How to use setConfigEnv method in Cypress

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Source:settings_spec.js Github


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...171 expect(this.ipc.externalOpen){ url: '' })172 })173 })174 it('displays null when env settings are empty or not defined', function () {175 this.ipc.openProject.resolves(setConfigEnv(this.config, undefined))176 this.ipc.onConfigChanged.yield()177 cy.contains('.line', 'env:null').then(() => {178 this.ipc.openProject.resolves(this.config)179 this.ipc.onConfigChanged.yield()180 cy.contains('.line', 'env:fileServerFolder')181 .then(() => {182 this.ipc.openProject.resolves(setConfigEnv(this.config, null))183 this.ipc.onConfigChanged.yield()184 cy.contains('.line', 'env:null').then(() => {185 this.ipc.openProject.resolves(this.config)186 this.ipc.onConfigChanged.yield()187 cy.contains('.line', 'env:fileServerFolder')188 .then(() => {189 this.ipc.openProject.resolves(setConfigEnv(this.config, {}))190 this.ipc.onConfigChanged.yield()191 cy.contains('.line', 'env:null')192 })193 })194 })195 })196 })197 it('displays env settings', () => {198 cy.get('@config').then(({ resolved }) => {199 const getEnvKeys = flow([200 get('env'),201 toPairs,202 map(([key]) => key),203 sortBy(get('')),...

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Source:UI.js Github


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...177 */178 setServiceEnv(uri) {179 if ((uri = this.push.getValidUri(uri))) {180 return this.push.service181 .setConfigEnv(uri)182 .then(() => {183 if (this.push.config.disableWatchOnEnvChange) {184 this.stopWatch();185 }186 })187 .catch(this.push.catchError);188 } else {189 utils.showLocalisedWarning('no_servicefile_context');190 }191 }192 /**193 * @see Service#importConfig194 */195 importConfig(uri) {...

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Source:index.js Github


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...26 } else if (socketPath) {27 config.docker = { socketPath, url: `unix://${socketPath}` };28 }29}30function setConfigEnv() {31 config.defaultLoc = path.join(os.homedir(), defaultConfigDirName);32 config.configLoc =33 getEnv('SWARM_PACK_CONFIG_FILE', '') ||34 path.join(config.defaultLoc, defaultConfigFileName);35 config.cacheDir = path.join(config.defaultLoc, defaultCacheDirName);36}37function persist() {38 const store = deepExtend({}, config);39 delete store.persist;40 fs.writeFileSync(config.configLoc, yaml.safeDump(store));41}42/*43Call include config and call init() when ENV vars and config files are ready44Always45 - Load defaults within package?46 - Override defaults with anything below...?47 - Determine the "mode" of execution and make available in config helper (e.g. mode = CLI or mode = NPM)?48When installing globally (or run fist time from CLI)49 - create a ~/.swarm-pack/config with defaults50 - export SWARM_PACK_CONFIG_FILE=~/.swarm-pack/config51When swarm-pack executed from CLI52 - load file pointed at SWARM_PACK_CONFIG_FILE53 - then apply overrides from CLI args54When swarm-pack called from javascript interface (e.g. as npm dependency)55 - ignore SWARM_PACK_CONFIG_FILE56 - accept either { config } or { config_file } via method ( some sort of init pattern ?)57 - apply overrides at the method level58*/59function init({ program, moduleConfig }) {60 // Load defaults61 const defaults = yaml.safeLoad(defaults_yaml);62 // Running from CLI63 if (program) {64 setConfigEnv();65 // Initialize swarm-pack config66 ensurePathExisted(config.cacheDir, true);67 // Create cache dir if it doesn't exist68 ensurePathExisted(config.configLoc);69 // Copy defaults.yml to config dir if doesn't exist70 if (isFileEmpty(config.configLoc)) {71 fs.outputFileSync(defaults_yaml, config.configLoc);72 }73 config = deepExtend(74 {},75 config,76 defaults,77 yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync(config.configLoc))78 );...

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Source:configManager.test.js Github


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...3var baserequire = require('base-require');4var createConfigManager = baserequire('src/config/configManager');5var _configEnv;6test('configManager - getConfig - succeeds', function (t) {7 setConfigEnv(path.join(__dirname, 'test.config.json'));8 var expectedConfig = {9 'foo': [42, 44, 46],10 'bar': {11 'baz': 4812 }13 };14 var configManager = createConfigManager();15 t.deepEqual(configManager.getConfig().get(''), expectedConfig);16 restoreConfigEnv();17 t.end();18});19test('configManager - getConfig - env var not set', function (t) {20 setConfigEnv(null);21 delete process.env.VIDEOBACKUPPER_CONFIG;22 var configManager = createConfigManager();23 try {24 configManager.getConfig();25 } catch (e) {26 t.ok(e.message.includes('VIDEOBACKUPPER_CONFIG'));27 restoreConfigEnv();28 t.end();29 }30});31test('configManager - getConfig - file not found', function (t) {32 var invalidConfigPath = path.join(__dirname, 'not.found.config.json');33 setConfigEnv(invalidConfigPath);34 var configManager = createConfigManager();35 try {36 configManager.getConfig();37'Should throw error for file not found');38 } catch (e) {39 t.ok(e.message.includes('Unable to read config file'));40 t.ok(e.message.includes(invalidConfigPath));41 restoreConfigEnv();42 t.end();43 }44});45test('configManager - getConfig - file is invalid json', function (t) {46 var configPath = path.join(__dirname, '/invalid.config.json');47 setConfigEnv(configPath);48 var configManager = createConfigManager();49 try {50 configManager.getConfig();51'Should throw error for invalid json');52 } catch (e) {53 t.ok(e.message.includes('Unable to read config file'));54 t.ok(e.message.includes(configPath));55 t.ok(e.message.includes('JSON input'));56 restoreConfigEnv();57 t.end();58 }59});60var nonObjectJsonFiles = [61 'string.config.json'62];63nonObjectJsonFiles.forEach(function (fileName, index) {64 test('configManager - getConfig - json is not an object #' + index, function (t) {65 var configPath = path.join(__dirname, fileName);66 setConfigEnv(configPath);67 var configManager = createConfigManager();68 try {69 configManager.getConfig();70'Should throw error for non object json');71 } catch (e) {72 t.ok(e.message.includes(configPath));73 t.ok(e.message.includes('JSON is not an object'));74 restoreConfigEnv();75 t.end();76 }77 });78});79/**80 * Set value of config environment variable. First time called, backup original value81 * @param {string} configEnv82 */83function setConfigEnv(configEnv) {84 if (!_configEnv && process.env.VIDEOBACKUPPER_CONFIG) {85 _configEnv = process.env.VIDEOBACKUPPER_CONFIG;86 }87 process.env.VIDEOBACKUPPER_CONFIG = configEnv;88}89/**90 * Restore original value of config environment variable, from before setConfigEnv was called91 */92function restoreConfigEnv() {93 process.env.VIDEOBACKUPPER_CONFIG = _configEnv;94 _configEnv = null;...

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Source:App.js Github


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...28 // 获取当前环境29 getConfigEnv = () => {30 const { dispatch } = this.props;31 const ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? 'testing' : process.env.REACT_APP_CONFIG_ENV;32 dispatch(setConfigEnv(ENV));33 }34 render() {35 const { authed, app } = this.props;36 return (37 <Router>38 <div className="App">39 {app.ENV === 'testing' && (<div className="env">{`测试环境 ${DICT.APP_INFO.APP_VERSION}`}</div>)}40 <Switch>41 <Route exact path="/login" component={withRouter(Login)} />42 <MyLayout>43 <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>44 {RenderRoutes(routes, authed, DICT.AUTH_PATH)}45 </Suspense>46 </MyLayout>...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('My First Test', function() {2 it('Does not do much!', function() {3 cy.get('.home-list > :nth-child(1) > .home-list-item').click()4 cy.get('.query-form').submit()5 })6})7{8 "env": {9 }10}11{12}13{14}15{16}17const fs = require('fs-extra')18const path = require('path')19module.exports = (on, config) => {

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1Cypress.setConfigEnv({ env: 'test' });2Cypress.setConfigEnv({ env: 'prod' });3{4 "env": {5 }6}7{8 "env": {9 }10}11Cypress.setConfigEnv({ env: 'test' });12Cypress.setConfigEnv({ env: 'prod' });13{14 "env": {15 }16}17{18 "env": {19 }20}21Cypress.setConfigEnv({ env: 'test' });22Cypress.setConfigEnv({ env: 'prod' });23{24 "env": {25 }26}27{28 "env": {29 }30}31Cypress.setConfigEnv({ env: 'test' });32Cypress.setConfigEnv({ env: 'prod' });33{34 "env": {35 }36}37{38 "env": {39 }40}41Cypress.setConfigEnv({ env: 'test' });

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1Cypress.setConfigEnv('env', 'production');2Cypress.setConfigEnv('env', 'staging');3Cypress.setConfigEnv('env', 'development');4Cypress.setConfigEnv('env', 'test');5Cypress.setConfigEnv('env', 'qa');6Cypress.setConfigEnv('env', 'uat');7Cypress.setConfigEnv('env', 'dev');8Cypress.setConfigEnv('env', 'production');9Cypress.setConfigEnv('env', 'staging');10Cypress.setConfigEnv('env', 'development');11Cypress.setConfigEnv('env', 'test');12Cypress.setConfigEnv('env', 'qa');13Cypress.setConfigEnv('env', 'uat');14Cypress.setConfigEnv('env', 'dev');15Cypress.setConfigEnv('env', 'production');16Cypress.setConfigEnv('env', 'staging');

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1Cypress.setConfigEnv({2});3{4 "env": {5 }6}7{8 "qa": {9 },10 "prod": {11 }12}13{14 "qa": {15 },16 "prod": {17 }18}19{20 "qa": {21 },22 "prod": {23 },24 "dev": {25 }26}27{28 "qa": {29 },30 "prod": {31 },32 "dev": {33 }34}35{36 "qa": {37 },38 "prod": {39 },40 "dev": {41 },42 "staging": {

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1import { setConfigEnv } from './utils/config-env';2setConfigEnv('local');3import { env } from 'cypress';4export function setConfigEnv(envName) {5 switch (envName) {6 break;7 break;8 break;9 break;10 break;11 }12}

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1describe('My First Test', function() {2 it('Does not do much!', function() {3 cy.setConfigEnv()4 cy.contains('type').click()5 cy.url().should('include', '/commands/actions')6 cy.get('.action-email')7 .type('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Cypress.setConfigEnv({2 api: {3 }4});5const env = Cypress.getConfigEnv();6const apiUrl = env.api.url;7import { setConfigEnv } from 'cypress-config-env';8setConfigEnv({9 api: {10 }11});12const env = Cypress.getConfigEnv();13Feel free to check [issues page](

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1const env = process.argv[2];2const fs = require('fs');3const path = require('path');4const dotenv = require('dotenv');5const dotenvExpand = require('dotenv-expand');6const myEnv = dotenv.config({7 path: path.resolve(__dirname, `./.${env}.env`)8});9dotenvExpand(myEnv);10module.exports = (on, config) => {11 config.env = {12 };13 return config;14};15{16 "env": {17 },18}19{20 "scripts": {21 }22}

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1Cypress.Commands.add('setConfigEnv', (configFile) => {2 Cypress.config('baseUrl', Cypress.env(configFile).baseUrl);3 Cypress.config('defaultCommandTimeout', Cypress.env(configFile).defaultCommandTimeout);4 Cypress.config('env', Cypress.env(configFile).env);5});6Cypress.Commands.add('login', (username, password) => {7 cy.get('#username').type(username)8 cy.get('#password').type(password)9 cy.get('#loginBtn').click()10})11Cypress.Commands.add('logout', () => {12 cy.get('#logout').click()13})14Cypress.Commands.add('navigateTo', (linkText) => {15 cy.get('#nav').contains(linkText).click()16})17Cypress.Commands.add('addProduct', (productName, productDescription, productPrice) => {18 cy.get('#productName').type(productName)19 cy.get('#productDescription').type(productDescription)20 cy.get('#productPrice').type(productPrice)21 cy.get('#addProductBtn').click()22})23Cypress.Commands.add('deleteProduct', (productName) => {24 cy.get('#productList').contains(productName).parent().parent().within(() => {25 cy.get('#deleteProductBtn').click()26 })27})28Cypress.Commands.add('editProduct', (productName, productDescription, productPrice) => {29 cy.get('#productList').contains(productName).parent().parent().within(() => {30 cy.get('#editProductBtn').click()31 })32 cy.get('#productDescription').clear().type(productDescription)33 cy.get('#productPrice').clear().type(productPrice)34 cy.get('#updateProductBtn').click()35})36Cypress.Commands.add('createUser', (username, password) => {37 cy.get('#username').type(username)38 cy.get('#password').type(password)39 cy.get('#createUserBtn').click()40})41Cypress.Commands.add('deleteUser', (username) => {42 cy.get('#userList').contains(username).parent().parent().within(() => {43 cy.get('#deleteUserBtn').click()44 })45})46Cypress.Commands.add('editUser', (username, password) => {47 cy.get('#

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Cypress Tutorial

Cypress is a renowned Javascript-based open-source, easy-to-use end-to-end testing framework primarily used for testing web applications. Cypress is a relatively new player in the automation testing space and has been gaining much traction lately, as evidenced by the number of Forks (2.7K) and Stars (42.1K) for the project. LambdaTest’s Cypress Tutorial covers step-by-step guides that will help you learn from the basics till you run automation tests on LambdaTest.


  1. What is Cypress? -
  2. Why Cypress? - Learn why Cypress might be a good choice for testing your web applications.
  3. Features of Cypress Testing - Learn about features that make Cypress a powerful and flexible tool for testing web applications.
  4. Cypress Drawbacks - Although Cypress has many strengths, it has a few limitations that you should be aware of.
  5. Cypress Architecture - Learn more about Cypress architecture and how it is designed to be run directly in the browser, i.e., it does not have any additional servers.
  6. Browsers Supported by Cypress - Cypress is built on top of the Electron browser, supporting all modern web browsers. Learn browsers that support Cypress.
  7. Selenium vs Cypress: A Detailed Comparison - Compare and explore some key differences in terms of their design and features.
  8. Cypress Learning: Best Practices - Take a deep dive into some of the best practices you should use to avoid anti-patterns in your automation tests.
  9. How To Run Cypress Tests on LambdaTest? - Set up a LambdaTest account, and now you are all set to learn how to run Cypress tests.


You can elevate your expertise with end-to-end testing using the Cypress automation framework and stay one step ahead in your career by earning a Cypress certification. Check out our Cypress 101 Certification.


Watch this 3 hours of complete tutorial to learn the basics of Cypress and various Cypress commands with the Cypress testing at LambdaTest.

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