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How can we handle web-based pop-ups using Selenium?

To handle web-based pop-ups using Selenium, use the built-in methods and functionality provided by the WebDriver class. The following approach is general and can be used to handle different types of pop-ups:

  • Alert pop-ups: Alert pop-ups are simple messages that appear on your screen and require you to click an OK button or confirm an action. You can use the switch_to.alert method to switch the driver's focus to an alert and then use the accept() method to accept it or dismiss() method to dismiss it.
  • Confirmation pop-ups: Confirmation pop-ups require a user's confirmation by choosing between two options: "OK" and "Cancel." You can handle them similarly to alert pop-ups using the accept() and dismiss() methods.
  • Prompt pop-ups: Prompt pop-ups allow users to enter text input and then confirm or cancel the prompt. To handle prompt pop-ups, you can use the send_keys() method to enter text and then use the accept() or dismiss() methods to confirm or cancel the prompt.

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