How to use resetPkg method in Cypress

Best JavaScript code snippet using cypress


Source:EditConsignment.jsx Github


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1import React, {useState, useContext, useEffect} from 'react'2import { ClientNames } from '../../App'3import { toast } from 'react-toastify'4import 'react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.css' 5import Select2 from '../common/Select2'6import axios from 'axios'7import 'react-datepicker/dist/react-datepicker.css'8import { FiRefreshCw } from 'react-icons/fi'9import {VisitTrack} from '../../App'10const consignment = {11 client: '',12 consigner: '',13 consignee:'',14 PoD: '',15 Loading: null,16 UnLoading: null,17 package: null,18 package1: null,19 weight: null,20 cWeight: null,21 rate: null,22 amnount: null,23 payment: '',24 remark:'',25 tempo:'',26 id: null27}28function EditConsignment({nameC, id, noId, onclick}) {29 const captureModal = useContext(VisitTrack)30 const captureNamesFromData = useContext(ClientNames)31 let clientNameSelect = => name.clientName)32 const nameOnly = nameC.split("/")33 const initailConsigner = captureNamesFromData[clientNameSelect.indexOf(nameOnly[0])].consigner34 const [cons, setCons] = useState(consignment)35 const [minus, setMinus] = useState(0)36 const [resetPkg, setRestPkg] = useState()37 const [getConsigner, setConsigern] = useState()38 const [loadingDate, setLoadingDate] = useState()39 40 41 42 const closeUpdates = (e) => noId(e)43 //console.log(id)44 const getCons = async () => await axios.get(`http://localhost:5000/consignments/${id}`) 45 46 let selectedConsignment = [] // submit values47 const x = document.getElementById("addCons")48 let updateConsignment 49 50 const payment = ["Paid", "To Pay", "Billed"]51 52 53 const editClient = () => getCons().then(res=> {54 setConsigern( setCons({...cons, consignee: `${}`, 56 PoD:`${}`, 57 package: `${}`,58 package1: `${}`,59 weight: `${}`,60 cWeight: `${}`,61 rate: `${}`,62 remark: `${}`,63 payment: `${}`,64 loading:,65 UnLoading: `${}`,66 tempo: `${}`,67 id: `${}`,68 delivery: `${}`,69 book: `${}`,70 page: `${}`71 } )72 setLoadingDate( + "/" + 73,5) + "/" + 74,2)) //loadingDate75 setRestPkg( console.log("loads " + onclick(false)78 })79 const reducePackages = () => {80 81 setCons({...cons, package1: `${cons.package1 - minus}`})82 }83 useEffect(()=>{reducePackages()}, [minus])84 const resetPackage = () => {85 setCons({...cons, package1: `${resetPkg}`})86 setMinus(0)87 }88 89 useEffect(()=>{ 90 editClient() 91 resetPackage() 92 },[])93 94 const consignementUpdate = () =>{95 setMinus(selectedConsignment[10])96 let i97 for (i = 0; i < x.length ; i++) {98 selectedConsignment.push(x.elements[i].value)99 }100 updateConsignment = {101 client: selectedConsignment[0], 102 consigner: selectedConsignment[1], 103 consignee: selectedConsignment[2],104 loading: selectedConsignment[3],105 uloading: selectedConsignment[4],106 load: Date.parse(selectedConsignment[3].slice(3,6) + selectedConsignment[3].slice(0,3) + selectedConsignment[3].slice(6,10)),107 unload: Date.parse(selectedConsignment[4].slice(3,6) + selectedConsignment[4].slice(0,3) + selectedConsignment[4].slice(6,10)),108 Pod: selectedConsignment[4].slice(0, 5) + " U",109 package:cons.package,110 package1: cons.package1 ? cons.package1 : 0,111 weight: selectedConsignment[6],112 cWeight: selectedConsignment[7],113 rate: selectedConsignment[8],114 amount: selectedConsignment[7] * selectedConsignment[8],115 payment: selectedConsignment[11],116 remark: selectedConsignment[12],117 tempo: selectedConsignment[13],118 delivery: selectedConsignment[14],119 delv: Date.parse(selectedConsignment[14].slice(3,6) + selectedConsignment[14].slice(0,3) + selectedConsignment[14].slice(6,10)),120 book: selectedConsignment[15],121 page: selectedConsignment[16]122 } 123 const postCons = async () => {124 125 return await axios.put(`http://localhost:5000/consignments/${id}`, updateConsignment) 126 }127 postCons() 128 captureModal.countDispatch({type:'modal', modal: false, value: ''})129 toast.success("Consignment is updated", {position: toast.POSITION.BOTTOM_CENTER})130 131 }132 133 return (134 <div className="consUpdate">135 <h3 className="modalTitle"> Update Consignment </h3> 136 <form name="addclientform" id="addCons" style={{width: "1010px"}} >137 <div className="formSec">138 <Select2 label="Client's Name" option={clientNameSelect} selectedId={nameC} id="selectedClientName" />139 <Select2 label="Consigner" option={initailConsigner} selectedId={getConsigner}/>140 <div className="form-group" >141 <label className="form-input-label">Consignee</label>142 <input label="Consignee" value={cons.consignee} onChange={e=>setCons({...cons,consignee:})}/>143 </div> 144 <div className="form-group" >145 <label className="form-input-label">Loading</label>146 <input value={cons.loading} onChange={e=>setCons({...cons,loading:})} style={{width: "140px"}}/>147 {/* <button className="button" style={{marginLeft: "-70px"}} onClick={loadingNew}>Change Date</button> */}148 </div> 149 <div className="form-group" >150 <label className="form-input-label">Unloading</label>151 <input value={cons.UnLoading} onChange={e=>setCons({...cons,UnLoading:})} style={{width: "140px"}}/>152 153 </div> 154 155 156 <div className="form-group" >157 <label className="form-input-label" >PoD</label>158 <input value={cons.PoD} onChange={e=>setCons({...cons,PoD:})}/>159 </div> 160 <div className="form-group" >161 <label className="form-input-label">Weight</label>162 <input value={cons.weight} onChange={e=>setCons({...cons,weight:})}/>163 </div> 164 <div className="form-group" > 165 <label className="form-input-label">C-Weight</label>166 <input value={cons.cWeight} onChange={e=>setCons({...cons,cWeight:})}/>167 </div> 168 169 <div className="form-group" > 170 <label className="form-input-label">Rate</label> 171 <input value={cons.rate} onChange={e=>setCons({...cons,rate:})}/>172 </div>173 </div>174 <div className="formSec">175 <div className="form-group" >176 <label className="form-input-label">Package</label>177 <p style={{width: "70px", float: "left", margin: "0"}}>{`${ cons.package1 } / ${cons.package}`}</p>178 <h5 style={{width: "50px", float: "left", margin: "0 10px"}}>minus</h5>179 <input type="number" onChange={e=> setMinus( } style={{width: "70px", float: "left"}} max ={cons.package1} />180 <button type="button" className="roundClick" onClick={()=>resetPackage()} style={{float: "left", margin: "5px 10px"}}> 181 <FiRefreshCw />182 </button>183 184 </div>185 186 187 <p className="amount"> Amount = {cons.cWeight && cons.rate ? cons.cWeight * cons.rate : 0} </p>188 <div className="form-group" > 189 <label className="form-input-label">Payment</label>190 191 <select >192 <option key={cons.payment} value={cons.payment} className="selectName" selected>{cons.payment}</option>193 { => <option key={data} value={data} className="selectName">{data}</option> )}194 </select>195 196 </div>197 <div className="form-group" >198 <label className="form-input-label">Remark</label> 199 <input value={cons.remark} onChange={e=>setCons({...cons,remark:})}/>200 </div>201 <div className="form-group" >202 <label className="form-input-label">Tempo</label> 203 <input value={cons.tempo} onChange={e=>setCons({...cons,tempo:})}/>204 </div>205 <div className="form-group" >206 <label className="form-input-label">Delivery</label>207 <input value={} onChange={e=>setCons({...cons,delivery:})} style={{width: "140px"}}/>208 209 </div> 210 <div className="form-group" >211 <label className="form-input-label">Book No</label>212 <input label="Consignee" value={} onChange={e=>setCons({...cons,book:})}/>213 </div>214 <div className="form-group" >215 <label className="form-input-label">Page No</label>216 <input label="Consignee" value={} onChange={e=>setCons({...cons,page:})}/>217 </div>218 219 </div>220 </form>221 <button className="formButton" onClick={() => consignementUpdate()} >Submit</button> 222 <button type="button" className="roundButton" onClick={() => closeUpdates()}> X </button>223 224 </div>225 )226}...

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Source:script_test.js Github


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...35 var exe=document.getElementById('esegs');36"none";37 resetRequi1();38 resetRequi2();39 resetPkg();40 resetMets();41}42function resetMets(){43 var mets=document.getElementById('mets');44"none";45 var ind=document.getElementById('num_met');46 var num=Number(ind.value);47 for(var i=2;i<=(num+1);i++){48 var sel=document.getElementById('met'+i);49 mets.removeChild(sel);50 }51 ind.value=0;52 var zero=document.getElementById('met0');53 var first=document.getElementById('met1');54 while(first.options[0]){55 first.removeChild(first.options[0]);56 }57 for(var i=0;zero.options[i];i++){58 var op=document.createElement("option");59 op.text=zero.options[i].text;60 op.value=zero.options[i].value;61 op.selected=zero.options[i].selected;62 first.appendChild(op);63 }64}65function resetPkg(){66 var pkg=document.getElementById('pkgs');67"none";68 var first=document.getElementById('pkg');69 first.options[0].selected=true;70}71function resetRequi1(){72 var requi=document.getElementById('requis1');73"none";74 var first=document.getElementById('requi1');75 first.options[0].selected=true;76}77function resetRequi2(){78 var requi=document.getElementById('requis2');79"none";80 var first=document.getElementById('requi2');81 first.options[0].selected=true;82}83function sis(){84 var requi=document.getElementById('requis2');85"block";86 resetRequi1();87 resetPkg();88 resetMets();89}90function val(){91 var requi=document.getElementById('requis1');92"block";93 resetRequi2();94 resetPkg();95 resetMets();96}97function validateForm(){98 var type1=document.getElementById('tipo1');99 var type2=document.getElementById('tipo2');100 var type3=document.getElementById('tipo3');101 var type4=document.getElementById('tipo4');102 var desc=document.getElementById('desc');103 var requi1=document.getElementById('requi1');104 var requi2=document.getElementById('requi2');105 var pkg=document.getElementById('pkg');106 var met=document.getElementById('met1');107 var aler="";108 var errors=0;109 if((!type1.checked) && (!type2.checked) && (!type3.checked) && (!type4.checked)){110 aler=aler+"TIPO: Non selezionato\n";111 errors++;112 }113 if(desc.value==""){114 aler=aler+"DESCRIZIONE: Non inserita\n";115 errors++;116 }117 if((type1.checked && requi1.options[requi1.selectedIndex].text=="N/D") || (type2.checked && requi2.options[requi2.selectedIndex].text=="N/D")){118 aler=aler+"REQUISITO: Non indicato\n";119 errors++;120 }121 if((type3.checked) && (pkg.options[pkg.selectedIndex].text=="N/D")){122 aler=aler+"COMPONENTE: Non indicato\n";123 errors++;124 }125 if((type4.checked) && (met.options[met.selectedIndex].text=="N/D")){126 aler=aler+"METODO: Non indicato\n";127 errors++;128 }129 if(errors==0){130 document.getElementById("form").submit();131 }132 else{133 alert(aler);134 return false;135 }136}137function uni(){138 resetRequi1();139 resetRequi2();140 resetPkg();141 var met=document.getElementById('mets');142"block";...

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Source:fs.specs.js Github


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...50 }51 }52 beforeEach(() => {53 setCwd()54 resetPkg()55 })56 afterEach(() => {57 resetPkg()58 resetCwd()59 })60 it('should map the packages', () => {61 updateRootPkg()62 const pkg = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(root, 'utf8'))63 expect(pkg.wsMap).to.deep.equal(map)64 })65 })...

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Source:test-webpack-5.js Github


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...21 // eslint-disable-next-line no-console22 console.error(`${step} finished with missing exit code from execa (received ${exitCode})`)23 }24 if (step === 'e2e' || (step === 'unit' && exitCode !== 0)) {25 await resetPkg()26 process.exit(exitCode)27 }28 }29 pkg.dependencies['webpack'] = '^5.39.0'30 delete pkg.devDependencies['@types/webpack']31 delete pkg.devDependencies['webpack']32 // eslint-disable-next-line no-console33 console.log('[@cypress/webpack-preprocessor]: updating package.json...')34 fs.writeFileSync('package.json', JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 2))35 // eslint-disable-next-line no-console36 console.log('[@cypress/webpack-preprocessor]: install dependencies...')37 await execa('yarn', ['install'], { stdio: 'inherit' })38 const unit = await execa('yarn', ['test-unit'], { stdio: 'inherit' })39 await checkExit({ exitCode: unit.exitCode, step: 'unit' })...

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Source:test-wds-3.js Github


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...20 if (typeof exitCode !== 'number') {21 // eslint-disable-next-line no-console22 console.error(`Finished with missing exit code from execa (received ${exitCode})`)23 }24 await resetPkg()25 process.exit(exitCode)26 }27 pkg.devDependencies['webpack-dev-server'] = '3.11.0'28 // eslint-disable-next-line no-console29 console.log('[@cypress/webpack-dev-server]: updating package.json...')30 fs.writeFileSync('package.json', JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 2))31 // eslint-disable-next-line no-console32 console.log('[@cypress/webpack-dev-server]: install dependencies...')33 await execa('yarn', ['install'], { stdio: 'inherit' })34 const { exitCode } = await execa('yarn', ['test-all'], { stdio: 'inherit' })35 await checkExit({ exitCode })36}37// execute main function if called from command line38if (require.main === module) {...

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Source:jitsu-env.js Github


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1var fs = require('fs-extra');2function resetPkg(env, callback) {3 if (!fs.existsSync('./package.base.json')) 4 return callback(new Error('Cannot reset package.json because no package.base.json could be found.'));5 6 fs.copy('./package.base.json', './package.json', function(err) {7 if (err) return callback(err);8 fs.removeSync('./package.base.json');9 return callback();10 });11}12function preparePkg(env, callback) {13 var pkg;14 if (fs.existsSync('./package.base.json')) {15 pkg = fs.readJsonSync('./package.base.json');16 }17 else {18 pkg = fs.readJsonSync('./package.json');19 fs.copySync('./package.json', './package.base.json');20 }21 var pkgEnv = fs.readJsonSync('./package.' + env + '.json');22 23 for(var prop in pkgEnv) {24 pkg[prop] = pkgEnv[prop];25 }26 27 fs.writeJsonSync('./package.json', pkg);28 return callback();29}30 31module.exports = function(env, callback) {32 try {33 if (env === 'base') {34 return resetPkg(env, callback);35 }36 else {37 return preparePkg(env, callback); 38 }39 }40 catch(e) {41 return callback(e);42 }...

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Source:form.js Github


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1$(function() {2 console.log('ready!');3});4angular.module('ngFormReset', [])5 .controller('FormResetController', function($scope) {6 7 'use strict';8 $ = false; 9 10 $scope.pkgForm = function() {11 12 if ($scope.pkgForm.$valid) {13 $ = true; 14 $('#reset-pkg').show()15 $('#showpkg').show()16 }17 }18 $scope.resetpkg = function() {19 20 $scope.formData = {};21 $scope.pkgForm.$setPristine();22 $ = false; 23 $('#showpkg').hide()24 $('#reset-pkg').hide()25 }26 27 28 $scope.submitForm = function() {29 30 if ($scope.myForm.$valid) {31 $('#reset-btn').show()32 $('#show').show()33 }34 }35 $scope.reset = function() {36 37 $scope.formData = {};38 $scope.myForm.$setPristine();39 $('#show').hide()40 $('#reset-btn').hide()41 }42 43 44 ...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('Cypress', () => {2 it('is working', () => {3 expect(true).to.equal(true)4 })5 it('can visit a site', () => {6 })7})8describe('resetPkg', () => {9 it('can reset the package.json', () => {10 cy.resetPkg()11 })12})13describe('resetPkg', () => {14 it('can reset the package.json', () => {15 cy.resetPkg()16 })17})18describe('resetPkg', () => {19 it('can reset the package.json', () => {20 cy.resetPkg()21 })22})23describe('resetPkg', () => {24 it('can reset the package.json', () => {25 cy.resetPkg()26 })27})28describe('resetPkg', () => {29 it('can reset the package.json', () => {30 cy.resetPkg()31 })32})33describe('resetPkg', () => {34 it('can reset the package.json', () => {35 cy.resetPkg()36 })37})38describe('resetPkg', () => {39 it('can reset the package.json', () => {40 cy.resetPkg()41 })42})43describe('resetPkg', () => {44 it('can reset the package.json', () => {45 cy.resetPkg()46 })47})48describe('resetPkg', () => {49 it('can reset the package.json', () => {50 cy.resetPkg()51 })52})

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Cypress.resetPkg = function() {2 cy.window().then(win => {3 win.sessionStorage.clear();4 });5 cy.clearLocalStorage();6 cy.clearCookies();7 cy.exec("npm run reset:db");8};9Cypress.login = function() {10 cy.visit("/");11 cy.get("input[name=email]").type("

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Using AI Code Generation


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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { resetPkg, pkg, setPkg } from "cypress-package"2describe("test", () => {3 beforeEach(() => {4 resetPkg()5 })6 it("test", () => {7 pkg()8 setPkg({ "name": "newName" })9 })10})11MIT © [ananddayalan](

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Cypress Tutorial

Cypress is a renowned Javascript-based open-source, easy-to-use end-to-end testing framework primarily used for testing web applications. Cypress is a relatively new player in the automation testing space and has been gaining much traction lately, as evidenced by the number of Forks (2.7K) and Stars (42.1K) for the project. LambdaTest’s Cypress Tutorial covers step-by-step guides that will help you learn from the basics till you run automation tests on LambdaTest.


  1. What is Cypress? -
  2. Why Cypress? - Learn why Cypress might be a good choice for testing your web applications.
  3. Features of Cypress Testing - Learn about features that make Cypress a powerful and flexible tool for testing web applications.
  4. Cypress Drawbacks - Although Cypress has many strengths, it has a few limitations that you should be aware of.
  5. Cypress Architecture - Learn more about Cypress architecture and how it is designed to be run directly in the browser, i.e., it does not have any additional servers.
  6. Browsers Supported by Cypress - Cypress is built on top of the Electron browser, supporting all modern web browsers. Learn browsers that support Cypress.
  7. Selenium vs Cypress: A Detailed Comparison - Compare and explore some key differences in terms of their design and features.
  8. Cypress Learning: Best Practices - Take a deep dive into some of the best practices you should use to avoid anti-patterns in your automation tests.
  9. How To Run Cypress Tests on LambdaTest? - Set up a LambdaTest account, and now you are all set to learn how to run Cypress tests.


You can elevate your expertise with end-to-end testing using the Cypress automation framework and stay one step ahead in your career by earning a Cypress certification. Check out our Cypress 101 Certification.


Watch this 3 hours of complete tutorial to learn the basics of Cypress and various Cypress commands with the Cypress testing at LambdaTest.

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