Streamline Test Authoring, Management, and Reporting With AI-Powered Unified Test Manager

Mythili Raju

Posted On: June 13, 2024

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Are you struggling with delays and disorganization that are slowing down your testing cycles? No worries! You can now streamline and speed up your testing process with our newly launched AI-powered Unified Test Manager.

This Test Manager lets you easily plan, execute, and track your tests precisely, creating detailed test cases and managing builds effectively. Each feature is developed to make your testing workflow smoother and more efficient, thus ensuring timely and reliable software releases.

AI-Powered Test Management for Manual and Automation Testing

Integrating manual and automated testing activities within Test Manager allows users to manage all testing efforts efficiently from a single platform. We’ve leveraged AI technology to auto-generate manual test steps and BDD scenarios, simplifying the workflow and enhancing efficiency.

AI-Powered Test Management

This comprehensive integration enhances the efficiency of organizational workflows, making it easier to handle both manual and automated testing scenarios, significantly improving overall testing effectiveness.

Streamlined Project Organization

Creating projects is a fundamental step in organizing and managing testing activities within Test Manager. These projects serve as essential organizational units that contain testing activities, enabling efficient management and execution of test cases.

Within the Project’s dashboard, you can access System Fields and Custom Fields to organize your work and enhance the project’s flexibility, improving your testing workflows.

Streamlined Project Organization\

Info Note

Explore more capabilities from our. Test Manager support documentation.

Effective Test Case Management

Effective test case management is crucial for validating performance and ensuring all functionalities are thoroughly checked and consistent with project requirements. Test Manager focuses on creating and managing test cases, enabling teams to define testing parameters and track them from a single platform.

Effective Test Case Management

Here are a few features of Test Cases:

  • Test Case Creation: Create detailed and structured test cases where users can add required information and define testing parameters.
  • Test Case Import: Importing test cases into Test Manager allows you to seamlessly integrate existing test cases from other sources or formats.
  • Test Case Repository: The test case repository serves as a centralized location for all test cases within a project. Users can access this repository to view a comprehensive list of test cases associated with the project.

Setup Test Plans for Optimal Execution

Test plans streamline the organization of test cases to achieve specific goals. With Test Manager, users can seamlessly begin the process by selecting the “Test Plans” option from the Test Manager repository. It provides a workflow to follow the necessary steps for defining and structuring the test plan, ensuring that users can efficiently organize and manage their test cases to meet their testing objectives.

 Test Plans

Execution and Evaluation of Builds

Builds are essential for executing and evaluating test plans, streamlining the transition from planning to execution. Creating a built-in Test Manager is an important step that helps transition a test plan from the planning stage to execution.

In Test Manager, creating a build involves adding a name and associating it with specific test cases and configurations. This step organizes the testing process through a user-friendly interface and provides visibility into the progress of executed test cases.

Execution and Evaluation of Builds

Here are a few features of Builds:

  • Build Execution: Initiates the testing phase for selected test plans, running all associated test cases based on selected configurations and providing real-time visibility into each test case’s progress.
  • Build Details: Enhances tracking and analysis of build outcomes by summarizing the execution results, such as the number of test cases passed, failed, or skipped, and allowing for detailed examination through attached test evidence.

Seamless Platform Migration

You can effortlessly migrate from Zephyr, TestRail, Xray, and QTest to the Test Manager platform, ensuring a smooth integration process and minimizing disruptions while transferring your existing test cases and data.

Import test cases directly via API or CSV, with automated field and value mapping to maintain data integrity. This streamlined approach reduces the manual effort required for migration, allowing your team to focus on quality assurance.

Seamless Platform Migration

Comprehensive Exploratory Testing

Enhance testing capabilities with our Test Manager’s exploratory testing feature, which ensures test coverage with a structured approach. It includes capabilities to monitor testing performance with detailed build histories, assign statuses for efficient progress tracking, and attach essential evidence like screenshots to validate test results.

Comprehensive Exploratory Testing

Quickly view and manage test outcomes for desktop and mobile environments directly from a unified interface, ensuring the testing process effectively identifies potential defects.

Seamless Jira 2-Way Sync

The Jira 2-way sync feature enhances Test Manager by linking test cases and test runs directly to Jira issues. This integration ensures a seamless connection between your test activities and Jira tasks, optimizing project management and enabling better collaboration.

Seamless Jira 2-Way Sync

Jira App Integration

Utilize the LambdaTest Test Manager Jira App to manage tests directly within Jira. This app allows you to access essential Test Manager features in your Jira environment, enhancing workflow efficiency and promoting better team collaboration without constantly switching between systems.

Jira App Integration


With Test Manager, we’re enhancing how teams manage test cases and test runs. It introduces features designed to improve the setup of projects, the creation and management of test cases, and the execution of builds, making the entire testing process more streamlined and effective.

If you need any assistance or have questions, feel free to reach out to us at or utilize our in-app chat support. We’re here to assist you at every step of your journey.

Happy testing!

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Mythili Raju

Mythili R works as a content writer and digital marketing executive at LambdaTest. Having been previously trained in Content and Social Media Marketing, she loves delving into the latest tech trends and sharing her insights.

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