How to use getResult method in Cucumber-gherkin

Best JavaScript code snippet using cucumber-gherkin


Source:date-set-to-nan.js Github


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1description(2"This tests if the Date setters handle invalid parameters correctly resulting in a NaN date and if a recovery from such a NaN date is only possible by using the date.setTime() and date.set[[UTC]Full]Year() functions."3);4var dateFunctionNameRoots = [5 "Time",6 "Milliseconds",7 "UTCMilliseconds",8 "Seconds",9 "UTCSeconds",10 "Minutes",11 "UTCMinutes",12 "Hours",13 "UTCHours",14 "Date",15 "UTCDate",16 "Month",17 "UTCMonth",18 "FullYear",19 "UTCFullYear",20 "Year"21];22var dateFunctionParameterNum = [23 1,24 1,25 1,26 2,27 2,28 3,29 3,30 4,31 4,32 1,33 1,34 2,35 2,36 3,37 3,38 139];40var testValues = [41 0,42 Number.NaN,43 Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,44 Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY45];46function testDateFunctionWithValueNoRecoverNaN(functionNameRoot, steps)47{48 var date = new Date();49 var setValue = date["get" + functionNameRoot](); 50 date.setMilliseconds(Number.NaN);51 var params = [52 "",53 ", 0",54 ", 0, 0",55 ", 0, 0, 0"56 ];57 var setResult = (1 == steps) ? date["set" + functionNameRoot](setValue)58 : ((2 == steps) ? date["set" + functionNameRoot](setValue, 0)59 : ((3 == steps) ? date["set" + functionNameRoot](setValue, 0, 0)60 : date["set" + functionNameRoot](setValue, 0, 0, 0)));61 if (!isNaN(setResult)) {62 testFailed("date(NaN).set" + functionNameRoot + "(" + setValue + params[steps - 1]63 + ") was " + setResult + " instead of NaN");64 return false;65 }66 var getResult = date["get" + functionNameRoot]();67 if (!isNaN(getResult)) {68 testFailed("date.get" + functionNameRoot + "() was " + getResult + " instead of NaN");69 return false;70 }71 testPassed ("no recovering from NaN date using date.set" + functionNameRoot 72 + "(arg0" + params[steps - 1] + ")");73 return true;74}75function testDateFunctionWithValueRecoverTime(functionNameRoot)76{77 var date = new Date();78 var setValue = date["get" + functionNameRoot](); 79 date.setMilliseconds(Number.NaN);80 var setResult = date["set" + functionNameRoot](setValue);81 if (setValue != setResult) {82 testFailed("date(NaN).set" + functionNameRoot + "(" + setValue + ") was " + setResult + " instead of " + setValue);83 return false;84 }85 var getResult = date["get" + functionNameRoot]();86 if (getResult != setValue) {87 testFailed("date.get" + functionNameRoot + "() was " + getResult + " instead of " + setValue);88 return false;89 }90 testPassed ("recover from NaN date using date.set" + functionNameRoot + "()");91 return true;92}93function testDateFunctionWithValueRecoverFullYear(functionNameRoot)94{95 var result = true;96 var date = new Date();97 var setValue = date["get" + functionNameRoot](); 98 date.setMilliseconds(Number.NaN);99 var setResult = date["set" + functionNameRoot](setValue); 100 var getResult = date["get" + functionNameRoot]();101 if (getResult != setValue) {102 testFailed("date.get" + functionNameRoot + "() was " + getResult + " instead of " + setValue);103 result = false;104 }105 getResult = date.getMilliseconds();106 if (getResult != 0) {107 testFailed("date.getMilliseconds() was " + getResult + " instead of 0");108 result = false;109 }110 getResult = date.getSeconds();111 if (getResult != 0) {112 testFailed("date.getSeconds() was " + getResult + " instead of 0");113 result = false;114 }115 getResult = date.getMinutes();116 if (getResult != 0) {117 testFailed("date.getMinutes() was " + getResult + " instead of 0");118 result = false;119 }120 getResult = date.getHours();121 if (getResult != 0) {122 testFailed("date.getHours() was " + getResult + " instead of 0");123 result = false;124 }125 getResult = date.getDate();126 if (getResult != 1) {127 testFailed("date.getDate() was " + getResult + " instead of 1");128 result = false;129 }130 getResult = date.getMonth();131 if (getResult != 0) {132 testFailed("date.getMonth() was " + getResult + " instead of 0");133 result = false;134 }135 if (result)136 testPassed ("recover from NaN date using date.setFullYear()");137 else138 testFailed ("recover from NaN date using date.setFullYear()");139 return result;140}141function testDateFunctionWithValueRecoverUTCFullYear(functionNameRoot)142{143 var result = true; 144 var date = new Date();145 var setValue = date["get" + functionNameRoot](); 146 date.setMilliseconds(Number.NaN);147 var setResult = date["set" + functionNameRoot](setValue); 148 var getResult = date["get" + functionNameRoot]();149 if (getResult != setValue) {150 testFailed("date.get" + functionNameRoot + "() was " + getResult + " instead of " + setValue);151 result = false;152 }153 getResult = date.getUTCMilliseconds();154 if (getResult != 0) {155 testFailed("date.getUTCMilliseconds() was " + getResult + " instead of 0");156 result = false;157 }158 getResult = date.getUTCSeconds();159 if (getResult != 0) {160 testFailed("date.getUTCSeconds() was " + getResult + " instead of 0");161 result = false;162 }163 getResult = date.getUTCMinutes();164 if (getResult != 0) {165 testFailed("date.getUTCMinutes() was " + getResult + " instead of 0");166 result = false;167 }168 getResult = date.getUTCHours();169 if (getResult != 0) {170 testFailed("date.getUTCHours() was " + getResult + " instead of 0");171 result = false;172 }173 getResult = date.getUTCDate();174 if (getResult != 1) {175 testFailed("date.getUTCDate() was " + getResult + " instead of 1");176 result = false;177 }178 getResult = date.getUTCMonth();179 if (getResult != 0) {180 testFailed("date.getUTCMonth() was " + getResult + " instead of 0");181 result = false;182 }183 if (result)184 testPassed ("recover from NaN date using date.setUTCFullYear()");185 else186 testFailed ("recover from NaN date using date.setUTCFullYear()");187 return result;188}189function testDateFunctionWithValueRecoverYear(functionNameRoot)190{191 var result = true;192 var is13Compatible = true;193 194 var date = new Date();195 var setValue = date["get" + functionNameRoot]();196 var fullYears = date.getFullYear() - 1900; 197 if (setValue != fullYears) {198 testFailed("date.get" + functionNameRoot + "() was " + setValue + " instead of " + fullYears);199 is13Compatible = false;200 } else 201 testPassed("date.getYear() is compatible to JavaScript 1.3 and later");202 203 date.setMilliseconds(Number.NaN);204 var setResult = date["set" + functionNameRoot](setValue + 1900); 205 var getResult = date["get" + functionNameRoot]();206 if (getResult != setValue) {207 testFailed("date.get" + functionNameRoot + "() was " + getResult + " instead of " + setValue);208 result = false;209 }210 getResult = date.getMilliseconds();211 if (getResult != 0) {212 testFailed("date.getMilliseconds() was " + getResult + " instead of 0");213 result = false;214 }215 getResult = date.getSeconds();216 if (getResult != 0) {217 testFailed("date.getSeconds() was " + getResult + " instead of 0");218 result = false;219 }220 getResult = date.getMinutes();221 if (getResult != 0) {222 testFailed("date.getMinutes() was " + getResult + " instead of 0");223 result = false;224 }225 getResult = date.getHours();226 if (getResult != 0) {227 testFailed("date.getHours() was " + getResult + " instead of 0");228 result = false;229 }230 getResult = date.getDate();231 if (getResult != 1) {232 testFailed("date.getDate() was " + getResult + " instead of 1");233 result = false;234 }235 getResult = date.getMonth();236 if (getResult != 0) {237 testFailed("date.getMonth() was " + getResult + " instead of 0");238 result = false;239 }240 if (result)241 testPassed ("recover from NaN date using date.setUTCFullYear()");242 else243 testFailed ("recover from NaN date using date.setUTCFullYear()");244 return result && is13Compatible;245}246function makeIEHappy(functionNameRoot, value)247{ 248 var date = new Date();249 var setResult = date["set" + functionNameRoot](value);250 if (!isNaN(setResult)) {251 testFailed("date.set" + functionNameRoot 252 + "() was " 253 + setResult + " instead of NaN"); 254 return false;255 }256 var getResult = date["get" + functionNameRoot]();257 if (!isNaN(getResult)) {258 testFailed("date.get" + functionNameRoot + "() was "259 + getResult + " instead of NaN");260 return false;261 } 262 return true263}264function testDateFunctionWithValueExpectingNaN1(functionNameRoot)265{266 var result = true;267 for (var idx0 in testValues)268 if (idx0 != 0) {269 var date = new Date();270 var setResult = date["set" + functionNameRoot](testValues[idx0]);271 if (!isNaN(setResult)) {272 testFailed("date.set" + functionNameRoot + "(" 273 + testValues[idx0] + ") was " 274 + setResult + " instead of NaN"); 275 result = false;276 }277 var getResult = date["get" + functionNameRoot]();278 if (!isNaN(getResult)) {279 testFailed("date.get" + functionNameRoot + "() was "280 + getResult + " instead of NaN");281 result = false;282 } 283 } else if (!makeIEHappy(functionNameRoot))284 result = false;285 if (result) { 286 testPassed("date.set" + functionNameRoot + "(arg0)");287 testPassed("date.set" + functionNameRoot + "()");288 }289 return result;290}291function testDateFunctionWithValueExpectingNaN2(functionNameRoot)292{293 var result = true;294 for (var idx0 in testValues)295 for (var idx1 in testValues)296 if (idx0 != 0 || idx1 != 0) {297 var date = new Date();298 var setResult = date["set" + functionNameRoot](testValues[idx0],299 testValues[idx1]);300 301 if (!isNaN(setResult)) {302 testFailed("date.set" + functionNameRoot + "(" 303 + testValues[idx0] + ", "304 + testValues[idx1] + ") was " 305 + setResult + " instead of NaN"); 306 result = false;307 }308 var getResult = date["get" + functionNameRoot]();309 if (!isNaN(getResult)) {310 testFailed("date.get" + functionNameRoot + "() was "311 + getResult + " instead of NaN");312 result = false;313 } 314 }315 316 if (result) 317 testPassed("date.set" + functionNameRoot + "(arg0, arg1)");318 return result;319}320function testDateFunctionWithValueExpectingNaN3(functionNameRoot)321{322 var result = true;323 for (var idx0 in testValues)324 for (var idx1 in testValues)325 for (var idx2 in testValues)326 if (idx0 != 0 || idx1 != 0 || idx2 != 0) {327 var date = new Date();328 var setResult = date["set" + functionNameRoot](testValues[idx0],329 testValues[idx1],330 testValues[idx2]);331 if (!isNaN(setResult)) {332 testFailed("date.set" + functionNameRoot + "(" 333 + testValues[idx0] + ", "334 + testValues[idx1] + ", "335 + testValues[idx2] + ") was " 336 + setResult + " instead of NaN"); 337 result = false;338 }339 var getResult = date["get" + functionNameRoot]();340 if (!isNaN(getResult)) {341 testFailed("date.get" + functionNameRoot + "() was "342 + getResult + " instead of NaN");343 result = false;344 } 345 }346 347 if (result) 348 testPassed("date.set" + functionNameRoot + "(arg0, arg1, arg2)");349 return result;350}351function testDateFunctionWithValueExpectingNaN4(functionNameRoot)352{353 var result = true;354 for (var idx0 in testValues)355 for (var idx1 in testValues)356 for (var idx2 in testValues)357 for (var idx3 in testValues)358 if (idx0 != 0 || idx1 != 0 || idx2 != 0 || idx3 != 0) {359 var date = new Date();360 var setResult = date["set" + functionNameRoot](testValues[idx0],361 testValues[idx1],362 testValues[idx2],363 testValues[idx3]);364 if (!isNaN(setResult)) {365 testFailed("date.set" + functionNameRoot + "(" 366 + testValues[idx0] + ", "367 + testValues[idx1] + ", "368 + testValues[idx2] + ", "369 + testValues[idx3] + ") was " 370 + setResult + " instead of NaN"); 371 result = false;372 }373 var getResult = date["get" + functionNameRoot]();374 if (!isNaN(getResult)) {375 testFailed("date.get" + functionNameRoot + "() was "376 + getResult + " instead of NaN");377 result = false;378 } 379 }380 if (result) 381 testPassed("date.set" + functionNameRoot + "(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3)");382 return result;383}384function testDateFunction(functionNameRoot, functionParamNum)385{386 var success = true;387 388 switch (functionParamNum) {389 case 4:390 success &= testDateFunctionWithValueExpectingNaN4(functionNameRoot);391 if (functionNameRoot != "Time" &&392 functionNameRoot != "FullYear" &&393 functionNameRoot != "UTCFullYear" &&394 functionNameRoot != "Year")395 success &= testDateFunctionWithValueNoRecoverNaN(functionNameRoot, 4);396 case 3:397 success &= testDateFunctionWithValueExpectingNaN3(functionNameRoot);398 if (functionNameRoot != "Time" &&399 functionNameRoot != "FullYear" &&400 functionNameRoot != "UTCFullYear" &&401 functionNameRoot != "Year")402 success &= testDateFunctionWithValueNoRecoverNaN(functionNameRoot, 3);403 404 case 2:405 success &= testDateFunctionWithValueExpectingNaN2(functionNameRoot);406 if (functionNameRoot != "Time" &&407 functionNameRoot != "FullYear" &&408 functionNameRoot != "UTCFullYear" &&409 functionNameRoot != "Year")410 success &= testDateFunctionWithValueNoRecoverNaN(functionNameRoot, 2);411 412 case 1:413 success &= testDateFunctionWithValueExpectingNaN1(functionNameRoot);414 if (functionNameRoot == "Time")415 success &= testDateFunctionWithValueRecoverTime(functionNameRoot); 416 else if (functionNameRoot == "FullYear")417 success &= testDateFunctionWithValueRecoverFullYear(functionNameRoot);418 else if (functionNameRoot == "UTCFullYear")419 success &= testDateFunctionWithValueRecoverUTCFullYear(functionNameRoot);420 else if (functionNameRoot == "Year")421 success &= testDateFunctionWithValueRecoverYear(functionNameRoot);422 else423 success &= testDateFunctionWithValueNoRecoverNaN(functionNameRoot, 1);424 }425 426 if (success)427 testPassed("date.set" + functionNameRoot + " passed all tests");428}429for (var x in dateFunctionNameRoots)430{431 testDateFunction(dateFunctionNameRoots[x], dateFunctionParameterNum[x]);...

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Source:6c4d47c5d70d9213d14bf22ae421ff4e2316e9b28c08b3700dd83e9d13f5b1a2.js Github


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1'use strict';23const joi = require('@hapi/joi');4const config = require('../../../../config');5const http = require('axios');6const commonObject = require('../../CommonFunctions');7const COREAUTO_IND_API = config.externals.COREAUTO_IND_API;8const Log = require('../../../../errorLog');9const boom = require('@hapi/boom');10const moment = require('moment');11const logger = require('../../../../bunyanlogger').child({12 module: 'CreateReplacementOrder'13});1415/**16 * [CreateReplacementOrder description]17 */18const CreateReplacementOrder = async (obj, logfilename) => {19 try {20 let loggerObj = {21 source: obj.source,22 scheduler: logfilename,23 functionName: 'CreateReplacementOrder',24 createdDate: moment().tz('Asia/Kolkata').format('LLL')25 };26 loggerObj.API_Request_Time = moment().format('MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a');27 let reqobj = {28 poid: obj.poid,29 poitemid: obj.poitemid,30 productid: obj.productid,31 quantity: obj.quantity,32 fcauthkey: 'qwedfgvbn18piifghmnvjjkddyrwlkj',33 };34 let getOrderURL = COREAUTO_IND_API + '/Services/CoreInd.svc/GetOrderForReplacement';35 let getresult = await commonObject.getCoreAPIResponse(reqobj, getOrderURL, logfilename);36 getresult = JSON.parse(getresult) || [];37 if (getresult.length) {38 let replacementobj = {39 pOrder: {40 BillEmailAddress: getresult[0].BillEmailAddress || '',41 UserID: getresult[0].UserID || '',42 ShipFirstName: getresult[0].ShipFirstName || '',43 ShipMiddelName: getresult[0].ShipMiddelName || '',44 ShipLastName: getresult[0].ShipLastName || '',45 Instructions: getresult[0].Instructions || '',46 ShipMobileNo: getresult[0].ShipMobileNo || '',47 ShipAddressLine1: getresult[0].ShipAddressLine1 || '',48 ShipAddressLine2: getresult[0].ShipAddressLine2 || '',49 ShipAddressLine3: getresult[0].ShipAddressLine3 || '',50 ShipPhoneNo: getresult[0].ShipPhoneNo || '',51 ShipCity: getresult[0].ShipCity || '',52 ShipState: getresult[0].ShipState || '',53 ShipCountry: getresult[0].ShipCountry || '',54 ShipPinCode: getresult[0].ShipPinCode || '',55 BillFirstName: getresult[0].BillFirstName || '',56 BillMiddelName: getresult[0].BillMiddelName || '',57 BillLastName: getresult[0].BillLastName || '',58 BillMobileNo: getresult[0].BillMobileNo || '',59 BillAddressLine1: getresult[0].BillAddressLine1 || '',60 BillAddressLine2: getresult[0].BillAddressLine2 || '',61 BillAddressLine3: getresult[0].BillAddressLine3 || '',62 BillPhoneNo: getresult[0].BillPhoneNo || '',63 BillCity: getresult[0].BillCity || '',64 BillState: getresult[0].BillState || '', // not in payload65 BillCountry: getresult[0].BillCountry || '',66 BillPinCode: getresult[0].BillPinCode || '',67 CouponCode: getresult[0].CouponCode || '',68 GiftCertificateCode: getresult[0].GiftCertificateCode || '',69 RedeemLoyaltyAmount: getresult[0].RedeemLoyaltyAmount || 0,70 PaymentTypeID: getresult[0].PaymentTypeID || 0,71 WalletAmount: getresult[0].WalletAmount || 0,72 CustomerNumber: getresult[0].CustomerNumber || '',73 ReferralCode: getresult[0].ReferralCode || '',74 ReferedBy: getresult[0].ReferedBy || '',75 TotalPayment: getresult[0].TotalPayment || 0,76 CouponDiscount: getresult[0].CouponDiscount || 0,77 GiftCertificateAmount: getresult[0].GiftCertificateAmount || 0,78 GlGiftCertificateCode: getresult[0].GLGiftCertificateCode || '',79 GlCouponCode: getresult[0].GlCouponCode || '',80 GlCouponDiscount: getresult[0].GlCouponDiscount || 0,81 GlGiftCertificateAmount: getresult[0].GlGiftCertificateAmount || 0,82 TotalItems: 1,83 TotalQuantity: 1,84 PaymentTypeActualID: getresult[0].PaymentTypeActualID || 0,85 PaymentStatusID: getresult[0].PaymentStatusID || 0,86 PurchaseOrderItemList: [87 {88 ProductID: getresult[0].ProductID || '',89 ProductInfoID: getresult[0].ProductInfoID || '',90 ManufactureBarcode: getresult[0].ManufactureBarcode || '',91 ProductName: getresult[0].ProductName || '',92 ProductDesc: getresult[0].ProductDesc || '',93 BrandID: getresult[0].BrandID || 0,94 SubCatID: getresult[0].SubCatID || 0,95 CatID: getresult[0].CatID || 0,96 Size: getresult[0].Size || '',97 Unit: getresult[0].Unit || '',98 Color: getresult[0].Color || '',99 MRP: getresult[0].MRP || 0,100 Discount: getresult[0].Discount || 0,101 ActualPrice: getresult[0].ActualPrice || 0,102 Quantity: getresult[0].Quantity || 0,103 TotalPrice: getresult[0].TotalPrice || 0,104 Onsale: getresult[0].Onsale,105 OfferType: getresult[0].OfferType || '',106 GroupID: getresult[0].GroupID || '',107 UserID: getresult[0].UserID || '',108 InvoiceLevelDiscount: getresult[0].InvoiceLevelDiscount || 0,109 SiteType: getresult[0].SiteType || 0,110 CartOfferComments: getresult[0].CartOfferComments || '',111 LoyaltyCash: getresult[0].LoyaltyCash || 0,112 EmailAddress: getresult[0].EmailAddress || '',113 DiscountType: getresult[0].DiscountType || '',114 DiscountInPer: getresult[0].DiscountInPer || 0,115 EDDate: getresult[0].ExpiryDate || '',116 NextDayDelivery: getresult[0].NextDayDelivery,117 SameDayDelivery: getresult[0].SameDayDelivery,118 TryNBuy: getresult[0].TryNBuy,119 ConCharges: getresult[0].ConCharges || 0,120 ConvenienceCharge: getresult[0].ConvenienceCharge || '0',121 GiftCertificateDiscount: getresult[0].GiftCertificateDiscount || 0,122 WalletAmountDiscount: getresult[0].WalletAmountDiscount || 0,123 BurnLoyaltyCashDiscount: getresult[0].BurnLoyaltyCashDiscount || 0,124 GiftDiscount: getresult[0].GiftDiscount || 0,125 BrandName: getresult[0].BrandName || '',126 AgeFrom: getresult[0].AgeFrom,127 AgeTo: getresult[0].AgeTo,128 InvoiceDiscountAmount: getresult[0].InvoiceDiscountAmount || 0,129 HSNCode: getresult[0].HSNCode || '',130 SGST: getresult[0].SGST || 0,131 CGST: getresult[0].CGST || 0,132 IGST: getresult[0].IGST || 0,133 GSTType: getresult[0].GSTType || 'S',134 DiscountOnGst: getresult[0].DiscountOnGST || '',135 ExpiryDate: getresult[0].ExpiryDate || '',136 DispatchHrs: getresult[0].DispatchHrs || '',137 orderitemgroupid: getresult[0].OrderItemGroupId || '0',138 warehouseid: getresult[0].WarehouseID || '0',139 isjitdrop: getresult[0].IsJitDrop || '0',140 IsReturnAble: getresult[0].IsReturnAble || 0,141 Shippingcutoffdatetime: getresult[0].Shippingcutoffdatetime || '',142 NonClubDiscountDifference: getresult[0].NonClubDiscountDifference || 0,143 ProductDefaultDiscount: getresult[0].ProductDefaultDiscount || 0,144 debitcardnetbankingwallet: getresult[0].debitcardnetbankingwallet1 || 0,145 creditcardwallet: getresult[0].creditcardwallet1 || 0,146 thirdpartywallet: getresult[0].thirdpartywallet1 || 0,147 courierid: getresult[0].courierid || 0,148 vendorcode: getresult[0].vendorcode || '',149 codcharge: getresult[0].codcharge || 0150 }151 ],152 Status: getresult[0].Status || 'Pending',153 ShippingCharges: getresult[0].ShippingCharges || '0',154 GiftWrapCharges: getresult[0].GiftWrapCharges || '0',155 EmiCharges: getresult[0].EmiCharges || '0',156 CodCharges: getresult[0].CODCharges || '0',157 GiftWrapInstructions: getresult[0].GiftWrapInstructions || '',158 TotalTax: getresult[0].TotalTax || '0',159 NetPayment: getresult[0].NetPayment || '0',160 PreferredCourier: getresult[0].PreferredCourier || '',161 SiteType: getresult[0].SiteType || '0',162 ProductType: getresult[0].ProductType || '0',163 AddressID: getresult[0].AddressID || '0',164 ShipChargePaid: getresult[0].ShippingChargePaid || '0',165 CODChargePaid: getresult[0].CODChargePaid || '0',166 CashBackAmount: getresult[0].CashBackAmount || '0',167 TotalVatAmount: getresult[0].TotalVatAmount || '0',168 ShipChargePaidByWL: getresult[0].ShipChargesPaidByWL || '0',169 CodChargePaidByWL: getresult[0].CodChargePaidByWL || '0',170 PaymentReferenceId: getresult[0].PaymentReferenceId || '0',171 OrderLevelLoyaltyCashPoints: getresult[0].OrderLevelLoyaltyCashPoints || '0',172 debitcardnetbankingwallet: getresult[0].debitcardnetbankingwallet || '0',173 IsFCClub: getresult[0].IsFCClub || '0',174 LoyaltyCashFactor: getresult[0].LoyaltyCashFactor || '0',175 ShippingChargesFreeFor: getresult[0].ShippingChargesFreeFor || '',176 creditcardwallet: getresult[0].creditcardwallet || '0',177 thirdpartywallet: getresult[0].thirdpartywallet || '0',178 orderdetailshorturl: getresult[0].orderdetailshorturl || '',179 ClientID: getresult[0].ClientID || '',180 }181 };182183184 console.log('replacementobj',replacementobj);185 return 'success';186 const headers = {187 'Content-Type': 'application/json'188 };189 let APIURL = `${config.externals.ReplacementPlaceOrder}/saveorder/SaveOrderService.svc/json/CreateReplacementOrder`;190 let response = await http({191 method: 'post',192 url: APIURL,193 data: replacementobj,194 headers: headers195 });196 loggerObj.API_URL = APIURL;197 loggerObj.requestObj = replacementobj;198 loggerObj.API_Response_Time = moment().format('MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a');199 loggerObj.response =;200{log_type:'crm_executionlog',infoLog:loggerObj});201 Log.createDataPushLog('ReplacementPlaceOrder', JSON.stringify(loggerObj));202 let resp =;203 resp.status = true;204 resp.msg = 'success';205 return resp;206 } else {207 return ({208 status: false,209 msg: 'Order Data Not found'210 });211 }212 } catch (DBException) {213 return Promise.reject(new Error(DBException));214 }215};216217const CreateReplacementOrderAPI = {218 description: 'Create Replacement Order',219 notes: ['Create Replacement Order'],220 tags: ['api', 'CreateReplacementOrder'],221 validate: {222 payload: joi.object().required().keys({223 poid: joi.string().trim().required(),224 poitemid: joi.string().trim().required(),225 productid: joi.string().trim().required(),226 quantity: joi.number().required(),227 source: joi.string().trim().required(),228 })229 },230 handler: async (req) => {231 try {232 let SchedulerlogName = 'OSR/ReplacementPlaceOrder/'+moment().tz('Asia/Kolkata').format('DD-MM-YYYY');233 return await CreateReplacementOrder(req.payload, SchedulerlogName);234 } catch (DBException) {235 logger.error({error:`Error in CreateReplacementOrder function${DBException.message}`,crm_req:req}, DBException.message);236 return boom.expectationFailed(DBException);237 }238 }239};240241exports.CreateReplacementOrder = CreateReplacementOrder;242exports.routes = [{243 method: 'POST',244 path: '/replacement/createorder',245 config: CreateReplacementOrderAPI ...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var gherkin = require('gherkin');2var parser = new gherkin.Parser();3var lexer = new gherkin.Lexer('en');4var fs = require('fs');5var featureFile = fs.readFileSync('featureFile.feature', 'utf8');6var feature = parser.parse(lexer.lex(featureFile));7console.log(feature);8 at exports.runInThisContext (vm.js:73:16)9 at Module._compile (module.js:443:25)10 at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:478:10)11 at Module.load (module.js:355:32)12 at Function.Module._load (module.js:310:12)13 at Module.require (module.js:365:17)14 at require (module.js:384:17)15 at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/gherkin/lib/gherkin/lexer/en.js:3:14)16 at Module._compile (module.js:460:26)17 at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:478:10)18{ comments: [],19 [ { comments: [],20 id: 'test-feature;test-scenario',21 [ { comments: [],

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');2var parser = new gherkin.Parser();3var fs = require('fs');4var feature = fs.readFileSync('./test.feature', 'utf8');5var result = parser.getResult(feature);6console.log(result);7{8 "dependencies": {9 }10}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');2var fs = require('fs');3var feature = fs.readFileSync('features/feature.feature', 'utf8');4var result = gherkin.getResult(feature);5console.log(result);6module.exports = function () {7this.Given(/^I have a step$/, function (callback) {8callback(null, 'pending');9});10};11{ [Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory '/Users/username/Projects/projectname/features/feature.feature']12path: '/Users/username/Projects/projectname/features/feature.feature' }13Your name to display (optional):14Your name to display (optional):15var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');16var fs = require('fs');17var feature = fs.readFileSync('./features/feature.feature', 'utf8');18var result = gherkin.getResult(feature);19console.log(result);20Your name to display (optional):

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');2gherkin.getGherkinResult('test.feature', function(result){3 console.log(result);4});5var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');6gherkin.getGherkinResult('test.feature', function(result){7 console.log(result);8});9var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');10gherkin.getGherkinResult('test.feature', function(result){11 console.log(result);12});13var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');14gherkin.getGherkinResult('test.feature', function(result){15 console.log(result);16});17var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');18gherkin.getGherkinResult('test.feature', function(result){19 console.log(result);20});21var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');22gherkin.getGherkinResult('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const Cucumber = require('cucumber');2const CucumberGherkin = require('cucumber/lib/gherkin');3const gherkinDocument = CucumberGherkin.default.parse('Feature: this is a feature');4console.log(;5const Cucumber = require('cucumber');6const gherkinDocument = Cucumber.default.getGherkinDocument('Feature: this is a feature');7console.log(;8const CucumberHtmlReport = require('cucumber-html-reporter');9const options = {10 metadata: {11 }12};13CucumberHtmlReport.generate(options);

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Cucumber Tutorial:

LambdaTest offers a detailed Cucumber testing tutorial, explaining its features, importance, best practices, and more to help you get started with running your automation testing scripts.

Cucumber Tutorial Chapters:

Here are the detailed Cucumber testing chapters to help you get started:

  • Importance of Cucumber - Learn why Cucumber is important in Selenium automation testing during the development phase to identify bugs and errors.
  • Setting Up Cucumber in Eclipse and IntelliJ - Learn how to set up Cucumber in Eclipse and IntelliJ.
  • Running First Cucumber.js Test Script - After successfully setting up your Cucumber in Eclipse or IntelliJ, this chapter will help you get started with Selenium Cucumber testing in no time.
  • Annotations in Cucumber - To handle multiple feature files and the multiple scenarios in each file, you need to use functionality to execute these scenarios. This chapter will help you learn about a handful of Cucumber annotations ranging from tags, Cucumber hooks, and more to ease the maintenance of the framework.
  • Automation Testing With Cucumber And Nightwatch JS - Learn how to build a robust BDD framework setup for performing Selenium automation testing by integrating Cucumber into the Nightwatch.js framework.
  • Automation Testing With Selenium, Cucumber & TestNG - Learn how to perform Selenium automation testing by integrating Cucumber with the TestNG framework.
  • Integrate Cucumber With Jenkins - By using Cucumber with Jenkins integration, you can schedule test case executions remotely and take advantage of the benefits of Jenkins. Learn how to integrate Cucumber with Jenkins with this detailed chapter.
  • Cucumber Best Practices For Selenium Automation - Take a deep dive into the advanced use cases, such as creating a feature file, separating feature files, and more for Cucumber testing.

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