Online Android Emulator for App Testing

Test your apps manually and automate on Android Emulator Online. Ensure compatibility across 3000+ latest Android devices and legacy versions.

Trusted by 2M+ users globally

Online Android Emulator for App Testing

Real-Time Online Device Testing

Conduct live-interactive tests through online device testing to ensure compatibility across Android, iOS, and iPads.

Check Mimic Real-World Scenarios

CheckIntegrate with AppStore,PlayStore, AppCenter and TestFlight

Check Test native, hybrid, and web apps

Real-Time Online Device Testing

Perform App Testing with Online Android Emulator


Test Locally Hosted Apps

Easily test your mobile apps with LambdaTest Tunnel for seamless performance across multiple devices.


Extensive Android versions

Discover Android devices like Pixel, OnePlus, and Galaxy with versions including Android 11, 10, Pie (9), and more.

Uploads Files

Uploads Files

Install multiple apps in one session, effortlessly upload APK files, and install directly from the Play Store.


Simplify Debugging

Easily debug your Android App with comprehensive logs, crash reports, video recordings, and screenshots for each test.


Geolocation testing

Validate your mobile app's performance across diverse geoIPs to guarantee optimal user experience in every location.


Network Throttling

Ensure a seamless user experience by testing your mobile application's responsiveness across different network profiles.


Test Logs and Detailed Insights

Optimize bug logging with comprehensive logs, offering insights to accelerate and enhance build quality.


Easy App Control

Effortlessly handle app installation, termination, and uninstallation in the Android Emulator Online.


Device Control Features

Effortlessly control volume, device locking, shaking, on-screen keyboard, and rotation in the Android Emulator Online.

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Switch to Real Devices for Optimal Testing Experiences


Public Real Device Cloud

Optimize app testing with our Public Real Device Cloud. Say goodbye to internal device libraries and cut operational costs instantly.


Private Real Device Cloud

Exclusive 24/7 access to dedicated Android devices for your team. Securely customize devices within your firewall for seamless workflow.


On premise Device Grid

Leverage LambdaTest cloud infrastructure paired with security and performance behind your firewall.

Customer Success Is Our Success

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an emulator?
An emulator is a virtual device that allows you to test your app and/or website over a device that isn't available with you physically but by imitating it virtually. For example, you can leverage online android emulator to help you test responsiveness of your website across a variety of mobile devices from your desktop through a virtual environment. Meaning, you won't have to buy a real mobile device as you can work with a mobile browser emulator which would resemble the look and feel of your website over a particular mobile view.
What are the advantages of using an emulator?
An Emulator helps you save both time & money involved in a test cycle. You end up saving money as you don't have to buy real devices for mobile web testing or app testing. Plus, Emulators save you a lot of time as you can instantly access dozens or hundreds of different devices for app testing and websites testing without having to purchase, download or install anything.
Are online emulators reliable for testing?
Yes, the online emulators are reliable option to consider for mobile web testing. Although, they’re not 100% accurate, as they might not be able to replicate the differences in API, gesture, and few specific behaviors observed on mobile devices.
How does LambdaTest help with android app and web testing?
LambdaTest offers a cloud-based testing platform that allows you to test your website on 3000+ real desktop and mobile browsers and 140+ Mobile device environments over a variety of operating systems in Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. By signing up on LambdaTest, you also get complimentary access to LT Browser which is a dev-friendly browser designed specifically for developers to perform responsive testing on the go with out-of-the-box functionality such as mirrored interactions, hot reloading etc.
How can I use Android emulator without download?
To utilize an Android emulator online, consider using cloud-based platforms like LambdaTest. These services allow you to access and run Android emulators directly within your web browser, removing the necessity for local installation.
Can I run APK online?
Yes, you can run APK files online using cloud-based platforms such as LambdaTest. These services allow you to upload and test your APK directly in your web browser, providing a seamless and efficient way to test Android applications without requiring a local setup.
How to run Android in browser?
To run Android in a browser, use a cloud-based platform like LambdaTest. Sign up, log in, and access the emulator section. Choose your desired Android device and OS version, then launch the emulator. This allows you to run Android applications directly in your browser, eliminating the need for local installations.
Is there any Android emulator online?
Yes, there are several online Android emulators available. Platforms such as LambdaTest offer cloud-based solutions that allow you to access and utilize Android emulators directly via your web browser.