How to use getGenericDevices method in devicefarmer-stf

Best JavaScript code snippet using devicefarmer-stf


Source:devices.js Github


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...20 return apiutil.filterDevice(req, device)21 })22 })23}24function getGenericDevices(req, res, loadDevices) {25 loadDevices(req.user.groups.subscribed).then(function(devices) {26 filterGenericDevices(req, res, devices)27 })28 .catch(function(err) {29 apiutil.internalError(res, 'Failed to load device list: ', err.stack)30 })31}32function getDeviceFilteredGroups(serial, fields, bookingOnly) {33 return dbapi.getDeviceGroups(serial).then(function(groups) {34 return, function(group) {35 return !bookingOnly || !apiutil.isOriginGroup(group.class) ?36 group :37 'filtered'38 })39 .then(function(groups) {40 return _.without(groups, 'filtered').map(function(group) {41 if (fields) {42 return _.pick(apiutil.publishGroup(group), fields.split(','))43 }44 return apiutil.publishGroup(group)45 })46 })47 })48}49function extractStandardizableDevices(devices) {50 return dbapi.getTransientGroups().then(function(groups) {51 return, function(device) {52 return, function(group) {53 if (group.devices.indexOf(device.serial) > -1) {54 return Promise.reject('booked')55 }56 return true57 })58 .then(function() {59 return device60 })61 .catch(function(err) {62 if (err !== 'booked') {63 throw err64 }65 return err66 })67 })68 .then(function(devices) {69 return _.without(devices, 'booked')70 })71 })72}73function getStandardizableDevices(req, res) {74 dbapi.loadDevicesByOrigin(req.user.groups.subscribed).then(function(devices) {75 extractStandardizableDevices(devices).then(function(devices) {76 filterGenericDevices(req, res, devices)77 })78 })79 .catch(function(err) {80 apiutil.internalError(res, 'Failed to load device list: ', err.stack)81 })82}83function removeDevice(serial, req, res) {84 const presentState = req.swagger.params.present.value85 const bookingState = req.swagger.params.booked.value86 const notesState = req.swagger.params.annotated.value87 const controllingState = req.swagger.params.controlled.value88 const anyPresentState = typeof presentState === 'undefined'89 const anyBookingState = typeof bookingState === 'undefined'90 const anyNotesState = typeof notesState === 'undefined'91 const anyControllingState = typeof controllingState === 'undefined'92 const lock = {}93 function deleteGroupDevice(email, id) {94 const lock = {}95 return dbapi.lockGroupByOwner(email, id).then(function(stats) {96 if (!stats.replaced) {97 return apiutil.lightComputeStats(res, stats)98 }99 const group = = stats.changes[0].new_val100 if (group.devices.indexOf(serial) > -1) {101 return apiutil.isOriginGroup(group.class) ?102 dbapi.removeOriginGroupDevice(group, serial) :103 dbapi.removeGroupDevices(group, [serial])104 }105 return group106 })107 .finally(function() {108 lockutil.unlockGroup(lock)109 })110 }111 function deleteDeviceInDatabase() {112 function wrappedDeleteDeviceInDatabase() {113 const result = {114 status: false115 , data: 'not deleted'116 }117 return dbapi.loadDeviceBySerial(serial).then(function(device) {118 if (device && === {119 return deleteGroupDevice(, .then(function(group) {121 if (group !== 'not found') {122 return dbapi.deleteDevice(serial).then(function() {123 result.status = true124 = 'deleted'125 })126 }127 return false128 })129 }130 return false131 })132 .then(function() {133 return result134 })135 }136 return apiutil.setIntervalWrapper(137 wrappedDeleteDeviceInDatabase138 , 10139 , Math.random() * 500 + 50)140 }141 return dbapi.lockDeviceByOrigin(req.user.groups.subscribed, serial).then(function(stats) {142 if (!stats.replaced) {143 return apiutil.lightComputeStats(res, stats)144 }145 const device = lock.device = stats.changes[0].new_val146 if (!anyPresentState && device.present !== presentState ||147 !anyControllingState && (device.owner === null) === controllingState ||148 !anyNotesState &&149 (typeof device.notes !== 'undefined' && device.notes !== '') !== notesState ||150 !anyBookingState && ( !== && !bookingState ||151 === apiutil.STANDARD && bookingState)) {152 return 'unchanged'153 }154 if ( === apiutil.STANDARD) {155 return deleteDeviceInDatabase()156 }157 return dbapi.getDeviceTransientGroups(serial).then(function(groups) {158 if (groups.length && !anyBookingState && !bookingState) {159 return 'unchanged'160 }161 return Promise.each(groups, function(group) {162 return deleteGroupDevice(, })164 .then(function() {165 if (!groups.length && !anyBookingState && bookingState) {166 return 'unchanged'167 }168 return deleteDeviceInDatabase()169 })170 })171 })172 .finally(function() {173 lockutil.unlockDevice(lock)174 })175}176/* ------------------------------------ PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ------------------------------- */177function getDevices(req, res) {178 const target = switch(target) {180 case apiutil.BOOKABLE:181 getGenericDevices(req, res, dbapi.loadBookableDevices)182 break183 case apiutil.ORIGIN:184 getGenericDevices(req, res, dbapi.loadDevicesByOrigin)185 break186 case apiutil.STANDARD:187 getGenericDevices(req, res, dbapi.loadStandardDevices)188 break189 case apiutil.STANDARDIZABLE:190 getStandardizableDevices(req, res)191 break192 default:193 getGenericDevices(req, res, dbapi.loadDevices)194 }195}196function getDeviceBySerial(req, res) {197 var serial = req.swagger.params.serial.value198 var fields = req.swagger.params.fields.value199 dbapi.loadDevice(req.user.groups.subscribed, serial)200 .then(function(cursor) {201, device) {202 if (err) {203 return res.status(404).json({204 success: false205 , description: 'Device not found'206 })207 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var devicefarmer = require('./devicefarmer-stf.js');2devicefarmer.getGenericDevices(function(devices){3 console.log(devices);4});5var request = require('request');6var devicefarmer = {};7devicefarmer.getGenericDevices = function(callback){8 request(url, function(error, response, body){9 if(!error && response.statusCode == 200){10 var devices = JSON.parse(body);11 callback(devices);12 }13 });14}15module.exports = devicefarmer;16[ { id: 1,17 browserVersion: '39.0' },18 { id: 2,19 browserVersion: '39.0' },20 { id: 3,21 browserVersion: '39.0' },22 { id: 4,23 browserVersion: '39.0' },24 { id: 5,

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var DeviceFarmer = require('devicefarmer-stf-client');2client.getGenericDevices('android', function(err, devices) {3 if (err) {4 console.log(err);5 return;6 }7 console.log(devices);8});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var devicefarmer = require('devicefarmer-stf');2var devices = stf.getGenericDevices();3console.log(devices);4[ { serial: '7f9f9b2c',5 display: { width: 1080, height: 1920 },6 remoteAdbUrl: null },7 { serial: '7f9f9b2c',8 display: { width: 1080, height: 1920 },9 remoteAdbUrl: null } ]

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const DeviceFarmer = require('devicefarmer-stf-api');2const df = new DeviceFarmer();3df.getGenericDevices().then(function (devices) {4 console.log('Devices:', devices);5});6const DeviceFarmer = require('devicefarmer-stf-api');7const df = new DeviceFarmer();8df.getGenericDevices().then(function (devices) {9 console.log('Devices:', devices);10});11const DeviceFarmer = require('devicefarmer-stf-api');12const df = new DeviceFarmer();13df.getGenericDevices().then(function (devices) {14 console.log('Devices:', devices);15});16const DeviceFarmer = require('devicefarmer-stf-api');17const df = new DeviceFarmer();18df.getGenericDevices().then(function (devices) {19 console.log('Devices:', devices);20});21const DeviceFarmer = require('devicefarmer-stf-api');22const df = new DeviceFarmer();23df.getGenericDevices().then(function (devices) {24 console.log('Devices:', devices);25});26const DeviceFarmer = require('devicefarmer-stf-api');27const df = new DeviceFarmer();28df.getGenericDevices().then(function (devices) {29 console.log('Devices:', devices);30});31const DeviceFarmer = require('devicefarmer-stf-api');32const df = new DeviceFarmer();33df.getGenericDevices().then(function (devices) {34 console.log('Devices:', devices);35});36const DeviceFarmer = require('devicefarmer-stf-api');37const df = new DeviceFarmer();38df.getGenericDevices().then(function (devices) {39 console.log('Devices:', devices);40});

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