How to use getIconFilename method in Cypress

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Source:download-image.js Github


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1// The modules2const urlp = require("url");3const http = require("http");4const https = require("https");5const path = require("path");6const fs = require("fs");7const sharp = require("sharp");8// The src9const storeErr = require("./store-err");10const request = require("./request");11// The dirs12const __TMPDIR = `${__dirname}/../temp/icons`;13const __OUTDIR = `${__dirname}/../../server/public/auto/icons`;14// The function15function icon (url, cb) {16 let siteType = getSiteType(url);17 if(siteType === "http") {18 let request = http.get(url, function (res) {19 let body = "";20 // Sets the enctype to binary21 res.setEncoding("binary");22 // Handles the data23 res.on("data", function (chunk) {24 body += chunk;25 });26 // Handles the end27 res.on("end", function () {28 let filename = getIconFileName(url);29 let outfile = `${filename.substring(0, filename.length - 4)}.jpg`;30 fs.writeFile(path.resolve(`${__TMPDIR}/${filename}`), body, "binary", function(err) {31 processIcon(filename, outfile).then(function () {32 cb(null, outfile);33 }).catch(function (err) {34 cb(err, null);35 });36 });37 });38 }).on("error", function (error) {39 request.abort();40 storeErr.appendFile(error);41 cb(error, null);42 }).on("timeout", function () {43 request.abort();44 cb(new Error("Timeout in request."), null);45 });46 } else if(siteType === "https") {47 let request = https.get(url, function (res) {48 let body = "";49 // Sets the enctype to binary50 res.setEncoding("binary");51 // Handles the data52 res.on("data", function (chunk) {53 body += chunk;54 });55 // Handles the end56 res.on("end", function () {57 let filename = getIconFileName(url);58 let outfile = `${filename.substring(0, filename.length - 4)}.jpg`;59 fs.writeFile(path.resolve(`${__TMPDIR}/${filename}`), body, "binary", function(err) {60 processIcon(filename, outfile).then(function () {61 cb(null, outfile);62 }).catch(function (err) {63 cb(err, null);64 });65 });66 });67 }).on("error", function (error) {68 request.abort();69 storeErr.appendFile(error);70 cb(error, null);71 }).on("timeout", function () {72 request.abort();73 cb(new Error("Timeout in request."), null);74 });75 } else {76 cb(new Error("Invalid file type"), null);77 }78}79// The url type function80function getSiteType(url) {81 if(url) {82 if (url.includes("https://")) {83 return "https";84 } else if (url.includes("http://")) {85 return "http"86 } else {87 return "none"88 }89 } else {90 return "none";91 }92}93// Processes the file94async function processIcon(filename, output, cb) {95 await sharp(path.resolve(`${__TMPDIR}/${filename}`))96 .resize(20, 20)97 .toFile(path.resolve(`${__OUTDIR}/${output}`))98 await fs.unlinkSync(path.resolve(`${__TMPDIR}/${filename}`));99}100// Gets the file name101function getIconFileName (url) {102 let urld = urlp.parse(url, true);103 let before = `${urld.protocol}//${urld.hostname}${urld.pathname}`;104 // Gets the extension105 if(before.substring(before.length, before.length - 4) === ".jpg") {106 return `${urld.hostname.split(".").join("-")}-${}.jpg`;107 } else if(before.substring(before.length, before.length - 4) === ".png") {108 return `${urld.hostname.split(".").join("-")}-${}.png`;109 } else if(before.substring(before.length, before.length - 4) === ".gif") {110 return `${urld.hostname.split(".").join("-")}-${}.gif`;111 }else if(before.substring(before.length, before.length - 4) === ".ico") {112 return `${urld.hostname.split(".").join("-")}-${}.ico`;113 }114}115// Exports...

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Source:index.js Github


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...40 if (BUNDLE) {41 return Promise.reject(new Error("Cannot process data URI in bundle-mode"));42 }43 const readIconProcess = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {44 const iconFilename = getIconFilename(domain, opts);45 fs.readFile(iconFilename, (err, buff) => {46 if (err) {47 return reject(err);48 }49 resolve(buff);50 });51 });52 return readIconProcess.then(iconData => encodeDataURI(iconData, "image/png"));53}54/**55 * @typedef {Object} IconDetails56 * @property {String} filename The full path of the icon file57 * @property {Boolean} isDefault Whether the icon is the default icon or not58 */59/**60 * Get icon details for a domain61 * @param {String|null} domain The domain to get icon details for. Pass null or undefined62 * to automatically fetch the default icon63 * @param {IconOptions=} param1 Options for getting the icon64 * @returns {IconDetails} Icon details65 * @memberof module:Iconographer66 */67function getIconDetails(domain, { greyscale = false } = {}) {68 const { domains, match } = require("../resources/index.json");69 const domainKey = domain ? findMatchingDomain(domain, Object.keys(domains), match) : domain;70 let filename,71 isDefault = !(domainKey && domains[domainKey]);72 if (!isDefault) {73 const { filename: imageFilename, filenameGreyscale: imageFilenameGrey } = domains[domainKey];74 filename = greyscale ? imageFilenameGrey : imageFilename;75 } else {76 filename = greyscale ? "default.grey.png" : "default.png";77 }78 filename = BUNDLE ? path.join("dist/images", filename) : path.resolve(__dirname, "../resources/images/", filename);79 return {80 filename,81 isDefault82 };83}84/**85 * Get the filename of an icon for a domain86 * @param {String} domain The domain87 * @param {IconOptions=} opts Options for getting the icon88 * @returns {String} The icon filename89 * @memberof module:Iconographer90 */91function getIconFilename(domain, opts) {92 return getIconDetails(domain, opts).filename;93}94/**95 * Return the path to the resources directory96 * @returns {String} The path97 * @memberof module:Iconographer98 */99function getResourcesPath() {100 if (BUNDLE) {101 return null;102 }103 return path.resolve(__dirname, "../resources");104}105/**...

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Source:index.spec.js Github


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...34 });35 });36 describe("getIconFilename", function() {37 it("returns the correct filename for existing domains", function() {38 const filename = getIconFilename("");39 expect(filename).to.match(/qq_com\.png$/);40 });41 it("returns the correct filename for existing domains in greyscale", function() {42 const filename = getIconFilename("", { greyscale: true });43 expect(filename).to.match(/qq_com\.grey\.png$/);44 });45 it("returns the correct filename for existing domains when tested from a subdomain", function() {46 const filename = getIconFilename("");47 expect(filename).to.match(/qq_com\.png$/);48 });49 it("returns the correct filename for non-existing domains", function() {50 const filename = getIconFilename("");51 expect(filename).to.match(/default\.png$/);52 });53 });54 describe("iconExists", function() {55 it("returns true for existing icons", function() {56 expect(iconExists(""));57 });58 it("returns true for existing icons on subdomains", function() {59 expect(iconExists(""));60 });61 it("returns false for non-existing icons", function() {62 expect(iconExists(""));63 });64 });...

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Source:ToursItem.js Github


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1import React from 'react';2import Link from 'next/link';3import { object } from 'prop-types';4import { Routes } from '../../../settings';5import { LocalizationContext } from '../../../context';6const ToursItem = ({ name, id, region, visitTime, description, visitTimeType, transports, baseImagePath, cost, tourCategory }) => {7 const getIconFileName = (index) => {8 return [ '', 'icon-afoot.svg','icon-car.svg','icon-bus.svg','icon-afoot.svg','icon-afoot.svg',][index];9 }10 if (Array.isArray(transports) && transports.length > 3) {11 transports = transports.slice(0,3)12 }13 return (14 <LocalizationContext.Consumer>15 {16 ({localization}) => (17 <li className="tours-item">18 <div className="tours-item-img">19 <img src={baseImagePath} />20 </div>21 22 <div className="tours-item-wrapper">23 <div className="tours-item-title">24 <Link href={`${}/${id}/${name}`} as={`${}/${id}/${name}`}>25 <a><h3 className="tours-item-title-text">{name}</h3></a>26 </Link>27 </div>28 <div className="tours-item-info">29 <span className="tours-item-info-tag">{tourCategory}</span>30 <span className="tours-item-info-region">{region}</span>31 </div>32 <p className="tours-item-text">{description}</p>33 </div>34 35 <div className="tours-item-details">36 <table>37 <tbody>38 <tr>39 <td>{localization.tourCost}: </td>40 <td>41 <span className="tours-item-details-duration">{visitTime} {[localization.guidesHour, localization.guidesDay][visitTimeType -1]}</span>42 </td>43 </tr>44 <tr>45 <td>{cost}</td>46 <td>47 <span>48 { Array.isArray(transports) &&, idx) => {49 return <img key={idx} src={`/static/images/icons/${getIconFileName(}`} alt="" style={{paddingRight:'10px'}}/>50 })51 }52 </span>53 </td>54 </tr>55 </tbody>56 57 </table>58 </div>59 </li>60 )61 }62 </LocalizationContext.Consumer>63 )64}...

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Source:MiddleBlock.jsx Github


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1import '../../css/middleBlockStyle.css';2import React from 'react';3import { connect } from 'react-redux';4import PropTypes from 'prop-types';5import cn from 'classnames';6import { getIconFileName, transformDegrees } from '../utils';7const getDescription = (text, mode) => {8 const textMapping = {9 loading: 'Загрузка данных...',10 failure: 'Не удалось загрузить данные',11 geolocation_failure: 'Не удалось определить местоположение',12 };13 return textMapping[mode] ? textMapping[mode] : text;14};15const mapStateToProps = (state) => {16 const { weatherData, degreesType, appMode } = state;17 return { weatherData, degreesType, appMode };18};19const MiddleBlock = (props) => {20 const { weatherData: { icon: iconId, temp, description }, degreesType, appMode } = props;21 const tempValue = `${degreesType === 'Celsius' ? temp : transformDegrees(temp)}°`;22 const iconFileName = `img/${getIconFileName(iconId)}.png`;23 const isWarning = appMode === 'loading'24 || appMode === 'failure'25 || appMode === 'geolocation_failure';26 const descriptionClass = cn('weather-desc', 'description-font', { 'warning-text': isWarning });27 return (28 <div className="info-area-item middle-block">29 <div className="main-block">30 <img className="weather-picture picture-size" src={iconFileName} alt="weather" data-testid="weather-icon" />31 <div className="temp-font temp" data-testid="temp">{tempValue}</div>32 </div>33 <div className={descriptionClass} data-testid="description">34 {getDescription(description, appMode)}35 </div>36 </div>37 );38};39MiddleBlock.propTypes = {40 weatherData: PropTypes.shape({41 icon: PropTypes.string,42 temp: PropTypes.number,43 description: PropTypes.string,44 }).isRequired,45 degreesType: PropTypes.string.isRequired,46 appMode: PropTypes.string.isRequired,47};...

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Source:Icon.js Github


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1import React from 'react';2import PropTypes from 'prop-types';3import Classnames from 'classnames';4export const iconContext = require.context("images/icons", true, /\.(png|jpg|svg)$/);5const Size = Object.freeze({6 SMALL: 'small',7 MEDIUM: 'medium',8 LARGE: 'large',9 XLARGE: 'x-large',10 MASSIVE: 'massive',11});12class Icon extends React.PureComponent {13 static get Size() {14 return Size;15 }16 getIconFileName() {17 if (this.props.color) {18 return `./${}-${this.props.color}.svg`;19 }20 return `./${}.svg`;21 }22 getIconClassName() {23 if (this.props.color) {24 return `--icon-${}-${this.props.color}`;25 }26 return `--icon-${}`;27 }28 render() {29 const classes = Classnames({30 'icon': true,31 [this.getIconClassName()]: true,32 [`--${this.props.size}`]: !!this.props.size,33 });34 const styles = ? : {};35 if (this.props.rotate) {36 styles.transform = `rotate(${this.props.rotate}deg)`;37 }38 styles.backgroundImage = `url(${iconContext(this.getIconFileName())})`;39 return (40 <i className={classes} style={styles} />41 );42 }43}44Icon.defaultProps = {45 size: Size.SMALL,46}47Icon.propTypes = {48 name: PropTypes.string.isRequired,49 rotate: PropTypes.number,50 size: PropTypes.oneOf(Object.values(Size)),51 color: PropTypes.string,52}...

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Source:entry-icon.js Github


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...27 return;28 }29 const url = getEntryURL(entry);30 const domain = url ? extractDomain(url) : null;31 setIcon(getIconFilename(domain));32 });33 return (34 <IconWrapper big={big}>35 <img src={icon} />36 </IconWrapper>37 );38};39EntryIcon.propTypes = {40 big: PropTypes.bool,41 entry: PropTypes.object42};...

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Source:utils.js Github


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1export default function getIconFileName(type, isLightIcon) {2 return `icon-${type}${isLightIcon ? '-light' : ''}`;...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { getIconFilename } = require('cypress')2getIconFilename('check-circle')3getIconFilename('check-circle', 'solid')4getIconFilename('check-circle', 'regular')5getIconFilename('check-circle', 'light')6getIconFilename('check-circle', 'duotone')7const { getIconFilename } = require('cypress')8getIconFilename('check-circle')9getIconFilename('check-circle', 'solid')10getIconFilename('check-circle', 'regular')11getIconFilename('check-circle', 'light')12getIconFilename('check-circle', 'duotone')13const { getIconFilename } = require('cypress')14getIconFilename('check-circle')15getIconFilename('check-circle', 'solid')16getIconFilename('check-circle', 'regular')17getIconFilename('check-circle', 'light')18getIconFilename('check-circle', 'duotone')19const { getIconFilename } = require('cypress')20getIconFilename('check-circle')21getIconFilename('check-circle', 'solid')22getIconFilename('check-circle', 'regular')23getIconFilename('check-circle', 'light')24getIconFilename('check-circle', 'duotone')25const { getIconFilename } = require('cypress')

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('Test Cypress.Blob.getIconFilename', function() {2 it('Test getIconFilename', function() {3 cy.get('input[type="file"]').attachFile('test.png')4 cy.get('.network-put').click()5 cy.get('.network-put').should((xhr) => {6 expect(xhr)'status', 200)7 cy.readFile('cypress/fixtures/test.png', 'base64').then((fileContent) => {8 Cypress.Blob.getIconFilename(fileContent).then((iconFilename) => {9 expect(iconFilename).to.equal('image.png')10 })11 })12 })13 })14})15describe('Test Cypress.Blob.getIconFilename', function() {16 it('Test getIconFilename', function() {17 cy.get('input[type="file"]').attachFile('test.png')18 cy.get('.network-put').click()19 cy.get('.network-put').should((xhr) => {20 expect(xhr)'status', 200)21 cy.readFile('cypress/fixtures/test.png', 'base64').then((fileContent) => {22 Cypress.Blob.getIconFilename(fileContent).then((iconFilename) => {23 expect(iconFilename).to.equal('image.png')24 })25 })26 })27 })28})29Cypress.Commands.add('attachFile', { prevSubject: 'element' }, (subject, fileName, fileType = '') => {30 cy.log('Attaching file ' + fileName + ' to element')31 return cy.fixture(fileName, 'base64').then(Cypress.Blob.base64StringToBlob).then((blob) => {32 const testFile = new File([blob], fileName, { type: fileType })33 const dataTransfer = new DataTransfer()34 dataTransfer.items.add(testFile)35 })36})37{

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Cypress.Blob.getIconFilename('cypress.png').then((filename) => {2 cy.log(filename)3})4Cypress.Blob.getIconFilename = (iconName) => {5 const iconPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'fixtures', iconName)6 return Cypress.Blob.base64StringToBlob(Cypress.Blob.readBlob(iconPath, 'base64'))7}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('Test', () => {2 it('should work', () => {3 cy.getIconFilename('iconName').then((fileName) => {4 cy.log(fileName);5 });6 });7});8Cypress.Commands.add('getIconFilename', (iconName) => {9 return cy.readFile(10 `node_modules/@salesforce-ux/design-system/assets/icons/${iconName}-sprite/svg/symbols.svg`11 );12});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Cypress.Blob.getIconFilename('download.png').then((filename) => {2 cy.log(filename);3});4Cypress.Blob.getIconFilename = (iconName) => {5 return cy.readFile(`cypress/fixtures/icons/${iconName}`, 'base64');6};7{8 "staticFiles": {9 {"folder": "cypress/fixtures/icons", "url": "/icons", "options": {"index": false}}10 }11}12describe('Test', () => {13 it('test', () => {14 cy.get('[data-cy=download-csv]').then((element) => {15 const href = element.attr('href');16 const filename = href.substring(href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);17 cy.request(`/icons/${filename}`).then((response) => {18 cy.wrap(response.body).should('equal', Cypress.Blob.getIconFilename(filename));19 });20 });21 });22});23describe('Test', () => {24 it('test', () => {25 cy.get('[data-cy=download-csv]').then((element) => {26 const href = element.attr('href');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1cy.task('log', 'hello world')2cy.task('log', { foo: 'bar' })3module.exports = (on, config) => {4 on('task', {5 log (message) {6 console.log(message)7 },8 })9}10cy.on('log:added', (attrs, log) => {11 if (log.get('name') === 'log') {12 console.log(log.get('message'))13 }14})15module.exports = (on, config) => {16 on('task', {17 log (message) {18 console.log(message)19 },20 })21}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const iconFilename = getIconFilename('icon-1');2cy.fixture(iconFilename).then((icon) => {3 cy.get('.icon-1').matchImageSnapshot({4 customDiffConfig: { threshold: 0.0 },5 onBeforeScreenshot: (contentWindow) => {6 contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML = icon;7 },8 });9});10import { getIconFilename } from '../../test';11Cypress.Commands.add('getIconFilename', (iconName) => {12 return getIconFilename(iconName);13});14{15 "reporterOptions": {16 },17 "env": {18 }19}20const { addMatchImageSnapshotPlugin } = require('cypress-image-snapshot/plugin');21module.exports = (on, config) => {

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Cypress Tutorial

Cypress is a renowned Javascript-based open-source, easy-to-use end-to-end testing framework primarily used for testing web applications. Cypress is a relatively new player in the automation testing space and has been gaining much traction lately, as evidenced by the number of Forks (2.7K) and Stars (42.1K) for the project. LambdaTest’s Cypress Tutorial covers step-by-step guides that will help you learn from the basics till you run automation tests on LambdaTest.


  1. What is Cypress? -
  2. Why Cypress? - Learn why Cypress might be a good choice for testing your web applications.
  3. Features of Cypress Testing - Learn about features that make Cypress a powerful and flexible tool for testing web applications.
  4. Cypress Drawbacks - Although Cypress has many strengths, it has a few limitations that you should be aware of.
  5. Cypress Architecture - Learn more about Cypress architecture and how it is designed to be run directly in the browser, i.e., it does not have any additional servers.
  6. Browsers Supported by Cypress - Cypress is built on top of the Electron browser, supporting all modern web browsers. Learn browsers that support Cypress.
  7. Selenium vs Cypress: A Detailed Comparison - Compare and explore some key differences in terms of their design and features.
  8. Cypress Learning: Best Practices - Take a deep dive into some of the best practices you should use to avoid anti-patterns in your automation tests.
  9. How To Run Cypress Tests on LambdaTest? - Set up a LambdaTest account, and now you are all set to learn how to run Cypress tests.


You can elevate your expertise with end-to-end testing using the Cypress automation framework and stay one step ahead in your career by earning a Cypress certification. Check out our Cypress 101 Certification.


Watch this 3 hours of complete tutorial to learn the basics of Cypress and various Cypress commands with the Cypress testing at LambdaTest.

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