Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1if (typeof(dojo) != 'undefined') { dojo.require('MochiKit.Signal'); }2if (typeof(JSAN) != 'undefined') { JSAN.use('MochiKit.Signal'); }3if (typeof(tests) == 'undefined') { tests = {}; }4tests.test_Signal = function (t) {5 6 var submit = MochiKit.DOM.getElement('submit');7 var ident = null;8 var i = 0;9 var aFunction = function() {10 t.ok(this === submit, "aFunction should have 'this' as submit");11 i++;12 if (typeof(this.someVar) != 'undefined') {13 i += this.someVar;14 }15 };16 17 var aObject = {};18 aObject.aMethod = function() {19 t.ok(this === aObject, "aMethod should have 'this' as aObject");20 i++;21 };22 ident = connect('submit', 'onclick', aFunction);23 MochiKit.DOM.getElement('submit').click();24, 1, 'HTML onclick event can be connected to a function');25 disconnect(ident);26 MochiKit.DOM.getElement('submit').click();27, 1, 'HTML onclick can be disconnected from a function');28 var submit = MochiKit.DOM.getElement('submit');29 ident = connect(submit, 'onclick', aFunction);30;31, 2, 'Checking that a DOM element can be connected to a function');32 disconnect(ident);33;34, 2, '...and then disconnected'); 35 36 if (MochiKit.DOM.getElement('submit').fireEvent || 37 (document.createEvent && 38 typeof(document.createEvent('MouseEvents').initMouseEvent) == 'function')) {39 40 /* 41 42 Adapted from: 43 License: Apache45 Copyright: Copyright 2004 ThoughtWorks, Inc46 47 */48 var triggerMouseEvent = function(element, eventType, canBubble) {49 element = MochiKit.DOM.getElement(element);50 canBubble = (typeof(canBubble) == 'undefined') ? true : canBubble;51 if (element.fireEvent) {52 var newEvt = document.createEventObject();53 newEvt.clientX = 1;54 newEvt.clientY = 1;55 newEvt.button = 1;56 element.fireEvent('on' + eventType, newEvt);57 } else if (document.createEvent && (typeof(document.createEvent('MouseEvents').initMouseEvent) == 'function')) {58 var evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');59 evt.initMouseEvent(eventType, canBubble, true, // event, bubbles, cancelable60 document.defaultView, 1, // view, # of clicks61 1, 0, 0, 0, // screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY62 false, false, false, false, // ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey63 0, null); // buttonCode, relatedTarget64 element.dispatchEvent(evt);65 }66 };67 var eventTest = function(e) {68 i++;69 t.ok((typeof(e.event()) === 'object'), 'checking that event() is an object');70 t.ok((typeof(e.type()) === 'string'), 'checking that type() is a string');71 t.ok(( === MochiKit.DOM.getElement('submit')), 'checking that target is "submit"');72 t.ok((typeof(e.modifier()) === 'object'), 'checking that modifier() is an object');73 t.ok(e.modifier().alt === false, 'checking that modifier().alt is defined, but false');74 t.ok(e.modifier().ctrl === false, 'checking that modifier().ctrl is defined, but false');75 t.ok(e.modifier().meta === false, 'checking that modifier().meta is defined, but false');76 t.ok(e.modifier().shift === false, 'checking that modifier().shift is defined, but false');77 t.ok((typeof(e.mouse()) === 'object'), 'checking that mouse() is an object');78 t.ok((typeof(e.mouse().button) === 'object'), 'checking that mouse().button is an object');79 t.ok(e.mouse().button.left === true, 'checking that mouse().button.left is true');80 t.ok(e.mouse().button.middle === false, 'checking that mouse().button.middle is false');81 t.ok(e.mouse().button.right === false, 'checking that mouse().button.right is false');82 t.ok((typeof(e.mouse().page) === 'object'), 'checking that mouse().page is an object');83 t.ok((typeof(e.mouse().page.x) === 'number'), 'checking that mouse().page.x is a number');84 t.ok((typeof(e.mouse().page.y) === 'number'), 'checking that mouse().page.y is a number');85 t.ok((typeof(e.mouse().client) === 'object'), 'checking that mouse().client is an object');86 t.ok((typeof(e.mouse().client.x) === 'number'), 'checking that mouse().client.x is a number');87 t.ok((typeof(e.mouse().client.y) === 'number'), 'checking that mouse().client.y is a number');88 /* these should not be defined */89 t.ok((typeof(e.relatedTarget()) === 'undefined'), 'checking that relatedTarget() is undefined');90 t.ok((typeof(e.key()) === 'undefined'), 'checking that key() is undefined');91 };92 93 ident = connect('submit', 'onmousedown', eventTest);94 triggerMouseEvent('submit', 'mousedown', false);95, 3, 'Connecting an event to an HTML object and firing a synthetic event');96 disconnect(ident);97 triggerMouseEvent('submit', 'mousedown', false);98, 3, 'Disconnecting an event to an HTML object and firing a synthetic event');99 100 } 101 // non-DOM tests102 var hasNoSignals = {};103 104 var hasSignals = {someVar: 1};105 var i = 0;106 107 var aFunction = function() {108 i++;109 if (typeof(this.someVar) != 'undefined') {110 i += this.someVar;111 }112 };113 114 var bFunction = function(someArg, someOtherArg) {115 i += someArg + someOtherArg;116 };117 118 var aObject = {};119 aObject.aMethod = function() {120 i++;121 };122 123 aObject.bMethod = function() {124 i++;125 };126 127 var bObject = {};128 bObject.bMethod = function() {129 i++;130 };131 ident = connect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', aFunction);132 signal(hasSignals, 'signalOne');133, 2, 'Connecting function');134 i = 0;135 disconnect(ident);136 signal(hasSignals, 'signalOne');137, 0, 'New style disconnecting function');138 i = 0;139 ident = connect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', bFunction);140 signal(hasSignals, 'signalOne', 1, 2);141, 3, 'Connecting function');142 i = 0;143 disconnect(ident);144 signal(hasSignals, 'signalOne', 1, 2);145, 0, 'New style disconnecting function');146 i = 0;147 connect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', aFunction);148 signal(hasSignals, 'signalOne');149, 2, 'Connecting function');150 i = 0;151 disconnect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', aFunction);152 signal(hasSignals, 'signalOne');153, 0, 'Old style disconnecting function');154 i = 0;155 ident = connect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', aObject, aObject.aMethod);156 signal(hasSignals, 'signalOne');157, 1, 'Connecting obj-function');158 i = 0;159 disconnect(ident);160 signal(hasSignals, 'signalOne');161, 0, 'New style disconnecting obj-function');162 i = 0;163 connect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', aObject, aObject.aMethod);164 signal(hasSignals, 'signalOne');165, 1, 'Connecting obj-function');166 i = 0;167 disconnect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', aObject, aObject.aMethod);168 signal(hasSignals, 'signalOne');169, 0, 'Disconnecting obj-function');170 i = 0;171 ident = connect(hasSignals, 'signalTwo', aObject, 'aMethod');172 signal(hasSignals, 'signalTwo');173, 1, 'Connecting obj-string');174 i = 0;175 disconnect(ident);176 signal(hasSignals, 'signalTwo');177, 0, 'New style disconnecting obj-string');178 i = 0;179 connect(hasSignals, 'signalTwo', aObject, 'aMethod');180 signal(hasSignals, 'signalTwo');181, 1, 'Connecting obj-string');182 i = 0;183 disconnect(hasSignals, 'signalTwo', aObject, 'aMethod');184 signal(hasSignals, 'signalTwo');185, 0, 'Old style disconnecting obj-string');186 i = 0;187 var shouldRaise = function() { return undefined.attr; };188 try {189 connect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', shouldRaise);190 signal(hasSignals, 'signalOne');191 t.ok(false, 'An exception was not raised');192 } catch (e) {193 t.ok(true, 'An exception was raised');194 }195 disconnect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', shouldRaise);196, 0, 'Exception raised, signal should not have fired');197 i = 0;198 199 connect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', aObject, 'aMethod');200 connect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', aObject, 'bMethod');201 signal(hasSignals, 'signalOne');202, 2, 'Connecting one signal to two slots in one object');203 i = 0;204 205 disconnect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', aObject, 'aMethod');206 disconnect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', aObject, 'bMethod');207 signal(hasSignals, 'signalOne');208, 0, 'Disconnecting one signal from two slots in one object');209 i = 0;210 connect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', aObject, 'aMethod');211 connect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', bObject, 'bMethod');212 signal(hasSignals, 'signalOne');213, 2, 'Connecting one signal to two slots in two objects');214 i = 0;215 disconnect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', aObject, 'aMethod');216 disconnect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', bObject, 'bMethod');217 signal(hasSignals, 'signalOne');218, 0, 'Disconnecting one signal from two slots in two objects');219 i = 0;220 221 try {222 connect(nothing, 'signalOne', aObject, 'aMethod');223 signal(nothing, 'signalOne');224 t.ok(false, 'An exception was not raised when connecting undefined');225 } catch (e) {226 t.ok(true, 'An exception was raised when connecting undefined');227 }228 try {229 disconnect(nothing, 'signalOne', aObject, 'aMethod');230 t.ok(false, 'An exception was not raised when disconnecting undefined');231 } catch (e) {232 t.ok(true, 'An exception was raised when disconnecting undefined');233 }234 235 236 try {237 connect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', nothing);238 signal(hasSignals, 'signalOne');239 t.ok(false, 'An exception was not raised when connecting an undefined function');240 } catch (e) {241 t.ok(true, 'An exception was raised when connecting an undefined function');242 }243 try {244 disconnect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', nothing);245 t.ok(false, 'An exception was not raised when disconnecting an undefined function');246 } catch (e) {247 t.ok(true, 'An exception was raised when disconnecting an undefined function');248 }249 250 251 try {252 connect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', aObject, aObject.nothing);253 signal(hasSignals, 'signalOne');254 t.ok(false, 'An exception was not raised when connecting an undefined method');255 } catch (e) {256 t.ok(true, 'An exception was raised when connecting an undefined method');257 }258 259 try {260 connect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', aObject, 'nothing');261 signal(hasSignals, 'signalOne');262 t.ok(false, 'An exception was not raised when connecting an undefined method (as string)');263 } catch (e) {264 t.ok(true, 'An exception was raised when connecting an undefined method (as string)');265 }266, 0, 'Signals should not have fired');267 connect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', aFunction);268 connect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', aObject, 'aMethod');269 disconnectAll(hasSignals, 'signalOne');270 signal(hasSignals, 'signalOne');271, 0, 'disconnectAll works with single explicit signal');272 i = 0;273 connect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', aFunction);274 connect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', aObject, 'aMethod');275 connect(hasSignals, 'signalTwo', aFunction);276 connect(hasSignals, 'signalTwo', aObject, 'aMethod');277 disconnectAll(hasSignals, 'signalOne');278 signal(hasSignals, 'signalOne');279, 0, 'disconnectAll works with single explicit signal');280 signal(hasSignals, 'signalTwo');281, 3, 'disconnectAll does not disconnect unrelated signals');282 i = 0;283 connect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', aFunction);284 connect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', aObject, 'aMethod');285 connect(hasSignals, 'signalTwo', aFunction);286 connect(hasSignals, 'signalTwo', aObject, 'aMethod');287 disconnectAll(hasSignals, 'signalOne', 'signalTwo');288 signal(hasSignals, 'signalOne');289 signal(hasSignals, 'signalTwo');290, 0, 'disconnectAll works with two explicit signals');291 i = 0;292 connect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', aFunction);293 connect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', aObject, 'aMethod');294 connect(hasSignals, 'signalTwo', aFunction);295 connect(hasSignals, 'signalTwo', aObject, 'aMethod');296 disconnectAll(hasSignals, ['signalOne', 'signalTwo']);297 signal(hasSignals, 'signalOne');298 signal(hasSignals, 'signalTwo');299, 0, 'disconnectAll works with two explicit signals as a list');300 i = 0;301 connect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', aFunction);302 connect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', aObject, 'aMethod');303 connect(hasSignals, 'signalTwo', aFunction);304 connect(hasSignals, 'signalTwo', aObject, 'aMethod');305 disconnectAll(hasSignals);306 signal(hasSignals, 'signalOne');307 signal(hasSignals, 'signalTwo');308, 0, 'disconnectAll works with implicit signals');309 i = 0;310 311 var toggle = function() {312 disconnectAll(hasSignals, 'signalOne');313 connect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', aFunction);314 i++;315 };316 317 connect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', aFunction);318 connect(hasSignals, 'signalTwo', function() { i++; });319 connect(hasSignals, 'signalTwo', toggle);320 connect(hasSignals, 'signalTwo', function() { i++; }); // #147321 connect(hasSignals, 'signalTwo', function() { i++; });322 signal(hasSignals, 'signalTwo');323, 4, 'disconnectAll fired in a signal loop works');324 i = 0;325 disconnectAll('signalOne');326 disconnectAll('signalTwo');327 var testfunc = function () { arguments.callee.count++; };328 testfunc.count = 0;329 var testObj = {330 methOne: function () { this.countOne++; }, countOne: 0,331 methTwo: function () { this.countTwo++; }, countTwo: 0332 };333 connect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', testfunc);334 connect(hasSignals, 'signalTwo', testfunc);335 signal(hasSignals, 'signalOne');336 signal(hasSignals, 'signalTwo');337, 2, 'disconnectAllTo func precondition');338 disconnectAllTo(testfunc);339 signal(hasSignals, 'signalOne');340 signal(hasSignals, 'signalTwo');341, 2, 'disconnectAllTo func');342 connect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', testObj, 'methOne');343 connect(hasSignals, 'signalTwo', testObj, 'methTwo');344 signal(hasSignals, 'signalOne');345 signal(hasSignals, 'signalTwo');346, 1, 'disconnectAllTo obj precondition');347, 1, 'disconnectAllTo obj precondition');348 disconnectAllTo(testObj);349 signal(hasSignals, 'signalOne');350 signal(hasSignals, 'signalTwo');351, 1, 'disconnectAllTo obj');352, 1, 'disconnectAllTo obj');353 testObj.countOne = testObj.countTwo = 0;354 connect(hasSignals, 'signalOne', testObj, 'methOne');355 connect(hasSignals, 'signalTwo', testObj, 'methTwo');356 disconnectAllTo(testObj, 'methOne');357 signal(hasSignals, 'signalOne');358 signal(hasSignals, 'signalTwo');359, 0, 'disconnectAllTo obj+str');360, 1, 'disconnectAllTo obj+str');361 362 has__Connect = {363 count: 0,364 __connect__: function (ident) {365 this.count += arguments.length;366 disconnect(ident);367 }368 };369 connect(has__Connect, 'signalOne', aFunction);370, 3, '__connect__ is called when it exists');371 signal(has__Connect, 'signalOne');372, 3, '__connect__ can disconnect the signal');373 var events = {};374 var test_ident = connect(events, "test", function() {375 var fail_ident = connect(events, "fail", function () {376 events.failed = true;377 });378 disconnect(fail_ident);379 signal(events, "fail");380 });381 signal(events, "test");382, undefined, 'disconnected slots do not fire');383 var sink = {f: function (ev) { this.ev = ev; }};384 var src = {};385 bindMethods(sink);386 connect(src, 'signal', sink.f);387 signal(src, 'signal', 'worked');388, 'worked', 'custom signal does not re-bind methods');389 ...
1/*2 backgrid3 Copyright (c) 2013 Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong and contributors5 Licensed under the MIT license.6*/7describe("A HeaderCell", function () {8 var col;9 var cell;10 beforeEach(function () {11 col = new Backbone.Collection([{id: 2}, {id: 1}, {id: 3}]);12 cell = new Backgrid.HeaderCell({13 column: {14 name: "id",15 cell: "integer"16 },17 collection: col18 });19 cell.render();20 });21 it("renders a table header cell with the label text and an optional anchor with sort-caret", function () {22 expect(cell.el.tagName).toBe("TH");23 expect(cell.$el.find("a").text()).toBe("id");24 expect(cell.$el.find(".sort-caret").length).toBe(1);25 cell.column.set("sortable", false);26 cell.render();27 expect(cell.el.tagName).toBe("TH");28 expect(cell.$el.text()).toBe("id");29 expect(cell.$el.find(".sort-caret").length).toBe(0);30 });31 it("adds an editable, sortable and a renderable class to the cell if these column attributes are true", function () {32 var column = {33 name: "title",34 cell: "string"35 };36 cell = new Backgrid.HeaderCell({37 column: column,38 collection: col39 });40 expect(cell.$el.hasClass("editable")).toBe(true);41 expect(cell.$el.hasClass("sortable")).toBe(true);42 expect(cell.$el.hasClass("renderable")).toBe(true);43 cell.column.set("editable", false);44 expect(cell.$el.hasClass("editable")).toBe(false);45 cell.column.set("sortable", false);46 expect(cell.$el.hasClass("sortable")).toBe(false);47 cell.column.set("renderable", false);48 expect(cell.$el.hasClass("renderable")).toBe(false);49 var TrueCol = Backgrid.Column.extend({50 mySortable: function () { return true; },51 myRenderable: function () { return true; },52 myEditable: function () { return true; }53 });54 var FalseCol = Backgrid.Column.extend({55 mySortable: function () { return false; },56 myRenderable: function () { return false; },57 myEditable: function () { return false; }58 });59 column = new TrueCol({60 name: "title",61 cell: "string",62 sortable: "mySortable",63 renderable: "myRenderable",64 editable: "myEditable"65 });66 cell = new Backgrid.HeaderCell({67 column: column,68 collection: col69 });70 expect(cell.$el.hasClass("editable")).toBe(true);71 expect(cell.$el.hasClass("sortable")).toBe(true);72 expect(cell.$el.hasClass("renderable")).toBe(true);73 column = new FalseCol({74 name: "title",75 cell: "string",76 sortable: "mySortable",77 renderable: "myRenderable",78 editable: "myEditable"79 });80 cell = new Backgrid.HeaderCell({81 column: column,82 collection: col83 });84 expect(cell.$el.hasClass("editable")).toBe(false);85 expect(cell.$el.hasClass("sortable")).toBe(false);86 expect(cell.$el.hasClass("renderable")).toBe(false);87 column = new Backgrid.Column({88 name: "title",89 cell: "string",90 sortable: function () { return true; },91 editable: function () { return true; },92 renderable: function () { return true; }93 });94 cell = new Backgrid.HeaderCell({95 column: column,96 collection: col97 });98 expect(cell.$el.hasClass("editable")).toBe(true);99 expect(cell.$el.hasClass("sortable")).toBe(true);100 expect(cell.$el.hasClass("renderable")).toBe(true);101 });102 it("will rerender with the column name and/or label changes", function () {103 expect(cell.$el.find("a").text(), "id");104 expect(cell.$el.hasClass("id"), true);105 cell.column.set("name", "name");106 expect(cell.$el.find("name"), true);107 expect(cell.$el.hasClass("name"), true);108 cell.column.set("label", "Name");109 expect(cell.$el.find("a").text(), "Name");110 expect(cell.$el.hasClass("Name"), true);111 });112 it("will put a class indicating the sorting direction if `direction` is set in the column", function () {113 cell = new Backgrid.HeaderCell({114 column: {115 name: "id",116 cell: "integer",117 direction: "descending"118 },119 collection: col120 });121 cell.render();122 expect(cell.el.tagName).toBe("TH");123 expect(cell.$el.find("a").text()).toBe("id");124 expect(cell.$el.find(".sort-caret").length).toBe(1);125 expect(cell.$el.hasClass("descending")).toBe(true);126 });127 it("triggers `backgrid:sort` with the column and direction set to 'ascending' if the column's direction is not set", function () {128 var column, direction;129 cell.collection.on("backgrid:sort", function (col, dir) { column = col; direction = dir; });130 cell.$el.find("a").click();131 expect(column).toBe(cell.column);132 expect(direction).toBe("ascending");133 });134 it("triggers `backgrid:sort` with the column and direction set to 'descending' if the column's direction is set to 'ascending'", function () {135 var column, direction;136 cell.collection.on("backgrid:sort", function (col, dir) { column = col; direction = dir; });137 cell.column.set("direction", "ascending");138 cell.$el.find("a").click();139 expect(column).toBe(cell.column);140 expect(direction).toBe("descending");141 });142 it("triggers `backgrid:sort` with the column and direction set to `null` if the column's direction is set to 'descending'", function () {143 var column, direction;144 cell.collection.on("backgrid:sort", function (col, dir) { column = col; direction = dir; });145 cell.column.set("direction", "descending");146 cell.$el.find("a").click();147 expect(column).toBe(cell.column);148 expect(direction).toBeNull();149 });150 it("will set the column to the correct direction when `change:direction` is triggered from the column", function () {151 cell.column.set("direction", "ascending");152 expect(cell.$el.hasClass("ascending")).toBe(true);153 cell.column.set("direction", "descending");154 expect(cell.$el.hasClass("descending")).toBe(true);155 cell.column.set("direction", null);156 expect(cell.$el.hasClass("ascending")).toBe(false);157 expect(cell.$el.hasClass("descending")).toBe(false);158 });159 it("will remove its direction CSS class if `sort` is triggered from the collection or pageableCollection#fullCollection", function () {160 cell.column.set("direction", "ascending");161 cell.collection.comparator = "id";162 cell.collection.sort();163 expect(cell.$el.hasClass("ascending")).toBe(false);164 expect(cell.$el.hasClass("descending")).toBe(false);165 col = new Backbone.PageableCollection(col.toJSON(), {166 mode: "client"167 });168 col.setSorting("id", 1);169 cell = new Backgrid.HeaderCell({170 column: {171 name: "id",172 cell: "integer"173 },174 collection: col175 });176 cell.column.set("direction", "ascending");177 cell.collection.fullCollection.comparator = "id";178 cell.collection.fullCollection.sort();179 expect(cell.$el.hasClass("ascending")).toBe(false);180 expect(cell.$el.hasClass("descending")).toBe(false);181 });182 it("with `sortType` set to `toggle`, triggers `backgrid:sort` with the column and direction set to 'ascending' if the column's direction is not set", function () {183 var column, direction;184 cell.column.set("sortType", "toggle");185 cell.collection.on("backgrid:sort", function (col, dir) { column = col; direction = dir; });186 cell.$el.find("a").click();187 expect(column).toBe(cell.column);188 expect(direction).toBe("ascending");189 });190 it("with `sortType` set to `toggle`, triggers `backgrid:sort` with the column and direction set to 'descending' if the column's direction is set to 'ascending'", function () {191 var column, direction;192 cell.column.set("sortType", "toggle");193 cell.column.set("direction", "ascending");194 cell.collection.on("backgrid:sort", function (col, dir) { column = col; direction = dir; });195 cell.$el.find("a").click();196 expect(column).toBe(cell.column);197 expect(direction).toBe("descending");198 });199 it("with `sortType` set to `toggle`, triggers `backgrid:sort` with the column and direction set to 'ascending' if the column's direction is set to 'descending'", function () {200 var column, direction;201 cell.column.set("sortType", "toggle");202 cell.column.set("direction", "descending");203 cell.collection.on("backgrid:sort", function (col, dir) { column = col; direction = dir; });204 cell.$el.find("a").click();205 expect(column).toBe(cell.column);206 expect(direction).toBe("ascending");207 });208});209describe("A HeaderRow", function () {210 var Book = Backbone.Model.extend({});211 var Books = Backbone.Collection.extend({212 model: Book213 });214 var books;215 var row;216 beforeEach(function () {217 books = new Books([{218 title: "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland",219 year: 1865220 }, {221 title: "A Tale of Two Cities",222 year: 1859223 }, {224 title: "The Catcher in the Rye",225 year: 1951226 }]);227 row = new Backgrid.HeaderRow({228 columns: [{229 name: "name",230 cell: "string"231 }, {232 name: "year",233 cell: "integer"234 }],235 collection: books236 });237 row.render();238 });239 it("renders a row of header cells", function () {240 expect(row.$el[0].tagName).toBe("TR");241 var th1 = $(row.el.childNodes[0]);242 expect(th1.hasClass("editable")).toBe(true);243 expect(th1.hasClass("sortable")).toBe(true);244 expect(th1.hasClass("renderable")).toBe(true);245 expect(th1.hasClass("name")).toBe(true);246 expect(th1.find("a").text()).toBe("name");247 expect(th1.find("a").eq(1).is($("b", {className: "sort-caret"})));248 var th2 = $(row.el.childNodes[1]);249 expect(th2.hasClass("editable")).toBe(true);250 expect(th2.hasClass("sortable")).toBe(true);251 expect(th2.hasClass("renderable")).toBe(true);252 expect(th2.hasClass("year")).toBe(true);253 expect(th2.find("a").text()).toBe("year");254 expect(th2.find("a > b:last-child").eq(0).hasClass("sort-caret")).toBe(true);255 });256 it("resets the carets of the non-sorting columns", function () {257 row.$el.find("a").eq(0).click(); // ascending258 row.$el.find("a").eq(1).click(); // ascending, resets the previous259 expect(row.$el.find("a").eq(0).hasClass("ascending")).toBe(false);260 expect(row.$el.find("a").eq(1).hasClass("ascending")).toBe(false);261 });262 it("inserts or removes a cell if a column is added or removed", function () {263 row.columns.add({name: "price", cell: "number"});264 expect(row.$el.children().length).toBe(3);265 var lastTh = $(row.el.lastChild);266 expect(lastTh.hasClass("editable")).toBe(true);267 expect(lastTh.hasClass("sortable")).toBe(true);268 expect(lastTh.hasClass("renderable")).toBe(true);269 expect(lastTh.hasClass("price")).toBe(true);270 expect(lastTh.find("a").text()).toBe("price");271 expect(lastTh.find("a > b:last-child").eq(0).hasClass("sort-caret")).toBe(true);272 row.columns.add({name: "publisher", cell: "string", renderable: false});273 expect(row.$el.children().length).toBe(4);274 expect(row.$el.children().last().find("a").text()).toBe("publisher");275 expect(row.$el.children().last().hasClass("renderable")).toBe(false);276 row.columns.remove(row.columns.first());277 expect(row.$el.children().length).toBe(3);278 var firstTh = $(row.el.firstChild);279 expect(firstTh.hasClass("editable")).toBe(true);280 expect(firstTh.hasClass("sortable")).toBe(true);281 expect(firstTh.hasClass("renderable")).toBe(true);282 expect(firstTh.hasClass("year")).toBe(true);283 expect(firstTh.find("a").text()).toBe("year");284 expect(firstTh.find("a > b:last-child").eq(0).hasClass("sort-caret")).toBe(true);285 });286});287describe("A Header", function () {288 var Book = Backbone.Model.extend({});289 var Books = Backbone.Collection.extend({290 model: Book291 });292 var books;293 var head;294 beforeEach(function () {295 books = new Books([{296 title: "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland",297 year: 1865298 }, {299 title: "A Tale of Two Cities",300 year: 1859301 }, {302 title: "The Catcher in the Rye",303 year: 1951304 }]);305 head = new Backgrid.Header({306 columns: [{307 name: "name",308 cell: "string"309 }, {310 name: "year",311 cell: "integer"312 }],313 collection: books314 });315 head.render();316 });317 it("renders a header with a row of header cells", function () {318 expect(head.$el[0].tagName).toBe("THEAD");319 var th1 = $(head.row.el.childNodes[0]);320 expect(th1.hasClass("editable")).toBe(true);321 expect(th1.hasClass("sortable")).toBe(true);322 expect(th1.hasClass("renderable")).toBe(true);323 expect(th1.hasClass("name")).toBe(true);324 expect(th1.find("a").text()).toBe("name");325 expect(th1.find("a").eq(1).is($("b", {className: "sort-caret"})));326 var th2 = $(head.row.el.childNodes[1]);327 expect(th2.hasClass("editable")).toBe(true);328 expect(th2.hasClass("sortable")).toBe(true);329 expect(th2.hasClass("renderable")).toBe(true);330 expect(th2.hasClass("year")).toBe(true);331 expect(th2.find("a").text()).toBe("year");332 expect(th2.find("a > b:last-child").eq(0).hasClass("sort-caret")).toBe(true);333 });...
...75 // | // el == the generic element. a `has` element.76 // | return false; // fake test, byid-when-form-has-name-matching-an-id is slightly longer77 // | });78 (typeof cache[name]=="undefined" || force) && (cache[name]= test);79 return now && has(name);80 };81 // since we're operating under a loader that doesn't provide a has API, we must explicitly initialize82 // has as it would have otherwise been initialized by the dojo loader; use has.add to the builder83 // can optimize these away iff desired84 1 || has.add("host-browser", isBrowser);85 0 && has.add("host-node", (typeof process == "object" && process.versions && process.versions.node && process.versions.v8));86 0 && has.add("host-rhino", (typeof load == "function" && (typeof Packages == "function" || typeof Packages == "object")));87 1 || has.add("dom", isBrowser);88 1 || has.add("dojo-dom-ready-api", 1);89 1 || has.add("dojo-sniff", 1);90 }91 if( 1 ){92 // Common application level tests93 has.add("dom-addeventlistener", !!document.addEventListener);94 // Do the device and browser have touch capability?95 has.add("touch", "ontouchstart" in document96 || ("onpointerdown" in document && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0)97 || window.navigator.msMaxTouchPoints);98 // Touch events support99 has.add("touch-events", "ontouchstart" in document);100 // Pointer Events support101 has.add("pointer-events", "onpointerdown" in document);102 has.add("MSPointer", "msMaxTouchPoints" in navigator); //IE10 (+IE11 preview)103 // I don't know if any of these tests are really correct, just a rough guess104 has.add("device-width", screen.availWidth || innerWidth);105 // Tests for DOMNode.attributes[] behavior:106 // - dom-attributes-explicit - attributes[] only lists explicitly user specified attributes107 // - dom-attributes-specified-flag (IE8) - need to check attr.specified flag to skip attributes user didn't specify108 // - Otherwise, in IE6-7. attributes[] will list hundreds of values, so need to do outerHTML to get attrs instead.109 var form = document.createElement("form");110 has.add("dom-attributes-explicit", form.attributes.length == 0); // W3C111 has.add("dom-attributes-specified-flag", form.attributes.length > 0 && form.attributes.length < 40); // IE8112 }113 has.clearElement = function(element){114 // summary:115 // Deletes the contents of the element passed to test functions.116 element.innerHTML= "";117 return element;118 };119 has.normalize = function(id, toAbsMid){120 // summary:121 // Resolves id into a module id based on possibly-nested tenary expression that branches on has feature test value(s).122 //123 // toAbsMid: Function124 // Resolves a relative module id into an absolute module id125 var126 tokens = id.match(/[\?:]|[^:\?]*/g), i = 0,127 get = function(skip){128 var term = tokens[i++];129 if(term == ":"){130 // empty string module name, resolves to 0131 return 0;132 }else{133 // postfixed with a ? means it is a feature to branch on, the term is the name of the feature134 if(tokens[i++] == "?"){135 if(!skip && has(term)){136 // matched the feature, get the first value from the options137 return get();138 }else{139 // did not match, get the second value, passing over the first140 get(true);141 return get(skip);142 }143 }144 // a module145 return term || 0;146 }147 };148 id = get();149 return id && toAbsMid(id);...
1import { module, test } from '../qunit';2import moment from '../../moment';3module('weeks in year');4test('isoWeeksInYear', function (assert) {5 assert.equal(moment([2004]).isoWeeksInYear(), 53, '2004 has 53 iso weeks');6 assert.equal(moment([2005]).isoWeeksInYear(), 52, '2005 has 53 iso weeks');7 assert.equal(moment([2006]).isoWeeksInYear(), 52, '2006 has 53 iso weeks');8 assert.equal(moment([2007]).isoWeeksInYear(), 52, '2007 has 52 iso weeks');9 assert.equal(moment([2008]).isoWeeksInYear(), 52, '2008 has 53 iso weeks');10 assert.equal(moment([2009]).isoWeeksInYear(), 53, '2009 has 53 iso weeks');11 assert.equal(moment([2010]).isoWeeksInYear(), 52, '2010 has 52 iso weeks');12 assert.equal(moment([2011]).isoWeeksInYear(), 52, '2011 has 52 iso weeks');13 assert.equal(moment([2012]).isoWeeksInYear(), 52, '2012 has 52 iso weeks');14 assert.equal(moment([2013]).isoWeeksInYear(), 52, '2013 has 52 iso weeks');15 assert.equal(moment([2014]).isoWeeksInYear(), 52, '2014 has 52 iso weeks');16 assert.equal(moment([2015]).isoWeeksInYear(), 53, '2015 has 53 iso weeks');17});18test('weeksInYear doy/dow = 1/4', function (assert) {19 moment.locale('1/4', {week: {dow: 1, doy: 4}});20 assert.equal(moment([2004]).weeksInYear(), 53, '2004 has 53 weeks');21 assert.equal(moment([2005]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2005 has 53 weeks');22 assert.equal(moment([2006]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2006 has 53 weeks');23 assert.equal(moment([2007]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2007 has 52 weeks');24 assert.equal(moment([2008]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2008 has 53 weeks');25 assert.equal(moment([2009]).weeksInYear(), 53, '2009 has 53 weeks');26 assert.equal(moment([2010]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2010 has 52 weeks');27 assert.equal(moment([2011]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2011 has 52 weeks');28 assert.equal(moment([2012]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2012 has 52 weeks');29 assert.equal(moment([2013]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2013 has 52 weeks');30 assert.equal(moment([2014]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2014 has 52 weeks');31 assert.equal(moment([2015]).weeksInYear(), 53, '2015 has 53 weeks');32});33test('weeksInYear doy/dow = 6/12', function (assert) {34 moment.locale('6/12', {week: {dow: 6, doy: 12}});35 assert.equal(moment([2004]).weeksInYear(), 53, '2004 has 53 weeks');36 assert.equal(moment([2005]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2005 has 53 weeks');37 assert.equal(moment([2006]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2006 has 53 weeks');38 assert.equal(moment([2007]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2007 has 52 weeks');39 assert.equal(moment([2008]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2008 has 53 weeks');40 assert.equal(moment([2009]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2009 has 53 weeks');41 assert.equal(moment([2010]).weeksInYear(), 53, '2010 has 52 weeks');42 assert.equal(moment([2011]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2011 has 52 weeks');43 assert.equal(moment([2012]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2012 has 52 weeks');44 assert.equal(moment([2013]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2013 has 52 weeks');45 assert.equal(moment([2014]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2014 has 52 weeks');46 assert.equal(moment([2015]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2015 has 53 weeks');47});48test('weeksInYear doy/dow = 1/7', function (assert) {49 moment.locale('1/7', {week: {dow: 1, doy: 7}});50 assert.equal(moment([2004]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2004 has 53 weeks');51 assert.equal(moment([2005]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2005 has 53 weeks');52 assert.equal(moment([2006]).weeksInYear(), 53, '2006 has 53 weeks');53 assert.equal(moment([2007]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2007 has 52 weeks');54 assert.equal(moment([2008]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2008 has 53 weeks');55 assert.equal(moment([2009]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2009 has 53 weeks');56 assert.equal(moment([2010]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2010 has 52 weeks');57 assert.equal(moment([2011]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2011 has 52 weeks');58 assert.equal(moment([2012]).weeksInYear(), 53, '2012 has 52 weeks');59 assert.equal(moment([2013]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2013 has 52 weeks');60 assert.equal(moment([2014]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2014 has 52 weeks');61 assert.equal(moment([2015]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2015 has 53 weeks');62});63test('weeksInYear doy/dow = 0/6', function (assert) {64 moment.locale('0/6', {week: {dow: 0, doy: 6}});65 assert.equal(moment([2004]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2004 has 53 weeks');66 assert.equal(moment([2005]).weeksInYear(), 53, '2005 has 53 weeks');67 assert.equal(moment([2006]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2006 has 53 weeks');68 assert.equal(moment([2007]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2007 has 52 weeks');69 assert.equal(moment([2008]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2008 has 53 weeks');70 assert.equal(moment([2009]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2009 has 53 weeks');71 assert.equal(moment([2010]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2010 has 52 weeks');72 assert.equal(moment([2011]).weeksInYear(), 53, '2011 has 52 weeks');73 assert.equal(moment([2012]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2012 has 52 weeks');74 assert.equal(moment([2013]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2013 has 52 weeks');75 assert.equal(moment([2014]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2014 has 52 weeks');76 assert.equal(moment([2015]).weeksInYear(), 52, '2015 has 53 weeks');...
1import operator2import random as random_module3class HiveCellEmoji(object):4 all_cells = set()5 def __init__(self, emoji, flags, weight: int = 100):6 self.emoji = emoji7 self.flags = flags8 self.weight = weight9 self.all_cells.add(self)10 @classmethod11 def get_cell(cls, flags, noflags, *, random: random_module.Random = None):12 valid_cells = [i for i in cls.all_cells if set(i.flags).issuperset(set(flags)) and not set(i.flags).intersection(set(noflags))]13 valid_cells.sort(key=operator.attrgetter("weight"))14 return (random or random_module).choices(valid_cells, weights=[i.weight for i in valid_cells], k=1)[0]15 @classmethod16 def get_grid(cls, width: int = 9, height: int = 9, *, random: random_module.Random = None):17 """18 Make a grid of hive cell emojis.19 """20 # Make our initial grid21 grid = [[None for inner in range(width)] for outer in range(height)]22 # Go through each grid cell23 for y in range(0, height):24 for x in range(0, width):25 # Set up our filters26 search_cells = set()27 nosearch_cells = set()28 # See if there's a cell above29 if y:30 above = grid[y - 1][x]31 if "HAS_BOTTOM" in above.flags:32 search_cells.add("HAS_TOP")33 else:34 nosearch_cells.add("HAS_TOP")35 # See if there's a cell to the left36 if x:37 left = grid[y][x - 1]38 if "HAS_RIGHT" in left.flags:39 search_cells.add("HAS_LEFT")40 else:41 nosearch_cells.add("HAS_LEFT")42 # See if we're EDGING BABY43 if x == 0:44 nosearch_cells.add("HAS_LEFT")45 if x == width - 1:46 nosearch_cells.add("HAS_RIGHT")47 if y == 0:48 nosearch_cells.add("HAS_TOP")49 if y == height - 1:50 nosearch_cells.add("HAS_BOTTOM")51 # Find a relevant cell52 new_cell = cls.get_cell(search_cells, nosearch_cells, random=random)53 grid[y][x] = new_cell54 # Join and return55 output_lines = list()56 for i in grid:57 output_lines.append("".join([o.emoji for o in i]))58 return "\n".join(output_lines)59HiveCellEmoji("<:HiveCell:864882083884171264>", ["HAS_MIDDLE", "HAS_TOP", "HAS_LEFT", "HAS_RIGHT", "HAS_BOTTOM"], weight=100)60HiveCellEmoji("<:HiveCellMissingTop:864882084023894027>", ["HAS_LEFT", "HAS_MIDDLE", "HAS_RIGHT", "HAS_BOTTOM"], weight=90)61HiveCellEmoji("<:HiveCellMissingRight:864883719676231680>", ["HAS_LEFT", "HAS_MIDDLE", "HAS_TOP", "HAS_BOTTOM"], weight=90)62HiveCellEmoji("<:HiveCellMissingMiddle:864882083884171267>", ["HAS_LEFT", "HAS_TOP", "HAS_BOTTOM", "HAS_RIGHT"], weight=90)63HiveCellEmoji("<:HiveCellMissingLeft:864883719664173098>", ["HAS_TOP", "HAS_BOTTOM", "HAS_MIDDLE", "HAS_RIGHT"], weight=90)64HiveCellEmoji("<:HiveCellMissingBottom:864882084195205180>", ["HAS_MIDDLE", "HAS_TOP", "HAS_LEFT", "HAS_RIGHT"], weight=90)65HiveCellEmoji("<:HiveCellMissingTopBottom:864883719398752297>", ["HAS_LEFT", "HAS_MIDDLE", "HAS_RIGHT"], weight=40)66HiveCellEmoji("<:HiveCellMissingSides:864883719797735454>", ["HAS_MIDDLE", "HAS_TOP", "HAS_BOTTOM"], weight=40)67HiveCellEmoji("<:HiveCellOnlyTop:865091796420788284>", ["HAS_MIDDLE", "HAS_TOP"], weight=30)68HiveCellEmoji("<:HiveCellOnlyRight:865091796023246868>", ["HAS_MIDDLE", "HAS_RIGHT"], weight=30)69HiveCellEmoji("<:HiveCellOnlyLeft:865091796186955828>", ["HAS_MIDDLE", "HAS_LEFT"], weight=30)70HiveCellEmoji("<:HiveCellOnlyBottom:865091795797016596>", ["HAS_MIDDLE", "HAS_BOTTOM"], weight=30)71HiveCellEmoji("<:HiveCellOnlyMiddle:865094728940126218>", ["HAS_MIDDLE"], weight=30)72HiveCellEmoji("<:HiveCellEmpty:865094728420294676>", [], weight=10)73HiveCellEmoji("<:HiveCellMissingCornerTR:864883719779909672>", ["HAS_MIDDLE", "HAS_LEFT", "HAS_BOTTOM"], weight=10)74HiveCellEmoji("<:HiveCellMissingCornerTL:864883719613448202>", ["HAS_MIDDLE", "HAS_RIGHT", "HAS_BOTTOM"], weight=10)75HiveCellEmoji("<:HiveCellMissingCornerBR:864883719664173096>", ["HAS_MIDDLE", "HAS_TOP", "HAS_LEFT"], weight=10)...
...26 var parts = hasname.split(',');27 if(parts.length > 0){28 while(parts.length > 0){ 29 var haspart = parts.shift();30 // check for has(haspart) or if haspart starts with ! check for !(has(haspart))31 if((has(haspart)) || (haspart.charAt(0) == '!' && !(has(haspart.substring(1))))){ // if true this one should be merged32 var hasval = sval[hasname];33 this.configMerge(source, hasval); // merge this has section into the source config34 break; // found a match for this multiple has test, so go to the next one35 }36 }37 }38 }39 }40 delete source["has"]; // after merge remove this has section from the config41 }else{42 if(!(name.charAt(0) == '_' && name.charAt(1) == '_') && sval && typeof sval === 'object'){43 this.configProcessHas(sval);44 }45 }...
1// DATA_TEMPLATE: dom_data2oTest.fnStart( "asStripeClasses" );3$(document).ready( function () {4 /* Check the default */5 $('#example').dataTable();6 7 oTest.fnTest( 8 "Default row striping is applied",9 null,10 function () {11 return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0)').hasClass('odd') &&12 $('#example tbody tr:eq(1)').hasClass('even') &&13 $('#example tbody tr:eq(2)').hasClass('odd') &&14 $('#example tbody tr:eq(3)').hasClass('even');15 }16 );17 18 oTest.fnTest( 19 "Row striping does not effect current classes",20 null,21 function () {22 return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0)').hasClass('gradeA') &&23 $('#example tbody tr:eq(1)').hasClass('gradeA') &&24 $('#example tbody tr:eq(2)').hasClass('gradeA') &&25 $('#example tbody tr:eq(3)').hasClass('gradeA');26 }27 );28 29 oTest.fnTest( 30 "Row striping on the second page",31 function () { $('#example_next').click(); },32 function () {33 return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0)').hasClass('odd') &&34 $('#example tbody tr:eq(1)').hasClass('even') &&35 $('#example tbody tr:eq(2)').hasClass('odd') &&36 $('#example tbody tr:eq(3)').hasClass('even');37 }38 );39 40 /* No striping */41 oTest.fnTest( 42 "No row striping",43 function () {44 oSession.fnRestore();45 $('#example').dataTable( {46 "asStripeClasses": []47 } );48 },49 function () {50 return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0)')[0].className == "gradeA" &&51 $('#example tbody tr:eq(1)')[0].className == "gradeA" &&52 $('#example tbody tr:eq(2)')[0].className == "gradeA" &&53 $('#example tbody tr:eq(3)')[0].className == "gradeA";54 }55 );56 57 /* Custom striping */58 oTest.fnTest( 59 "Custom striping [2]",60 function () {61 oSession.fnRestore();62 $('#example').dataTable( {63 "asStripeClasses": [ 'test1', 'test2' ]64 } );65 },66 function () {67 return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0)').hasClass('test1') &&68 $('#example tbody tr:eq(1)').hasClass('test2') &&69 $('#example tbody tr:eq(2)').hasClass('test1') &&70 $('#example tbody tr:eq(3)').hasClass('test2');71 }72 );73 74 75 /* long array of striping */76 oTest.fnTest( 77 "Custom striping [4]",78 function () {79 oSession.fnRestore();80 $('#example').dataTable( {81 "asStripeClasses": [ 'test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'test4' ]82 } );83 },84 function () {85 return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0)').hasClass('test1') &&86 $('#example tbody tr:eq(1)').hasClass('test2') &&87 $('#example tbody tr:eq(2)').hasClass('test3') &&88 $('#example tbody tr:eq(3)').hasClass('test4');89 }90 );91 92 oTest.fnTest( 93 "Custom striping is restarted on second page [2]",94 function () { $('#example_next').click(); },95 function () {96 return $('#example tbody tr:eq(0)').hasClass('test1') &&97 $('#example tbody tr:eq(1)').hasClass('test2') &&98 $('#example tbody tr:eq(2)').hasClass('test3') &&99 $('#example tbody tr:eq(3)').hasClass('test4');100 }101 );102 103 104 oTest.fnComplete();...
...3 // dojo/sniff4 /*=====5 return function(){6 // summary:7 // This module sets has() flags based on the current browser.8 // It returns the has() function.9 };10 =====*/11 if( 1 ){12 var n = navigator,13 dua = n.userAgent,14 dav = n.appVersion,15 tv = parseFloat(dav);16 has.add("air", dua.indexOf("AdobeAIR") >= 0);17 has.add("msapp", parseFloat(dua.split("MSAppHost/")[1]) || undefined);18 has.add("khtml", dav.indexOf("Konqueror") >= 0 ? tv : undefined);19 has.add("webkit", parseFloat(dua.split("WebKit/")[1]) || undefined);20 has.add("chrome", parseFloat(dua.split("Chrome/")[1]) || undefined);21 has.add("safari", dav.indexOf("Safari")>=0 && !has("chrome") ? parseFloat(dav.split("Version/")[1]) : undefined);22 has.add("mac", dav.indexOf("Macintosh") >= 0);23 has.add("quirks", document.compatMode == "BackCompat");24 if(dua.match(/(iPhone|iPod|iPad)/)){25 var p = RegExp.$1.replace(/P/, "p");26 var v = dua.match(/OS ([\d_]+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : "1";27 var os = parseFloat(v.replace(/_/, ".").replace(/_/g, ""));28 has.add(p, os); // "iphone", "ipad" or "ipod"29 has.add("ios", os);30 }31 has.add("android", parseFloat(dua.split("Android ")[1]) || undefined);32 has.add("bb", (dua.indexOf("BlackBerry") >= 0 || dua.indexOf("BB10") >= 0) && parseFloat(dua.split("Version/")[1]) || undefined);33 has.add("trident", parseFloat(dav.split("Trident/")[1]) || undefined);34 has.add("svg", typeof SVGAngle !== "undefined");35 if(!has("webkit")){36 // Opera37 if(dua.indexOf("Opera") >= 0){38 // see and // 9.8 has both styles; <9.8, 9.9 only old style40 has.add("opera", tv >= 9.8 ? parseFloat(dua.split("Version/")[1]) || tv : tv);41 }42 // Mozilla and firefox43 if(dua.indexOf("Gecko") >= 0 && !has("khtml") && !has("webkit") && !has("trident")){44 has.add("mozilla", tv);45 }46 if(has("mozilla")){47 //We really need to get away from this. Consider a sane isGecko approach for the future.48 has.add("ff", parseFloat(dua.split("Firefox/")[1] || dua.split("Minefield/")[1]) || undefined);49 }50 // IE51 if(document.all && !has("opera")){52 var isIE = parseFloat(dav.split("MSIE ")[1]) || undefined;53 //In cases where the page has an HTTP header or META tag with54 //X-UA-Compatible, then it is in emulation mode.55 //Make sure isIE reflects the desired version.56 //document.documentMode of 5 means quirks mode.57 //Only switch the value if documentMode's major version58 //is different from isIE's major version.59 var mode = document.documentMode;60 if(mode && mode != 5 && Math.floor(isIE) != mode){61 isIE = mode;62 }63 has.add("ie", isIE);64 }65 // Wii...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });6 await browser.close();7})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { has } = require('playwright/lib/internal/utils/utils');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const page = await browser.newPage();6 if (has(page, 'screenshot')) {7 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });8 }9 await browser.close();10})();11#### 2.1.1. `BrowserContext.addCookies(cookies)`12#### 2.1.2. `BrowserContext.clearCookies()`13#### 2.1.3. `BrowserContext.clearPermissions()`14#### 2.1.4. `BrowserContext.close()`15#### 2.1.5. `BrowserContext.cookies(urls)`16#### 2.1.6. `BrowserContext.exposeBinding(name, playwrightBinding)`
Using AI Code Generation
1const { has } = require('@playwright/test');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3test('test', async ({ page }) => {4 if (await has('text=Get started')) {5 console.log('Found Get started text');6 } else {7 console.log('Get started text not found');8 }9});10### **Test.skip()**11const { test } = require('@playwright/test');12test.skip('test', async ({ page }) => {13 if (await has('text=Get started')) {14 console.log('Found Get started text');15 } else {16 console.log('Get started text not found');17 }18});19### **Test.fixme()**20const { test } = require('@playwright/test');21test.fixme('test', async ({ page }) => {22 if (await has('text=Get started')) {23 console.log('Found Get started text');24 } else {25 console.log('Get started text not found');26 }27});28### **Test.beforeAll()**29const { test } = require('@playwright/test');30test.beforeAll(async () => {31});32test('test', async ({ page }) => {33 if (await has('text=Get started')) {34 console.log('Found Get started text');35 } else {36 console.log('Get started text not found');37 }38});39### **Test.beforeEach()**
Using AI Code Generation
1import { has } from '@playwright/test';2if (has('video')) {3 console.log('Video is enabled');4} else {5 console.log('Video is disabled');6}7import { test } from '@playwright/test';8test.use({ param1: 'value1' });9test('test with parameter', async ({ param1 }) => {10});11import { test } from '@playwright/test';12test.use({ param1: 'value1', param2: 'value2' });13test('test with parameter', async ({ param1, param2 }) => {14});15import { test } from '@playwright/test';16test.use({ param1: 'value1' });17test.beforeEach(async ({ param1 }) => {18});19test('test with parameter', async () => {20});21import { test } from '@playwright/test';22test.fixtures({23 param1: async ({}, use) => {24 await use('value1');25 },26});27test('test with parameter', async ({ param1 }) => {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { toHaveNoViolations } = require('jest-axe');2expect.extend(toHaveNoViolations);3describe('Accessibility tests', () => {4 it('should not have any accessibility violations', async () => {5 const page = await browser.newPage();6 const results = await page.accessibility.snapshot();7 expect(results).toHaveNoViolations();8 });9});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { has } = require('@playwright/test');2const { isAndroid, isChrome, isChromium, isFirefox, isIOS, isMac, isMobile, isWebKit } = require('@playwright/test');3const { isAndroid, isChrome, isChromium, isFirefox, isIOS, isMac, isMobile, isWebKit } = require('@playwright/test');4const { isAndroid, isChrome, isChromium, isFirefox, isIOS, isMac, isMobile, isWebKit } = require('@playwright/test');5const { isAndroid, isChrome, isChromium, isFirefox, isIOS, isMac, isMobile, isWebKit } = require('@playwright/test');6const { isAndroid, isChrome, isChromium, isFirefox, isIOS, isMac, isMobile, isWebKit } = require('@playwright/test');7const { isAndroid, isChrome, isChromium, isFirefox, isIOS, isMac, isMobile, isWebKit } = require('@playwright/test');8const { isAndroid, isChrome, isChromium, isFirefox, isIOS, isMac, isMobile, isWebKit } = require('@playwright/test');9const { isAndroid, isChrome, isChromium, isFirefox, isIOS, isMac, isMobile, isWebKit } = require('@playwright/test');10const { isAndroid, isChrome, isChromium, isFirefox, isIOS, isMac, isMobile, isWebKit } = require('@playwright/test');11const { isAndroid, isChrome, isChromium, isFirefox, isIOS, isMac, isMobile, isWebKit } = require('@playwright/test');12const { isAndroid, isChrome, isChromium, isFirefox
Using AI Code Generation
1const { has } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');2console.log(has({a: 1}, 'a'));3const { has } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');4console.log(has({a: 1}, 'b'));5const { has } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');6console.log(has({a: 1}, 'toString'));7const { has } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');8console.log(has({a: 1}, 'valueOf'));9const { has } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');10console.log(has({a: 1}, 'hasOwnProperty'));11const { has } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');12console.log(has({a: 1}, 'isPrototypeOf'));13const { has } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');14console.log(has({a: 1}, 'propertyIsEnumerable'));15const { has } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');16console.log(has({a: 1}, '__defineGetter__'));17const { has } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');18console.log(has({a: 1}, '__defineSetter__'));19const { has } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');20console.log(has({a: 1}, '__lookupGetter__'));21const { has } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');22console.log(has({a: 1}, '__lookupSetter__'));23const { has } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');24console.log(has({a: 1}, '__
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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