How to use checkAppPresent method in Appium Xcuitest Driver

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Source:utils.js Github


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1import { fs, tempDir } from 'appium-support';2import path from 'path';3import { utils as iosUtils } from 'appium-ios-driver';4import { exec } from 'teen_process';5import xcode from 'appium-xcode';6import _ from 'lodash';7import log from './logger';8import pkgObj from '../../package.json'; // eslint-disable-line import/no-unresolved9const WDA_DERIVED_DATA_SEARCH_SUFFIX = 'Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-*';10const WDA_ATTACHMENTS_FOLDER_RELATIVE_PATH = 'Logs/Test/Attachments';11const DRIVER_VER = pkgObj.version;12async function detectUdid () {13 log.debug('Auto-detecting real device udid...');14 let cmd, args = [];15 try {16 cmd = await fs.which('idevice_id');17 args.push('-l');18 log.debug('Using idevice_id');19 } catch (err) {20 log.debug('Using udidetect');21 cmd = require.resolve('udidetect');22 }23 let udid;24 try {25 let {stdout} = await exec(cmd, args, {timeout: 3000});26 let udids = _.filter(stdout.split('\n'), Boolean);27 udid = _.last(udids);28 if (udids.length > 1) {29 log.warn(`Multiple devices found: ${udids.join(', ')}`);30 log.warn(`Choosing '${udid}'. If this is wrong, manually set with 'udid' desired capability`);31 }32 } catch (err) {33 log.errorAndThrow(`Error detecting udid: ${err.message}`);34 }35 if (!udid || udid.length <= 2) {36 throw new Error('Could not detect udid.');37 }38 log.debug(`Detected real device udid: '${udid}'`);39 return udid;40}41async function getAndCheckXcodeVersion () {42 let version;43 try {44 version = await xcode.getVersion(true);45 } catch (err) {46 log.debug(err);47 log.errorAndThrow(`Could not determine Xcode version: ${err.message}`);48 }49 if (!version.toolsVersion) {50 try {51 version.toolsVersion = await xcode.getCommandLineToolsVersion();52 } catch (ign) {}53 }54 // we do not support Xcodes < 7.3,55 if (version.versionFloat < 7.3) {56 log.errorAndThrow(`Xcode version '${version.versionString}'. Support for ` +57 `Xcode ${version.versionString} is not supported. ` +58 `Please upgrade to version 7.3 or higher`);59 }60 return version;61}62async function getAndCheckIosSdkVersion () {63 let versionNumber;64 try {65 versionNumber = await xcode.getMaxIOSSDK();66 } catch (err) {67 log.errorAndThrow(`Could not determine iOS SDK version: ${err.message}`);68 }69 return versionNumber;70}71async function killAppUsingAppName (udid, appName) {72 let psArgs = [`-c`, `ps -ax|grep -i "${appName}"|grep -i "${udid}"|grep -v grep|awk '{print "kill -9 " $1}'|sh`];73 try {74 await exec(`bash`, psArgs);75 } catch (err) {76 log.debug(`Error : ${err.message}`);77 }78}79async function adjustWDAAttachmentsPermissions (perms) {80 if (!process.env.HOME) {81 throw new Error('Need HOME env var to be set in order to adjust WDA attachments permission');82 }83 let derivedDataSearchMask = path.join(process.env.HOME, WDA_DERIVED_DATA_SEARCH_SUFFIX);84 let folders = await fs.glob(derivedDataSearchMask);85 let changesMade = false;86 for (let folder of folders) {87 log.debug(`Found WDA derived data folder: '${folder}'`);88 let attachmentsFolder = path.join(folder, WDA_ATTACHMENTS_FOLDER_RELATIVE_PATH);89 if (await fs.exists(attachmentsFolder)) {90`Setting '${perms}' permissions to '${attachmentsFolder}' folder`);91 await fs.chmod(attachmentsFolder, perms);92 changesMade = true;93 }94 }95 if (!changesMade) {96'No WDA derived data folders have been found.');97 }98}99async function clearSystemFiles (wda) {100 // only want to clear the system files for the particular WDA xcode run101 if (!wda || !wda.derivedDataPath) {102 log.debug('No WebDriverAgent derived data available, so unable to clear system files');103 return;104 }105 let toDelete = [path.resolve(wda.derivedDataPath, 'Logs')];106 await iosUtils.clearLogs(toDelete);107}108async function generateXcodeConfigFile (orgId, signingId) {109 log.debug(`Generating xcode config file for orgId '${orgId}' and signingId ` +110 `'${signingId}'`);111 let contents = `DEVELOPMENT_TEAM = ${orgId}112CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = ${signingId}113`;114 let xcconfigPath = await tempDir.path('appium-temp.xcconfig');115 log.debug(`Writing xcode config file to ${xcconfigPath}`);116 await fs.writeFile(xcconfigPath, contents, "utf8");117 return xcconfigPath;118}119async function checkAppPresent (app) {120 log.debug(`Checking whether app '${app}' is actually present on file system`);121 if (!(await fs.exists(app))) {122 log.errorAndThrow(`Could not find app at '${app}'`);123 }124 log.debug('App is present');125}126async function getDriverInfo () {127 let stat = await fs.stat(path.resolve(__dirname, '..'));128 let built = stat.mtime.getTime();129 let info = {130 built,131 version: DRIVER_VER,132 };133 return info;134}135export { detectUdid, getAndCheckXcodeVersion, getAndCheckIosSdkVersion,136 killAppUsingAppName, adjustWDAAttachmentsPermissions,137 generateXcodeConfigFile, checkAppPresent, getDriverInfo,...

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Source:driver-specs.js Github


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...49 .returns(B.resolve());50 sinon.mock(driver.helpers).expects('configureApp')51 .returns(app);52 await driver.createSession({app});53 await driver.checkAppPresent(); // should not error54 // configureApp is shared between the two,55 // so restore mock or the next test will fail56 driver.helpers.configureApp.restore();57 });58 it('should reject if app not present', async function () {59 let driver = new SelendroidDriver({}, false);60 let app = path.resolve('asdfasdf');61 sinon.mock(driver).expects('checkAppPresent')62 .returns(B.resolve());63 sinon.mock(driver).expects('startSelendroidSession')64 .returns(B.resolve());65 sinon.mock(driver.helpers).expects('configureApp')66 .returns(app);67 await driver.createSession({app});68 driver.checkAppPresent.restore();69 await driver.checkAppPresent()'Could not find');70 });71 });72 describe('proxying', function () {73 let driver;74 before(function () {75 driver = new SelendroidDriver({}, false);76 driver.sessionId = 'abc';77 });78 describe('#proxyActive', function () {79 it('should exist', function () {80;81 });82 it('should return true', function () {83 driver.proxyActive('abc');...

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Source:driver.js Github


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...28 // TODO handle otherSessionData for multiple sessions29 let sessionId;30 [sessionId] = await super.createSession(caps);31 // fail very early if the app doesn't actually exist32 await this.checkAppPresent();33 if (!this.opts.bundleId) {34 this.opts.bundleId = await extractBundleId(;35 }36 // start sim, or use running sim37'starting simlator (if not booted)');38 this.sim = await this.startSim();39 this.wda = new WebDriverAgent({40 udid: this.sim.udid,41 platformVersion: this.opts.platformVersion,42 host:,43 agentPath: this.opts.agentPath44 });45 await this.wda.launch(sessionId);46"Installing the app");...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');2var driver = new webdriver.Builder()3 .withCapabilities({4 })5 .build();6driver.sleep(5000);7driver.quit();8var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');9var driver = new webdriver.Builder()10 .withCapabilities({11 })12 .build();13driver.executeScript('mobile: checkAppPresent', {bundleId: ''}).then(function(result) {14 console.log(result);15});16driver.quit();17var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');18var driver = new webdriver.Builder()19 .withCapabilities({20 })21 .build();22driver.executeScript('mobile: checkAppPresent', {bundleId: ''}).then(function(result) {23 if (result) {24 console.log('The application is present.');25 } else {26 console.log('The application is not present.');27 }28});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wd = require('wd');2const chai = require('chai');3const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');4chai.use(chaiAsPromised);5const expect = chai.expect;6(async function() {7 try {8 await driver.init({

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wdio = require('webdriverio');2const opts = {3 desiredCapabilities: {4 }5};6const client = wdio.remote(opts);7 .checkAppPresent()8 .then((isPresent) => {9 if (!isPresent) {10 console.log('App is not present on device');11 }12 })13 .catch((err) => {14 console.error(err);15 });

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1const { remote } = require('webdriverio');2const opts = {3 capabilities: {4 }5};6async function checkAppPresent() {7 const client = await remote(opts);8 const isAppInstalled = await client.isAppInstalled('');9 console.log('isAppInstalled', isAppInstalled);10 await client.deleteSession();11}12checkAppPresent();13const { remote } = require('webdriverio');14const opts = {15 capabilities: {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wdio = require('webdriverio');2const options = {3 desiredCapabilities: {4 }5};6const client = wdio.remote(options);7client.init()8 .then(() => client.checkAppPresent())9 .then((isPresent) => console.log('App is present: ' + isPresent))10 .catch((err) => console.log(err))11 .end();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wdio = require('webdriverio');2const opts = {3 capabilities: {4 }5};6const client = wdio.remote(opts);7 .init()8 .then(async () => {9 const isAppInstalled = await client.isAppInstalled('com.myapp.myapp');10 console.log(isAppInstalled);11 })12 .catch((e) => {13 console.log(e);14 })15 .finally(() => {16 client.deleteSession();17 });18[0-0] 2019-05-31T12:56:38.282Z INFO webdriver: DATA { capabilities:19 { alwaysMatch: { appium: [Object] },20 firstMatch: [ {} ] },21 { platformName: 'iOS',22 automationName: 'XCUITest' } }23[0-0] 2019-05-31T12:56:38.286Z INFO webdriver: COMMAND init()24[0-0] 2019-05-31T12:56:38.286Z INFO webdriver: DATA { capabilities:25 { alwaysMatch: { appium: [

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var desiredCapabilities = {4};5driver.init(desiredCapabilities)6 .then(function () {7 return driver.checkAppPresent('');8 })9 .then(function (isPresent) {10 console.log('App is present', isPresent);11 })12 .catch(function (err) {13 console.log('Error', err);14 })15 .fin(function () {16 driver.quit();17 });18var wd = require('wd');19var assert = require('assert');20var desiredCapabilities = {21};22driver.init(desiredCapabilities)23 .then(function () {24 return driver.checkAppPresent('');25 })26 .then(function (isPresent) {27 console.log('App is present', isPresent);28 })29 .catch(function (err) {30 console.log('Error', err);31 })32 .fin(function () {33 driver.quit();34 });35var wd = require('wd');36var assert = require('assert');37var desiredCapabilities = {38};39driver.init(desiredCapabilities)40 .then(function () {41 return driver.checkAppPresent('');42 })43 .then(function (isPresent) {44 console.log('App is present', isPresent);45 })46 .catch(function (err) {47 console.log('Error', err);48 })

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1const wd = require('wd');2const { checkAppPresent } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver/lib/commands/general');3const driver = wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', 4723);4const caps = {5};6(async function example() {7 await driver.init(caps);8 const isAppPresent = await,;9 await driver.quit();10})();11commands.checkAppPresent = async function (appPath) {12 const appExists = await fs.exists(appPath);13 return appExists;14};15commands.checkAppPresent = async function (appPath) {16 const appExists = await fs.exists(appPath);17 return appExists;18};19commands.checkAppPresent = async function (appPath) {20 const appExists = await fs.exists(appPath);21 return appExists;22};23commands.checkAppPresent = async function (appPath) {24 const appExists = await fs.exists(appPath);25 return appExists;26};27commands.checkAppPresent = async function (appPath) {28 const appExists = await fs.exists(appPath);29 return appExists;30};31commands.checkAppPresent = async function (

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { checkAppPresent } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');2const { fs } = require('appium-support');3const appPath = 'path/to/';4(async () => {5 try {6 const isPresent = await checkAppPresent(appPath);7 console.log('App is present: ', isPresent);8 } catch (err) {9 console.log('Error: ', err);10 }11})();12const { checkAppPresent } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');13const { fs } = require('appium-support');14const appPath = 'path/to/';15(async () => {16 try {17 const isPresent = await checkAppPresent(appPath);18 console.log('App is present: ', isPresent);19 } catch (err) {20 console.log('Error: ', err);21 }22})();23const { checkAppPresent } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');24const { fs } = require('appium-support');25const appPath = 'path/to/';26(async () => {27 try {28 const isPresent = await checkAppPresent(appPath);29 console.log('App is present: ', isPresent);30 } catch (err) {31 console.log('Error: ', err);32 }33})();34const { checkAppPresent } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');35const { fs } = require('appium-support');36const appPath = 'path/to/';37(async () => {38 try {39 const isPresent = await checkAppPresent(appPath);40 console.log('App is present: ', isPresent);41 } catch (err) {42 console.log('Error: ', err);43 }44})();45const { checkAppPresent } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');46const { fs } = require('appium-support');47const appPath = 'path/to/';48(async () => {49 try {50 const isPresent = await checkAppPresent(appPath);51 console.log('App is present: ', isPresent);52 } catch (err) {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var desired = {4};5driver.init(desired).then(function() {6 return driver.checkAppPresent()7}).then(function(appPresent) {8 if (appPresent) {9 console.log("App is already installed.");10 } else {11 console.log("App is not installed. Installing app...");12 return driver.installApp()13 }14}).then(function() {15 return driver.quit()16});17Parameters: time (Number)18Parameters: strategy (String) – strategy to be used to hide the keyboard. Can be one of the following:

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