How to use TryConvertToEnumerable method of Atata.ObjectConverter class

Best Atata code snippet using Atata.ObjectConverter.TryConvertToEnumerable


Source:ObjectConverter.cs Github


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...25 if (destinationType.IsAssignableFrom(sourceValueType) || underlyingDestinationType.IsAssignableFrom(sourceValueType))26 return sourceValue;27 if (destinationType.IsArray)28 return ConvertToArray(sourceValue, destinationType.GetElementType());29 if (TryConvertToEnumerable(sourceValue, destinationType, out object result))30 return result;31 if (underlyingDestinationType.IsEnum)32 return ConvertToEnum(destinationType, sourceValue);33 else if (underlyingDestinationType == typeof(TimeSpan))34 return ConvertToTimeSpan(sourceValue);35 else if (destinationType == typeof(Type))36 return ConvertToType(sourceValue);37 else38 return ConvertViaSystemConversion(sourceValue, underlyingDestinationType);39 }40 private static Array CreateArrayOfOneElement(Type elementType, object value)41 {42 Array array = Array.CreateInstance(elementType, 1);43 array.SetValue(value, 0);44 return array;45 }46 private static Array CreateArray(Type elementType, IEnumerable<object> enumerable)47 {48 Array array = Array.CreateInstance(elementType, enumerable.Count());49 int i = 0;50 foreach (var item in enumerable)51 {52 array.SetValue(item, i);53 i++;54 }55 return array;56 }57 private static object CreateEnumerable(Type type, object sourceEnumerable)58 {59 return type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IEnumerable<>)60 ? CreateEnumerable(61 typeof(ReadOnlyCollection<>).MakeGenericType(type.GetGenericArguments().First()),62 sourceEnumerable)63 : Activator.CreateInstance(type, sourceEnumerable);64 }65 private static object ConvertToEnum(Type enumType, object value)66 {67 return value is string stringValue68 ? Enum.Parse(enumType, stringValue, true)69 : Enum.ToObject(enumType, value);70 }71 private static TimeSpan ConvertToTimeSpan(object value)72 {73 return value is double || value is int || value is float74 ? TimeSpan.FromSeconds(System.Convert.ToDouble(value))75 : TimeSpan.Parse(value.ToString());76 }77 private static bool TryGetIEnumerableElementType(Type type, out Type elementType)78 {79 var enumerableType = new[] { type }80 .Concat(type.GetInterfaces())81 .FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsGenericType && x.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IEnumerable<>));82 elementType = enumerableType?.GetGenericArguments().First();83 return enumerableType != null;84 }85 private static object ConvertViaSystemConversion(object value, Type destinationType)86 {87 return System.Convert.ChangeType(value, destinationType);88 }89 private object ConvertToArray(object value, Type elementType)90 {91 var originalValueType = value.GetType();92 if (originalValueType.IsArray && originalValueType.GetElementType() == elementType)93 {94 return value;95 }96 else if (originalValueType == elementType)97 {98 return CreateArrayOfOneElement(elementType, value);99 }100 else if (TryGetIEnumerableElementType(originalValueType, out Type originalValueElementType))101 {102 var valueAsEnumerable = ((IEnumerable)value).Cast<object>();103 if (originalValueElementType != elementType)104 valueAsEnumerable = valueAsEnumerable.Select(x => Convert(x, elementType)).ToArray();105 return CreateArray(elementType, valueAsEnumerable);106 }107 else108 {109 var convertedValue = Convert(value, elementType);110 return CreateArrayOfOneElement(elementType, convertedValue);111 }112 }113 private bool TryConvertToEnumerable(object value, Type destinationType, out object result)114 {115 if (typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(destinationType)116 && TryGetIEnumerableElementType(destinationType, out Type destinationElementType)117 && TryGetIEnumerableElementType(value.GetType(), out Type originalValueElementType))118 {119 if (originalValueElementType != destinationElementType)120 {121 var valueAsEnumerable = ((IEnumerable)value)122 .Cast<object>()123 .Select(x => Convert(x, destinationElementType));124 Array valueAsArray = CreateArray(destinationElementType, valueAsEnumerable);125 result = CreateEnumerable(destinationType, valueAsArray);126 }127 else...

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using Atata;7{8 {9 static void Main(string[] args)10 {11 string[] array = { "1", "2", "3" };12 IEnumerable<int> convertedArray = ObjectConverter.Instance.TryConvertToEnumerable<int>(array);13 foreach (int item in convertedArray)14 {15 Console.WriteLine(item);16 }17 Console.ReadLine();18 }19 }20}21public void Method(IEnumerable<string> values)22{23 IEnumerable<int> convertedValues = ObjectConverter.Instance.TryConvertToEnumerable<int>(values);24}25public void Method(IEnumerable<string> values)26{

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using Atata;7{8 {9 static void Main(string[] args)10 {11 List<string> list = new List<string>();12 list.Add("One");13 list.Add("Two");14 list.Add("Three");15 IEnumerable<string> enumerable = ObjectConverter.TryConvertToEnumerable(list);16 if (enumerable is IEnumerable<string>)17 Console.WriteLine("The list is converted to IEnumerable");18 Console.WriteLine("The list is not converted to IEnumerable");19 }20 }21}

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1using System;2using System.Collections;3using System.Collections.Generic;4using System.Linq;5using System.Text;6using System.Threading.Tasks;7using Atata;8{9 {10 static void Main(string[] args)11 {12 var list = new List<string> { "a", "b", "c" };13 var array = new string[] { "a", "b", "c" };14 var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "a", "1" }, { "b", "2" }, { "c", "3" } };15 var listResult = ObjectConverter.TryConvertToEnumerable(list);16 var arrayResult = ObjectConverter.TryConvertToEnumerable(array);17 var dictionaryResult = ObjectConverter.TryConvertToEnumerable(dictionary);18 Console.WriteLine("listResult is {0} and its type is {1}", listResult, listResult.GetType());19 Console.WriteLine("arrayResult is {0} and its type is {1}", arrayResult, arrayResult.GetType());20 Console.WriteLine("dictionaryResult is {0} and its type is {1}", dictionaryResult, dictionaryResult.GetType());21 }22 }23}24using System;25using System.Collections;26using System.Collections.Generic;27using System.Linq;28using System.Text;29using System.Threading.Tasks;30using Atata;31{32 {33 static void Main(string[] args)34 {35 var list = new List<string> { "a", "b", "c" };36 var array = new string[] { "a", "b", "c" };37 var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "a", "1" }, { "b", "2" }, {

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using Atata;7{8 {9 static void Main(string[] args)10 {11 var list = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 };12 var array = new int[] { 4, 5, 6 };13 {14 { 1, "one" },15 { 2, "two" },16 { 3, "three" }17 };18 var listResult = ObjectConverter.TryConvertToEnumerable(list);19 var arrayResult = ObjectConverter.TryConvertToEnumerable(array);20 var dictionaryResult = ObjectConverter.TryConvertToEnumerable(dictionary);21 Console.WriteLine("List Result: " + listResult);22 Console.WriteLine("Array Result: " + arrayResult);23 Console.WriteLine("Dictionary Result: " + dictionaryResult);24 Console.ReadKey();25 }26 }27}

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6{7 {8 static void Main(string[] args)9 {10 var intList = ObjectConverter.TryConvertToEnumerable<int>("1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10");11 Console.WriteLine("Int list: " + string.Join(",", intList));12 var stringList = ObjectConverter.TryConvertToEnumerable<string>("1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10");13 Console.WriteLine("String list: " + string.Join(",", stringList));14 Console.ReadKey();15 }16 }17}

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1using System;2using Atata;3using NUnit.Framework;4{5 {6 public void TryConvertToEnumerable()7 {8 var converter = new ObjectConverter();9 var result = converter.TryConvertToEnumerable("1, 2, 3", out var enumerable);10 result = converter.TryConvertToEnumerable(new[] { 1, 2, 3 }, out enumerable);11 result = converter.TryConvertToEnumerable(new[] { "1", "2", "3" }, out enumerable);12 result = converter.TryConvertToEnumerable(new[] { "1", "2", "3" }, out enumerable, typeof(int));13 result = converter.TryConvertToEnumerable(new[] { "1", "2", "3" }, out enumerable, typeof(int), true);14 result = converter.TryConvertToEnumerable(new[] { "1", "2", "3" }, out enumerable, typeof(int), false);15 }16 }17}18using System;19using Atata;20using NUnit.Framework;21{22 {23 public void TryConvertToDictionary()24 {25 var converter = new ObjectConverter();26 var result = converter.TryConvertToDictionary("1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3", out var dictionary);27 result = converter.TryConvertToDictionary(new[] { 1, 2, 3 }, out dictionary);28 Console.WriteLine(dictionary

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1using Atata;2{3 {4 public _5_TryConvertToEnumerable()5 {6 Go.To<HomePage>()7 .ClickLink("Demo")8 .ClickLink("Try Convert To Enumerable");9 }10 public void _5_TryConvertToEnumerableTest()11 {12 var convertedEnumerable = ObjectConverter.Instance.TryConvertToEnumerable(new [] { "1", "2", "3" });13 convertedEnumerable.Should.Equal(new [] { "1", "2", "3" });14 }15 }16}17using Atata;18{19 {20 public _6_ConvertTo()21 {22 Go.To<HomePage>()23 .ClickLink("Demo")24 .ClickLink("Convert To");25 }26 public void _6_ConvertToTest()27 {28 var convertedObject = ObjectConverter.Instance.ConvertTo(typeof(int), "1");29 convertedObject.Should.Equal(1);30 }31 }32}33using Atata;34{35 {36 public _7_ConvertToT()37 {38 Go.To<HomePage>()39 .ClickLink("Demo")40 .ClickLink("Convert To T");41 }42 public void _7_ConvertToTTest()43 {44 var convertedObject = ObjectConverter.Instance.ConvertTo<int>("1");45 convertedObject.Should.Equal(1);46 }47 }48}49using Atata;50{51 {52 public _8_ConvertToEnumerable()53 {54 Go.To<HomePage>()55 .ClickLink("Demo")56 .ClickLink("Convert To Enumerable");57 }58 public void _8_ConvertToEnumerableTest()59 {60 var convertedEnumerable = ObjectConverter.Instance.ConvertToEnumerable(new [] { "1", "2

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1using Atata;2using System;3using System.Collections.Generic;4using System.Linq;5using System.Text;6using System.Threading.Tasks;7{8 {9 public void _5()10 {11 Go.To<HomePage>().SearchFor("Selenium");12 var searchResults = Go.To<SearchResultsPage>().Results;13 var searchResultsText = searchResults.ConvertToEnumerable<string>();14 foreach (var text in searchResultsText)15 {16 Log.Trace(text);17 }18 }19 }20}21using Atata;22using System;23using System.Collections.Generic;24using System.Linq;25using System.Text;26using System.Threading.Tasks;27{28 using _ = SearchResultsPage;29 [Url("search")]30 [VerifyTitle(TermCase.LowerMerged, Contains = "Google")]31 {32 [FindById("resultStats")]33 public Text<_> ResultCount { get; private set; }34 [FindById("search")]35 public ControlList<SearchResultItem, _> Results { get; private set; }36 }37}38using Atata;39using System;40using System.Collections.Generic;41using System.Linq;42using System.Text;43using System.Threading.Tasks;44{45 using _ = SearchResultItem;46 {47 [FindByClass("r")]48 public Link<SearchResultItem, _> Title { get; private set; }49 [FindByClass("st")]50 public Text<_> Description { get; private set; }51 }52}53using Atata;54using System;55using System.Collections.Generic;56using System.Linq;57using System.Text;58using System.Threading.Tasks;59{60 using _ = HomePage;

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1 public void TestMethod1()2{3 var str = " 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 " ;4 var strArray = str.Split( ',' );5 var intArray = strArray.Select( x => Convert.ToInt32(x)).ToArray();6 var intList = intArray.ToList();7 var intEnumerable = intList.AsEnumerable();8 var intIList = intList.AsReadOnly();9 var intICollection = intList.AsReadOnly();10 var intIReadOnlyList = intList.AsReadOnly();11 var intIReadOnlyCollection = intList.AsReadOnly();12 var intHashSet = intList.ToHashSet();13 var intStack = new Stack<int>(intList);14 var intQueue = new Queue<int>(intList);15 var intLinkedList = new LinkedList<int>(intList);16 var intSortedSet = new SortedSet<int>(intList);17 var intDictionary = intList.ToDictionary(x => x, x => x);18 var intIDictionary = intList.ToDictionary(x => x, x => x);19 var intSortedDictionary = intList.ToDictionary(x => x, x => x);20 var intIReadOnlyDictionary = intList.ToDictionary(x => x, x => x);21 var intISet = intList.ToHashSet();22 var intISet2 = intList.ToHashSet();23 var intISet3 = intList.ToHashSet();24 var intISet4 = intList.ToHashSet();25 var intISet5 = intList.ToHashSet();26 var intISet6 = intList.ToHashSet();27 var intISet7 = intList.ToHashSet();28 var intISet8 = intList.ToHashSet();29 var intISet9 = intList.ToHashSet();30 var intISet10 = intList.ToHashSet();31 var intISet11 = intList.ToHashSet();32 var intISet12 = intList.ToHashSet();33 var intISet13 = intList.ToHashSet();34 var intISet14 = intList.ToHashSet();

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1var value = "1,2,3";2var result = ObjectConverter.TryConvertToEnumerable(value, out IEnumerable<int> convertedValue);3var value = "1,2,3";4var result = ObjectConverter.TryConvertToEnumerable(value, out IEnumerable<string> convertedValue);5var value = "1,2,3";6var result = ObjectConverter.TryConvertToEnumerable(value, out IEnumerable convertedValue);7var value = "1,2,3";8var result = ObjectConverter.TryConvertToEnumerable(value, out IEnumerable<object> convertedValue);9var value = "1,2,3";10var result = ObjectConverter.TryConvertToEnumerable(value, out IEnumerable<string> convertedValue, (s, t) => s);11var value = "1,2,3";12var result = ObjectConverter.TryConvertToEnumerable(value, out IEnumerable<string> convertedValue, (s, t) => s, (s, t) => s);

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