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How to copy and paste from your local system to a remote system in real-time testing?

To copy and paste from your local to a remote system in real-time testing, use Ctrl + C / Ctrl +V shortcuts for Windows and Linux. For macOS, you can use Cmd + C / Cmd + V shortcuts. The same thing isn't applicable when you want to transfer the copied content to your local machine.

However, the above general shortcuts will only function when you wish to test copy-paste functionality from your local system to a remote system. When you copy something, your selection is stored on the Clipboard and remains held there until you copy something else or turn off your system.

For mobile devices, you can copy text by holding your finger on the text box you are copying for about 2 seconds until the text gets highlighted with a menu option at the top. You can select the “Cut” or “Copy” options per the requirements.

There might be scenarios where the website might not allow you to copy-paste on a restricted website. In that case, download the “Enable Copy Paste” extension from the Chrome web store. Then, activate the “Enable Copy Paste” extension on the website that has copy-paste functionality disabled. Now refresh the page to see if the extension has successfully enabled the copy-paste functionality on that particular website.


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