How to use getAsyncContent method in fast-check-monorepo

Best JavaScript code snippet using fast-check-monorepo


Source:stringify.ts Github


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...135 }136 }137 if (hasAsyncToStringMethod(value)) {138 // if user defined custom async serialization function, we use it first139 const content = getAsyncContent(value);140 if (content.state === 'fulfilled') {141 return content.value as string;142 }143 }144 if (hasToStringMethod(value)) {145 // if user defined custom sync serialization function, we use it before next ones146 try {147 return value[toStringMethod]();148 } catch (err) {149 // fallback to defaults...150 }151 }152 switch (safeToString(value)) {153 case '[object Array]': {154 const arr = value as unknown as unknown[];155 if (arr.length >= 50 && isSparseArray(arr)) {156 const assignments: string[] = [];157 // Discarded: map then join will still show holes158 // Discarded: forEach is very long on large sparse arrays, but only iterates on non-holes integer keys159 for (const index in arr) {160 if (!safeNumberIsNaN(Number(index)))161 safePush(assignments, `${index}:${stringifyInternal(arr[index], currentValues, getAsyncContent)}`);162 }163 return assignments.length !== 0164 ? `Object.assign(Array(${arr.length}),{${safeJoin(assignments, ',')}})`165 : `Array(${arr.length})`;166 }167 // stringifiedArray results in: '' for [,]168 // stringifiedArray results in: ',' for [,,]169 // stringifiedArray results in: '1,' for [1,,]170 // stringifiedArray results in: '1,,2' for [1,,2]171 const stringifiedArray = safeJoin(172 safeMap(arr, (v) => stringifyInternal(v, currentValues, getAsyncContent)),173 ','174 );175 return arr.length === 0 || arr.length - 1 in arr ? `[${stringifiedArray}]` : `[${stringifiedArray},]`;176 }177 case '[object BigInt]':178 return `${value}n`;179 case '[object Boolean]': {180 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types181 const unboxedToString = (value as unknown as boolean | Boolean) == true ? 'true' : 'false'; // we rely on implicit unboxing182 return typeof value === 'boolean' ? unboxedToString : `new Boolean(${unboxedToString})`;183 }184 case '[object Date]': {185 const d = value as unknown as Date;186 return safeNumberIsNaN(safeGetTime(d)) ? `new Date(NaN)` : `new Date(${safeJsonStringify(safeToISOString(d))})`;187 }188 case '[object Map]':189 return `new Map(${stringifyInternal(Array.from(value as any), currentValues, getAsyncContent)})`;190 case '[object Null]':191 return `null`;192 case '[object Number]':193 return typeof value === 'number' ? stringifyNumber(value) : `new Number(${stringifyNumber(Number(value))})`;194 case '[object Object]': {195 try {196 const toStringAccessor = (value as any).toString; // <-- Can throw197 if (typeof toStringAccessor === 'function' && toStringAccessor !== Object.prototype.toString) {198 // Instance (or one of its parent prototypes) overrides the default toString of Object199 return (value as any).toString(); // <-- Can throw200 }201 } catch (err) {202 // Only return what would have been the default toString on Object203 return '[object Object]';204 }205 const mapper = (k: string | symbol) =>206 `${207 k === '__proto__'208 ? '["__proto__"]'209 : typeof k === 'symbol'210 ? `[${stringifyInternal(k, currentValues, getAsyncContent)}]`211 : safeJsonStringify(k)212 }:${stringifyInternal((value as any)[k], currentValues, getAsyncContent)}`;213 const stringifiedProperties = [214 ...safeMap(safeObjectKeys(value as object), mapper),215 ...safeMap(216 safeFilter(safeObjectGetOwnPropertySymbols(value), (s) => {217 const descriptor = safeObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(value, s);218 return descriptor && descriptor.enumerable;219 }),220 mapper221 ),222 ];223 const rawRepr = '{' + safeJoin(stringifiedProperties, ',') + '}';224 if (safeObjectGetPrototypeOf(value) === null) {225 return rawRepr === '{}' ? 'Object.create(null)' : `Object.assign(Object.create(null),${rawRepr})`;226 }227 return rawRepr;228 }229 case '[object Set]':230 return `new Set(${stringifyInternal(Array.from(value as any), currentValues, getAsyncContent)})`;231 case '[object String]':232 return typeof value === 'string' ? safeJsonStringify(value) : `new String(${safeJsonStringify(value)})`;233 case '[object Symbol]': {234 const s = value as unknown as symbol;235 if (Symbol.keyFor(s) !== undefined) {236 return `Symbol.for(${safeJsonStringify(Symbol.keyFor(s))})`;237 }238 const desc = getSymbolDescription(s);239 if (desc === null) {240 return 'Symbol()';241 }242 const knownSymbol = desc.startsWith('Symbol.') && (Symbol as any)[desc.substring(7)];243 return s === knownSymbol ? desc : `Symbol(${safeJsonStringify(desc)})`;244 }245 case '[object Promise]': {246 const promiseContent = getAsyncContent(value as any as Promise<unknown>);247 switch (promiseContent.state) {248 case 'fulfilled':249 return `Promise.resolve(${stringifyInternal(promiseContent.value, currentValues, getAsyncContent)})`;250 case 'rejected':251 return `Promise.reject(${stringifyInternal(promiseContent.value, currentValues, getAsyncContent)})`;252 case 'pending':253 return `new Promise(() => {/*pending*/})`;254 case 'unknown':255 default:256 return `new Promise(() => {/*unknown*/})`;257 }258 }259 case '[object Error]':260 if (value instanceof Error) {261 return `new Error(${stringifyInternal(value.message, currentValues, getAsyncContent)})`;262 }263 break;264 case '[object Undefined]':265 return `undefined`;266 case '[object Int8Array]':267 case '[object Uint8Array]':268 case '[object Uint8ClampedArray]':269 case '[object Int16Array]':270 case '[object Uint16Array]':271 case '[object Int32Array]':272 case '[object Uint32Array]':273 case '[object Float32Array]':274 case '[object Float64Array]':275 case '[object BigInt64Array]':276 case '[object BigUint64Array]': {277 if (typeof safeBufferIsBuffer === 'function' && safeBufferIsBuffer(value)) {278 // Warning: value.values() may crash at runtime if Buffer got poisoned279 return `Buffer.from(${stringifyInternal(safeArrayFrom(value.values()), currentValues, getAsyncContent)})`;280 }281 const valuePrototype = safeObjectGetPrototypeOf(value);282 const className = valuePrototype && valuePrototype.constructor &&;283 if (typeof className === 'string') {284 const typedArray = value as unknown as285 | Int8Array286 | Uint8Array287 | Uint8ClampedArray288 | Int16Array289 | Uint16Array290 | Int32Array291 | Uint32Array292 | Float32Array293 | Float64Array294 | BigInt64Array295 | BigUint64Array;296 // Warning: typedArray.values() may crash at runtime if type got poisoned297 const valuesFromTypedArr: IterableIterator<bigint | number> = typedArray.values();298 return `${className}.from(${stringifyInternal(299 safeArrayFrom(valuesFromTypedArr),300 currentValues,301 getAsyncContent302 )})`;303 }304 break;305 }306 }307 // default treatment, if none of the above are valid308 try {309 return (value as any).toString();310 } catch {311 return safeToString(value);312 }313}314/**315 * Convert any value to its fast-check string representation316 *317 * @param value - Value to be converted into a string318 *319 * @remarks Since 1.15.0320 * @public321 */322export function stringify<Ts>(value: Ts): string {323 return stringifyInternal(value, [], () => ({ state: 'unknown', value: undefined }));324}325/**326 * Mid-way between stringify and asyncStringify327 *328 * If the value can be stringified in a synchronous way then it returns a string.329 * Otherwise, it tries to go further in investigations and return a Promise<string>.330 *331 * Not publicly exposed yet!332 *333 * @internal334 */335export function possiblyAsyncStringify<Ts>(value: Ts): string | Promise<string> {336 const stillPendingMarker = Symbol();337 const pendingPromisesForCache: Promise<void>[] = [];338 const cache = new Map<unknown, AsyncContent>();339 function createDelay0(): { delay: Promise<typeof stillPendingMarker>; cancel: () => void } {340 let handleId: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout> | null = null;341 const cancel = () => {342 if (handleId !== null) {343 clearTimeout(handleId);344 }345 };346 const delay = new Promise<typeof stillPendingMarker>((resolve) => {347 // setTimeout allows to keep higher priority on any already resolved Promise (or close to)348 // including nested ones like:349 // > (async () => {350 // > await Promise.resolve();351 // > await Promise.resolve();352 // > })()353 handleId = setTimeout(() => {354 handleId = null;355 resolve(stillPendingMarker);356 }, 0);357 });358 return { delay, cancel };359 }360 const unknownState = { state: 'unknown', value: undefined } as const;361 const getAsyncContent = function getAsyncContent(data: Promise<unknown> | WithAsyncToStringMethod): AsyncContent {362 const cacheKey = data;363 if (cache.has(cacheKey)) {364 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion365 return cache.get(cacheKey)!;366 }367 const delay0 = createDelay0();368 const p: Promise<unknown> =369 asyncToStringMethod in data370 ? Promise.resolve().then(() => (data as WithAsyncToStringMethod)[asyncToStringMethod]())371 : (data as Promise<unknown>);372 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function373 p.catch(() => {}); // catching potential errors of p to avoid "Unhandled promise rejection"374 pendingPromisesForCache.push(375 // According to

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Source:helpSender.js Github


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...7 : "ENGLISH";8 lang = (lang == "ENGLISH" ? "English" : "Russian");9 10 Promise.all([11 getAsyncContent(`./txt/help1${lang}.txt`),12 getAsyncContent(`./txt/help2${lang}.txt`)13 ])14 .then(files => {15 for (text of files)16 msg.reply(text.replace(/\$/g, prefix));17 });18}19//Helper functions20function getAsyncContent(path) {21 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {22 fs.readFile(path, "utf8", (err, data) => {23 if (err) reject(err);24 resolve(data);25 });26 });27}28function requireUncached(module) {29 delete require.cache[require.resolve(module)]30 return require(module)...

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Source:base.js Github


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1// function getContent() {2// return 1;3// }4// async function getAsyncContent() {5// return 1;6// }7// async function getPromise() {8// return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {9// resolve(1);10// })11// }12// async function test() {13// let a = 214// let c = 115// await getPromise()16// let d = 317// await getAsyncContent()18// let e = 419// await getContent()20// console.log(111);21// return 222// }23// console.log(test());24async function a() {25 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {26 resolve('ok')27 console.log(111);28 29 })30}31console.log(a());

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { getAsyncContent } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2const { getSyncContent } = require('fast-check-monorepo');3const { getAsyncContent } = require('fast-check');4const { getSyncContent } = require('fast-check');5const { getAsyncContent } = require('fast-check');6const { getSyncContent } = require('fast-check');7const { getAsyncContent } = require('fast-check');8const { getSyncContent } = require('fast-check');9const { getAsyncContent } = require('fast-check');10const { getSyncContent } = require('fast-check');11const { getAsyncContent } = require('fast-check');12const { getSyncContent } = require('fast-check');13const { getAsyncContent } = require('fast-check');14const { getSyncContent } = require('fast-check');15const { getAsyncContent } = require('fast-check');16const { getSyncContent } = require('fast-check');17const { getAsyncContent } = require('fast-check');18const { getSyncContent } = require('fast-check');19const { getAsyncContent } = require('fast-check');20const { getSyncContent } = require('fast-check');21const { getAsyncContent } = require('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { getAsyncContent } = require("fast-check-monorepo");2const content = await getAsyncContent();3console.log(content);4const { getAsyncContent } = require("fast-check-monorepo");5const content = await getAsyncContent();6console.log(content);7const { getAsyncContent } = require("fast-check-monorepo");8const content = await getAsyncContent();9console.log(content);10const { getAsyncContent } = require("fast-check-monorepo");11const content = await getAsyncContent();12console.log(content);13const { getAsyncContent } = require("fast-check-monorepo");14const content = await getAsyncContent();15console.log(content);16const { getAsyncContent } = require("fast-check-monorepo");17const content = await getAsyncContent();18console.log(content);19const { getAsyncContent } = require("fast-check-monorepo");20const content = await getAsyncContent();21console.log(content);22const { getAsyncContent } = require("fast-check-monorepo");23const content = await getAsyncContent();24console.log(content);25const { getAsyncContent } = require("fast-check-monorepo");26const content = await getAsyncContent();27console.log(content);28const { getAsyncContent } = require("fast-check-monorepo");29const content = await getAsyncContent();30console.log(content);31const { getAsyncContent } = require

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { getAsyncContent } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2const myAsyncContent = await getAsyncContent();3console.log(myAsyncContent);4const { getAsyncContent } = require('fast-check-monorepo');5const myAsyncContent = await getAsyncContent();6console.log(myAsyncContent);7const { getAsyncContent } = require('fast-check-monorepo');8const myAsyncContent = await getAsyncContent();9console.log(myAsyncContent);10const { getAsyncContent } = require('fast-check-monorepo');11const myAsyncContent = await getAsyncContent();12console.log(myAsyncContent);13const { getAsyncContent } = require('fast-check-monorepo');14const myAsyncContent = await getAsyncContent();15console.log(myAsyncContent);16const { getAsyncContent } = require('fast-check-monorepo');17const myAsyncContent = await getAsyncContent();18console.log(myAsyncContent);19const { getAsyncContent } = require('fast-check-monorepo');20const myAsyncContent = await getAsyncContent();21console.log(myAsyncContent);22const { getAsyncContent } = require('fast-check-monorepo');23const myAsyncContent = await getAsyncContent();24console.log(myAsyncContent);25const { getAsyncContent } = require('fast-check-monorepo');26const myAsyncContent = await getAsyncContent();27console.log(myAsyncContent);28const { getAsyncContent } = require('fast-check-monorepo');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fs = require("fs");2const fastCheck = require("fast-check");3const path = require("path");4const { getAsyncContent } = require("fast-check");5const test3 = path.join(__dirname, "test3.js");6getAsyncContent(test3)7 .then((content) => {8 console.log(content);9 })10 .catch((err) => {11 console.log(err);12 });13const fs = require("fs");14const fastCheck = require("fast-check");15const path = require("path");16const { getAsyncContent } = require("fast-check");17const test4 = path.join(__dirname, "test4.js");18getAsyncContent(test4)19 .then((content) => {20 console.log(content);21 })22 .catch((err) => {23 console.log(err);24 });25const fs = require("fs");26const fastCheck = require("fast-check");27const path = require("path");28const { getAsyncContent } = require("fast-check");29const test5 = path.join(__dirname, "test5.js");30getAsyncContent(test5)31 .then((content) => {32 console.log(content);33 })34 .catch((err) => {35 console.log(err);36 });37const fs = require("fs");38const fastCheck = require("fast-check");39const path = require("path");40const { getAsyncContent } = require("fast-check");41const test6 = path.join(__dirname, "test6.js");42getAsyncContent(test6)43 .then((content) => {44 console.log(content);45 })46 .catch((err) => {47 console.log(err);48 });49const fs = require("fs");

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const getAsyncContent = require('./getAsyncContent');3const asyncContent = getAsyncContent();4const fc = require('fast-check');5const getAsyncContent = require('./getAsyncContent');6const asyncContent = getAsyncContent();7const fc = require('fast-check');8const getAsyncContent = require('./getAsyncContent');9const asyncContent = getAsyncContent();10const fc = require('fast-check');11const getAsyncContent = require('./getAsyncContent');12const asyncContent = getAsyncContent();13fc.sample(fc.integer(), 10).then(async

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fastCheck = require('fast-check');2fastCheck.getAsyncContent(fastCheck.string(), 100).then((result) => {3 console.log(result);4});5const fastCheck = require('fast-check');6fastCheck.getAsyncContent(fastCheck.string(), 100).then((result) => {7 console.log(result);8});9const fastCheck = require('fast-check');10fastCheck.getAsyncContent(fastCheck.string(), 100).then((result) => {11 console.log(result);12});13const fastCheck = require('fast-check');14fastCheck.getAsyncContent(fastCheck.string(), 100).then((result) => {15 console.log(result);16});17const fastCheck = require('fast-check');18fastCheck.getAsyncContent(fastCheck.string(), 100).then((result) => {19 console.log(result);20});21const fastCheck = require('fast-check');22fastCheck.getAsyncContent(fastCheck.string(), 100).then((result) => {23 console.log(result);24});25const fastCheck = require('fast-check');26fastCheck.getAsyncContent(fastCheck.string(), 100).then((result) => {

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