How to use getRunner method in Cypress

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Source:runner.spec.js Github


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...20 let runner = null;21 let paths = null;22 beforeEach(() => {23 paths = getFixturePaths('vpc_example', 'plan');24 runner = getRunner(paths.folderPath, paths.binFile);25 });26 afterEach(() => {27 runner = null;28 paths = null;29 });30 it('should parse a plan to internal property', () => {31 specExpect(runner.plan.plan).toEqual(readFileSafeJsonParse(paths.jsonFile));32 });33 it('should setup jasmine correctly', () => {34 specExpect(runner.plan.plan).toEqual(readFileSafeJsonParse(paths.jsonFile));35 });36 it('should execute tests correctly', (done) => {37 // specExpect(runner.plan.plan).toEqual(getSimplePlan());38 runner.execute((success) => {39 specExpect(success).toEqual(true);40 // todo inspect runner.getTestResult(test_name);41 done();42 });43 });44 it('should skip a test when in a changeWindow', (done) => {45 paths = getFixturePaths('ec2_example_with_changeWindow', 'plan');46 let runnerChangeWindow = getRunner(paths.folderPath, paths.binFile);47 specExpect(runnerChangeWindow.plan.plan).toEqual(readFileSafeJsonParse(paths.jsonFile));48 runnerChangeWindow.execute(() => {49 const changeWindowTests = require(path.resolve(paths.testsFile));50 const testResult = runnerChangeWindow.getTestResult(changeWindowTests[0].description);51 specExpect(testResult).toEqual('pending');52 done();53 });54 });55 it('should report when the number of tests is wrong', (done) => {56 paths = getFixturePaths('ec2_example_with_incorrect_number_of_tests', 'plan');57 let runWrong = getRunner(paths.folderPath, paths.binFile);58 specExpect(runWrong.plan.plan).toEqual(readFileSafeJsonParse(paths.jsonFile));59 runWrong.execute((success) => {60 specExpect(success).toEqual(false);61 done();62 });63 });64 describe('should use has_changes', () => {65 it('when there are changes', (done) => {66 const hasChangesPaths = getFixturePaths('ec2_example_using_has_changes', 'plan-update-in-place');67 const changesRunner = getRunner(hasChangesPaths.folderPath, hasChangesPaths.binFile);68 changesRunner.execute((success) => {69 specExpect(success).toEqual(true);70 done();71 });72 });73 it('when there are failing changes', function (done) {74 const hasChangesPaths = getFixturePaths('ec2_example_using_has_changes', 'plan-multiple-tags-changes');75 const changesRunner = getRunner(hasChangesPaths.folderPath, hasChangesPaths.binFile);76 changesRunner.execute((success) => {77 specExpect(success).toEqual(false);78 done();79 });80 });81 it('not when there are no changes', (done) => {82 const hasChangesPaths = getFixturePaths('ec2_example_using_has_changes', 'plan-no-changes');83 const changesRunner = getRunner(hasChangesPaths.folderPath, hasChangesPaths.binFile);84 changesRunner.execute((success) => {85 specExpect(success).toEqual(true);86 done();87 });88 });89 it('should report correctly when it doesn\'t find resources to test', (done) => {90 const incorrectNamePaths = getFixturePaths('ec2_example_incorrect_resource_name', 'plan-no-changes');91 const incorrectRunner = getRunner(incorrectNamePaths.folderPath, incorrectNamePaths.binFile);92 incorrectRunner.execute((success) => {93 specExpect(success).toEqual(false);94 specExpect(incorrectRunner.testsNotFoundResources).toEqual(['aws_instance.ec2_incorrect']);95 done();96 });97 });98 });99 it('should report correctly when it doesn\'t find resources to test', (done) => {100 const incorrectNamePaths = getFixturePaths('ec2_example_incorrect_resource_name', 'plan-no-changes');101 const incorrectRunner = getRunner(incorrectNamePaths.folderPath, incorrectNamePaths.binFile);102 incorrectRunner.execute((success) => {103 specExpect(success).toEqual(false);104 specExpect(incorrectRunner.testsNotFoundResources).toEqual(['aws_instance.ec2_incorrect']);105 done();106 });107 });...

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Source:index.js Github


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...20const addSuite = (title, cb, skipped) => {21 const parent = currentSuite()22 const child = new TestSuite(title, skipped, parent)23 parent.addSuite(child)24 getRunner().setCurrentSuite(child)25 cb()26 getRunner().setCurrentSuite(parent)27}28const addTest = (title, cb, skipped) => {29 currentSuite().addTest(new TestCase(title, cb, skipped, currentSuite()))30}31const currentSuite = () => getRunner().getCurrentSuite()32const currentNode = () => getRunner().getCurrentNode()33/**34 * Adds the test suite by the name and factory method.35 * @param {string} title The title of the suite.36 * @param {Function} cb The factory of subnodes37 */38exports.describe = exports.context = (title, cb) => {39 addSuite(title, cb, false)40}41/**42 * Adds the skipped test suite by the name and factory method.43 * @param {string} title The title of the suite.44 * @param {Function} cb The factory of subnodes45 */46exports.describe.skip = exports.xdescribe = exports.xcontext = (title, cb) => {47 addSuite(title, cb, true)48}49/**50 * Adds the test case by the name and test case function.51 * @param {string} title The title of the test case52 * @param {Function} cb The test case function53 */ = exports.specify = (title, cb) => {55 addTest(title, cb, false)56}57/**58 * Adds the skipped test case by the name and test case function.59 * @param {string} title The title of the test case60 * @param {Function} cb The test case function61 */ = exports.xit = exports.xspecify = (title, cb) => {63 addTest(title, cb, true)64}65exports.before = cb => {66 currentSuite().setBeforeHook(new TestHook('"before all" hook', cb, currentSuite()))67}68exports.beforeEach = cb => {69 currentSuite().setBeforeEachHook(new TestHook('"before each" hook', cb, currentSuite()))70}71exports.after = cb => {72 currentSuite().setAfterHook(new TestHook('"after all" hook', cb, currentSuite()))73}74exports.afterEach = cb => {75 currentSuite().setAfterEachHook(new TestHook('"after each" hook', cb, currentSuite()))76}77exports.timeout = timeout => {78 currentNode().setTimeout(timeout)79}80exports.retries = n => {81 currentNode().setRetryCount(n)82}83/**84 * Runs the test cases. Retruns the promise which resolves with true if all tests passed and returns false when any of the test cases and hooks failed.85 * @return {Promise<boolean>}86 */ = () => {88 let failed = false89 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => getRunner().on('fail', () => {90 failed = true91 }).on('end', () => setTimeout(() => resolve(!failed))).run().catch(reject))92}93exports.TestSuite = TestSuite94exports.TestCase = TestCase95exports.TestHook = TestHook96exports.TestRunner = TestRunner97exports.stringify = stringify98// Pretends to be ESM for transform-es2015-modules-commonjs99exports.__esModule = true100// Exports all as default101// This enables `import kocha from 'kocha'` in babel.102exports.default = exports103// Expose window.__kocha__ if the environment is browser...

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Source:Executor.js Github


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...8 code: PropTypes.array.isRequired,9 getRunner: PropTypes.func.isRequired,10 };11 componentDidMount() {12 this.props.getRunner();13 }14 state = {15 code: `print('Hello world!')`,16 success: false17 };18 handleChange = event => {19 this.setState({20 code:,21 success: this.state.success22 });23 };24 runButtonClick = () => {25 this.props.getRunner(this.state.code);26 };27 render() {28 let resParagraph;29 if (this.props.runner['success']) {30 resParagraph = <p>{ this.props.runner["execution_result"] }</p>31 } else {32 resParagraph = <p style={{color: "red"}}>{ this.props.runner["execution_error"] }</p>33 }34 return (35 <div>36 <h1>Python Playground</h1>37 <div className="row" style={{marginRight: "10px"}}>38 <div className="column left-playground" >39 <button className="btn btn-success btn-sm" onClick={this.runButtonClick}>...

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Source:Bridge.js Github


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...28 register = (apis = {}) => {29 Object.assign(this.apis, run(apis, undefined, this.api))30 return this31 }32 api = (key, { getRunner = () => this.getRunner(key) } = {}) => {33 const bridgeRunner = new Api({34 name: key,35 runner: (...args) => run(getRunner(), undefined, ...args),36 isSupported: () => this.bridgeSupport(key)37 })38 bridgeRunner.customize = getCustomizedRunner =>39 this.api(key, {40 getRunner: () => getCustomizedRunner(getRunner())41 })42 return bridgeRunner43 }44 support = key => this.has(key) && run(this.apis, `${key}.isSupported`)45 has = key => key in this.apis46 get = key => get(this.apis, key)47 call = (key, ...args) => {48 const unregisteredTips = `[Unregistered] Api "${key}" is unregistered in Bridge "${49 this.name50 }"`51 const notSupportedTips = `[Not Supported] Api "${key}" is not supported by Bridge "${52 this.name53 }"`54 if (!this.has(key)) {...

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Source:reducers.test.js Github


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...32 runner: addMaze({ ...initialState.runner, addDoor: true })33 },34 applyMiddleware(executeActions(getRunner), checkAchievements)35 );36 const maze = getMaze(getRunner(store.getState()));37 const maxSteps = maze.height * maze.width * 20;38 let stepNum = 0;39 while (40 stepNum < maxSteps &&41 !isCrashed(getRunner(store.getState())) &&42 !isDone(getRunner(store.getState()))43 ) {44 stepNum++;45 store.dispatch(step());46 }47 expect(isAtFinish(getRunner(store.getState()))).toEqual(true);48 expect(isCrashed(getRunner(store.getState()))).toEqual(false);49 const missedAchievements = achievements50 .filter(achievement => !hasAchievement(store.getState(), .map(({ id }) => id);52 expect(missedAchievements).toEqual(["timeToDebug"]);53 });...

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Source:spec_utils.js Github


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...11,12 });13};14export const beforeEach = (taskResult, backend) => {15 const spec = Cypress.mocha.getRunner().suite.ctx.currentTest.parent.title;16 const testName = Cypress.mocha.getRunner().suite.ctx.currentTest.title;17 cy.task('setupBackendTest', {18 backend,19,20 spec,21 testName,22 });23 if ( {24 const fixture = `${spec}__${testName}.json`;25 console.log('loading fixture:', fixture);26 cy.stubFetch({ fixture });27 }28 return cy.clock(0, ['Date']);29};30export const afterEach = (taskResult, backend) => {31 const spec = Cypress.mocha.getRunner().suite.ctx.currentTest.parent.title;32 const testName = Cypress.mocha.getRunner().suite.ctx.currentTest.title;33 cy.task('teardownBackendTest', {34 backend,35,36 spec,37 testName,38 });39 if (40 !process.env.RECORD_FIXTURES &&41 Cypress.mocha.getRunner().suite.ctx.currentTest.state === 'failed'42 ) {43 Cypress.runner.stop();44 }45};46export const seedRepo = (taskResult, backend) => {47 cy.task('seedRepo', {48 backend,49,50 });...

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Source:test-runner.js Github


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...11 }).join(",");12}13export const es6 = {14 confirmBlock (code) {15 return getRunner(code, { ecmaVersion: 6 }).execute();16 },17 confirmError (code, errType) {18 try {19 getRunner(code, { ecmaVersion: 6 }).execute();20 expect(false);21 } catch (err) {22 expect(err);23 }24 },25 parse (code) {26 return parser.parse(code, { ecmaVersion: 6, sourceType: "module" });27 }28};29export const es5 = {30 runBlock (code) {31 return getRunner(code).execute();32 },33 confirmBlock (code, done) {34 let value = this.runBlock(code);35 expect(value.toNative());36 done && done();37 },38 confirmError (code, errType, done) {39 try {40 this.runBlock(code);41 expect(false);42 done && done();43 } catch (err) {44 expect(err);45 done && done();46 }47 },48 getScope (code) {49 let env = SandBoxr.createEnvironment();50 env.init();51 let runner = getRunner(code);52 runner.execute(env);53 return env;54 }...

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Source:Spec.js Github


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...22 return this._runner;23 },24 25 isRealRun: function() {26 return this.getRunner() == this._realRunner;27 },28 29 updateFocus: function(focus) {30 this._hasFocus = this._hasFocus || focus;31 },32 33 hasFocus: function() {34 return this._hasFocus;35 },36 37 getSubject: function() {38 return this.getRunner().getSubject();39 },40 41 pushResult: function(result) {42 this.getRunner().pushResult(result);43 },44 45 pushReceiver: function(receiver) {46 return this.getRunner().getCurrentTest().pushReceiver(receiver);47 },48 49 setSubject: function(subject) {50 this.getRunner().setSubject(subject);51 },52 53 setCurrentTest: function(it) {54 this.getRunner().setCurrentTest(it);55 }...

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1const cypress = require('cypress');2cypress.getRunner().then((runner) => {3 runner.on('run:start', (options) => {4 console.log('run:start', options);5 });6 runner.on('test:before:run:async', (test) => {7 console.log('test:before:run:async', test);8 });9 runner.on('test:after:run:async', (test, runnable) => {10 console.log('test:after:run:async', test, runnable);11 });12 runner.on('run:end', (results) => {13 console.log('run:end', results);14 });15;16});17{18}19run:start { configFile: 'cypress.json', projectRoot: 'path/to/project', env: {}, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: {}, quiet: false, browser: 'electron', headless: false, record: false, key: null, ciBuildId: null, group: null, parallel: false, spec: null, dev: false, exit: false, config: {} }

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1const cypress = require('cypress');2cypress.getRunner().then((runner) => {3 console.log(runner);4});5const cypress = require('cypress');6cypress.getRunner().then((runner) => {7 console.log(runner);8});9{ open: [Function: open], run: [Function: run] }10const cypress = require('cypress');11cypress.getRunner().then((runner) => {12 console.log(runner);13});14const cypress = require('cypress');15cypress.getRunner().then((runner) => {16 console.log(runner);17});18{ open: [Function: open], run: [Function: run] }19const cypress = require('cypress');20cypress.getRunner().then((runner) => {21 console.log(runner);22});23const cypress = require('cypress');24cypress.getRunner().then((runner) => {25 console.log(runner);26});27{ open: [Function: open], run: [Function: run] }28const cypress = require('cypress');29cypress.getRunner().then((runner) => {30 console.log(runner);31});32const cypress = require('cypress');33cypress.getRunner().then((runner) => {34 console.log(runner);35});36{ open: [Function: open], run: [Function: run] }

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1describe('Test', () => {2 it('test', () => {3 cy.getRunner().then((runner) => {4 console.log(runner);5 });6 });7});8Cypress.Commands.add('getRunner', () => {9 return Cypress.runner;10});11module.exports = (on, config) => {12 on('before:browser:launch', (browser = {}, launchOptions) => {13 if ( === 'chromium' && !== 'electron') {14 launchOptions.args.push('--disable-features=CrossSiteDocumentBlockingIfIsolating,CrossSiteDocumentBlockingAlways,IsolateOrigins,site-per-process');15 launchOptions.args.push('--disable-site-isolation-trials');16 launchOptions.args.push('--disable-features=IsolateOrigins,site-per-process');17 }18 return launchOptions;19 });20};21{22 "env": {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const cypress = require('cypress');2const cypressConfig = require('./cypress.json');3const cypressConfig = require('./cypress.json');4const { merge } = require('mochawesome-merge');5const reportGenerator = require('mochawesome-report-generator');6const fs = require('fs');7async function runTests() {8 try {9 const results = await{10 });11 console.log(results);12 const jsonReport = merge();13 reportGenerator.create(jsonReport);14 } catch (error) {15 console.error(error);16 }17}18async function runTests() {19 try {20 const results = await{21 });22 console.log(results);23 const jsonReport = merge();24 reportGenerator.create(jsonReport);25 } catch (error) {26 console.error(error);27 }28}29async function runTests() {30 try {31 const results = await{32 });33 console.log(results);34 const jsonReport = merge();35 reportGenerator.create(jsonReport);36 } catch (error) {37 console.error(error);38 }39}40async function runTests() {41 try {42 const results = await{43 });44 console.log(results);45 const jsonReport = merge();46 reportGenerator.create(jsonReport);47 } catch (error) {48 console.error(error);49 }50}51async function runTests() {52 try {53 const results = await{

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1const cypress = require('cypress')2const fs = require('fs')3const path = require('path')4const { getRunner } = require('cypress/lib/server')5const { getEnv, getOptions } = require('cypress/lib/util')6const { makeConfig } = require('cypress/lib/config')7const { getProjectRoot } = require('cypress/lib/util/project_root')8const { getConfig } = require('cypress/lib/config')9const { getTestFiles } = require('cypress/lib/tasks/test')10const { getSpecs } = require('cypress/lib/util/specs')11const { getSpecsFromFiles } = require('cypress/lib/util/specs_from_files')12const { run } = require('cypress/lib/tasks/run')13const { getTestFilesFromGlob } = require('cypress/lib/util/test_files_from_glob')14const { getSpecsFromGlob } = require('cypress/lib/util/specs_from_glob')15const { getSpecsFromFolder } = require('cypress/lib/util/specs_from_folder')16const { getSpecsFromArg } = require('cypress/lib/util/specs_from_arg')17const { getSpecsFromArgv } = require('cypress/lib/util/specs_from_argv')18const { getSpecsFromConfig } = require('cypress/lib/util/specs_from_config')19const { getSpecsFromProject } = require('cypress/lib/util/specs_from_project')20const { getSpecsFromProjects } = require('cypress/lib/util/specs_from_projects')21const { getSpecsFromArgOrConfig } = require('cypress/lib/util/specs_from_arg_or_config')22const { getSpecsFromArgOrConfigOrProject } = require('cypress/lib/util/specs_from_arg_or_config_or_project')23const { getSpecsFromArgOrConfigOrProjectOrGroup } = require('cypress/lib/util/specs_from_arg_or_config_or_project_or_group')24const { getSpecsFromArgOrConfigOrProjectOrGroupOrRunAll } = require('cypress/lib/util/specs_from_arg_or_config_or_project_or_group_or_run_all')25const { getSpecsFromArgOrConfigOrProjectOrGroupOrRunAllOrInteractive } = require('cypress/lib/util/specs_from_arg_or_config_or_project_or_group_or_run_all_or_interactive')26const { getSpecsFromArgOrConfigOrProjectOrGroupOr

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1const runner = Cypress.getRunner()2testCases.forEach(function(testCase){3 console.log(testCase.title)4})5Cypress.Commands.add('getTestCases', () => {6 const runner = Cypress.getRunner()7})8describe('Test Suite', () => {9 it('Test Case', () => {10 cy.getTestCases().then((testCases) => {11 testCases.forEach(function(testCase){12 console.log(testCase.title)13 })14 })15 })16})

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Cypress Tutorial

Cypress is a renowned Javascript-based open-source, easy-to-use end-to-end testing framework primarily used for testing web applications. Cypress is a relatively new player in the automation testing space and has been gaining much traction lately, as evidenced by the number of Forks (2.7K) and Stars (42.1K) for the project. LambdaTest’s Cypress Tutorial covers step-by-step guides that will help you learn from the basics till you run automation tests on LambdaTest.


  1. What is Cypress? -
  2. Why Cypress? - Learn why Cypress might be a good choice for testing your web applications.
  3. Features of Cypress Testing - Learn about features that make Cypress a powerful and flexible tool for testing web applications.
  4. Cypress Drawbacks - Although Cypress has many strengths, it has a few limitations that you should be aware of.
  5. Cypress Architecture - Learn more about Cypress architecture and how it is designed to be run directly in the browser, i.e., it does not have any additional servers.
  6. Browsers Supported by Cypress - Cypress is built on top of the Electron browser, supporting all modern web browsers. Learn browsers that support Cypress.
  7. Selenium vs Cypress: A Detailed Comparison - Compare and explore some key differences in terms of their design and features.
  8. Cypress Learning: Best Practices - Take a deep dive into some of the best practices you should use to avoid anti-patterns in your automation tests.
  9. How To Run Cypress Tests on LambdaTest? - Set up a LambdaTest account, and now you are all set to learn how to run Cypress tests.


You can elevate your expertise with end-to-end testing using the Cypress automation framework and stay one step ahead in your career by earning a Cypress certification. Check out our Cypress 101 Certification.


Watch this 3 hours of complete tutorial to learn the basics of Cypress and various Cypress commands with the Cypress testing at LambdaTest.

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