How to use CallStart method in Jest

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Source:CreateCallRecordSuitelet.js Github


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1// Create a 'journal' (call record) form for an entity.2// 3// It can create both Phone Call and Note records on an entity.4//5// Note form parameters:6// title=<subject of note>7// message=<memo contents of note>8// contactId=<NS id of target record>9// writeNote=yes10// optional: recordType=<record type of contact, default is 'entity'>11//12// Phone Call form parameters:13// title=<subject of call>14// message=<contents of note>15// contactId=<NS id of target record>16// contactType=<type of target record>17// optional: companyId=<id of company target record is attached to>18// For contact and employee records, the companyId needs to be specified or the record19// cannot be attached.20// startTime=<start time of call, 24 hour format 'HH:mm'>21// endTime=<end time of call, 24 hour format 'HH:mm'>22// timeFormat=[0-3] 0=>hh:mm am/pm 1=>HH:mm 2=>hh-mm am/pm 3=>HH-mm23// optional: phoneNumber=<number involved in call>24//25// This should be installed into NetSuite as a Suitelet with the following26// parameters.27// Script Name: camrivoxCreateCallRecordSuitelet28// Script ID: customscript_camrivox_createcallrecord29// Script Function: camrivoxCreateCallRecordSuitelet30// Deployment Title: camrivoxCreateCallRecordSuitelet (automatic)31// Deployment ID: customdeploy_camrivox_createcallrecord32// Roles: All Roles33// Groups: All Employees34// Execute as admin: No35// Available without login: No3637// Convert a string to a form acceptable as the contents of38// an XML element - any of "'&<> have to be converted to39// entity references40function xmlify(i) {41 if(!i) {42 return '';43 }4445 // Replace ampersands first, as they appear in the46 // other entity references47 var o = i.replace(/&/g,"&amp;");48 o = o.replace(/</g,"&lt;");49 o = o.replace(/>/g,"&gt;");50 o = o.replace(/'/g,"&apos;");51 o = o.replace(/"/g,"&quot;");5253 return o;54}5556function readTime(ts) {57 var time = null;5859 if(ts) {60 var fields = ts.split(':');61 if(fields.length==2) {62 try {63 time = new Array();64 time[0] = parseInt(fields[0]);65 time[1] = parseInt(fields[1]);66 } catch(e) {67 }68 }69 }70 return time;71}7273function formatTime(time,formatIndex) {74 // Ignore the format index for now75 var textTime;7677 var separator = '-';7879 switch(formatIndex) {80 default:81 case 0:82 separator = ':';83 case 2:84 // 12-hour85 if(time[0]>11) {86 if(time[0]>12) {87 textTime = (time[0]-12)+separator+time[1]+' pm';88 } else {89 textTime = '12'+separator+time[1]+' pm';90 }91 } else if(time[0]==0) {92 textTime = '12'+separator+time[1]+' am';93 } else {94 textTime = time[0]+separator+time[1]+' am';95 }96 break;97 case 1:98 separator = ':';99 case 3:100 // 24-hour101 textTime = time[0]+separator+time[1];102 break;103 }104 return textTime;105}106107function daysInMonth(month,year) {108 var monthDays = new Array(31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);109110 var d = monthDays[month];111 if(d==28) {112 // February113 if(year%4==0 && (year%100!=0 || year%400==0)) {114 // Leap year115 d = 29;116 }117 }118 return d;119}120121function createNoteRecord(title,message,recordId) {122 var result = null;123124 try {125 var newNote = nlapiCreateRecord('note');126127 newNote.setFieldValue('title',title);128129 // For future use: allow the caller to specify the record type.130 // Currently, all the records we deal with are of type 'entity'131 var recordType = request.getParameter('recordType');132 if(!recordType) {133 recordType = 'entity';134 }135136 newNote.setFieldValue(recordType,recordId);137 138 newNote.setFieldValue('note',message);139140 var noteId = nlapiSubmitRecord(newNote,true);141142 result = "<noteId>"+noteId+"</noteId>";143 } catch(e) {144 result = "<error>Exception: "+xmlify(e)+"</error>";145 }146 return result;147}148149function camrivoxCreateCallRecord(request,response) {150151 response.write("<?xml version='1.0'?><createCallRecord>");152153 var title = request.getParameter('title');154 var message = request.getParameter('message');155156 var writeNote = (request.getParameter('writeNote')!=null);157158 if(title && message) {159160 try {161162 var contactId = request.getParameter('contactId');163164 if(writeNote) {165 if(contactId) {166 response.write(createNoteRecord(title,message,contactId));167 } else {168 response.write("<error>No contact Id to write note for</error>");169 }170 } else {171 172 var callStart = readTime(request.getParameter('callStart'));173 174 if(callStart) {175 var callEnd = readTime(request.getParameter('callEnd'));176 // Have to have an end time which is later than the start time177 if(!callEnd || (callEnd[0]==callStart[0] && callEnd[1]==callStart[1])) {178 callEnd = new Array();179 callEnd[0] = callStart[0];180 callEnd[1] = callStart[1]+1;181 if(callEnd[1]==60) {182 callEnd[1] = 0;183 callEnd[0] = callEnd[0]+1;184 if(callEnd[0]==24) {185 callEnd[0] = 0;186 }187 }188 }189190 var date = new Date();191 192 if(callEnd) {193 if(callEnd[0]<callStart[0] ||194 (callEnd[0]==callStart[0] && callEnd[1]<callStart[1])) {195 // call ended earlier in the day that it started - so196 // it must have started the previous day197 var newDay = date.getDate()-1;198 var newMonth = date.getMonth();199 var newYear = date.getFullYear();200 if(newDay<1) {201 newDay = daysInMonth(newMonth,newYear);202 newMonth = newMonth - 1;203 204 if(newMonth<0) {205 newMonth = 11;206 newYear = newYear - 1;207 }208 }209 date = new Date(newYear,newMonth,newDay);210 }211 }212 }213214 var newCall = nlapiCreateRecord('phonecall');215216 if(date) {217 newCall.setFieldValue('startdate',nlapiDateToString(date));218 if(callStart) {219 var timeFormat = 0;220 var timeFormatParam = request.getParameter('timeFormat');221 if(timeFormatParam) {222 try {223 timeFormat = parseInt(timeFormatParam);224 if(timeFormat<0 || timeFormat>3) {225 timeFormat = 0;226 }227 } catch(e) {228 }229 } 230231 newCall.setFieldValue('timedevent','T');232 newCall.setFieldValue('starttime',formatTime(callStart,timeFormat));233 if(callEnd) {234 newCall.setFieldValue('endtime',formatTime(callEnd,timeFormat));235 }236 }237 }238239 // Check for non-compulsory fields240 var phoneNumber = request.getParameter('phoneNumber');241 if(phoneNumber) {242 newCall.setFieldValue('phone',phoneNumber);243 }244245 var companyId = request.getParameter('companyId');246 var contactType = request.getParameter('contactType');247 if(!companyId) {248 if(contactId && contactType) {249 if(contactType=='contact' || contactType=='employee') {250251 var contact = nlapiLoadRecord(contactType,contactId);252 var companyId = contact.getFieldValue('company');253 if(companyId) {254 newCall.setFieldValue('contact',contactId);255 newCall.setFieldValue('company',companyId);256 } else {257 // Without a company Id, the contact ID cannot be set.258 // Add the contact's name to the title259 var firstName = contact.getFieldValue('firstname');260 var lastName = contact.getFieldValue('lastname');261 if(firstName && lastName) {262 title += ' ('+contactType+' '+firstName+' '+lastName+')';263 }264 }265 } else {266 newCall.setFieldValue('company',contactId);267 }268 }269 } else {270 newCall.setFieldValue('company',companyId);271 if(contactId) {272 newCall.setFieldValue('contact',contactId);273 }274 }275276 newCall.setFieldValue('title',title);277 newCall.setFieldValue('message',message);278 newCall.setFieldValue('status','COMPLETE');279280 var callId = nlapiSubmitRecord(newCall,true);281 282 response.write("<callRecordId>"+callId+"</callRecordId>");283 }284285 } catch(e) {286 response.write("<error>Exception: "+e+"</error>");287 }288 } else {289 response.write("<error>");290 if(!title) {291 response.write("No title");292 if(!message) {293 response.write(" or message");294 }295 } else {296 response.write("No message");297 }298 response.write(" given</error>");299 }300 response.write("</createCallRecord>"); ...

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Source:call-card.js Github


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1import "./call-card.html";2import moment from "moment/moment";3import { Session } from "meteor/session";4import { ReactiveDict } from "meteor/reactive-dict";5function correctDigits(str) {6 if (str.length < 2) {7 return "0" + str8 } else {9 return str10 }11} 12Template.CallCard.onCreated(function() {13 this.state = new ReactiveDict();14 this.state.setDefault({15 timeElapsed: 016 });17 // this.state.set('createdAt', moment().toISOString())18 this.autorun(() => {19 this.subscribe("agents.all");20 this.subscribe("Orders.byCallID",;21 const callEnd = Orders.findOne({, type:'call_ended'})22 callEnd && this.state.set('endedAt', callEnd.createdAt)23 this.state.set('callEnd', callEnd?true:false)24 25 const orderAgent = Orders.findOne({,agent: { $exists: true } });26 if (orderAgent) {27 const agentProvidedNumber = orderAgent.agent;28 console.log('agent bio2 : ', agentProvidedNumber)29 const agentDocNumber = agentProvidedNumber.includes("-")?30 agentProvidedNumber.split("-")[2]31 :agentProvidedNumber;32 console.log('agent bio3 : ', agentDocNumber)33 const agent = Agents.findOne({ DocNumber: agentDocNumber });34 this.state.set(35 "agentName",36 '<i class="zmdi zmdi-headset-mic"></i> ' + agentDocNumber37 );38 if (agent) {39 const firstName = agent.FirstName;40 // console.log('agent bio 4 : ', agent.FirstName)41 const lastName = agent.LastName;42 this.state.set(43 "agentName",44 '<i class="zmdi zmdi-headset-mic"></i> ' + firstName + " " + lastName45 );46 }47 }48 const callStart = Orders.findOne({, type:'call_started'})49 callStart && this.state.set('startedAt', callStart.createdAt)50 this.state.set("ani", `<i class="zmdi zmdi-phone"></i> ${callStart.ani}`);51 this.state.set("source", `<i class="zmdi zmdi-memory"></i> ${callStart.source}`);52 this.state.set("source_version", callStart.source_version);53 Meteor.setInterval(() => {54 let createdAt = this.state.get("createdAt");55 this.state.set("timeElapsed", moment().diff(createdAt, "minutes"));56 }, 60 * 1000);57 FlowRouter.watchPathChange();58 // console.log("report START --> ", Session.get("REPORT_BEGINNING_DATE"));59 // console.log("report end --> ", Session.get("REPORT_ENDING_DATE"));60 this.subscribe(61 "Orders.byDate",62 Session.get("REPORT_BEGINNING_DATE"),63 Session.get("REPORT_ENDING_DATE")64 );65 });66});67Template.CallCard.onRendered(function() {68 const instance = Template.instance();69 instance.state.set(70 "createdAt",71 Orders.findOne({ call_id:, type: "call_started" })72 .createdAt73 );74 const createdAt = instance.state.get("createdAt");75 this.state.set("timeElapsed", moment().diff(createdAt, "minutes"));76});77Template.CallCard.helpers({78 agentName() {79 const instance = Template.instance();80 return instance.state.get("agentName");81 },82 ani() {83 const instance = Template.instance();84 return instance.state.get("ani");85 },86 audioLink(relativePath) {87 return Meteor.settings.public.recordings_path + relativePath88 },89 callEnd() {90 const instance = Template.instance();91 return instance.state.get("callEnd");92 },93 callStartDate() {94 const instance = Template.instance();95 const callStart = moment(instance.state.get("callStart"))96 return `<i class="zmdi zmdi-calendar"></i> ${callStart.format("DD/MM/YYYY")}`97 },98 callStartTime() {99 const instance = Template.instance();100 const callStart = Orders.findOne({, type:'call_started'})101 const callStartMoment = moment(callStart.createdAt)102 // const callStartMoment = moment(instance.state.get("callStart"))103 return `<i class="zmdi zmdi-time"></i> ${callStartMoment.format("HH:mm:ss")}`104 },105 call() {106 const instance = Template.instance();107 return;108 },109 duration() {110 const instance = Template.instance();111 const callStart = moment(instance.state.get("createdAt"));112 const callEnd = moment(instance.state.get("endedAt"));113 const elapsed = moment.duration(callEnd.diff(callStart))114 return {115 min: correctDigits( String(elapsed.minutes()) ),116 seg: correctDigits( String(elapsed.seconds()) )117 }118 },119 delta(eventCreatedAt) {120 const instance = Template.instance();121 const callStart = moment(instance.state.get("createdAt"));122 const eventStart = moment(eventCreatedAt);123 // const diff = 124 return {125 min: correctDigits(String(moment.duration(eventStart.diff(callStart)).minutes())),126 seg: correctDigits(String(moment.duration(eventStart.diff(callStart)).seconds()))127 };128 },129 feedByCallID(callID) {130 return Orders.find(131 {132 call_id: callID133 },134 {135 sort: {136 createdAt: -1137 }138 }139 );140 },141 timeElapsed(callID) {142 let instance = Template.instance();143 let callStartEvent = Orders.find({ call_id: callID, type: "call_started" });144 return instance.state.get("timeElapsed");145 // return moment().diff(callStartEvent.createdAt, 'seconds')146 },147 lastIntent(callID) {148 let callEvents = Orders.find({ call_id: callID });149 let arr = [];150 => {151 event.intent && arr.push(event.intent);152 });153 return _.last(arr);154 },155 source() {156 const instance = Template.instance();157 return instance.state.get("source");158 },159 source_version() {160 const instance = Template.instance();161 return instance.state.get("source_version");162 }...

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Source:MyCall.js Github


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1import { useMutation, useReactiveVar } from "@apollo/client";2import { StackActions } from "@react-navigation/routers";3import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";4import { Alert, Image, TouchableOpacity, View } from "react-native";5import styled from "styled-components";6import constants from "../../constants";7import { CANCEL_CALL } from "../../queries/CallQueries";8import { myCallVar } from "../../reactiveVars";9const Header = styled.View`10 align-items : center;11`12const CallActiveText = styled.Text`13 font-size : 27;14 font-weight : bold;15 margin-bottom : 15;16`17const RestaurantName = styled.Text`18 font-size : 14;19 opacity : 0.5;20`21const CallRemainingTime = styled.Text`22 font-size : 40;23 color : red;24 margin-top : 5;25`26const CancelBtnContainer = styled.View`27 background-color : rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);28 padding-left : 15;29 padding-right : 15;30 padding-top : 7;31 padding-bottom : 7;32 border-radius : 15;33`34const CancelBtnText = styled.Text`35 color : white;36 font-size : 15;37`38export default ({ navigation, route }) => {39 const myCall = useReactiveVar(myCallVar);40 if (!myCall) {41 console.log("TTT");42 navigation.dispatch(StackActions.replace("MethodSelect"))43 }44 const [remainingTimeString, setRemainingTimeString] = useState("00:00:00");45 const [cancelMutation] = useMutation(CANCEL_CALL);46 useEffect(() => {47 const countdown = setInterval(() => {48 getRemainingTime();49 })50 return () => clearInterval(countdown);51 }, [])52 const getRemainingTime = () => {53 const current = new Date();54 let callStart = new Date(myCall.created_at);55 callStart = new Date(callStart.getFullYear(), callStart.getMonth(), callStart.getDate(), callStart.getUTCHours(), callStart.getUTCMinutes());56 // callStart = new Date(`${callStart.getFullYear()}-${callStart.getMonth() + 1}-${callStart.getDate()} ${callStart.getUTCHours()}:${callStart.getUTCMinutes()}`);57 const remainingTime = callStart.getTime() + 6000 * myCall.time_limit - current.getTime();58 let remainingHour = parseInt(remainingTime / (1000 * 60 * 60));59 if (remainingHour < 10) {60 remainingHour = `0${remainingHour}`61 }62 let remainingMinute = parseInt(remainingTime / (1000 * 60));63 if (remainingMinute >= 60) {64 remainingMinute = remainingMinute % 6065 }66 if (remainingMinute < 10) {67 remainingMinute = `0${remainingMinute}`68 }69 let remainingSecond = parseInt(remainingTime / 1000);70 if (remainingSecond >= 60) {71 remainingSecond = remainingSecond % 60;72 }73 if (remainingSecond < 10) {74 remainingSecond = `0${remainingSecond}`75 }76 if (remainingTime <= 0) {77 cancelMutation({78 variables: {79 seq: myCall.seq80 }81 });82 myCallVar(undefined);83 setRemainingTimeString("00:00:00")84 Alert.alert("콜이 취소되었습니다")85 navigation.dispatch(StackActions.replace("TabNavigation"))86 } else {87 setRemainingTimeString(`${remainingHour}:${remainingMinute}:${remainingSecond}`)88 }89 }90 return (91 <View style={{ flex: 1, justifyContent: "space-between", alignItems: "center", backgroundColor: "white", paddingVertical: constants.height * 0.11 }}>92 <Header>93 <CallActiveText>콜이 신청되었습니다</CallActiveText>94 <RestaurantName>{}</RestaurantName>95 <CallRemainingTime>{remainingTimeString}</CallRemainingTime>96 </Header>97 <Image source={require("../../assets/deliver.png")} style={{ width: 250, height: 250 * 250 / 341 }} />98 <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => {99 cancelMutation({100 variables: {101 seq: myCall.seq102 }103 });104 myCallVar(undefined);105 Alert.alert("콜이 취소되었습니다")106 navigation.dispatch(StackActions.replace("TabNavigation"))107 }}>108 <CancelBtnContainer>109 <CancelBtnText>콜 취소하기</CancelBtnText>110 </CancelBtnContainer>111 </TouchableOpacity>112 </View>113 )...

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Source:core.js Github


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1import NativeReanimated from './NativeReanimated';2global.__reanimatedWorkletInit = function(worklet) {3 worklet.__worklet = true;4};5function pushFrame(frame) {6 NativeReanimated.pushFrame(frame);7}8export function requestFrame(frame) {9 'worklet';10 if (NativeReanimated.native) {11 requestAnimationFrame(frame);12 } else {13 pushFrame(frame);14 }15}16global._WORKLET = false;17global._log = function(s) {18 console.log(s);19};20export function runOnUI(worklet) {21 return makeShareable(worklet);22}23export function makeShareable(value) {24 return NativeReanimated.makeShareable(value);25}26export function getViewProp(viewTag, propName) {27 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {28 return NativeReanimated.getViewProp(viewTag, propName, (result) => {29 if (result.substr(0, 6) === 'error:') {30 reject(result);31 } else {32 resolve(result);33 }34 });35 });36}37function workletValueSetter(value) {38 'worklet';39 const previousAnimation = this._animation;40 if (previousAnimation) {41 previousAnimation.cancelled = true;42 this._animation = null;43 }44 if (45 typeof value === 'function' ||46 (value !== null && typeof value === 'object' && value.animation)47 ) {48 // animated set49 const animation = typeof value === 'function' ? value() : value;50 let callStart = (timestamp) => {51 animation.start(animation, this.value, timestamp, previousAnimation);52 };53 const step = (timestamp) => {54 if (animation.cancelled) {55 animation.callback && animation.callback(false /* finished */);56 return;57 }58 if (callStart) {59 callStart(timestamp);60 callStart = null; // prevent closure from keeping ref to previous animation61 }62 const finished = animation.animation(animation, timestamp);63 animation.timestamp = timestamp;64 this._value = animation.current;65 if (finished) {66 animation.callback && animation.callback(true /* finished */);67 } else {68 requestAnimationFrame(step);69 }70 };71 this._animation = animation;72 requestAnimationFrame(step);73 } else {74 this._value = value;75 }76}77// We cannot use pushFrame78// so we use own implementation for js79function workletValueSetterJS(value) {80 const previousAnimation = this._animation;81 if (previousAnimation) {82 previousAnimation.cancelled = true;83 this._animation = null;84 }85 if (86 typeof value === 'function' ||87 (value !== null && typeof value === 'object' && value.animation)88 ) {89 // animated set90 const animation = typeof value === 'function' ? value() : value;91 let callStart = (timestamp) => {92 animation.start(animation, this.value, timestamp, previousAnimation);93 };94 const step = (timestamp) => {95 if (animation.cancelled) {96 animation.callback && animation.callback(false /* finished */);97 return;98 }99 if (callStart) {100 callStart(timestamp);101 callStart = null; // prevent closure from keeping ref to previous animation102 }103 const finished = animation.animation(animation, timestamp);104 animation.timestamp = timestamp;105 this._setValue(animation.current);106 if (finished) {107 animation.callback && animation.callback(true /* finished */);108 } else {109 requestFrame(step);110 }111 };112 this._animation = animation;113 requestFrame(step);114 } else {115 this._setValue(value);116 }117}118NativeReanimated.installCoreFunctions(119 NativeReanimated.native ? workletValueSetter : workletValueSetterJS120);121export function makeMutable(value) {122 return NativeReanimated.makeMutable(value);123}124export function makeRemote(object = {}) {125 return NativeReanimated.makeRemote(object);126}127export function startMapper(mapper, inputs = [], outputs = []) {128 return NativeReanimated.startMapper(mapper, inputs, outputs);129}130export function stopMapper(mapperId) {131 NativeReanimated.stopMapper(mapperId);...

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Source:lexer.js Github


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1import '';2// const chevrotain = require('chevrotain');3const {createToken, Lexer} = chevrotain;4// Tokens5// whitespace = createToken({7 name: 'whitespace',8 pattern: /\s+/,9 group: Lexer.SKIPPED10});11const literal = createToken({12 name: 'literal',13 pattern: /[^(\${)]+/14});15const templateStart = createToken({16 name: 'templateStart',17 pattern: /\${/,18 push_mode: 'template'19});20const templateEnd = createToken({21 name: 'templateEnd',22 pattern: /}/,23 push_mode: 'literal'24});25const stringStart = createToken({26 name: 'stringStart',27 pattern: /'/,28 push_mode: 'string'29});30const stringEnd = createToken({31 name: 'stringEnd',32 pattern: /'/,33 pop_mode: true34});35const stringContent = createToken({36 name: 'stringContent',37 pattern: /[^']+/38});39const star = createToken({40 name: 'star',41 pattern: /\.\.\./,42});43const groupStart = createToken({44 name: 'groupStart',45 pattern: /\[/46});47const groupEnd = createToken({48 name: 'groupEnd', 49 pattern: /\]/50});51const callStart = createToken({52 name: 'callStart',53 pattern: /\(/,54 push_mode: 'call'55});56const callEnd = createToken({57 name: 'callEnd',58 pattern: /\)/,59 pop_mode: true60});61const optionsStart = createToken({62 name: 'optionsStart',63 pattern: /{/,64 push_mode: 'options'65});66const optionsEnd = createToken({67 name: 'optionsEnd',68 pattern: /}/,69 pop_mode: true70});71const colon = createToken({72 name: 'colon',73 pattern: /:/74});75const comma = createToken({76 name: 'comma',77 pattern: /,/78});79const or = createToken({80 name: 'or',81 pattern: /\|/82});83const macroSign = createToken({84 name: 'macroSign',85 pattern: /!/,86});87const identifier = createToken({88 name: 'identifier',89 pattern: /[^ '{}\[\]\(\):,\|(\.\.\.)!]+/90});91// Define a Multi Mode Lexer92// multiModeLexerDefinition = {94 modes: {95 literal: [96 templateStart,97 literal98 ],99 template: [100 whitespace,101 stringStart,102 groupStart,103 groupEnd,104 identifier,105 callStart,106 optionsStart,107 or,108 star,109 macroSign,110 templateEnd111 ],112 string: [113 stringContent,114 stringEnd115 ],116 options: [117 whitespace,118 colon,119 stringStart,120 identifier,121 optionsStart,122 comma,123 optionsEnd124 ],125 call: [126 whitespace,127 identifier,128 macroSign,129 callStart,130 comma,131 optionsStart,132 callEnd133 ]134 },135 defaultMode: 'literal'136}137export const lexer = new Lexer(multiModeLexerDefinition);138export const tokens = {139 whitespace,140 literal,141 templateStart,142 templateEnd,143 stringStart,144 stringEnd,145 stringContent,146 star,147 groupStart,148 groupEnd,149 callStart,150 callEnd,151 optionsStart,152 optionsEnd,153 colon,154 comma,155 or,156 macroSign,157 identifier...

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Source:probes.js Github


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1/*2 * JavaScript probing framework by Sam Saffron3 * MIT license4 *5 *6 * Examples:7 *8 * someFunction = window.probes.measure(someFunction, {9 * name: "somename" // or function(args) { return "name"; },10 * before: function(data, owner, args) {11 * // if owner is true, we are not in a recursive function call.12 * //13 * // data contains the bucker of data already measuer14 * // data.count >= 015 * // data.time is the total time measured till now16 * //17 * // arguments contains the original arguments sent to the function18 * },19 * after: function(data, owner, args) {20 * // same format as before21 * }22 * });23 *24 *25 * // minimal26 * someFunction = window.probes.measure(someFunction, "someFunction");27 *28 * */29(function(){30 var measure, clear;31 clear = function() {32 window.probes = {33 clear: clear,34 measure: measure35 };36 };37 measure = function(fn,options) {38 // start is outside so we measure time around recursive calls properly39 var start = null, nameParam, before, after;40 if (!options) {41 options = {};42 }43 if (typeof options === "string") {44 nameParam = options;45 }46 else47 {48 nameParam =;49 if (nameParam === "measure" || nameParam === "clear") {50 throw new Error("can not be called measure or clear");51 }52 if (!nameParam)53 {54 throw new Error("you must specify the name option measure(fn, {name: 'some name'})");55 }56 before = options.before;57 after = options.after;58 }59 var now = (function(){60 var perf = window.performance || {};61 var time = || perf.mozNow || perf.webkitNow || perf.msNow || perf.oNow;62 return time ? time.bind(perf) : function() { return new Date().getTime(); };63 })();64 return function() {65 var name = nameParam;66 if (typeof name === "function"){67 name = nameParam(arguments);68 }69 var p = window.probes[name];70 var owner = (!start);71 if (before) {72 // would like to avoid try catch so its optimised properly by chrome73 before(p, owner, arguments);74 }75 if (p === undefined) {76 window.probes[name] = {count: 0, time: 0, currentTime: 0};77 p = window.probes[name];78 }79 var callStart;80 if (owner) {81 start = now();82 callStart = start;83 }84 else if(after) {85 callStart = now();86 }87 var r = fn.apply(this, arguments);88 if (owner && start) {89 p.time += now() - start;90 start = null;91 }92 p.count += 1;93 if (after) {94 p.currentTime = now() - callStart;95 // would like to avoid try catch so its optimised properly by chrome96 after(p, owner, arguments);97 }98 return r;99 };100 };101 clear();...

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Source:cdr-astpp.js Github


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1const moment = require("moment")2const inicioFinal = (mesAno) => {3 const data = moment(`01-${mesAno}`, "DD-MM-YYYY")4 const inicio = data.format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss")5 data.add(1, "month")6 data.subtract(1, "second")7 const termino = data.format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss")8 return {9 inicio,10 termino11 }12}13const getTotalChamadasMesRecebidas = (did, mes) => {14 const { inicio, termino } = inicioFinal(mes)15 return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {16 try {17 const conn = await require("../service/mysql-astpp").getConnection()18 const [result] = await conn.query(`19 SELECT20 COUNT(*) AS quantidade,21 sum(billseconds) AS segundos,22 DATE_FORMAT(callstart, "%Y-%m") AS mes23 FROM24 cdrs25 WHERE26 callednum = '${did}' and27 callstart BETWEEN '${inicio}' AND '${termino}' and28 billseconds > 029 GROUP BY30 DATE_FORMAT(callstart, "%Y-%m")31 `)32 conn.close()33 resolve(result)34 } catch (error) {35 reject(error)36 }37 })38}39const getTotalChamadasMesDiscadas = (did, mes) => {40 const { inicio, termino } = inicioFinal(mes)41 return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {42 try {43 const conn = await require("../service/mysql-astpp").getConnection()44 const [result] = await conn.query(`45 SELECT46 COUNT(*) AS quantidade,47 sum(billseconds) AS segundos,48 DATE_FORMAT(callstart, "%Y-%m") AS mes49 FROM50 cdrs51 WHERE52 callerid LIKE '%${did}%' and53 callstart BETWEEN '${inicio}' AND '${termino}' and54 billseconds > 055 GROUP BY56 DATE_FORMAT(callstart, "%Y-%m")57 `)58 conn.close()59 resolve(result)60 } catch (error) {61 reject(error)62 }63 })64}65module.exports = {66 getTotalChamadasMesRecebidas,67 getTotalChamadasMesDiscadas...

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Source:interval.js Github


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1import React from 'react';2export const CreateIntervalCall = (3 process = async () => {},4 intervalTime = 1000,5 processLimit = 16) => {7 let inProcessStatus = true;8 const intervalProcess = [];9 const intervalCall = () => {10 inProcessStatus && callStart(intervalTime);11 };12 const callNext = (timeout = 0) => {13 intervalProcess.length <= processLimit14 ? intervalProcess.push(15 setTimeout(async () => {16 await process();17 intervalProcess.shift();18 intervalCall();19 }, timeout)20 )21 : callStart();22 };23 const callStart = (time = 100) => callNext(time);24 const callStop = () => {25 inProcessStatus = false;26 => {27 clearTimeout(ps);28 });29 };30 return {31 callStart,32 callStop,33 };34};35const intervalFactory = () => ({ CreateIntervalCall });...

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Jest Testing Tutorial

LambdaTest’s Jest Testing Tutorial covers step-by-step guides around Jest with code examples to help you be proficient with the Jest framework. The Jest tutorial has chapters to help you learn right from the basics of Jest framework to code-based tutorials around testing react apps with Jest, perform snapshot testing, import ES modules and more.


  1. What is Jest Framework
  2. Advantages of Jest - Jest has 3,898,000 GitHub repositories, as mentioned on its official website. Learn what makes Jest special and why Jest has gained popularity among the testing and developer community.
  3. Jest Installation - All the prerequisites and set up steps needed to help you start Jest automation testing.
  4. Using Jest with NodeJS Project - Learn how to leverage Jest framework to automate testing using a NodeJS Project.
  5. Writing First Test for Jest Framework - Get started with code-based tutorial to help you write and execute your first Jest framework testing script.
  6. Jest Vocabulary - Learn the industry renowned and official jargons of the Jest framework by digging deep into the Jest vocabulary.
  7. Unit Testing with Jest - Step-by-step tutorial to help you execute unit testing with Jest framework.
  8. Jest Basics - Learn about the most pivotal and basic features which makes Jest special.
  9. Jest Parameterized Tests - Avoid code duplication and fasten automation testing with Jest using parameterized tests. Parameterization allows you to trigger the same test scenario over different test configurations by incorporating parameters.
  10. Jest Matchers - Enforce assertions better with the help of matchers. Matchers help you compare the actual output with the expected one. Here is an example to see if the object is acquired from the correct class or not. -

|<p>it('check_object_of_Car', () => {</p><p> expect(newCar()).toBeInstanceOf(Car);</p><p> });</p>| | :- |

  1. Jest Hooks: Setup and Teardown - Learn how to set up conditions which needs to be followed by the test execution and incorporate a tear down function to free resources after the execution is complete.
  2. Jest Code Coverage - Unsure there is no code left unchecked in your application. Jest gives a specific flag called --coverage to help you generate code coverage.
  3. HTML Report Generation - Learn how to create a comprehensive HTML report based on your Jest test execution.
  4. Testing React app using Jest Framework - Learn how to test your react web-application with Jest framework in this detailed Jest tutorial.
  5. Test using LambdaTest cloud Selenium Grid - Run your Jest testing script over LambdaTest cloud-based platform and leverage parallel testing to help trim down your test execution time.
  6. Snapshot Testing for React Front Ends - Capture screenshots of your react based web-application and compare them automatically for visual anomalies with the help of Jest tutorial.
  7. Bonus: Import ES modules with Jest - ES modules are also known as ECMAScript modules. Learn how to best use them by importing in your Jest testing scripts.
  8. Jest vs Mocha vs Jasmine - Learn the key differences between the most popular JavaScript-based testing frameworks i.e. Jest, Mocha, and Jasmine.
  9. Jest FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions) - Explore the most commonly asked questions around Jest framework, with their answers.

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