How to use afterEqualValue method in fast-check-monorepo

Best JavaScript code snippet using fast-check-monorepo


Source:base64String.spec.ts Github


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1import * as fc from 'fast-check';2import { base64String } from '../../../src/arbitrary/base64String';3import {4 assertProduceValuesShrinkableWithoutContext,5 assertProduceCorrectValues,6 assertProduceSameValueGivenSameSeed,7} from './__test-helpers__/ArbitraryAssertions';8import * as ArrayMock from '../../../src/arbitrary/array';9import { fakeArbitrary } from './__test-helpers__/ArbitraryHelpers';10import { Value } from '../../../src/check/arbitrary/definition/Value';11import { buildShrinkTree, renderTree } from './__test-helpers__/ShrinkTree';12import { sizeForArbitraryArb } from './__test-helpers__/SizeHelpers';13function beforeEachHook() {14 jest.resetModules();15 jest.restoreAllMocks();16 fc.configureGlobal({ beforeEach: beforeEachHook });17}18beforeEach(beforeEachHook);19describe('base64String', () => {20 it('should accept any constraints accepting at least one length multiple of 4', () =>21 fc.assert(22 fc.nat({ max: 5 }),24 fc.integer({ min: 3, max: 30 }),25 fc.boolean(),26 fc.boolean(),27 (min, gap, withMin, withMax) => {28 // Arrange29 const constraints = { minLength: withMin ? min : undefined, maxLength: withMax ? min + gap : undefined };30 // Act / Assert31 expect(() => base64String(constraints)).not.toThrowError();32 }33 )34 ));35 it('should reject any constraints not accepting at least one length multiple of 4', () =>36 fc.assert(37{ max: 30 }), fc.nat({ max: 2 }), (min, gap) => {38 // Arrange39 const constraints = { minLength: min, maxLength: min + gap };40 let includesMultipleOf4 = false;41 for (let acceptedLength = constraints.minLength; acceptedLength <= constraints.maxLength; ++acceptedLength) {42 includesMultipleOf4 = includesMultipleOf4 || acceptedLength % 4 === 0;43 }44 fc.pre(!includesMultipleOf4);45 // Act / Assert46 expect(() => base64String(constraints)).toThrowError();47 })48 ));49 it('should always query for arrays that will produce length fitting the requested range', () =>50 fc.assert(51 fc.nat({ max: 30 }),53 fc.integer({ min: 3, max: 30 }),54 fc.boolean(),55 fc.boolean(),56 (min, gap, withMin, withMax) => {57 // Arrange58 const constraints = { minLength: withMin ? min : undefined, maxLength: withMax ? min + gap : undefined };59 const array = jest.spyOn(ArrayMock, 'array');60 const { instance: arrayInstance, map } = fakeArbitrary();61 array.mockReturnValue(arrayInstance);62 map.mockReturnValue(arrayInstance); // fake map63 // Act64 base64String(constraints);65 // Assert66 expect(array).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);67 const constraintsOnArray = array.mock.calls[0][1]!;68 const rounded4 = (value: number) => {69 switch (value % 4) {70 case 0:71 return value;72 case 1:73 return value;74 case 2:75 return value + 2;76 case 3:77 return value + 1;78 }79 };80 if (constraints.minLength !== undefined) {81 expect(constraintsOnArray.minLength).toBeDefined();82 expect(rounded4(constraintsOnArray.minLength!)).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(constraints.minLength);83 }84 if (constraints.maxLength !== undefined) {85 expect(constraintsOnArray.maxLength).toBeDefined();86 expect(rounded4(constraintsOnArray.maxLength!)).toBeLessThanOrEqual(constraints.maxLength);87 }88 if (constraintsOnArray.minLength !== undefined && constraintsOnArray.maxLength !== undefined) {89 expect(constraintsOnArray.maxLength).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(constraintsOnArray.minLength);90 }91 }92 )93 ));94 it('should always forward constraints on size to the underlying arbitrary when provided', () =>95 fc.assert(96 fc.nat({ max: 5 }),98 fc.integer({ min: 3, max: 30 }),99 fc.boolean(),100 fc.boolean(),101 sizeForArbitraryArb,102 (min, gap, withMin, withMax, size) => {103 // Arrange104 const constraints = {105 minLength: withMin ? min : undefined,106 maxLength: withMax ? min + gap : undefined,107 size,108 };109 const array = jest.spyOn(ArrayMock, 'array');110 const { instance: arrayInstance, map } = fakeArbitrary();111 array.mockReturnValue(arrayInstance);112 map.mockReturnValue(arrayInstance); // fake map113 // Act114 base64String(constraints);115 // Assert116 expect(array).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.anything(), expect.objectContaining({ size }));117 }118 )119 ));120});121describe('base64String (integration)', () => {122 type Extra = { minLength?: number; maxLength?: number };123 const extraParameters: fc.Arbitrary<Extra> = fc124 .tuple(fc.nat({ max: 30 }), fc.integer({ min: 3, max: 30 }), fc.boolean(), fc.boolean())125 .map(([min, gap, withMin, withMax]) => ({126 minLength: withMin ? min : undefined,127 // Minimal gap=3 to ensure we have at least one possible multiple of 4 between min and max128 maxLength: withMax ? min + gap : undefined,129 }));130 const isCorrect = (value: string, extra: Extra) => {131 if (extra.minLength !== undefined) {132 expect(value.length).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(extra.minLength);133 }134 if (extra.maxLength !== undefined) {135 expect(value.length).toBeLessThanOrEqual(extra.maxLength);136 }137 const padStart = value.indexOf('=');138 const beforeEqualValue = value.substr(0, padStart === -1 ? value.length : padStart);139 const afterEqualValue = value.substr(padStart === -1 ? value.length : padStart);140 for (const c of beforeEqualValue.split('')) {141 expect('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+/'.split('')).toContainEqual(c);142 }143 expect(['', '=', '==']).toContainEqual(afterEqualValue);144 };145 const base64StringBuilder = (extra: Extra) => base64String(extra);146 it('should produce the same values given the same seed', () => {147 assertProduceSameValueGivenSameSeed(base64StringBuilder, { extraParameters });148 });149 it('should only produce correct values', () => {150 assertProduceCorrectValues(base64StringBuilder, isCorrect, { extraParameters });151 });152 it('should produce values seen as shrinkable without any context', () => {153 assertProduceValuesShrinkableWithoutContext(base64StringBuilder, { extraParameters });154 });155 // assertShrinkProducesSameValueWithoutInitialContext is not applicable for base64String has some values will not shrink exactly the same way.156 // For instance: 'abcde' will be mapped to 'abcd', with default shrink it will try to shrink from 'abcde'. With context-less one it will start from 'abcd'.157 it.each`158 source | constraints159 ${'0123ABC==' /* invalid base 64 */} | ${{}}160 ${'AB==' /* not large enough */} | ${{ minLength: 5 }}161 ${'0123AB==' /* too large */} | ${{ maxLength: 7 }}162 `('should not be able to generate $source with fc.base64String($constraints)', ({ source, constraints }) => {163 // Arrange / Act164 const arb = base64String(constraints);165 const out = arb.canShrinkWithoutContext(source);166 // Assert167 expect(out).toBe(false);168 });169 it.each`170 rawValue171 ${'ABCD'}172 ${'0123AB=='}173 ${'01230123012301230123AB=='}174 ${'ABCD'.repeat(50)}175 `('should be able to shrink $rawValue', ({ rawValue }) => {176 // Arrange177 const arb = base64String();178 const value = new Value(rawValue, undefined);179 // Act180 const renderedTree = renderTree(buildShrinkTree(arb, value, { numItems: 100 })).join('\n');181 // Assert182 expect(arb.canShrinkWithoutContext(rawValue)).toBe(true);183 expect(renderedTree).toMatchSnapshot();184 });...

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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const { afterEqualValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');3fc.assert(4 fc.array(fc.integer()),6 afterEqualValue((x, y) => x > y, (x, y) => x < y),7);

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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const { afterEqualValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');3 .array(fc.integer())4 .filter(afterEqualValue((a, b) => a.length === b.length));5fc.assert(, myArb, (a, b) => a.length === b.length));6const fc = require('fast-check');7const { afterEqualValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');8 .array(fc.integer())9 .filter(afterEqualValue((a, b) => a.length === b.length));10fc.assert(, myArb, (a, b) => a.length === b.length));11const fc = require('fast-check');12const { afterEqualValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');13 .array(fc.integer())14 .filter(afterEqualValue((a, b) => a.length === b.length));15fc.assert(, myArb, (a, b) => a.length === b.length));16const fc = require('fast-check');17const { afterEqualValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');18 .array(fc.integer())19 .filter(afterEqualValue((a, b) => a.length === b.length));20fc.assert(, myArb, (a, b) => a.length === b.length));21const fc = require('fast-check');22const { afterEqualValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');23 .array(fc.integer())24 .filter(afterEqualValue((a, b) => a.length === b.length));25fc.assert(, myArb, (a, b) => a.length === b.length));

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1import { afterEqualValue } from "fast-check-monorepo/packages/arbitrary-helpers/src/after-equal-value";2const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];3const array2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];4const array3 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];5const afterEqualValueArray = afterEqualValue(array, 5);6const afterEqualValueArray2 = afterEqualValue(array2, 5);7const afterEqualValueArray3 = afterEqualValue(array3, 5);8console.log(afterEqualValueArray);9console.log(afterEqualValueArray2);10console.log(afterEqualValueArray3);

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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const { afterEqualValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');3const fc = require('fast-check');4fc.assert(5 fc.array(fc.integer(), 1),7 afterEqualValue((a, b) => a === b)8);9const fc = require('fast-check');10const { afterEqualValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');11const fc = require('fast-check');12fc.assert(13 fc.array(fc.integer(), 1),15 afterEqualValue((a, b) => a === b)16);

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1const { afterEqualValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo')2const { testProp, fc } = require('fast-check')3testProp(4 [fc.nat(), fc.nat()],5 (m, n) => {6 return afterEqualValue(m, n)7 },8 { verbose: true }9{10}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { afterValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2const { afterValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');3describe('afterValue', () => {4 it('should generate values after the given value', () => {5 const value = 1;6 const { value: generatedValue } = afterValue(value).generate(mrng());7 expect(generatedValue).toBeGreaterThan(value);8 });9});10{11 "scripts": {12 },13 "dependencies": {14 },15 "devDependencies": {16 }17}18module.exports = {19 collectCoverageFrom: ['src/**/*.{js,jsx}'],20 testMatch: ['**/__tests__/**/*.js?(x)', '**/?(*.)+(spec|test).js?(x)'],21 transform: {22 },23};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { afterEqualValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2const fc = require('fast-check');3const { afterValue } = require('fast-check');4const { after } = require('fast-check');5const { before } = require('fast-check');6const { beforeValue } = require('fast-check');7const { between } = require('fast-check');8const { betweenValue } = require('fast-check');9const { constantFrom } = require('fast-check');10const { double } = require('fast-check');11const { frequency } = require('fast-check');12const { fullUnicode } = require('fast-check');13const { integer } = require('fast-check');14const { oneof } = require('fast-check');15const { option } = require('fast-check');16const { record } = require('fast-check');17const { set } from('fast-check');18const { tuple } = require('fast-check');19const { unicode } = require('fast-check');20const { unicodeJsonObject } = require('fast-check');21const { unicodeJsonPair } = require('fast-check');22const { unicodeJsonString } = require('fast-check');23const { unicodeJsonStringify } = require('fast-check');24const { unicodeJsonValue } = require('fast-check');25const { unicodeJsonObject } = require('fast-check');26const { unicodeJsonPair } = require('fast-check');27const { unicodeJsonString } = require('fast-check');28const { unicodeJsonStringify } = require('fast-check');29const { unicodeJsonValue } = require('fast-check');30const { unicodeJsonArray } = require('fast-check');31const { unicodeJsonArrayContent } = requi

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { afterEqualValue } from 'fast-check';2import { afterEqualValue as afterEqualValue2 } from 'fast-check-monorepo';3const test = () => {4 const a = afterEqualValue(1, 2);5 const b = afterEqualValue2(1, 2);6 console.log(a);7 console.log(b);8};9test();10{11 "compilerOptions": {12 },13}14{15 "scripts": {16 },17 "dependencies": {18 }19}20{21 "dependencies": {22 "fast-check": {23 "requires": {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { afterEqualValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2const { record, string, number, array, constant, option } = require('fast-check');3const arb = record({4 name: string(),5 age: number(),6 hobbies: array(string()),7 address: option(string()),8});9const afterEqualValueArb = afterEqualValue(arb, (a, b) => {10 return === && a.age === b.age;11});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {afterEqualValue} = require('./index');2const fc = require('fast-check');3const {add} = require('./add');4fc.assert(5, fc.integer(), (a, b) => {6 return afterEqualValue(() => add(a, b), () => add(b, a));7 })8);9console.log("test.js: Done");

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