How to use this.server.startWebsockets method in Cypress

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...38 this.options = {39 onSavedStateChanged: sinon.spy(),40 }41 this.automation = new Automation(this.cfg.namespace, this.cfg.socketIoCookie, this.cfg.screenshotsFolder)42 this.server.startWebsockets(this.automation, this.cfg, this.options)43 this.socket = this.server._socket44 done = _.once(done)45 // when our real client connects then we're done46'connection', (socket) => {47 this.socketClient = socket48 return done()49 })50 const { proxyUrl, socketIoRoute } = this.cfg51 // force node into legit proxy mode like a browser52 this.agent = new httpsAgent(`http://localhost:${this.cfg.port}`)53 this.client = socketIo.client(proxyUrl, {54 agent: this.agent,55 path: socketIoRoute,56 transports: ['websocket'],57 })58 })59 })60 afterEach(function () {61 return this.client.disconnect()62 })63 // it('can emit a circular object without crashing', function (done) {65 const foo = {66 bar: {},67 }68 = foo69 // going to stub exec here just so we have something that we can70 // control the resolved value of71 sinon.stub(exec, 'run').resolves(foo)72 return this.client.emit('backend:request', 'exec', 'quuz', (res) => {73 expect(res.response).to.deep.eq(foo)74 return done()75 })76 })77 context('on(automation:request)', () => {78 describe('#onAutomation', () => {79 let extensionBackgroundPage = null80 let chrome81 before(() => {82 chrome = = {83 cookies: {84 set () {},85 getAll () {},86 remove () {},87 onChanged: {88 addListener () {},89 },90 },91 downloads: {92 onCreated: {93 addListener () {},94 },95 onChanged: {96 addListener () {},97 },98 },99 runtime: {100 },101 tabs: {102 query () {},103 executeScript () {},104 },105 }106 extensionBackgroundPage = require('@packages/extension/app/background')107 })108 beforeEach(function (done) {109'connection', (extClient) => {110 this.extClient = extClient111 return this.extClient.on('automation:client:connected', () => {112 return done()113 })114 })115 return extensionBackgroundPage.connect(this.cfg.proxyUrl, this.cfg.socketIoRoute, { agent: this.agent })116 })117 afterEach(function () {118 return this.extClient.disconnect()119 })120 after(() => {121 chrome = null122 })123 it('does not return cypress namespace or socket io cookies', function (done) {124 sinon.stub(chrome.cookies, 'getAll')125 .withArgs({ domain: 'localhost' })126 .yieldsAsync([127 { name: 'foo', value: 'f', path: '/', domain: 'localhost', secure: true, httpOnly: true, expirationDate: 123, a: 'a', b: 'c' },128 { name: 'bar', value: 'b', path: '/', domain: 'localhost', secure: false, httpOnly: false, expirationDate: 456, c: 'a', d: 'c' },129 { name: '', value: 'b', path: '/', domain: 'localhost', secure: false, httpOnly: false, expirationDate: 456, c: 'a', d: 'c' },130 { name: '', value: 'b', path: '/', domain: 'localhost', secure: false, httpOnly: false, expirationDate: 456, c: 'a', d: 'c' },131 { name: '', value: 'b', path: '/', domain: 'localhost', secure: false, httpOnly: false, expirationDate: 456, c: 'a', d: 'c' },132 ])133 return this.client.emit('automation:request', 'get:cookies', { domain: 'localhost' }, (resp) => {134 expect(resp).to.deep.eq({135 response: [136 { name: 'foo', value: 'f', path: '/', domain: 'localhost', secure: true, httpOnly: true, expiry: 123 },137 { name: 'bar', value: 'b', path: '/', domain: 'localhost', secure: false, httpOnly: false, expiry: 456 },138 ],139 })140 return done()141 })142 })143 it('does not clear any namespaced cookies', function (done) {144 sinon.stub(chrome.cookies, 'getAll')145 .withArgs({ name: 'session', domain: '' })146 .yieldsAsync([147 { name: 'session', value: 'key', path: '/', domain: '', secure: true, httpOnly: true, expirationDate: 123, a: 'a', b: 'c' },148 ])149 sinon.stub(chrome.cookies, 'remove')150 .withArgs({ name: 'session', url: '' })151 .yieldsAsync(152 { name: 'session', url: '', storeId: '123' },153 )154 const cookies = [155 { name: 'session', value: 'key', path: '/', domain: '', secure: true, httpOnly: true, expiry: 123 },156 { domain: 'localhost', name: '__cypress.initial', value: true },157 { domain: 'localhost', name: '', value: '123abc' },158 ]159 return this.client.emit('automation:request', 'clear:cookies', cookies, (resp) => {160 expect(resp).to.deep.eq({161 response: [162 { name: 'session', value: 'key', path: '/', domain: '', secure: true, httpOnly: true, expiry: 123 },163 ],164 })165 return done()166 })167 })168 it('throws trying to clear namespaced cookie')169 it('throws trying to set a namespaced cookie')170 it('throws trying to get a namespaced cookie')171 it('throws when automation:response has an error in it')172 it('throws when no clients connected to automation', function (done) {173 this.extClient.disconnect()174 return this.client.emit('automation:request', 'get:cookies', { domain: 'foo' }, (resp) => {175 expect(resp.error.message).to.eq('Could not process \'get:cookies\'. No automation clients connected.')176 return done()177 })178 })179 it('returns true when tab matches magic string', function (done) {180 const code = 'var s; (s = document.getElementById(\'__cypress-string\')) && s.textContent'181 sinon.stub(chrome.tabs, 'query')182 .withArgs({ windowType: 'normal' })183 .yieldsAsync([{ id: 1, url: 'http://localhost' }])184 sinon.stub(chrome.tabs, 'executeScript')185 .withArgs(1, { code })186 .yieldsAsync(['string'])187 return this.client.emit('is:automation:client:connected', { element: '__cypress-string', string: 'string' }, (resp) => {188 expect(resp) return done()190 })191 })192 it('returns true after retrying', function (done) {193 sinon.stub(extensionBackgroundPage, 'query').resolves(true)194 // just force isSocketConnected to return false until the 4th retry195 const iSC = sinon.stub(this.socket, 'isSocketConnected')196 iSC197 .onCall(0).returns(false)198 .onCall(1).returns(false)199 .onCall(2).returns(false)200 .onCall(3).returns(true)201 // oA.resolves(true)202 return this.client.emit('is:automation:client:connected', { element: '__cypress-string', string: 'string' }, (resp) => {203 expect(iSC.callCount).to.eq(4)204 // expect(oA.callCount).to.eq(1)205 expect(resp) return done()207 })208 })209 it('returns false when times out', function (done) {210 const code = 'var s; (s = document.getElementById(\'__cypress-string\')) && s.textContent'211 sinon.stub(chrome.tabs, 'query')212 .withArgs({ url: 'CHANGE_ME_HOST/*', windowType: 'normal' })213 .yieldsAsync([{ id: 1 }])214 sinon.stub(chrome.tabs, 'executeScript')215 .withArgs(1, { code })216 .yieldsAsync(['foobarbaz'])217 // reduce the timeout so we dont have to wait so long218 return this.client.emit('is:automation:client:connected', { element: '__cypress-string', string: 'string', timeout: 100 }, (resp) => {219 expect(resp) return done()221 })222 })223 it('retries multiple times and stops after timing out', function (done) {224 // just force isSocketConnected to return false until the 4th retry225 const iSC = sinon.stub(this.socket, 'isSocketConnected')226 // reduce the timeout so we dont have to wait so long227 return this.client.emit('is:automation:client:connected', { element: '__cypress-string', string: 'string', timeout: 100 }, (resp) => {228 const {229 callCount,230 } = iSC231 // it retries every 25ms so explect that232 // this function was called at least 2 times233 expect(callCount) expect(resp) return _.delay(() => {236 // wait another 100ms and make sure237 // that it was canceled and not continuously238 // retried!239 // if we remove Promise.config({cancellation: true})240 // then this will fail. bluebird has changed its241 // cancelation logic before and so we want to use242 // an integration test to ensure this works as expected243 expect(callCount).to.eq(iSC.callCount)244 return done()245 }246 , 100)247 })248 })249 })250 describe('options.onAutomationRequest', () => {251 beforeEach(function () {252 = sinon.stub(this.automation, 'request')253 })254 it('calls onAutomationRequest with message and data', function (done) {255'focus', { foo: 'bar' }).resolves([])256 return this.client.emit('automation:request', 'focus', { foo: 'bar' }, (resp) => {257 expect(resp).to.deep.eq({ response: [] })258 return done()259 })260 })261 it('calls callback with error on rejection', function (done) {262 const error = new Error('foo')263'focus', { foo: 'bar' }).rejects(error)264 return this.client.emit('automation:request', 'focus', { foo: 'bar' }, (resp) => {265 expect(resp.error.message).to.deep.eq(error.message)266 return done()267 })268 })269 it('does not return __cypress or namespaced cookies', () => {})270 it('throws when onAutomationRequest rejects')271 it('is:automation:client:connected returns true', function (done) {272'is:automation:client:connected', { string: 'foo' }).resolves(true)273 return this.client.emit('is:automation:client:connected', { string: 'foo' }, (resp) => {274 expect(resp) return done()276 })277 })278 })279 })280 context('on(automation:push:request)', () => {281 beforeEach(function (done) {282 this.socketClient.on('automation:client:connected', () => {283 return done()284 })285 return this.client.emit('automation:client:connected')286 })287 it('emits \'automation:push:message\'', function (done) {288 const data = { cause: 'explicit', cookie: { name: 'foo', value: 'bar' }, removed: true }289 const emit = sinon.stub(, 'emit')290 return this.client.emit('automation:push:request', 'change:cookie', data, () => {291 expect(emit)'automation:push:message', 'change:cookie', {292 cookie: { name: 'foo', value: 'bar' },293 message: 'Cookie Removed: \'foo\'',294 removed: true,295 })296 return done()297 })298 })299 })300 context('on(open:finder)', () => {301 beforeEach(() => {302 return sinon.stub(open, 'opn').resolves()303 })304 it('calls opn with path', function (done) {305 return this.client.emit('open:finder', this.cfg.parentTestsFolder, () => {306 expect(open.opn) return done()308 })309 })310 })311 context('on(watch:test:file)', () => {312 it('calls socket#watchTestFileByPath with config, spec argument', function (done) {313 sinon.stub(this.socket, 'watchTestFileByPath')314 const specArgument = {}315 return this.client.emit('watch:test:file', specArgument, () => {316 expect(this.socket.watchTestFileByPath), specArgument)317 return done()318 })319 })320 })321 context('on(app:connect)', () => {322 it('calls options.onConnect with socketId and socket', function (done) {323 this.options.onConnect = function (socketId, socket) {324 expect(socketId).to.eq('sid-123')325 expect(socket.connected) return done()327 }328 return this.client.emit('app:connect', 'sid-123')329 })330 })331 context('on(get:fixture)', () => {332 it('returns the fixture object', function (done) {333 const cb = function (resp) {334 expect(resp.response).to.deep.eq([335 { 'json': true },336 ])337 return done()338 }339 return this.client.emit('backend:request', 'get:fixture', 'foo', cb)340 })341 it('errors when fixtures fails', function (done) {342 const cb = function (resp) {343 expect(resp.error.message).to.include('A fixture file could not be found')344 expect(resp.error.message).to.include('does-not-exist.txt')345 return done()346 }347 return this.client.emit('backend:request', 'get:fixture', 'does-not-exist.txt', {}, cb)348 })349 })350 context('on(http:request)', () => {351 it('calls socket#onRequest', function (done) {352 sinon.stub(this.options, 'onRequest').resolves({ foo: 'bar' })353 return this.client.emit('backend:request', 'http:request', 'foo', (resp) => {354 expect(resp.response).to.deep.eq({ foo: 'bar' })355 return done()356 })357 })358 it('catches errors and clones them', function (done) {359 const err = new Error('foo bar baz')360 sinon.stub(this.options, 'onRequest').rejects(err)361 return this.client.emit('backend:request', 'http:request', 'foo', (resp) => {362 expect(resp.error).to.deep.eq(errors.clone(err))363 return done()364 })365 })366 })367 context('on(exec)', () => {368 it('calls exec#run with project root and options', function (done) {369 const run = sinon.stub(exec, 'run').returns(Promise.resolve('Desktop Music Pictures'))370 return this.client.emit('backend:request', 'exec', { cmd: 'ls' }, (resp) => {371 expect(run), { cmd: 'ls' })372 expect(resp.response).to.eq('Desktop Music Pictures')373 return done()374 })375 })376 it('errors when execution fails, passing through timedOut', function (done) {377 const error = new Error('command not found: lsd')378 error.timedOut = true379 sinon.stub(exec, 'run').rejects(error)380 return this.client.emit('backend:request', 'exec', { cmd: 'lsd' }, (resp) => {381 expect(resp.error.message).to.equal('command not found: lsd')382 expect(resp.error.timedOut) return done()384 })385 })386 })387 context('on(firefox:force:gc)', () => {388 it('calls firefoxUtil#collectGarbage', function (done) {389 sinon.stub(firefoxUtil, 'collectGarbage').resolves()390 return this.client.emit('backend:request', 'firefox:force:gc', (resp) => {391 expect(firefoxUtil.collectGarbage) expect(resp.error) return done()394 })395 })396 it('errors when collectGarbage throws', function (done) {397 const err = new Error('foo')398 sinon.stub(firefoxUtil, 'collectGarbage').throws(err)399 return this.client.emit('backend:request', 'firefox:force:gc', (resp) => {400 expect(firefoxUtil.collectGarbage) expect(resp.error.message).to.eq(err.message)402 return done()403 })404 })405 })406 context('on(save:app:state)', () => {407 it('calls onSavedStateChanged with the state', function (done) {408 return this.client.emit('save:app:state', { reporterWidth: 500 }, () => {409 expect(this.options.onSavedStateChanged){ reporterWidth: 500 })410 return done()411 })412 })413 })414 })415 context('unit', () => {416 beforeEach(function () {417 this.mockClient = sinon.stub({418 on () {},419 emit () {},420 })421 = {422 of: sinon.stub().returns({ on () {} }),423 on: sinon.stub().withArgs('connection').yields(this.mockClient),424 emit: sinon.stub(),425 close: sinon.stub(),426 }427 sinon.stub(SocketE2E.prototype, 'createIo').returns( sinon.stub(preprocessor.emitter, 'on')429 return .then(() => {431 this.automation = new Automation(this.cfg.namespace, this.cfg.socketIoCookie, this.cfg.screenshotsFolder)432 this.server.startWebsockets(this.automation, this.cfg, {})433 this.socket = this.server._socket434 })435 })436 context('constructor', () => {437 it('listens for \'file:updated\' on preprocessor', function () {438 this.cfg.watchForFileChanges = true439 new SocketE2E(this.cfg)440 expect(preprocessor.emitter.on)'file:updated')441 })442 it('does not listen for \'file:updated\' if config.watchForFileChanges is false', function () {443 preprocessor.emitter.on.reset()444 this.cfg.watchForFileChanges = false445 new SocketE2E(this.cfg)446 expect(preprocessor.emitter.on)

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...230 }231 reporter = Reporter.create(reporter, cfg.reporterOptions, projectRoot);232 }233 this.automation = Automation.create(cfg.namespace, cfg.socketIoCookie, cfg.screenshotsFolder);234 return this.server.startWebsockets(this.automation, cfg, {235 onReloadBrowser: options.onReloadBrowser,236 onFocusTests: options.onFocusTests,237 onSpecChanged: options.onSpecChanged,238 onSavedStateChanged: options.onSavedStateChanged,239 onConnect: (function(_this) {240 return function(id) {241 return _this.emit("socket:connected", id);242 };243 })(this),244 onSetRunnables: function(runnables) {245 debug("received runnables %o", runnables);246 return reporter != null ? reporter.setRunnables(runnables) : void 0;247 },248 onMocha: (function(_this) {...

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Source:server_spec.js Github


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...192 it('sets _socket and calls _socket#startListening', function () {193 return .then(() => {195 const arg2 = {}196 this.server.startWebsockets(1, 2, arg2)197 expect(this.startListening), 1, 2, arg2)198 })199 })200 })201 context('#reset', () => {202 beforeEach(function () {203 return .then(() => {205 this.buffers = this.server._networkProxy.http206 return sinon.stub(this.buffers, 'reset')207 })208 })209 it('resets the buffers', function () {210 this.server.reset()...

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Source:websockets_spec.js Github


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...28 .then(async () => {29 const automationStub = {30 use: () => { },31 }32 await this.server.startWebsockets(automationStub, config, {})33 return httpsServer.start(wssPort)34 }).then((httpsSrv) => {35 this.wss = new ws.Server({ server: httpsSrv })36 })37 })38 })39 afterEach(function () {40 Fixtures.remove()41 evilDns.clear()42 this.wss.close()44 return Promise.join(45 this.server.close(),46 httpsServer.stop(),47 )48 })49 context('proxying external websocket requests', () => {50 it('sends back ECONNRESET when error upgrading', function (done) {51 const agent = new httpsProxyAgent(`http://localhost:${cyPort}`)52 this.server._onDomainSet(`http://localhost:${otherPort}`)53 const client = new ws(`ws://localhost:${otherPort}`, {54 agent,55 })56 return client.on('error', (err) => {57 expect(err.code).to.eq('ECONNRESET')58 expect(err.message).to.eq('socket hang up')59 return done()60 })61 })62 it('proxies https messages', function (done) {63 const agent = new httpsProxyAgent(`http://localhost:${cyPort}`, {64 })65 this.wss.on('connection', (c) => {66 return c.on('message', (msg) => {67 return c.send(`response:${msg}`)68 })69 })70 const client = new ws(`wss://localhost:${wssPort}`, {71 rejectUnauthorized: false,72 agent,73 })74 client.on('message', (data) => {75 expect(data).to.eq('response:foo')76 return done()77 })78 return client.on('open', () => {79 return client.send('foo')80 })81 })82 it('proxies http messages through http proxy', function (done) {83 // force node into legit proxy mode like a browser84 const agent = new httpsProxyAgent(`http://localhost:${cyPort}`)85 this.server._onDomainSet(`http://localhost:${wsPort}`)86'connection', (c) => {87 return c.on('message', (msg) => {88 return c.send(`response:${msg}`)89 })90 })91 const client = new ws(`ws://localhost:${wsPort}`, {92 agent,93 })94 client.on('message', (data) => {95 expect(data).to.eq('response:foo')96 return done()97 })98 return client.on('open', () => {99 return client.send('foo')100 })101 })102 it('proxies https messages through http', function (done) {103 // force node into legit proxy mode like a browser104 const agent = new httpsProxyAgent({105 host: 'localhost',106 port: cyPort,107 rejectUnauthorized: false,108 })109 this.server._onDomainSet(`https://localhost:${wssPort}`)110 this.wss.on('connection', (c) => {111 return c.on('message', (msg) => {112 return c.send(`response:${msg}`)113 })114 })115 const client = new ws(`wss://localhost:${wssPort}`, {116 agent,117 })118 client.on('message', (data) => {119 expect(data).to.eq('response:foo')120 return done()121 })122 return client.on('open', () => {123 return client.send('foo')124 })125 })126 it('proxies through subdomain by using host header', function (done) {127 // we specifically only allow remote connections128 // to since that is where the websocket129 // server is mounted and this tests that we make130 // a connection to the right host instead of the131 // origin (which isnt nock.enableNetConnect('')133 evilDns.add('', '')134 // force node into legit proxy mode like a browser135 const agent = new httpsProxyAgent({136 host: 'localhost',137 port: cyPort,138 rejectUnauthorized: false,139 })140 this.server._onDomainSet(`${wssPort}`)141 this.wss.on('connection', (c) => {142 return c.on('message', (msg) => {143 return c.send(`response:${msg}`)144 })145 })146 const client = new ws(`wss://${wssPort}`, {147 agent,148 })149 client.on('message', (data) => {150 expect(data).to.eq('response:foo')151 return done()152 })153 return client.on('open', () => {154 return client.send('foo')155 })156 })157 })158 context(' handling', () => {159 beforeEach(function () {160 this.automation = new Automation(this.cfg.namespace, this.cfg.socketIoCookie, this.cfg.screenshotsFolder)161 return this.server.startWebsockets(this.automation, this.cfg, {})162 })163 const testSocketIo = function (wsUrl, beforeFn) {164 context('behind Cy proxy', () => {165 beforeEach(function (done) {166 // force node into legit proxy mode like a browser167 const agent = new httpsProxyAgent(`http://localhost:${cyPort}`)168 if (beforeFn != null) {169 }171 this.wsClient = socketIo.client(wsUrl || this.cfg.proxyUrl, {172 agent,173 path: this.cfg.socketIoRoute,174 transports: ['websocket'],175 rejectUnauthorized: false,...

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1const WebSocket = require('ws');2ws.on('open', function open() {3 ws.send('something');4});5ws.on('message', function incoming(data) {6 console.log(data);7});8module.exports = (on, config) => {9 on('task', {10 startWebsockets() {11 const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ port: 8080 });12 wss.on('connection', function connection(ws) {13 ws.on('message', function incoming(message) {14 console.log('received: %s', message);15 });16 ws.send('something');17 });18 return null;19 }20 });21};22describe('test', () => {23 it('test', () => {24 cy.task('startWebsockets');25 cy.exec('node test.js');26 });27});28The test.js file connects to the websocket server and sends a message. The websocket server then sends a message to the client, which is then logged. But the message is never received. If I put the code in test.js in the browser console, the message is received as expected. I also tried to use the cy.exec() method to start the websocket server, but the same thing happens. Does anyone know why the message is never received?29I have tried to use the cy.exec() method to start the websocket server, but the same thing happens. Does anyone know why the message is never received?30I have tried to use the cy.exec() method to start the websocket server, but the same

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Using AI Code Generation


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1module.exports = (on, config) => {2 on('task', {3 startWebsockets() {4 },5 stopWebsockets() {6 },7 restartWebsockets() {8 }9 })10}11Cypress.Commands.add('startWebsockets', () => {12 cy.task('startWebsockets')13})14Cypress.Commands.add('stopWebsockets', () => {15 cy.task('stopWebsockets')16})17Cypress.Commands.add('restartWebsockets', () => {18 cy.task('restartWebsockets')19})20describe('Test', () => {21 beforeEach(() => {22 })23 it('should start websockets', () => {24 cy.startWebsockets()25 })26 it('should stop websockets', () => {27 cy.stopWebsockets()28 })29 it('should restart websockets', () => {30 cy.restartWebsockets()31 })32})33Cypress.Commands.add('isWebsocketsConnected', () => {34 cy.get('[data-test-id="websockets-status"]').should('have.text', 'Connected')35})36describe('Test', () => {37 beforeEach(() => {38 })39 it('should check if websockets are connected', () => {40 cy.isWebsocketsConnected()41 })42})43Cypress.Commands.add('isWebsocketsDisconnected', () => {44 cy.get('[data-test-id="websockets-status"]').should

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const io = require('')2socket.on('connect', () => {3 socket.emit('message', 'hi')4 socket.on('message', (data) => {5 console.log(data)6 })7})8const io = require('')9const socket = io(8888)10module.exports = (on, config) => {11 on('task', {12 startWebsockets () {13 socket.on('connection', (socket) => {14 console.log('connected')15 socket.on('message', (data) => {16 console.log(data)17 socket.emit('message', 'hello')18 })19 })20 }21 })22}23I have tried all the suggestions from this post, but I still can’t get it to work. I have tried to use the, but it does not work. I have also tried to use the cy.task() method, but it does not work either. I have tried to use the cy.exec() method, but it does not work either. I have tried to use the cy.intercept() method, but it does not work either. I have tried to use the cy.request() method, but it does not work either. I have tried to use the cy.route() method, but it does not work either. I have tried to use the cy.visit() method, but it does not work either. I have tried to use the cy.wait() method, but it does not work either. I have tried to use the cy.window() method, but it does not work either. I have tried to use the cy.wrap() method, but it does not work either. I have tried to use the cy.xhr() method, but it does not work either. I have tried to use the Cypress.$() method, but it does not work either. I have tried to use the Cypress.Blob() method, but it does not work either. I have tried to use the Cypress.Commands() method, but it does not work either. I have tried to use the Cypress.Cookies() method, but it does not work either. I have tried to use the Cypress.env() method, but it does not work either. I have tried to use the Cypress.moment() method, but it does not work either. I have tried to use the Cypress.Promise

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Cypress Tutorial

Cypress is a renowned Javascript-based open-source, easy-to-use end-to-end testing framework primarily used for testing web applications. Cypress is a relatively new player in the automation testing space and has been gaining much traction lately, as evidenced by the number of Forks (2.7K) and Stars (42.1K) for the project. LambdaTest’s Cypress Tutorial covers step-by-step guides that will help you learn from the basics till you run automation tests on LambdaTest.


  1. What is Cypress? -
  2. Why Cypress? - Learn why Cypress might be a good choice for testing your web applications.
  3. Features of Cypress Testing - Learn about features that make Cypress a powerful and flexible tool for testing web applications.
  4. Cypress Drawbacks - Although Cypress has many strengths, it has a few limitations that you should be aware of.
  5. Cypress Architecture - Learn more about Cypress architecture and how it is designed to be run directly in the browser, i.e., it does not have any additional servers.
  6. Browsers Supported by Cypress - Cypress is built on top of the Electron browser, supporting all modern web browsers. Learn browsers that support Cypress.
  7. Selenium vs Cypress: A Detailed Comparison - Compare and explore some key differences in terms of their design and features.
  8. Cypress Learning: Best Practices - Take a deep dive into some of the best practices you should use to avoid anti-patterns in your automation tests.
  9. How To Run Cypress Tests on LambdaTest? - Set up a LambdaTest account, and now you are all set to learn how to run Cypress tests.


You can elevate your expertise with end-to-end testing using the Cypress automation framework and stay one step ahead in your career by earning a Cypress certification. Check out our Cypress 101 Certification.


Watch this 3 hours of complete tutorial to learn the basics of Cypress and various Cypress commands with the Cypress testing at LambdaTest.

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