How to use removeAllExtensions method in Cypress

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Source:electron.js Github


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...53 }54 return automation55}56const _installExtensions = function (extensionPaths = [], options) {57 Windows.removeAllExtensions()58 return extensionPaths.forEach((path) => {59 try {60 return Windows.installExtension(path)61 } catch (error) {62 return options.onWarning(errors.get('EXTENSION_NOT_LOADED', 'Electron', path))63 }64 })65}66const _maybeRecordVideo = function (webContents, options) {67 return async () => {68 const { onScreencastFrame } = options69 debug('maybe recording video %o', { onScreencastFrame })70 if (!onScreencastFrame) {71 return72 }73 webContents.debugger.on('message', (event, method, params) => {74 if (method === 'Page.screencastFrame') {75 onScreencastFrame(params)76 }77 })78 await webContents.debugger.sendCommand('Page.startScreencast', {79 format: 'jpeg',80 })81 }82}83module.exports = {84 _defaultOptions (projectRoot, state, options) {85 const _this = this86 const defaults = {87 x: state.browserX,88 y: state.browserY,89 width: state.browserWidth || 1280,90 height: state.browserHeight || 720,91 devTools: state.isBrowserDevToolsOpen,92 minWidth: 100,93 minHeight: 100,94 contextMenu: true,95 partition: this._getPartition(options),96 trackState: {97 width: 'browserWidth',98 height: 'browserHeight',99 x: 'browserX',100 y: 'browserY',101 devTools: 'isBrowserDevToolsOpen',102 },103 onFocus () {104 if ( {105 return menu.set({ withDevTools: true })106 }107 },108 onNewWindow (e, url) {109 const _win = this110 return _this._launchChild(e, url, _win, projectRoot, state, options)111 .then((child) => {112 // close child on parent close113 _win.on('close', () => {114 if (!child.isDestroyed()) {115 child.destroy()116 }117 })118 // add this pid to list of pids119 tryToCall(child, () => {120 if (instance && {121 }123 })124 })125 },126 }127 return _.defaultsDeep({}, options, defaults)128 },129 _getAutomation,130 _render (url, projectRoot, automation, options = {}) {131 const win = Windows.create(projectRoot, options)132 automation.use(_getAutomation(win, options))133 return this._launch(win, url, options)134 .tap(_maybeRecordVideo(win.webContents, options))135 },136 _launchChild (e, url, parent, projectRoot, state, options) {137 e.preventDefault()138 const [parentX, parentY] = parent.getPosition()139 options = this._defaultOptions(projectRoot, state, options)140 _.extend(options, {141 x: parentX + 100,142 y: parentY + 100,143 trackState: false,144 })145 const win = Windows.create(projectRoot, options)146 // needed by electron since we prevented default and are creating147 // our own BrowserWindow ( e.newGuest = win149 return this._launch(win, url, options)150 },151 _launch (win, url, options) {152 if ( {153 menu.set({ withDevTools: true })154 }155 ELECTRON_DEBUG_EVENTS.forEach((e) => {156 win.on(e, () => {157 debug('%s fired on the BrowserWindow %o', e, { browserWindowUrl: url })158 })159 })160 return Bluebird.try(() => {161 return this._attachDebugger(win.webContents)162 })163 .then(() => {164 let ua165 ua = options.userAgent166 if (ua) {167 this._setUserAgent(win.webContents, ua)168 }169 const setProxy = () => {170 let ps171 ps = options.proxyServer172 if (ps) {173 return this._setProxy(win.webContents, ps)174 }175 }176 return Bluebird.join(177 setProxy(),178 this._clearCache(win.webContents),179 )180 })181 .then(() => {182 return win.loadURL(url)183 })184 .then(() => {185 // enabling can only happen once the window has loaded186 return this._enableDebugger(win.webContents)187 })188 .return(win)189 },190 _attachDebugger (webContents) {191 try {192 webContents.debugger.attach('1.3')193 debug('debugger attached')194 } catch (err) {195 debug('debugger attached failed %o', { err })196 throw err197 }198 const originalSendCommand = webContents.debugger.sendCommand199 webContents.debugger.sendCommand = function (message, data) {200 debug('debugger: sending %s with params %o', message, data)201 return, message, data)202 .then((res) => {203 let debugRes = res204 if (debug.enabled && (_.get(debugRes, 'data.length') > 100)) {205 debugRes = _.clone(debugRes)206 = `${, 100)} [truncated]`207 }208 debug('debugger: received response to %s: %o', message, debugRes)209 return res210 }).catch((err) => {211 debug('debugger: received error on %s: %o', message, err)212 throw err213 })214 }215 webContents.debugger.sendCommand('Browser.getVersion')216 webContents.debugger.on('detach', (event, reason) => {217 debug('debugger detached due to %o', { reason })218 })219 webContents.debugger.on('message', (event, method, params) => {220 if (method === 'Console.messageAdded') {221 debug('console message: %o', params.message)222 }223 })224 },225 _enableDebugger (webContents) {226 debug('debugger: enable Console and Network')227 return webContents.debugger.sendCommand('Console.enable')228 },229 _getPartition (options) {230 if (options.isTextTerminal) {231 // create dynamic persisted run232 // to enable parallelization233 return `persist:run-${}`234 }235 // we're in interactive mode and always236 // use the same session237 return 'persist:interactive'238 },239 _clearCache (webContents) {240 debug('clearing cache')241 return webContents.session.clearCache()242 },243 _setUserAgent (webContents, userAgent) {244 debug('setting user agent to:', userAgent)245 // set both because why not246 webContents.userAgent = userAgent247 return webContents.session.setUserAgent(userAgent)248 },249 _setProxy (webContents, proxyServer) {250 return webContents.session.setProxy({251 proxyRules: proxyServer,252 // this should really only be necessary when253 // running Chromium versions >= 72254 // proxyBypassRules: '<-loopback>',256 })257 },258 open (browser, url, options = {}, automation) {259 const { projectRoot, isTextTerminal } = options260 debug('open %o', { browser, url })261 return savedState.create(projectRoot, isTextTerminal)262 .then((state) => {263 return state.get()264 }).then((state) => {265 debug('received saved state %o', state)266 // get our electron default options267 // TODO: this is bad, don't mutate the options object268 options = this._defaultOptions(projectRoot, state, options)269 // get the GUI window defaults now270 options = Windows.defaults(options)271 debug('browser window options %o', _.omitBy(options, _.isFunction))272 const defaultLaunchOptions = utils.getDefaultLaunchOptions({273 preferences: options,274 })275 return utils.executeBeforeBrowserLaunch(browser, defaultLaunchOptions, options)276 }).then((launchOptions) => {277 const { preferences } = launchOptions278 debug('launching browser window to url: %s', url)279 _installExtensions(launchOptions.extensions, options)280 return this._render(url, projectRoot, automation, preferences)281 .then((win) => {282 // cause the webview to receive focus so that283 // native browser focus + blur events fire correctly284 // tryToCall(win, 'focusOnWebView')286 const events = new EE287 win.once('closed', () => {288 debug('closed event fired')289 Windows.removeAllExtensions()290 return events.emit('exit')291 })292 instance = _.extend(events, {293 pid: [tryToCall(win, () => {294 return win.webContents.getOSProcessId()295 })],296 browserWindow: win,297 kill () {298 return tryToCall(win, 'destroy')299 },300 removeAllListeners () {301 return tryToCall(win, 'removeAllListeners')302 },303 })...

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Source:windows.js Github


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...43 throw err;44 });45}46exports.installExtension = installExtension;47function removeAllExtensions(win) {48 let extensions;49 try {50 extensions = win.webContents.session.getAllExtensions();51 extensions.forEach(({ id }) => {52 win.webContents.session.removeExtension(id);53 });54 }55 catch (err) {56 debug('error removing all extensions %o', { err, extensions });57 }58}59exports.removeAllExtensions = removeAllExtensions;60function reset() {61 windows = {};...

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Source:content-script-spec.js Github


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...39 }40 })41 })42 afterEach(() => {43 removeAllExtensions()44 return closeWindow(w).then(() => { w = null })45 })46 it('should run content script at document_start', (done) => {47 addExtension('content-script-document-start')48 w.webContents.once('dom-ready', () => {49 w.webContents.executeJavaScript('', (result) => {50 expect(result).to.equal('red')51 done()52 })53 })54 w.loadURL('about:blank')55 })56 it('should run content script at document_idle', (done) => {57 addExtension('content-script-document-idle')...

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Source:classpcpp_1_1_i_pv6_layer.js Github


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Source:a01142.js Github


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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('Cypress Test Suite', function () {2 it('Cypress Test Case', function () {3 cy.get('#opentab').then(function (el) {4 const url = el.prop('href')5 cy.log(url)6 cy.visit(url)7 })8 })9})

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Cypress.removeAllExtensions();2Cypress.addExtension('path_to_extension.crx');3Cypress.removeExtension('extension_id');4Cypress.getExtensions();5Cypress.getExtension('extension_id');6Cypress.clearExtensions();7Cypress.clearExtensions();8Cypress.getExtensionData('extension_id', 'key');9Cypress.setExtensionData('extension_id', 'key', 'value');10import 'cypress-extension-support';11module.exports = (on, config) => {12 require('cypress-extension-support/plugin')(on, config);13 return config;14};15{16}17{18 "compilerOptions": {19 }20}21{22 "devDependencies": {23 }24}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('Cypress', function () {2 it('is awesome', function () {3 cy.get('.home-list > :nth-child(1) > a').click()4 cy.removeAllExtensions()5 cy.get('.home-list > :nth-child(1) > a').click()6 })7})8Cypress.Commands.add('removeAllExtensions', () => {9 cy.window().then((win) => {10 win.postMessage({ type: 'REMOVE_ALL_EXTENSIONS' }, '*')11 })12})13import './commands'14{15 "env": {16 }17}18describe('Cypress', function () {19 it('is awesome', function () {20 cy.get('.home-list > :nth-child(1) > a').click()21 cy.removeAllExtensions()22 cy.get('.home-list > :nth-child(1) > a').click()23 })24})25Cypress.Commands.add('removeAllExtensions', () => {26 cy.window().then((win) => {27 win.postMessage({ type: 'REMOVE_ALL_EXTENSIONS' }, '*')28 })29})30import './commands'31{32 "env": {33 }34}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Cypress.removeAllExtensions();2Cypress.removeAllExtensions();3Cypress.addExtension("/path/to/extension");4Cypress.removeExtension("/path/to/extension");5Cypress.installExtension("/path/to/extension");6Cypress.uninstallExtension("/path/to/extension");7MIT © [Saurabh](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Cypress.removeAllExtensions();2Cypress.removeAllExtensions();3Cypress.addExtension(extensionPath);4Cypress.removeExtension(extensionId);5import "cypress-browser-extension-plugin";6module.exports = (on, config) => {7 require("cypress-browser-extension-plugin/load-webpack")(on, config);8};9Cypress.getExtension(extensionId);10Cypress.getExtensions();11Cypress.removeAllExtensions();12Cypress.addExtension(extensionPath);13Cypress.removeExtension(extensionId);14- [Cypress](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Cypress.removeAllExtensions()2window.cypressExtension.addExtension(extensionId, extensionPath)3window.cypressExtension.addExtension(extensionId, extensionPath)4describe('My First Test', () => {5 it('Visits the Kitchen Sink', () => {6 cy.contains('type').click()7 cy.addExtension('hgmloofddffdnphfgcellkdfbfbjeloo')8 cy.get('.action-email')9 .type('

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Cypress Tutorial

Cypress is a renowned Javascript-based open-source, easy-to-use end-to-end testing framework primarily used for testing web applications. Cypress is a relatively new player in the automation testing space and has been gaining much traction lately, as evidenced by the number of Forks (2.7K) and Stars (42.1K) for the project. LambdaTest’s Cypress Tutorial covers step-by-step guides that will help you learn from the basics till you run automation tests on LambdaTest.


  1. What is Cypress? -
  2. Why Cypress? - Learn why Cypress might be a good choice for testing your web applications.
  3. Features of Cypress Testing - Learn about features that make Cypress a powerful and flexible tool for testing web applications.
  4. Cypress Drawbacks - Although Cypress has many strengths, it has a few limitations that you should be aware of.
  5. Cypress Architecture - Learn more about Cypress architecture and how it is designed to be run directly in the browser, i.e., it does not have any additional servers.
  6. Browsers Supported by Cypress - Cypress is built on top of the Electron browser, supporting all modern web browsers. Learn browsers that support Cypress.
  7. Selenium vs Cypress: A Detailed Comparison - Compare and explore some key differences in terms of their design and features.
  8. Cypress Learning: Best Practices - Take a deep dive into some of the best practices you should use to avoid anti-patterns in your automation tests.
  9. How To Run Cypress Tests on LambdaTest? - Set up a LambdaTest account, and now you are all set to learn how to run Cypress tests.


You can elevate your expertise with end-to-end testing using the Cypress automation framework and stay one step ahead in your career by earning a Cypress certification. Check out our Cypress 101 Certification.


Watch this 3 hours of complete tutorial to learn the basics of Cypress and various Cypress commands with the Cypress testing at LambdaTest.

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