaneously learning about the application.
Before working with the software, a tester must be completely knowledgeable.There is no requirement to be familiar with the program beforehand. Without or with knowledge of the subject being tested, the tester can conduct the test.
The procedure has no purpose or goal; everything is carried out randomly, without any framework.Exploratory testing establishes the aims and goals while allowing the tester to explore the program freely.
There is no requirement for documentation because none of the carried-out procedures are recorded.In exploratory testing, the action taken may be recorded or documented. Hence, it is easy to reproduce the bugs that have been found.

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