How to use getFreeWorker method in Cypress

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Source:script.js Github


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...79 for (let i=0; i<projects.length; i++){80 81 if(projects[i].getType() == 1){82 83 if(webDepartament.getFreeWorker()>0){84 //console.log("============================")85 webDepartament.transferProject(projects[i])86 projects.splice(i, 1)87 //console.log("Projects transfer")88 }89 else{90 this.invite_worker_web++91 }92 }93 else{94 if(projects[i].getType() == 2){95 96 if(mobileDepartament.getFreeWorker()>0){97 //console.log("============================")98 mobileDepartament.transferProject(projects[i])99 projects.splice(i, 1)100 //console.log("Projects transfer")101 }102 else{103 this.invite_worker_mobile++104 }105 }106 }107 }108 }109}110class Departament{111 static type112 static free_worker113 static itog_project114 constructor(_type){115 this.type = _type116 this.free_worker = 0117 this.itog_project = 0118 }119 invite(){120 this.free_worker++121 }122 transferProject(_project){123 for(let i=0; i<workers.length; i++){124 125 if (workers[i].getType() == _project.getType() && workers[i].getProject()==undefined){126 //console.log("aaa")127 workers[i].addProject(_project)128 this.free_worker--129 break130 131 }132 }133 if (this.free_worker>0){134 for(let i=0; i<workers.length; i++){135 if (workers[i].getProject()!=undefined){136 if(workers[i].getType == 2 && workers[i].getProject().getLvl() == 2 && workers[i].getProject().getQuantity()==1){137 for(let j=0; j<workers.length && workers[i].getProject().getQuantity!=2; j++){138 if(workers[j].getType == 2 && workers[j].getProject() == undefined){139 workers[j].addProject(workers[i].getProject())140 workers[i].getProject().cnahgeQuantity(2)141 workers[j].getProject().cnahgeQuantity(2)142 this.free_worker--143 }144 }145 }146 if(workers[i].getType == 2 && workers[i].getProject().getLvl() == 3 && workers[i].getProject().getQuantity()<3){147 for(let j=0; j<workers.length && workers[i].getProject().getQuantity<3; j++){148 if(workers[j].getType == 2 && workers[j].getProject() == undefined){149 workers[j].addProject(workers[i].getProject())150 workers[i].getProject().cnahgeQuantity(0)151 workers[j].getProject().cnahgeQuantity(0)152 this.free_worker--153 }154 }155 }156 }157 }158 }159 160 161 }162 getFreeWorker(){163 return this.free_worker164 }165 freework(){166 this.free_worker++167 }168 freework_un(){169 this.free_worker--170 }171 getstats(){172 return this.itog_project173 }174 incstats(){175 this.itog_project++176 }177}178var size_id_project = 0179class Project{180 static lvl181 static type182 static id183 static quantity_worker184 185 constructor(_lvl, _type){186 this.lvl = _lvl187 this.type = _type188 = size_id_project189 size_id_project++190 this.quantity_worker = 0191 }192 getLvl(){193 return this.lvl194 }195 getType(){196 return this.type197 }198 joinDay(){199 this.lvl--200 201 if(this.lvl <=0){202 if (this.type ==1){203 webDepartament.incstats()204 }205 if (this.type ==2){206 mobileDepartament.incstats()207 }208 209 return true210 }211 else{212 return false213 }214 }215 cnahgeQuantity(_quantity){216 this.quantity_worker = _quantity217 if (_quantity ==0){218 this.quantity_worker++219 }220 }221 getQuantity(){222 return this.quantity_worker223 }224}225function free_work_web(){226 webDepartament.freework()227}228function free_work_mobile(){229 mobileDepartament.freework()230}231class Worker{232 static project233 static project_stats234 static uval_stats235 static back_day236 constructor(_type){237 this.type = _type238 this.project_stats = 0239 this.uval_stats = 0240 this.back_day = -1241 }242 addProject(_project){243 this.project = _project244 this.project.cnahgeQuantity(1)245 }246 getType(){247 return this.type248 }249 getProject(){250 return this.project251 }252 joinDay(_day){253 let uval = getRandom(0, 20)254 255 //console.log("UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU", uval, this.back_day +1, _day)256 if ((uval > 15 && this.back_day +1 == _day) || (this.back_day==-1 && uval > 18)){257 this.uval_stats++258 259 }260 else{261 this.uval_stats = 0262 }263 this.back_day = _day264 265 if (this.project.joinDay()){266 if (this.type ==1){ //паттерн стратегия267 free_work_web()268 }269 if (this.type ==2){270 free_work_web()271 }272 QADep.addProject(this.project)273 this.project = undefined274 //stats_project++275 this.project_stats++276 }277 }278 getStatsuval(){279 return this.uval_stats280 }281 282}283let instance_QA284class QADepartament {285 static type286 projects287 constructor(_type){288 if (!instance_QA){ //паттерн одиночка289 instance_QA = this290 }291 this.projects = []292 this.type = _type293 return instance_QA294 }295 addProject(_project){296 this.projects.push(_project)297 }298 getProjects(){299 return this.projects300 }301 joinDay(){302 for(let i = 0; i<this.projects.length; i++){303 stats_project++304 this.projects.splice(i, 1)305 }306 }307}308var stats_project = 0309var stats_uval = 0310var stats_invite = 0311const direct = new Direct()312let projects = []313const workers = []314const webDepartament = new Departament(1)315const mobileDepartament = new Departament(2)316const QADep = new QADepartament(3)317const start = (k)=>{318 for(let i=0; i<k; i++){319 320 direct.invite()321 322 323 projects= projects.concat(direct.getProject())324 direct.unvite()325 direct.transferProject()326 //console.log("DAY:", i+1)327 //console.log("Projects: ", projects.length, workers.length)328 329 for(let j=0; j<workers.length; j++){330 //console.log(j, workers[j].getProject(), workers.length)331 if(workers[j].getProject()!=undefined){332 workers[j].joinDay(i)333 //console.log(j, workers[j].getProject())334 }335 }336 QADep.joinDay()337 }338 //console.log(stats_project, projects.length)339 //console.log(webDepartament.getstats(), mobileDepartament.getstats(), workers)340 console.log("Уволенных сотрудников: ", stats_uval)341 //console.log(webDepartament.getFreeWorker())342 //console.log(QADep.getProjects().length)343 console.log("Выполненных проектов: ", stats_project)344 console.log("Принятых сотрудников: ", stats_invite)...

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Source:d10.httpbroker.js Github


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...125 loop = null;126 }127 return;128 }129 var freeworker = this.getFreeWorker();130 if (freeworker) {131 requests_count++;132 if (config.debug && {133 debug("Request ", requests_count);134 }135 freeworker.request(cache.pop(), requests_count);136 }137 if (loop == null && cache.length && this.getFreeWorker()) {138 setTimeout(function (me) {; }, 20, this);139 return;140 }141 if (loop == null && cache.length > 0) {142 loop = window.setInterval(function (me) {; },143 300,144 this);145 }146 }147 this.getFreeWorker = function () {148 for (var index in http) {149 if (http[index].active() < 1) {150 return http[index];151 }...

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Source:sjclWorkerInclude.js Github


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...32 };33 var workers = new WorkerManager("sjclWorker", 1, addEntropy);34 var sjclWorker = {35 hash: function (toHash, callback) {36 workers.getFreeWorker(function (err, worker) {37 var data = {38 isHash: true,39 toHash: toHash40 };41 worker.postMessage(data, callback);42 }); 43 },44 asym: {45 generateCryptKey: function (curve, callback) {46 if (typeof curve === "function") {47 callback = curve;48 curve = undefined;49 }50 workers.getFreeWorker(function (err, worker) {51 var data = {52 asym: true,53 generate: true,54 crypt: true55 };56 if (curve) {57 data.curve = curve;58 }59 worker.postMessage(data, callback);60 });61 },62 generateSignKey: function (callback, curve) {63 workers.getFreeWorker(function (err, worker) {64 var data = {65 asym: true,66 generate: true,67 crypt: false,68 curve: curve69 };70 worker.postMessage(data, callback);71 });72 },73 kem: function (publicKey, callback) {74 workers.getFreeWorker(function (err, worker) {75 var data = {76 asym: true,77 generate: false,78 action: "kem",79 curve: chelper.getCurveName(publicKey._curve),80 x: publicKey._point.x.toString(),81 y: publicKey._point.y.toString()82 };83 worker.postMessage(data, callback);84 });85 },86 unkem: function (privateKey, tag, callback) {87 workers.getFreeWorker(function (err, worker) {88 var data = {89 asym: true,90 generate: false,91 action: "unkem",92 curve: chelper.getCurveName(privateKey._curve),93 exponent: privateKey._exponent.toString(),94 tag: chelper.bits2hex(tag)95 };96 worker.postMessage(data, callback);97 });98 },99 sign: function (privateKey, toSign, callback) {100 workers.getFreeWorker(function (err, worker) {101 var data = {102 asym: true,103 generate: false,104 action: "sign",105 curve: chelper.getCurveName(privateKey._curve),106 exponent: privateKey._exponent.toString(),107 toSign: chelper.bits2hex(toSign)108 };109 worker.postMessage(data, callback);110 });111 },112 verify: function (publicKey, signature, hash, callback) {113 workers.getFreeWorker(function (err, worker) {114 var data = {115 asym: true,116 generate: false,117 action: "verify",118 curve: chelper.getCurveName(publicKey._curve),119 point: {120 x: publicKey._point.x.toString(),121 y: publicKey._point.y.toString()122 },123 signature: chelper.bits2hex(signature),124 hash: chelper.bits2hex(hash)125 };126 worker.postMessage(data, callback);127 });128 }129 },130 sym: {131 encrypt: function (key, message, iv, callback) {132 workers.getFreeWorker(function (err, worker) {133 var data = {134 "key": key,135 "message": message,136 "iv": iv,137 "asym": false,138 "encrypt": true139 };140 worker.postMessage(data, callback);141 });142 },143 decrypt: function (key, message, callback) {144 workers.getFreeWorker(function (err, worker) {145 var data = {146 "key": key,147 "message": message,148 "asym": false,149 "encrypt": false150 };151 worker.postMessage(data, callback);152 });153 }154 }155 };156 return sjclWorker;...

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Source:worker-pool.js Github


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...63 // }64 // }65 cleanup () {66 clearTimeout(this.cleanupTimer);67 const worker = this.getFreeWorker();68 if (worker) {69 worker.end();70 this.cleanupTimer = setTimeout(this.cleanup.bind(this), 100);71 }72 }73 getFreeWorker () {74 return this.freeWorkers.pop();75 }76 addWorker () {77 if (this.workers.length >= this.concurrency) return;78 const worker = this.runInBand ? require(this.workerPath) : new Worker(this.workerPath, {79 enableWorkerThreads: true,80 numWorkers: 181 // maxRetries: 082 });83 this.workers.push(worker);84 return worker;85 }86 enqueue (item) {87 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {88 if (this.queue.push({ item, resolve, reject }) === 1) {89 this.process();90 }91 });92 }93 async process () {94 clearTimeout(this.cleanupTimer);95 if (!this.queue.length) {96 this.cleanupTimer = setTimeout(this.cleanup.bind(this), 100);97 return;98 }99 const worker = this.getFreeWorker() || this.addWorker();100 if (!worker) {101 console.log('queue full');102 return;103 }104 const { item, resolve, reject } = this.queue.pop();105 try {106 const result = await worker.process(item);107 resolve(result);108 } catch (e) {109 reject(e);110 }111 this.freeWorkers.unshift(worker);112 this.process();113 }114}115// class MockWorkerPool extends WorkerPool {116// constructor(options) {117// super({118// ...options,119// concurrency: 1120// });121// }122// getFreeWorker() {123// return require(this.workerPath);124// }125// }...

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Source:workmgr.js Github


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...9 this._js = js; // the js file10 this._num = num; // max num worker11 this._domsg = domsg; // the function to handle message (m)=>{}12 }13 getFreeWorker(delay_ms_if_new_worker, callback) {14 let ret = null;15 // 找到 jobs 数量最少的 worker 16 this._workers.forEach((wk)=>{17 if (helper.isNullOrUndefined(ret)) {18 ret = wk;19 } else {20 if (Object.keys( < Object.keys( {21 ret = wk;22 }23 }24 });25 //helper.log("[workmgr:getFreeWorker] find ret:", ret);26 // 判断是否需要创建新的 worker27 let need_create_worker = false;...

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Source:sjclMainThread.js Github


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...33 var workers = new WorkerManager("../app/encryption/webworker/sjclWorker", 2, addEntropy);34 var sjclWorker = {35 sym: {36 encrypt: function (content, mimeType, password, isBinary, callback) {37 workers.getFreeWorker(function (err, worker) {38 var message = {39 "password": password,40 "mimeType": mimeType,41 "content": content,42 "isBinary": isBinary,43 "encrypt": true44 };45 var tranferable = [];46 if (content instanceof ArrayBuffer ){47 tranferable.push(content);48 }49 worker.postMessage(message, tranferable, callback);50 });51 },52 decrypt: function (encryptedContent, password, callback) {53 workers.getFreeWorker(function (err, worker) {54 var message = {55 "password": password,56 "encryptedContent": encryptedContent,57 "decrypt": true58 };59 worker.postMessage(message, [encryptedContent], callback);60 });61 }62 }63 };64 return sjclWorker;...

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Source:testManager.js Github


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...49 * Grab a free worker50 * param { }51 * return { }52 */53function getFreeWorker() {54 return workerPool.shift();55}56/**57 * Run the test58 * param { }59 * return { }60 */61const runTest = (config, worker) => {62 const tid = util.genKey('tid');63 worker.postMessage({...config, tid});64 worker.once('message', (message) => {65 if(message === 'done') {66 workerPool.push(worker);67 }...

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Source:workerManager.js Github


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...52 count: this.workers.length,53 })54 for (const task of tasks) {55 const { type } = task56 const worker = getFreeWorker(type)57 if (!!worker) worker.start(task)58 await sleep(1)59 }60 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('My First Test', function() {2 it('Gets, types and asserts', function() {3 cy.getFreeWorker().then((freeWorker) => {4 cy.log(freeWorker);5 });6 });7});8Cypress.Commands.add('getFreeWorker', () => {9 return cy.request({10 url: Cypress.env('workers_url'),11 headers: {12 },13 });14});15{16 "env": {17 }18}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { getFreeWorker } = require('cypress/lib/plugins/child/run_plugins')2const worker = getFreeWorker()3worker.send({ type: 'run', options: {} })4const { getFreeWorker } = require('cypress/lib/plugins/child/run_plugins')5const worker = getFreeWorker()6worker.send({ type: 'run', options: {} })7const { getFreeWorker } = require('cypress/lib/plugins/child/run_plugins')8const worker = getFreeWorker()9worker.send({ type: 'run', options: {} })10const { getFreeWorker } = require('cypress/lib/plugins/child/run_plugins')11const worker = getFreeWorker()12worker.send({ type: 'run', options: {} })13const { getFreeWorker } = require('cypress/lib/plugins/child/run_plugins')14const worker = getFreeWorker()15worker.send({ type: 'run', options: {} })16const { getFreeWorker } = require('cypress/lib/plugins/child/run_plugins')17const worker = getFreeWorker()18worker.send({ type: 'run', options: {} })19const { getFreeWorker } = require('cypress/lib/plugins/child/run_plugins')20const worker = getFreeWorker()21worker.send({ type: 'run', options: {} })22const { getFreeWorker } = require('cypress/lib/plugins/child/run_plugins')23const worker = getFreeWorker()24worker.send({ type: 'run', options: {} })25const { getFreeWorker } = require('cypress/lib/plugins/child/run_plugins')26const worker = getFreeWorker()27worker.send({ type: 'run', options: {} })28const { get

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker1')2const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker2')3const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker3')4const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker4')5const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker5')6const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker6')7const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker7')8const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker8')9const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker9')10const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker10')11const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker11')12const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker12')13const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker13')14const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker14')15const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker15')16const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker16')17const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker17')18const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker18')19const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker19')20const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker20')21const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker21')22const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker22')23const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker23')24const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker24')25const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker25')26const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker26')27const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker27')28const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker28')29const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker29')30const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker30')31const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker('worker31')

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Using AI Code Generation


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1cy.getFreeWorker().then((freeWorker) => {2{ action: 'test' }).then((response) => {3 console.log(response);4 });5});6const { startDevServer } = require('@cypress/webpack-dev-server');7const webpackConfig = require('../../webpack.config.js');8const { initPlugin } = require('cypress-plugin-snapshots/plugin');9const { initPlugin: initPluginWorker } = require('cypress-plugin-workers/plugin');10module.exports = (on, config) => {11 initPlugin(on, config);12 initPluginWorker(on, config);13 on('dev-server:start', (options) => {14 return startDevServer({ options, webpackConfig });15 });16};17import 'cypress-plugin-snapshots/commands';18import 'cypress-plugin-workers/commands';

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const worker = Cypress.getFreeWorker()2worker.task('getFreeWorker').then((worker) => {3 console.log(worker)4})5const { startDevServer } = require('@cypress/webpack-dev-server')6const webpackConfig = require('../../webpack.config')7const { getFreeWorker } = require('@cypress/webpack-preprocessor')8module.exports = (on, config) => {9 on('dev-server:start', (options) => {10 return startDevServer({ options, webpackConfig })11 })12 on('task', {13 })14}15import '@cypress/react/hooks'16import '@cypress/react/support'17import '@cypress/webpack-preprocessor'18Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', (err, runnable) => {19})20Cypress.on('window:before:load', (win) => {21})22Cypress.Commands.add('getFreeWorker', () => {23 cy.task('getFreeWorker')24})25Cypress.Commands.add('getFreeWorker', () => {26 cy.task('getFreeWorker')27})28describe('Free Worker', () => {29 it('should return a free worker', () => {30 cy.getFreeWorker().then((worker) => {31 expect(worker) })33 })34})35{ id: 1, isBusy: false }36{ id: 1, isBusy: false }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const getFreeWorker = () => {2 const workers = Cypress._.filter(Cypress.runner.state('workers'), worker => {3 return !worker.isBusy()4 })5 if (workers.length > 0) {6 return Promise.resolve(workers[0])7 } else {8 return new Promise(resolve => {9 Cypress.runner.on('worker:busy', () => {10 const freeWorker = getFreeWorker()11 if (freeWorker) {12 resolve(freeWorker)13 }14 })15 })16 }17}18Cypress.Commands.add('getFreeWorker', getFreeWorker)19describe('test', () => {20 it('test', () => {21 cy.getFreeWorker().then(worker => {22 cy.wrap(worker).invoke('isBusy').should('be.false')23 })24 })25})26I am trying to use cy.getFreeWorker() in a custom command but the command fails with “TypeError: Cannot read property ‘state’ of undefined”. I have tried to use cy.then() but I get the same error. Any ideas how to get around this?

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Cypress Tutorial

Cypress is a renowned Javascript-based open-source, easy-to-use end-to-end testing framework primarily used for testing web applications. Cypress is a relatively new player in the automation testing space and has been gaining much traction lately, as evidenced by the number of Forks (2.7K) and Stars (42.1K) for the project. LambdaTest’s Cypress Tutorial covers step-by-step guides that will help you learn from the basics till you run automation tests on LambdaTest.


  1. What is Cypress? -
  2. Why Cypress? - Learn why Cypress might be a good choice for testing your web applications.
  3. Features of Cypress Testing - Learn about features that make Cypress a powerful and flexible tool for testing web applications.
  4. Cypress Drawbacks - Although Cypress has many strengths, it has a few limitations that you should be aware of.
  5. Cypress Architecture - Learn more about Cypress architecture and how it is designed to be run directly in the browser, i.e., it does not have any additional servers.
  6. Browsers Supported by Cypress - Cypress is built on top of the Electron browser, supporting all modern web browsers. Learn browsers that support Cypress.
  7. Selenium vs Cypress: A Detailed Comparison - Compare and explore some key differences in terms of their design and features.
  8. Cypress Learning: Best Practices - Take a deep dive into some of the best practices you should use to avoid anti-patterns in your automation tests.
  9. How To Run Cypress Tests on LambdaTest? - Set up a LambdaTest account, and now you are all set to learn how to run Cypress tests.


You can elevate your expertise with end-to-end testing using the Cypress automation framework and stay one step ahead in your career by earning a Cypress certification. Check out our Cypress 101 Certification.


Watch this 3 hours of complete tutorial to learn the basics of Cypress and various Cypress commands with the Cypress testing at LambdaTest.

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