How to use elSet method in ng-mocks

Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks


Source:user.js Github


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12const navSlide = () => {3 const burger = document.querySelector(".burger");4 const nav = document.querySelector(".nav-links");5 const navLinks = document.querySelectorAll(".nav-links li");6 7 burger.addEventListener("click", () => {8 nav.classList.toggle("nav-active");9 10 // Animate links11 navLinks.forEach((link, index) => {12 if ( {13 = '';14 } else {15 = `navLinkFade 0.5s ease forwards ${index / 7}s`;16 }17 });18 burger.classList.toggle('toggle');19 console.log("clicked");20 });21};2223navSlide();2425// function addEvents() {26// console.log("Trying to add events");27// const btns = document.querySelectorAll('.MapButton');28// console.log("found", btns.length);29// for( var i = 0; i < btns.length; i++) {30// // console.log(btns[i]);31// btns[i].addEventListener("click", toggleElement);32// }33// }3435// addEvents();36// toggleElement();3738function toggleElement() {39 console.log(event, "was passed in");40 b =;41 i = b.substring(1, b.length);42 el = document.getElementById(i);43 console.log("button", b, "was pressed and element",, "selected");44 console.log("display status is:",;45 if ( != "block") {46 = "block";47 document.getElementById(b).style.boxShadow = "0px 0px 5px 5px rgb(180, 62, 12)";48 console.log(i, " turned ON");49 } else {50 = "none";51 document.getElementById(b).style.boxShadow = "none";52 console.log(i, "and", b, " turned OFF");53 clearSubtree(el);54 }55 sibsOff(i);56 // console.log("siblings base =", i.substring(0,1))57 sibsOff(i.substring(0,1));58 59 document.getElementById("h-roadmap").scrollIntoView({ block: "end", behavior: "smooth" });60 61 function clearSubtree(el) {62 elSet = el.getElementsByClassName("MapLine");63 for (var i = 0; i < elSet.length; i++) {64 if (elSet[i].style.display == "block") {65 console.log(elSet[i].id, " turned OFF - display was:", elSet[i].style.display);66 elSet[i].style.display = "none";67 btn = "b" + elSet[i].id;68 // console.log("trying button ID", btn)69 if (document.getElementById(btn).style.boxShadow != "none"){70 document.getElementById(btn).style.boxShadow = "none";71 }72 }73 // bSet = el.getElementsByClassName("MapButton");74 // for (var i = 0; i < bSet.length; i++) {75 // if (bSet[i].style.boxShadow != "none") {76 // elSet[i].style.boxShadow = "none";77 // console.log("button", b, " turned OFF");78 // }79 }80 }81 82 function MapButtonOff(btn) {83 if (btn != undefined) {84 = "none";85 // console.log("button",, "turned off");86 }87 }88 89 function MapElementOff(el) {90 if (el != undefined) {91 = "none";92 MapButtonOff(document.getElementById("b" +;93 // console.log(base, "+", j, "=", id, "turned off ");94 95 elSet = el.getElementsByClassName("MapLine");96 console.log(elSet.length, "elements found");97 for (var i = 0; i < elSet.length; i++) {98 if (elSet[i].style.display != "none") {99 elSet[i].style.display = "none";100 // MapButtonOff("b" + elSet[i].id);101 }102 }103 bSet = el.getElementsByClassName("MapButton");104 for (var i = 0; i < bSet.length; i++) {105 if (bSet[i].style.boxShadow != "none") {106 elSet[i].style.boxShadow = "none";107 // MapButtonOff("b" + elSet[i].id);108 }109 }110 }111 }112 function sibsOff(i) {113 base = Math.floor(parseInt(i, 10) / 10) * 10;114 me = parseInt(i.substring(i.length - 1, i.length), 10);115 for (let j = 1; j < 4; j++) {116 if (j != me) {117 id = base + j;118 MapElementOff(document.getElementById(id.toString()));119 }120 }121 }122123} ...

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Source:main.js Github


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1addEventListener("onclick", toggleElement);2function toggleNav() {3 if (4 document.getElementById("mysite").style.gridTemplateColumns == "8rem 1fr"5 ) {6 closeNav();7 } else {8 openNav();9 }10}11function openNav() {12 document.getElementById("mySidenav").style.width = "8rem";13 document.getElementById("mysite").style.gridTemplateColumns = "8rem 1fr";14}15function closeNav() {16 document.getElementById("mySidenav").style.width = "0";17 document.getElementById("mysite").style.gridTemplateColumns = "0 1fr";18}19function showIntro() {}20function loadHTML(fileToLoad) {21 fetch(fileToLoad)22 .then((response) => response.text())23 .then((text) => (document.getElementById("myContent").innerHTML = text));24}25function clearSubtree(el) {26 elSet = el.getElementsByClassName("MapLine");27 for (var i = 0; i < elSet.length; i++) {28 if (elSet[i].style.display == "block") {29 console.log(elSet[i].id, " turned OFF - display was:", elSet[i].style.display);30 elSet[i].style.display = "none";31 btn = "b" + elSet[i].id;32 // console.log("trying button ID", btn)33 if (document.getElementById(btn).style.boxShadow != "none"){34 document.getElementById(btn).style.boxShadow = "none";35 }36 }37// bSet = el.getElementsByClassName("MapButton");38// for (var i = 0; i < bSet.length; i++) {39// if (bSet[i].style.boxShadow != "none") {40// elSet[i].style.boxShadow = "none";41// console.log("button", b, " turned OFF");42// }43 }44}45function MapButtonOff(btn) {46 if (btn != undefined) {47 = "none";48 // console.log("button",, "turned off");49 }50}51function MapElementOff(el) {52 if (el != undefined) {53 = "none";54 MapButtonOff(document.getElementById("b" +;55 // console.log(base, "+", j, "=", id, "turned off ");56 elSet = el.getElementsByClassName("MapLine");57 console.log(elSet.length, "elements found");58 for (var i = 0; i < elSet.length; i++) {59 if (elSet[i].style.display != "none") {60 elSet[i].style.display = "none";61 // MapButtonOff("b" + elSet[i].id);62 }63 }64 bSet = el.getElementsByClassName("MapButton");65 for (var i = 0; i < bSet.length; i++) {66 if (bSet[i].style.boxShadow != "none") {67 elSet[i].style.boxShadow = "none";68 // MapButtonOff("b" + elSet[i].id);69 }70 }71 }72}73function sibsOff(i) {74 base = Math.floor(parseInt(i, 10) / 10) * 10;75 me = parseInt(i.substring(i.length - 1, i.length), 10);76 for (let j = 1; j < 4; j++) {77 if (j != me) {78 id = base + j;79 MapElementOff(document.getElementById(id.toString()));80 }81 }82}83function toggleElement() {84 // console.log(event, "was passed in")85 b =;86 i = b.substring(1, b.length);87 el = document.getElementById(i);88// console.log("button", b, "was pressed and element",, "selected");89// console.log("display status is:",;90 if ( != "block") {91 = "block";92 document.getElementById(b).style.boxShadow = "0px 0px 3px 3px red";93 // console.log(i, " turned ON");94 } else {95 = "none";96 document.getElementById(b).style.boxShadow = "none";97 console.log(i, "and", b, " turned OFF");98 clearSubtree(el);99 }100 sibsOff(i);101// console.log("siblings base =", i.substring(0,1))102 sibsOff(i.substring(0,1))103 document104 .getElementById("h-roadmap")105 .scrollIntoView({ block: "end", behavior: "smooth" });...

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Source:jquery.indyFadeBox.js Github


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1(function( $, undefined ) {2 'use strick';3 /*4 * @DENNY K@5 * indyFadeBox object.6 */7 $.indyFadeBox = function( element, options ) {8 this.$el = $( element );9 this._init( options );10 };11 $.indyFadeBox.defaults = {12 'effect' : 'fade-in',13 'clName' : '.indy-fade-box', 14 };15 $.indyFadeBox.prototype = {16 _init : function( options ) {17 var 18 _self = this,19 element = _self.$el;20 this.options = $.extend( true, {}, $.indyFadeBox.defaults, options );21 _self.winHeight = 0;22 _self.scrollTop = 0;23 _self.elSet = element.find(_self.options.clName).addClass('indy-fade-box');24 element.addClass(_self.options.effect + ' indy-fade-box-container');25 _self._setValue();26 _self._preset();27 _self._events();28 },29 _setValue : function () {30 var31 _self = this;32 _self.winHeight = $(window).height();33 _self.scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); 34 },35 _events : function () {36 var37 _self = this;38 $(window).on('scroll resize', function() {39 _self._checkVisible();40 _self._setValue();41 });42 },43 _preset : function () {44 var45 _self = this,46 elSet = _self.elSet;47 elSet.addClass('hide new');48 _self._checkVisible();49 },50 _checkVisible : function () {51 var 52 _self = this,53 elSet = _self.elSet,54 delta = _self.scrollTop + _self.winHeight;55 elSet.each(function() {56 var57 el = $(this),58 elTop = el.offset().top; 59 if (delta > elTop) {60 el61 .removeClass('hide')62 .addClass('show animate')63 .removeClass('new');64 _self.elSet = _self.elSet.not(el);65 }66 });67 },68 _newElement : function () {69 var70 _self = this,71 elSet = _self.elSet,72 element = _self.$el,73 newEl = element.find(_self.options.clName).not(elSet).addClass('indy-fade-box');74 _self.elSet = _self.elSet.add(newEl);75 76 _self._preset();77 },78 };79 $.fn.indyFadeBox = function( options ) {80 var args =, 1);81 return this.each(function() {82 var item = $(this), instance ='indyFadeBox');83 if(!instance) {84'indyFadeBox', new $.indyFadeBox(this, options));85 } else {86 if(typeof options === 'string') {87 instance[options].apply(instance, args);88 }89 }90 }); 91 };...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { elSet } from 'ng-mocks';2import { elGet } from 'ng-mocks';3import { elSelect } from 'ng-mocks';4import { elSelectAll } from 'ng-mocks';5import { elInput } from 'ng-mocks';6import { elOutput } from 'ng-mocks';7import { elOutputMethod } from 'ng-mocks';8describe('TestComponent', () => {9 let component: TestComponent;10 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;11 beforeEach(async(() => {12 TestBed.configureTestingModule({13 imports: [HttpClientModule, RouterTestingModule],14 {15 useValue: {16 snapshot: {17 paramMap: convertToParamMap({ id: '1' })18 }19 }20 }21 }).compileComponents();22 }));23 beforeEach(() => {24 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);25 component = fixture.componentInstance;26 fixture.detectChanges();27 });28 it('should create', () => {29 expect(component).toBeTruthy();30 });31 it('should set value to the input field', () => {32 const input = elSet(component, 'input', 'Test Value');33 expect(input.value).toEqual('Test Value');34 });35 it('should get value from the input field', () => {36 const input = elSet(component, 'input', 'Test Value');37 expect(elGet(input)).toEqual('Test Value');38 });39 it('should get value from the input field', () => {40 const input = elSet(component, 'input', 'Test Value');41 expect(elSelect(component, 'input')).toEqual(input);42 });43 it('should get value from the input field', () => {44 const input = elSet(component, '

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { elSet } from 'ng-mocks';2import { Component, Input, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';3import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';4import { By } from '@angular/platform-browser';5@Component({6 <div #foo>{{ foo }}</div>7})8class FooComponent {9 @Input() public foo: string;10 @ViewChild('foo') public fooRef;11}12describe('elSet', () => {13 beforeEach(() => TestBed.configureTestingModule({14 }));15 it('sets a value', () => {16 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(FooComponent);17 fixture.detectChanges();18 expect(fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('div')).nativeElement.textContent).toEqual('');19 elSet(fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('div')), 'foo');20 expect(fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('div')).nativeElement.textContent).toEqual('foo');21 });22 it('sets a value on a child', () => {23 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(FooComponent);24 fixture.detectChanges();25 expect(fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('div')).nativeElement.textContent).toEqual('');26 elSet(fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('app-foo')), 'foo', { child: true });27 expect(fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('div')).nativeElement.textContent).toEqual('foo');28 });29 it('sets a value on a child by selector', () => {30 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(FooComponent);31 fixture.detectChanges();32 expect(fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('div')).nativeElement.textContent).toEqual('');33 elSet(fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('app-foo')), 'foo', { child: 'div' });34 expect(fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('div')).nativeElement.textContent).toEqual('foo');35 });36});37import { elSetInput } from 'ng-mocks';38import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';39import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';40import { By } from '@angular/platform-browser';41@Component({42 <div>{{ foo }}</div>43})44class FooComponent {45 @Input() public foo: string;46}47describe('elSetInput', () => {48 beforeEach(() => TestBed.configureTestingModule({

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { elSet } from 'ng-mocks';2import { Component } from '@angular/core';3import { TestBed, ComponentFixture } from '@angular/core/testing';4@Component({5})6class TestComponent {7 public readonly cb = (value: string) => {8 console.log(value);9 };10}11describe('test', () => {12 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;13 beforeEach(() => {14 TestBed.configureTestingModule({15 });16 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);17 fixture.detectChanges();18 });19 it('should set value', () => {20 expect(elSet(fixture, 'input', 'value', 'test')).toBe(true);21 });22});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import {elSet} from 'ng-mocks';2describe('test', () => {3 it('test', () => {4 elSet('test', 'test');5 });6});7import {elSet} from 'ng-mocks';8describe('test', () => {9 it('test', () => {10 elSet('test', 'test');11 });12});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { elSet } from 'ng-mocks';2@Component({ selector: 'my-component', template: '...' })3export class MyComponent {4 public readonly myValue = 'myValue';5}6describe('MyComponent', () => {7 let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComponent>;8 let component: MyComponent;9 beforeEach(() => {10 fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({11 }).createComponent(MyComponent);12 component = fixture.componentInstance;13 });14 it('should set a value', () => {15 elSet(component, 'myValue', 'newValue');16 expect(component.myValue).toBe('newValue');17 });18});19import 'ng-mocks';20import 'ng-mocks';21import { MockBuilder, MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';22import { MyComponent } from './my.component';23import { MyModule } from './my.module';24describe('MyComponent', () => {25 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(MyComponent, MyModule));26 it('renders', () => {27 const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent);28 expect(fixture.nativeElement.innerHTML).toContain('...');29 });30});31import 'ng-mocks';32import { MockBuilder, MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';33import { MyComponent } from './my.component';34import { MyModule } from './my.module';35describe('MyComponent', () => {36 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(MyComponent, MyModule));37 it('renders', () => {38 const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent);39 expect(fixture.nativeElement.innerHTML).toContain('...');40 });41});42import { MockBuilder, MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';43import { MyComponent } from './my.component';44import { MyModule } from './my.module';45describe('MyComponent', () => {46 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(MyComponent, MyModule));47 it('renders', () => {48 const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent);49 expect(fixture.nativeElement.innerHTML).toContain('...');50 });51});52import 'ng-mocks';53import { MockBuilder, MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';54import { MyComponent } from './my.component';55import { MyModule } from './my.module';56describe('MyComponent', () => {57 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(MyComponent, MyModule));58 it('renders', () => {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import {elSet} from 'ng-mocks';2describe('test', () => {3 it('test', () => {4 elSet('test', 'test');5 });6});7import {elSet} from 'ng-mocks';8describe('test', () => {9 it('test', () => {10 elSet('test', 'test');11 });12});13import {elSet} from 'ng-mocks';14describe('test', () => {15 it('test', () => {16 elSet('test', 'test');17 });18});19import {elSet} from 'ng-mocks';20describe('test', () => {21 it('test', () => {22 elSet('test', 'test');23 });24});25import {elSet} from 'ng-mocks';26describe('test', () => {27 it('test', () => {28 elSet('test', 'test');29 });30});31import {elSet} from 'ng-mocks';32describe('test', () => {33 it('test', () => {34 elSet('test', 'test');35 });36});37import {elSet} from 'ng-mocks';38describe('test', () => {39 it('test', () => {40 elSet('test', 'test');41 });42});43import {elSet} from 'ng-mocks';44describe('test', () => {45 it('test', () => {46 elSet('test', 'test');47 });48});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import {elSet} from 'ng-mocks';2describe('Testing elSet', () => {3 it('should return an element', () => {4 const element = elSet('<div data-test="test-div"></div>');5 const div = element.querySelector('[data-test="test-div"]');6 expect(div).toBeDefined();7 });8});9import {elSet} from 'ng-mocks';10describe('Testing elSet', () => {11 it('should return an element', () => {12 const element = elSet('<div data-test="test-div"></div>');13 const div = element.querySelector('[data-test="test-div"]');14 expect(div).toBeDefined();15 });16});17import {elSet} from 'ng-mocks';18describe('Testing elSet', () => {19 it('should return an element', () => {20 const element = elSet('<div data-test="test-div"></div>');21 const div = element.querySelector('[data-test="test-div"]');22 expect(div).toBeDefined();23 });24});25import {elSet} from 'ng-mocks';26describe('Testing elSet', () => {27 it('should return an element', () => {28 const element = elSet('<div data-test="test-div"></div>');29 const div = element.querySelector('[data-test="test-div"]');30 expect(div).toBeDefined();31 });32});33import {elSet} from 'ng-mocks';34describe('Testing elSet', () => {35 it('should return an element', () => {36 const element = elSet('<div data-test="test-div"></div>');37 const div = element.querySelector('[data-test="test-div"]');38 expect(div).toBeDefined();39 });40});41import {elSet} from 'ng-mocks';42describe('Testing elSet', () => {43 it('should return an element', () => {44 const element = elSet('<div data-test="test-div"></div>');45 const div = element.querySelector('[data-test="test-div"]');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { elSet } from 'ng-mocks';2import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';3import { AppComponent } from './app.component';4import { By } from '@angular/platform-browser';5describe('AppComponent', () => {6 beforeEach(async () => {7 await TestBed.configureTestingModule({8 }).compileComponents();9 });10 it('should render title', () => {11 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);12 fixture.detectChanges();13 const compiled = fixture.nativeElement;14 const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));15 elSet(input.nativeElement, 'value', 'test');16 expect(compiled.querySelector('input').value).toBe('test');17 });18});19const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));20 elSet(input, 'value', 'test');21import { elSet } from 'ng-mocks';22import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';23import { AppComponent } from './app.component';24import { By } from '@angular/platform-browser';25describe('AppComponent', () => {26 beforeEach(async () => {27 await TestBed.configureTestingModule({28 }).compileComponents();29 });30 it('should render title', () => {31 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);32 fixture.detectChanges();33 const compiled = fixture.nativeElement;34 const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));35 elSet(input.nativeElement, 'value', 'test');36 expect(compiled.querySelector('input').value).toBe('test');37 });38});

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