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What is Keyword Driven Testing?

Keyword-driven testing is a testing approach in which the actions to be performed and the data to be used in the test are defined in a table or spreadsheet. The test is then executed by following the steps in the table.

The table typically contains a list of keywords that represent actions to be performed, such as clicking a button or entering data into a form. The keywords are associated with specific arguments or parameters that specify the details of the action to be performed. For example, the keyword "click" might be associated with the argument "submit button," which specifies the button that should be clicked.

Keyword-driven testing can be used to automate the testing of software applications, as the tests can be run quickly and repeatedly with minimal manual intervention. It is particularly useful when testing applications that have a large number of features or that are subject to frequent changes, as it allows the tests to be easily updated and maintained as the application evolves.

Keyword-driven testing requires some setup and preparation, as the test data and actions must be defined in advance. It can be useful to involve business analysts or other non-technical stakeholders in creating the test data and actions, as they may have a better understanding of the system's expected behavior from the end user's perspective.

To set up a keyword-driven test, the following steps are typically followed:

  • Define the test data and expected results: The test data and expected results are typically stored in a spreadsheet or other structured data store. The test data defines the input to the system under test, and the expected results define the output that is expected from the system under test
  • Define the keywords and associated arguments: The keywords and arguments are defined in a separate table or spreadsheet. The keywords represent the actions to be performed, and the arguments specify the details of the action to be performed
  • Create the test script: The test script is a program that reads the test data and expected results from the data store and executes the test by following the steps in the keyword table. The test script may be written in a programming language such as Python or Java, or it may be created using a test automation tool such as Selenium
  • Execute the test: The test is executed by running the test script. The test is considered to have passed if the actual results match the expected results for each set of data

Overall, keyword-driven testing is a useful approach for automating the testing of software applications, as it allows tests to be created and maintained by non-technical users, and it allows tests to be run quickly and repeatedly with minimal manual intervention. It can be used to test the functionality of the system from the perspective of the user or from the perspective of the system itself.

For more information on keyword driven testing, visit our learning hub on keyword driven testing to learn about the benefits of this approach and how it can be used to streamline the testing process for your software applications.


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