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Generate Mocha Report With Mochawesome | Selenium JavaScript Tutorial | LambdaTest

Generate Mocha Report With Mochawesome | Selenium JavaScript Tutorial | LambdaTest


  • Selenium JavaScript Test Automation Complete Tutorial
  • Parameterized Tests With Mocha in Selenium JavaScript
  • Headless Testing In Selenium JavaScript
  • Selenium Automation Testing On The Cloud
  • Generating Mocha Report With Mochawesome in Selenium JavaScript
  • Parallel Testing with Mocha in Selenium JavaScript
  • Getting Started with Mocha in Selenium JavaScript
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  • How To Write And Run Test Scripts in Selenium JavaScript?
  • Getting Started With Test Automation In JavaScript

About The Video

This video is the next part of the Selenium WebDriver JavaScript Tutorial series for beginners, wherein Ryan Howard (@ryantestsstuff) has explained how to add reports into the existing Selenium WebDriver test project with JavaScript.

Video Chapters

00:00 Introduction to Selenium WebDriver with JavaScript

01:21 What is Mochawesome and how to use it?

02:47 Installing and setting up Mochawesome with existing projects

06:55 Running tests in parallel using Mocha

09:45 Viewing the output of reports on successful test

10:32 Viewing the output of reports on failed test

14:21 How to change the directory and the file name?

17:51 Review

19:31 Conclusion of Session

Key Topics Covered

Introduction to Adding Reporting to Selenium WebDriver Tests: The video starts with an overview of the need to add reporting to Selenium WebDriver tests for better visualization of test results, moving beyond the command line outputs.

Using Mochawesome for HTML Reports: It introduces Mochawesome, a Node package that allows generating HTML reports for Mocha test frameworks. The video explains what Mochawesome is, its benefits, and how it can be used to generate more visually appealing test reports.

Integration of Mochawesome into Existing Projects: Step-by-step guidance is provided on how to integrate Mochawesome into an existing Selenium WebDriver test project, including installation and configuration steps to start generating HTML reports.

Running Tests and Generating Reports: Demonstrates running tests with Mochawesome integrated, showing how to execute tests and generate reports. The video goes through the process of running tests and then inspecting the generated HTML and JSON reports.

Customizing Mochawesome Reports: Offers insights on how to customize the directory and filename of the generated reports using Mochawesome, making the reports more relevant and easily identifiable within the project.

Reviewing Reports for Passed and Failed Tests: The video showcases how to review the generated reports, emphasizing the distinction between passed and failed tests, and how to interpret the detailed test execution information provided in the reports.

Recap and Conclusion: Concludes with a recap of the steps covered throughout the video for implementing Mochawesome reports in a Selenium WebDriver test suite, alongside encouragement to explore more on the topic and an invitation to reach out to the presenter for further questions.

Related Blogs & Hubs

Mocha Reports With Mochawesome

Mocha JavaScript Tutorial With Examples For Selenium Testing

Ryan Howard

Ryan Howard

Ryan is an experienced Software Tester with a fervent dedication to ensuring quality in every aspect. With a wealth of experience, Ryan specializes in supporting businesses to optimize their testing processes. His focus is on streamlining operations, eliminating bottlenecks, and constructing a robust and effective testing approach tailored to the unique needs of each business. A true advocate for quality, Ryan's expertise not only enhances the testing process but also contributes to elevating the overall quality of software products.


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