How to use parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort method in Cypress

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Source:server.js Github


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...557 this._remoteStrategy = 'http'558 this._remoteFileServer = null559 // set an object with port, tld, and domain properties560 // as the remoteHostAndPort561 this._remoteProps = cors.parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort(this._remoteOrigin)562 this._remoteDomainName = _.compact([this._remoteProps.domain, this._remoteProps.tld]).join('.')563 l('remoteOrigin', this._remoteOrigin)564 l('remoteHostAndPort', this._remoteProps)565 l('remoteDocDomain', this._remoteDomainName)566 }567 return this._getRemoteState()568 }569 _callRequestListeners (server, listeners, req, res) {570 return => {571 return, req, res)572 })573 }574 _normalizeReqUrl (server) {575 // because removes all of our request576 // events, it forces the traffic to be577 // handled first.578 // however we need to basically do the same thing579 // it does and after we call into go580 // through and remove all request listeners581 // and change the req.url by slicing out the host582 // because the browser is in proxy mode583 const listeners = server.listeners('request').slice(0)584 server.removeAllListeners('request')585 return server.on('request', (req, res) => {586 setProxiedUrl(req)587 return this._callRequestListeners(server, listeners, req, res)588 })589 }590 _retryBaseUrlCheck (baseUrl, onWarning) {591 return ensureUrl.retryIsListening(baseUrl, {592 retryIntervals: [3000, 3000, 4000],593 onRetry ({ attempt, delay, remaining }) {594 const warning = errors.get('CANNOT_CONNECT_BASE_URL_RETRYING', {595 remaining,596 attempt,597 delay,598 baseUrl,599 })600 return onWarning(warning)601 },602 })603 }604 proxyWebsockets (proxy, socketIoRoute, req, socket, head) {605 // bail if this is our own namespaced request606 if (req.url.startsWith(socketIoRoute)) {607 if (!this._socketAllowed.isRequestAllowed(req)) {608 socket.write('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n\r\nRequest not made via a Cypress-launched browser.')609 socket.end()610 }611 // we can return here either way, if the socket is still valid will hook it up612 return613 }614 const host = req.headers.host615 if (host) {616 // get the protocol using req.connection.encrypted617 // get the port & hostname from host header618 const fullUrl = `${req.connection.encrypted ? 'https' : 'http'}://${host}`619 const { hostname, protocol } = url.parse(fullUrl)620 const { port } = cors.parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort(fullUrl)621 const onProxyErr = (err, req, res) => {622 return debug('Got ERROR proxying websocket connection', { err, port, protocol, hostname, req })623 }624 return, socket, head, {625 secure: false,626 target: {627 host: hostname,628 port,629 protocol,630 },631 agent,632 }, onProxyErr)633 }634 // we can't do anything with this socket...

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Source:server-base.js Github


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...328 this._remoteStrategy = 'http';329 this._remoteFileServer = null;330 // set an object with port, tld, and domain properties331 // as the remoteHostAndPort332 this._remoteProps = network_1.cors.parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort(this._remoteOrigin);333 // @ts-ignore334 this._remoteDomainName = lodash_1.default.compact([this._remoteProps.domain, this._remoteProps.tld]).join('.');335 l('remoteOrigin', this._remoteOrigin);336 l('remoteHostAndPort', this._remoteProps);337 l('remoteDocDomain', this._remoteDomainName);338 }339 return this._getRemoteState();340 }341 proxyWebsockets(proxy, socketIoRoute, req, socket, head) {342 // bail if this is our own namespaced request343 if (req.url.startsWith(socketIoRoute)) {344 if (!this.socketAllowed.isRequestAllowed(req)) {345 socket.write('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n\r\nRequest not made via a Cypress-launched browser.');346 socket.end();347 }348 // we can return here either way, if the socket is still valid will hook it up349 return;350 }351 const host =;352 if (host) {353 // get the protocol using req.connection.encrypted354 // get the port & hostname from host header355 const fullUrl = `${req.connection.encrypted ? 'https' : 'http'}://${host}`;356 const { hostname, protocol } = url_1.default.parse(fullUrl);357 const { port } = network_1.cors.parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort(fullUrl);358 const onProxyErr = (err, req, res) => {359 return debug('Got ERROR proxying websocket connection', { err, port, protocol, hostname, req });360 };361 return, socket, head, {362 secure: false,363 target: {364 host: hostname,365 port,366 protocol,367 },368 agent: network_1.agent,369 }, onProxyErr);370 }371 // we can't do anything with this socket...

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Source:cors_spec.js Github


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...3describe('lib/util/cors', () => {4 context('.parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort', () => {5 beforeEach(function () {6 this.isEq = (url, obj) => {7 expect(cors.parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort(url)).to.deep.eq(obj)8 }9 })10 it('parses', function () {11 this.isEq('', {12 port: '443',13 domain: 'google',14 tld: 'com',15 })16 })17 it('parses http://localhost:8080', function () {18 this.isEq('http://localhost:8080', {19 port: '8080',20 domain: '',21 tld: 'localhost',22 })23 })24 it('parses http://app.localhost:8080', function () {25 this.isEq('http://app.localhost:8080', {26 port: '8080',27 domain: 'app',28 tld: 'localhost',29 })30 })31 it('parses', function () {32 this.isEq('', {33 port: '8080',34 domain: 'localhost',35 tld: 'dev',36 })37 })38 it('parses http://app.local:8080', function () {39 this.isEq('http://app.local:8080', {40 port: '8080',41 domain: 'app',42 tld: 'local',43 })44 })45 // public suffix example of a private tld46 it('parses', function () {47 this.isEq('', {48 port: '443',49 domain: 'example',50 tld: '',51 })52 })53 it('parses', function () {54 this.isEq('', {55 port: '80',56 domain: 'local',57 tld: 'nl',58 })59 })60 // it('parses', function () {62 this.isEq('', {63 port: '80',64 domain: 'beta',65 tld: '',66 })67 })68 it('parses', function () {69 this.isEq('', {70 port: '8080',71 domain: 'local',72 tld: 'nl',73 })74 })75 it('parses', function () {76 this.isEq('', {77 port: '8080',78 domain: '',79 tld: '',80 })81 })82 })83 context('.urlMatchesOriginPolicyProps', () => {84 beforeEach(function () {85 this.isFalse = (url, props) => {86 expect(cors.urlMatchesOriginPolicyProps(url, props)) }88 this.isTrue = (url, props) => {89 expect(cors.urlMatchesOriginPolicyProps(url, props)) }91 })92 describe('domain + subdomain', () => {93 beforeEach(function () {94 this.props = cors.parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort('')95 })96 it('does not match', function () {97 this.isFalse('', this.props)98 this.isFalse('', this.props)99 this.isFalse('', this.props)100 this.isFalse('', this.props)101 this.isFalse('', this.props)102 this.isFalse('', this.props)103 this.isFalse('', this.props)104 this.isFalse('', this.props)105 this.isFalse('', this.props)106 })107 it('matches', function () {108 this.isTrue('', this.props)109 this.isTrue('', this.props)110 this.isTrue('', this.props)111 this.isTrue('', this.props)112 })113 })114 describe('public suffix', () => {115 beforeEach(function () {116 this.props = cors.parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort('')117 })118 it('does not match', function () {119 this.isFalse('', this.props)120 this.isFalse('', this.props)121 })122 it('matches', function () {123 this.isTrue('', this.props)124 this.isTrue('', this.props)125 })126 })127 describe('localhost', () => {128 beforeEach(function () {129 this.props = cors.parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort('http://localhost:4200')130 })131 it('does not match', function () {132 this.isFalse('http://localhost:4201', this.props)133 this.isFalse('http://localhoss:4200', this.props)134 })135 it('matches', function () {136 this.isTrue('http://localhost:4200', this.props)137 })138 })139 describe('app.localhost', () => {140 beforeEach(function () {141 this.props = cors.parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort('http://app.localhost:4200')142 })143 it('does not match', function () {144 this.isFalse('http://app.localhost:4201', this.props)145 this.isFalse('http://app.localhoss:4200', this.props)146 })147 it('matches', function () {148 this.isTrue('http://app.localhost:4200', this.props)149 this.isTrue('', this.props)150 })151 })152 describe('local', () => {153 beforeEach(function () {154 this.props = cors.parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort('')155 })156 it('does not match', function () {157 this.isFalse('', this.props)158 this.isFalse('', this.props)159 this.isFalse('http://brian.dev2.local:81', this.props)160 })161 it('matches', function () {162 this.isTrue('', this.props)163 this.isTrue('', this.props)164 })165 })166 describe('ip address', () => {167 beforeEach(function () {168 this.props = cors.parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort('')169 })170 it('does not match', function () {171 this.isFalse('', this.props)172 this.isFalse('', this.props)173 this.isFalse('', this.props)174 this.isFalse('', this.props)175 })176 it('matches', function () {177 this.isTrue('', this.props)178 this.isTrue('', this.props)179 })180 })181 })182 context('.urlMatchesOriginProtectionSpace', () => {...

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Source:cors.js Github


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...30const debug = (0, debug_1.default)('cypress:network:cors');31// match IP addresses or anything following the last .32const customTldsRe = /(^[\d\.]+$|\.[^\.]+$)/;33function getSuperDomain(url) {34 const parsed = parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort(url);35 return lodash_1.default.compact([parsed.domain, parsed.tld]).join('.');36}37exports.getSuperDomain = getSuperDomain;38function parseDomain(domain, options = {}) {39 return (0, parse_domain_1.default)(domain, lodash_1.default.defaults(options, {40 privateTlds: true,41 customTlds: customTldsRe,42 }));43}44exports.parseDomain = parseDomain;45function parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort(str) {46 let { hostname, port, protocol } = uri.parse(str);47 if (!hostname) {48 hostname = '';49 }50 if (!port) {51 port = protocol === 'https:' ? '443' : '80';52 }53 let parsed = parseDomain(hostname);54 // if we couldn't get a parsed domain55 if (!parsed) {56 // then just fall back to a dumb check57 // based on assumptions that the tld58 // is the last segment after the final59 // '.' and that the domain is the segment60 // before that61 const segments = hostname.split('.');62 parsed = {63 tld: segments[segments.length - 1] || '',64 domain: segments[segments.length - 2] || '',65 };66 }67 const obj = {};68 obj.port = port;69 obj.tld = parsed.tld;70 obj.domain = parsed.domain;71 debug('Parsed URL %o', obj);72 return obj;73}74exports.parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort = parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort;75function urlMatchesOriginPolicyProps(urlStr, props) {76 // take a shortcut here in the case77 // where remoteHostAndPort is null78 if (!props) {79 return false;80 }81 const parsedUrl = parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort(urlStr);82 // does the parsedUrl match the parsedHost?83 return lodash_1.default.isEqual(parsedUrl, props);84}85exports.urlMatchesOriginPolicyProps = urlMatchesOriginPolicyProps;86function urlMatchesOriginProtectionSpace(urlStr, origin) {87 const normalizedUrl = uri.addDefaultPort(urlStr).format();88 const normalizedOrigin = uri.addDefaultPort(origin).format();89 return lodash_1.default.startsWith(normalizedUrl, normalizedOrigin);90}...

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1describe('Test', function() {2 it('test', function() {3 cy.window().then(win => {4 expect(domain).to.equal('')5 })6 })7})8var url = window.location.href;9var domain = url.split('/')[2];10var url = window.location.href;11var domain = url.split('/')[2];12var url = window.location.href;13var domain = url.split('/')[2];14var url = window.location.href;15var domain = url.split('/')[2];16var url = window.location.href;17var domain = url.split('/')[2];18var url = window.location.href;19var domain = url.split('/')[2];

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1cy.log(2 Cypress.parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort(3);4{5}6cy.log(7 Cypress.parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort(8);9{10}11cy.log(12 Cypress.parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort(13);14{15}16cy.log(17 Cypress.parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort(18);19{20}21cy.log(22 Cypress.parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort(23);24{25}26cy.log(27 Cypress.parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort(28);29{30}31cy.log(32 Cypress.parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort(33);34{

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1describe('Cypress test', () => {2 it('should test domain name', () => {3 })4})5describe('Cypress test', () => {6 it('should test domain name', () => {7 })8})9describe('Cypress test', () => {10 it('should test domain name', () => {11 })12})13describe('Cypress test', () => {14 it('should test domain name', () => {15 })16})17describe('Cypress test', () => {18 it('should test domain name', () => {19 })20})21describe('Cypress test', () => {22 it('should test domain name', () => {23 })24})25describe('Cypress test', () => {26 it('should test domain name', () => {27 cy.visit('https

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1const cy = require('cypress')2const { domain, tld, port } = cy.parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort(url)3console.log(domain, tld, port)4Using Cypress.Commands.add() to add a custom command5Using cy.task() to add a task6Using Cypress.Commands.add() to add a custom command7Cypress.Commands.add('parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort', (url) => {8 const { domain, tld, port } = cy.parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort(url)9 return { domain, tld, port }10})11describe('Test', () => {12 it('Test', () => {13 cy.parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort(Cypress.config().baseUrl).then((result) => {14 console.log(result)15 })16 })17})18{domain: "localhost", tld: "com", port: "3000"}19Using cy.task() to add a task20module.exports = (on, config) => {21 on('task', {22 parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort: (url) => {23 const { domain, tld, port } = cy.parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort(url)24 return { domain, tld, port }25 },26 })27}28describe('Test', () => {29 it('Test',

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1describe('Test', () => {2 it('Test', () => {3 cy.log(cy.parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort());4 });5});6Cypress.Commands.add('parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort', () => {7 const url = Cypress.config().baseUrl;8 const parsedUrl = new URL(url);9 const domain = parsedUrl.hostname;10 const port = parsedUrl.port;11 const tld = domain.split('.').pop();12 return { domain, tld, port };13});14{15}

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Cypress Tutorial

Cypress is a renowned Javascript-based open-source, easy-to-use end-to-end testing framework primarily used for testing web applications. Cypress is a relatively new player in the automation testing space and has been gaining much traction lately, as evidenced by the number of Forks (2.7K) and Stars (42.1K) for the project. LambdaTest’s Cypress Tutorial covers step-by-step guides that will help you learn from the basics till you run automation tests on LambdaTest.


  1. What is Cypress? -
  2. Why Cypress? - Learn why Cypress might be a good choice for testing your web applications.
  3. Features of Cypress Testing - Learn about features that make Cypress a powerful and flexible tool for testing web applications.
  4. Cypress Drawbacks - Although Cypress has many strengths, it has a few limitations that you should be aware of.
  5. Cypress Architecture - Learn more about Cypress architecture and how it is designed to be run directly in the browser, i.e., it does not have any additional servers.
  6. Browsers Supported by Cypress - Cypress is built on top of the Electron browser, supporting all modern web browsers. Learn browsers that support Cypress.
  7. Selenium vs Cypress: A Detailed Comparison - Compare and explore some key differences in terms of their design and features.
  8. Cypress Learning: Best Practices - Take a deep dive into some of the best practices you should use to avoid anti-patterns in your automation tests.
  9. How To Run Cypress Tests on LambdaTest? - Set up a LambdaTest account, and now you are all set to learn how to run Cypress tests.


You can elevate your expertise with end-to-end testing using the Cypress automation framework and stay one step ahead in your career by earning a Cypress certification. Check out our Cypress 101 Certification.


Watch this 3 hours of complete tutorial to learn the basics of Cypress and various Cypress commands with the Cypress testing at LambdaTest.

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