Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...14 cy.get('@neId').then(neId => {15 getIdBySiteName(token, companyId, siteName)16 cy.get('@siteId').then(siteId => {17 expect(neId).to.not.equal("")18 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "{\n\t\"neId\": " + neId + "\n}")19 let cmd = "diff " + genFilesPath + tmpFile + ' ' + genFilesPath + sn + "/" + tmpFile20 exec_cmd_on_local(cmd)21 })22 })23 })24}2526export function checkInfoJson(token, companyName, siteName, sn){27 let tmpFile = 'info.json'28 getIdByCompanyName(token, companyName)29 cy.get('@companyId').then(companyId => {30 expect(companyId).to.not.equal("")31 getSiteNEidByName(token,companyId, siteName)32 cy.get('@neId').then(neId => {33 getIdBySiteName(token, companyId, siteName)34 cy.get('@siteId').then(siteId => {35 expect(neId).to.not.equal("")36 var infoCheck = {}37 = companyId38 infoCheck.siteId = siteId39 infoCheck.siteName = siteName40 infoCheck.companyName = companyName41 cy.log(JSON.stringify(infoCheck))42 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, JSON.stringify(infoCheck))43 let cmd = "export PYTHONPATH=../erlang;python cypress/integration/utils/python-util/ \"['checkJsonFile']\" " + genFilesPath + tmpFile + ' ' + genFilesPath + sn + "/" + tmpFile44 exec_cmd_on_local(cmd)45 })46 })47 })48}4950export function checkNeJson(sn){51 let tmpFile = 'ne.json'52 let neBody = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(testCPEGlobalConfigBody.ST))53 neBody.controllers[0].mode = "gateway"54 neBody.controllers[1].mode = "parallel"55 neBody.controllers[2].mode = "series"56 cy.log(neBody.controllers[2].mode)57 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, neBody)58 let cmd = "diff --suppress-common-lines -wy " + genFilesPath + tmpFile + ' ' + genFilesPath + sn + "/" + tmpFile59 exec_cmd_on_local(cmd)60}6162export function checkStartupJson(site, sn, master=true){63 let tmpFile = 'startup_cpe.json'64 var siteCheck = {}65 let mode = ""66 switch (site.type) {67 case "ç½å
³":68 mode = "gateway"69 break;70 case "串è":71 mode = "series"72 break;73 case "ææ":74 mode = "parallel"75 break;76 default:77 cy.log("Unknown type: " + site.type)78 }79 siteCheck.mode = mode80 siteCheck.tunnelPort = parseInt(site.tunnelNum)81 var interfaces = new Array()82 if (mode != "parallel") {83 var i84 for (i=0;i<site.wans.length;i++){85 var interfaceWan = {}86 = site.wans[i].ifname87 interfaceWan.type = "WAN"88 interfaceWan.mode = site.wans[i].ip_mode89 interfaceWan.proxy = site.wans[i].proxy90 interfaceWan.usage = "normal"91 if (site.wans[i].hasOwnProperty('gatewayMac')) {92 interfaceWan["gw-mac"] = site.wans[i].gatewayMac93 }94 if (site.wans[i].hasOwnProperty('staticIp') && site.wans[i].staticIp != "") {95 interfaceWan["static-ip"] = site.wans[i].staticIp96 }97 interfaces.push(interfaceWan)98 }99 if (site.lans[0].IDC == true) {100 var interfaceLan = {}101 = site.lans[0].ifname102 interfaceLan.type = "LAN"103 interfaceLan.mode = site.lans[0].ip_mode104 interfaceLan.pair = site.lans[0].pair105 interfaces.push(interfaceLan)106 }107 if (site.hasOwnProperty('enablePrivate') && site.enablePrivate == true) {108 var interfaceDIA = {"name":"enp1s0f2","type":"LAN","mode":"DIA"}109 interfaces.push(interfaceDIA)110 }111 } else {112 // WAN113 var interfaceWan = {}114 = site.wans[0].ifname115 interfaceWan.type = "WAN"116 interfaceWan.mode = site.wans[0].ip_mode117 interfaceWan.proxy = true118 interfaceWan.usage = "normal"119 interfaceWan["parallel-gateway"] = site.wans[0].gateway120 var wanIps = new Array()121 for (i=0;i<site.wans.length;i++) {122 var wanIp = {}123 wanIp["parallel-ip"] = site.wans[i].ip124 wanIp["parallel-netmask"] = site.wans[i].mask125 wanIp["ip-mode"] = site.wans[i].ip_mode126 wanIps.push(wanIp)127 }128 interfaceWan.ips = wanIps129 if (site.HA == true) {130 if (master == true) {131 interfaceWan["static-ip"] = site.HAaddress.master_wanip132 } else {133 interfaceWan["static-ip"] = site.HAaddress.standby_wanip134 }135 }136 interfaces.push(interfaceWan)137 // LAN138 var interfaceLan = {}139 = site.lans[0].ifname140 interfaceLan.type = "LAN"141 interfaceLan.mode = "FIA"142 interfaceLan.pair = site.wans[0].ifname143 interfaceLan["parallel-gateway"] = site.lans[0].gateway144 var lanIps = new Array()145 var lanIp = {}146 lanIp["parallel-ip"] = site.lans[0].ip_addr147 lanIp["parallel-netmask"] = site.lans[0].mask148 lanIp["ip-mode"] = "FIA"149 lanIps.push(lanIp)150 interfaceLan.ips = lanIps151 if (site.HA == true) {152 if (master == true) {153 interfaceLan["static-ip"] = site.HAaddress.master_lanip154 } else {155 interfaceLan["static-ip"] = site.HAaddress.master_lanip156 }157 }158 interfaces.push(interfaceLan)159 }160 siteCheck.interface = interfaces161 if (site.hasOwnProperty('natNet')) {162 siteCheck.natNet = site.natNet163 }164 siteCheck.reportInterval = parseInt(site.reportInterval)165 siteCheck.scoreInterval = parseInt(site.scoreInterval)166 cy.log(JSON.stringify(siteCheck))167 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, JSON.stringify(siteCheck))168 let cmd = "export PYTHONPATH=../erlang;python cypress/integration/utils/python-util/ \"['checkJsonFile']\" " + genFilesPath + tmpFile + ' ' + genFilesPath + + "/" + tmpFile169 exec_cmd_on_local(cmd)170}171172export function checkWirelessJson(site, sn) {173 let tmpFile = 'wireless'174 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "##s\n")175 if (site.type == 'ç½å
³') {176 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "config wifi-iface 'default_radio0'\n", {flag: 'a+'})177 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption ssid '" + site.wifi.ssid + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})178 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption encryption '" + site.wifi.encryption + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})179 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption key '" + site.wifi.key + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})180 var net_name = ( == 'lan1')?"lan" cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption network '" + net_name + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})182 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption macfilter '" + site.wifi.macfilter + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})183 var i184 for (i=0;i<site.wifi.mac_list.length;i++) {185 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\tlist maclist '" + site.wifi.mac_list[i] + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})186 }187 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption device 'radio0'\n", {flag: 'a+'})188 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption mode 'ap'\n", {flag: 'a+'})189 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption disabled '0'\n\n", {flag: 'a+'})190 }191 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\n##e\n\n", {flag: 'a+'})192 let cmd = "diff " + genFilesPath + tmpFile + ' ' + genFilesPath + + "/" + tmpFile193 exec_cmd_on_local(cmd)194}195196export function checkFirewallJson(site, sn) {197 let tmpFile = 'firewall'198 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "##s\n")199 if (site.type == 'ç½å
³') {200 if (site.hasOwnProperty('natPort')) {201 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "config rule\n", {flag: 'a+'})202 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption name 'Allow-Aiwan-Link'\n", {flag: 'a+'})203 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption src 'wan'\n", {flag: 'a+'})204 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption proto 'udp'\n", {flag: 'a+'})205 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption dest_port '" + site.natPort + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})206 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption target 'ACCEPT'\n", {flag: 'a+'})207 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\t option family 'ipv4'\n", {flag: 'a+'})208 }209 var i210 for (i=0;i<site.lans.length;i++) {211 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "config zone\n", {flag: 'a+'})212 var lan_name = (site.lans[i].name == 'LAN1')?"lan":'aiwanlan2'213 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption name '" + lan_name + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})214 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\tlist network '" + lan_name + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})215 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption input 'ACCEPT'\n", {flag: 'a+'})216 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption output 'ACCEPT'\n", {flag: 'a+'})217 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption forward 'REJECT'\n", {flag: 'a+'})218 if (site.lans[i].IDC) {219 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "config forwarding\n", {flag: 'a+'})220 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption src '" + lan_name + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})221 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption dest 'aiwan_tun'\n\n", {flag: 'a+'})222 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "config forwarding\n", {flag: 'a+'})223 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption src 'aiwan_tun'\n", {flag: 'a+'})224 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption dest '" + lan_name + "'\n\n", {flag: 'a+'})225 }226 if (site.lans[i].internet) {227 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "config forwarding\n", {flag: 'a+'})228 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption src '" + lan_name + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})229 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption dest 'wan'\n\n", {flag: 'a+'})230 }231 }232 }233 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\n##e\n\n", {flag: 'a+'})234 let cmd = "diff " + genFilesPath + tmpFile + ' ' + genFilesPath + + "/" + tmpFile235 exec_cmd_on_local(cmd)236}237238export function checkNetworkJson(site, sn) {239 let tmpFile = 'network'240 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "##s\n")241 if (site.type == 'ç½å
³') {242 var i243 for (i=0;i<site.wans.length;i++) {244 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "config interface '", {flag: 'a+'})245 var wan_name = (site.wans[i].name == 'WAN1')?"wan":site.wans[i].name.toLowerCase()246 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, wan_name + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})247 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption ifname '" + site.wans[i].ifname + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})248 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption proto '", {flag: 'a+'})249 switch (site.wans[i].ip_type) {250 case "éæipå°å":251 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "static'\n\toption ipaddr '" + site.wans[i].ip + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})252 var maskStr=ipv4PrefixLen2MaskStr(site.wans[i].mask)253 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption netmask '" + maskStr + "'\n\n", {flag: 'a+'})254 break255 case "PPPOE":256 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "pppoe'\n\toption username '" + site.wans[i].account + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})257 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption password '" + site.wans[i].password + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})258 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption metric '100'\n\n", {flag: 'a+'})259 break260 case "DHCP":261 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "dhcp'\n\n", {flag: 'a+'})262 break263 default:264 cy.log("Unknown ip_type: " + site.wans[i].ip_type)265 }266 }267 for (i=0;i<site.lans.length;i++) {268 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "config interface '", {flag: 'a+'})269 var lan_name = (site.lans[i].name == 'LAN1')?"lan":"aiwanlan2"270 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, lan_name + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})271 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption ifname '" + site.lans[i].phy_ifname + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})272 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption proto '", {flag: 'a+'})273 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "static'\n\toption ipaddr '" + site.lans[i].ip_addr + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})274 var maskStr=ipv4PrefixLen2MaskStr(site.lans[i].mask)275 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption netmask '" + maskStr + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})276 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption type 'bridge'\n\n", {flag: 'a+'})277 }278 }279 // wan2 static280 for (i=1;i<site.wans.length;i++) {281 if (site.wans[i].ip_type == 'éæipå°å') {282 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "config route 'to_gateway_default_", {flag: 'a+'})283 var wan_name = (site.wans[i].name == 'WAN1')?"wan":site.wans[i].name.toLowerCase()284 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, wan_name + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})285 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption interface '" + wan_name + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})286 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption table '20'\n", {flag: 'a+'})287 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption netmask ''\n", {flag: 'a+'})288 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption target ''\n", {flag: 'a+'})289 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption gateway '" + site.wans[i].gateway + "'\n\n", {flag: 'a+'})290 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "config route 'to_gateway_default_main_" + wan_name + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})291 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption interface '" + wan_name + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})292 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption table 'main'\n", {flag: 'a+'})293 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption netmask ''\n", {flag: 'a+'})294 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption target ''\n", {flag: 'a+'})295 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption gateway '" + site.wans[i].gateway + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})296 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption metric '100'\n\n", {flag: 'a+'})297 }298 }299 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\n##e\n", {flag: 'a+'})300 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\n##rs\n", {flag: 'a+'})301 if (site.hasOwnProperty('natNet')) {302 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "config route\n", {flag: 'a+'})303 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption interface 'tun'\n", {flag: 'a+'})304 var natNet = site.natNet.split('/')305 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption target '" + natNet[0] + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})306 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption netmask '" + ipv4PrefixLen2MaskStr(natNet[1]) + "'\n\n", {flag: 'a+'})307 }308 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\n##re\n", {flag: 'a+'})309 let cmd = "diff " + genFilesPath + tmpFile + ' ' + genFilesPath + + "/" + tmpFile310 exec_cmd_on_local(cmd)311}312313export function checkDhcpJson(site, sn) {314 let tmpFile = 'dhcp'315 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "##s\n")316 var i317 for (i=0;i<site.lans.length;i++) {318 var if_name = (site.lans[i].name == 'LAN1')?"lan":site.lans[i].name.toLowerCase()319 var lan_name = (site.lans[i].name == 'LAN1')?"lan":"aiwanlan2"320 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "config dhcp '" + if_name + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})321 if (site.lans[i].DHCP==false) {322 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption dhcpv4 'disable'\n\n", {flag: 'a+'})323 } else {324 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption interface '" + lan_name + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})325 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption start '" + site.lans[i].ip_start.split('.').pop() + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})326 var count=site.lans[i].ip_end.split('.').pop()-site.lans[i].ip_start.split('.').pop()327 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption limit '" + count + "'\n", {flag: 'a+'})328 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption leasetime '12h'\n", {flag: 'a+'})329 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption dhcpv6 'server'\n", {flag: 'a+'})330 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\toption ra 'server'\n\n", {flag: 'a+'})331 }332 }333 cy.writeFile(genFilesPath + tmpFile, "\n##e\n\n", {flag: 'a+'})334 let cmd = "diff " + genFilesPath + tmpFile + ' ' + genFilesPath + + "/" + tmpFile335 exec_cmd_on_local(cmd)336}337338export function ipv4PrefixLen2MaskStr (prefixLen) {339 if (prefixLen > 32) {340 return ''341 }342 var x=prefixLen/8343 var y=prefixLen%8344 var z=4-x-1345 var res=""346 var i347 for (i=0;i<x;i++) {348 res=res.concat('255.')349 }350 var tmp=0351 for (i=0;i<y;i++) {352 tmp=tmp*2+1353 }354 for (i=0;i<8-y;i++) {355 tmp=tmp*2356 }357 res=res.concat(tmp + '.')358 for (i=0;i<z;i++) {359 res=res.concat('0.')360 }361 return res.substring(0,res.length-1)362}363364export function exec_cmd_on_local_ignoreErr(cmd){365 cy.log(cmd)366 cy.exec(cmd,{ failOnNonZeroExit: false }).then(result => {367 cy.writeFile(pythonLogPath,cmd + "\ncmdError:\n" + result.stderr + "\n" + result.stdout + "\n", {flag: 'a+'})368 cy.log(result.stderr)369 cy.log(result.stdout)370 cy.log(result.code)371 })
1/* eslint-disable max-lines */2const writeFile = ORG.Writer.writeFile;3QUnit.module("OrgWriter Tests", () => {4 QUnit.test("should return empty string for non-array input", (assert) => {5 assert.equal(writeFile(), "");6 assert.equal(writeFile("test"), "");7 assert.equal(writeFile({}), "");8 assert.equal(writeFile(Object.assign([], {"TEXT": ""})), "");9 });10 QUnit.test("should return null if string is given as parameter", (assert) => {11 assert.equal(writeFile("test"), "");12 });13 QUnit.test("should return null if object is given as parameter", (assert) => {14 assert.equal(writeFile({}), "");15 });16 QUnit.test("should return null given empty nodes", (assert) => {17 assert.equal(writeFile([]), "");18 });19 QUnit.test("should return empty string if nodes has empty objects", (assert) => {20 assert.equal(writeFile([{"TEXT": [], "PROPS": {}}]), "");21 assert.equal(writeFile([{"TEXT": [], "PROPS": {}}, {"TEXT": [], "PROPS": {}}]), "");22 assert.equal(writeFile([{"TEXT": [], "PROPS": {}}, {"TEXT": [], "PROPS": {}}, {"TEXT": [], "PROPS": {}}]), "");23 });24 QUnit.test("should return as expected only first node", (assert) => {25 assert.equal(writeFile(Object.assign([], {"TEXT": ""})), "");26 assert.equal(writeFile(Object.assign([], {"TEXT": null})), "");27 assert.equal(writeFile(Object.assign([], {"TEXT": "test"})), "test");28 assert.equal(writeFile(Object.assign([], {"CATEGORY": "cat1", "TEXT": "#+CATEGORY: cat1\ntest"})), "#+CATEGORY: cat1\ntest");29 assert.equal(writeFile(Object.assign([], {"CATEGORY": "", "TEXT": "test"})), "test");30 });31 QUnit.test("writeFile should return as expected", (assert) => {32 assert.equal(writeFile([{33 "LVL": "1",34 "TODO": "",35 "TITLE": "test",36 "TEXT": [],37 "PROPS": {}38 }]), "* test");39 assert.equal(writeFile([{40 "LVL": "1",41 "TODO": "SMTH",42 "TITLE": "test",43 "TEXT": [],44 "PROPS": {}45 }]), "* SMTH test");46 assert.equal(writeFile([{47 "LVL": "1",48 "TITLE": "test",49 "TEXT": [],50 "PROPS": {}51 }]), "* test");52 assert.equal(writeFile([{53 "LVL": "1",54 "TODO": "SMTH",55 "PRI": "A",56 "TEXT": [],57 "PROPS": {}58 }]), "* SMTH [#A]");59 assert.equal(writeFile([{60 "LVL": "2",61 "TODO": "SMTH",62 "PRI": "A",63 "TITLE": "test",64 "TEXT": [],65 "PROPS": {}66 }]), "** SMTH [#A] test");67 assert.equal(writeFile(Object.assign([{68 "LVL": "1",69 "TODO": "",70 "TITLE": "test",71 "TEXT": [],72 "PROPS": {}73 }], {"TEXT": "settings"})), "settings\n* test");74 assert.equal(writeFile([{75 "LVL": "1",76 "TODO": "SMTH",77 "PRI": "A",78 "TITLE": "test",79 "TAGS": ":tag1:",80 "TEXT": [],81 "PROPS": {}82 }]), "* SMTH [#A] test\t\t:tag1:");83 assert.equal(writeFile([{84 "LVL": "1",85 "PRI": "A",86 "TITLE": "test",87 "TAGS": ":tag1:",88 "TEXT": [],89 "PROPS": {}90 }]), "* [#A] test\t\t:tag1:");91 assert.equal(writeFile([{92 "LVL": "1",93 "TODO": "SMTH",94 "TITLE": "test",95 "TAGS": ":tag1:",96 "TEXT": [],97 "PROPS": {}98 }]), "* SMTH test\t\t:tag1:");99 assert.equal(writeFile([{100 "LVL": "1",101 "TODO": "SMTH",102 "PRI": "A",103 "TAGS": ":tag1:",104 "TEXT": [],105 "PROPS": {}106 }]), "* SMTH [#A]\t\t:tag1:");107 assert.equal(writeFile([{108 "LVL": "1",109 "TODO": "SMTH",110 "PRI": "A",111 "TITLE": "test",112 "TAGS": ":tag1:",113 "TEXT": [],114 "PROPS": {}115 }]), "* SMTH [#A] test\t\t:tag1:");116 });117 QUnit.test("writeFile should return as expected with schedule", (assert) => {118 assert.equal(writeFile([{119 "LVL": "1",120 "TODO": "SMTH",121 "PRI": "A",122 "TITLE": "test",123 "TAGS": ":tag1:",124 "TEXT": [],125 "SCHEDULED": {126 "ml": 1525294800000,127 },128 "PROPS": {}129 }]), "* SMTH [#A] test\t\t:tag1:\nSCHEDULED: <2018-05-03 Thu>");130 });131 QUnit.test("should return as expected with schedule with hours", (assert) => {132 assert.equal(writeFile([{133 "LVL": "1",134 "TITLE": "test",135 "TEXT": [],136 "SCHEDULED": {137 "ml": 1525294800000,138 "hs": "12:00",139 },140 "PROPS": {}141 }]), "* test\nSCHEDULED: <2018-05-03 Thu 12:00>");142 assert.equal(writeFile([{143 "LVL": "1",144 "TITLE": "test",145 "TEXT": [],146 "SCHEDULED": {147 "ml": 1525294800000,148 "he": "12:00",149 },150 "PROPS": {}151 }]), "* test\nSCHEDULED: <2018-05-03 Thu>");152 assert.equal(writeFile([{153 "LVL": "1",154 "TITLE": "test",155 "TEXT": [],156 "SCHEDULED": {157 "ml": 1525294800000,158 "hs": "12:00",159 "he": "14:00",160 },161 "PROPS": {}162 }]), "* test\nSCHEDULED: <2018-05-03 Thu 12:00-14:00>");163 });164 QUnit.test("should return as expected with schedule with repeater", (assert) => {165 assert.equal(writeFile([{166 "LVL": "1",167 "TITLE": "test",168 "TEXT": [],169 "SCHEDULED": {170 "ml": 1525294800000,171 "r": "+",172 "rmin": "1d",173 },174 "PROPS": {}175 }]), "* test\nSCHEDULED: <2018-05-03 Thu +1d>");176 assert.equal(writeFile([{177 "LVL": "1",178 "TITLE": "test",179 "TEXT": [],180 "SCHEDULED": {181 "ml": 1525294800000,182 "rmin": "1d",183 },184 "PROPS": {}185 }]), "* test\nSCHEDULED: <2018-05-03 Thu>");186 assert.equal(writeFile([{187 "LVL": "1",188 "TITLE": "test",189 "TEXT": [],190 "SCHEDULED": {191 "ml": 1525294800000,192 "r": "+",193 "rmin": "1d",194 "rmax": "2d",195 },196 "PROPS": {}197 }]), "* test\nSCHEDULED: <2018-05-03 Thu +1d/2d>");198 assert.equal(writeFile([{199 "LVL": "1",200 "TITLE": "test",201 "TEXT": [],202 "SCHEDULED": {203 "ml": 1525294800000,204 "hs": "12:00",205 "he": "14:00",206 "r": "+",207 "rmin": "1d",208 "rmax": "2d",209 },210 "PROPS": {}211 }]), "* test\nSCHEDULED: <2018-05-03 Thu 12:00-14:00 +1d/2d>");212 });213 QUnit.test("should return as expected with schedule with warning", (assert) => {214 assert.equal(writeFile([{215 "LVL": "1",216 "TITLE": "test",217 "TEXT": [],218 "SCHEDULED": {219 "ml": 1525294800000,220 "w": "1w",221 },222 "PROPS": {}223 }]), "* test\nSCHEDULED: <2018-05-03 Thu -1w>");224 assert.equal(writeFile([{225 "LVL": "1",226 "TITLE": "test",227 "TEXT": [],228 "SCHEDULED": {229 "ml": 1525294800000,230 "hs": "12:00",231 "he": "14:00",232 "w": "1w",233 },234 "PROPS": {}235 }]), "* test\nSCHEDULED: <2018-05-03 Thu 12:00-14:00 -1w>");236 assert.equal(writeFile([{237 "LVL": "1",238 "TITLE": "test",239 "TEXT": [],240 "SCHEDULED": {241 "ml": 1525294800000,242 "r": "+",243 "rmin": "1d",244 "rmax": "2d",245 "w": "1w",246 },247 "PROPS": {}248 }]), "* test\nSCHEDULED: <2018-05-03 Thu +1d/2d -1w>");249 assert.equal(writeFile([{250 "LVL": "1",251 "TITLE": "test",252 "TEXT": [],253 "SCHEDULED": {254 "ml": 1525294800000,255 "r": "+",256 "rmin": "1d",257 "w": "1w",258 },259 "PROPS": {}260 }]), "* test\nSCHEDULED: <2018-05-03 Thu +1d -1w>");261 assert.equal(writeFile([{262 "LVL": "1",263 "TITLE": "test",264 "TEXT": [],265 "SCHEDULED": {266 "ml": 1525294800000,267 "hs": "12:00",268 "he": "14:00",269 "r": "+",270 "rmin": "1d",271 "rmax": "2d",272 "w": "1w",273 },274 "PROPS": {}275 }]), "* test\nSCHEDULED: <2018-05-03 Thu 12:00-14:00 +1d/2d -1w>");276 });277 QUnit.test("should return as expected with schedule with next timestamp", (assert) => {278 assert.equal(writeFile([{279 "LVL": "1",280 "TITLE": "test",281 "TEXT": [],282 "SCHEDULED": {283 "ml": 1525294800000,284 "n": "",285 },286 "PROPS": {}287 }]), "* test\nSCHEDULED: <2018-05-03 Thu>");288 assert.equal(writeFile([{289 "LVL": "1",290 "TITLE": "test",291 "TEXT": [],292 "SCHEDULED": {293 "ml": 1525294800000,294 "n": "test",295 },296 "PROPS": {}297 }]), "* test\nSCHEDULED: <2018-05-03 Thu>");298 assert.equal(writeFile([{299 "LVL": "1",300 "TITLE": "test",301 "TEXT": [],302 "SCHEDULED": {303 "ml": 1525294800000,304 "n": null,305 },306 "PROPS": {}307 }]), "* test\nSCHEDULED: <2018-05-03 Thu>");308 assert.equal(writeFile([{309 "LVL": "1",310 "TITLE": "test",311 "TEXT": [],312 "SCHEDULED": {313 "ml": 1525294800000,314 "n": {"ml": 1525381200000},315 },316 "PROPS": {}317 }]), "* test\nSCHEDULED: <2018-05-03 Thu>-<2018-05-04 Fri>");318 });319 QUnit.test("should return as expected with deadline", (assert) => {320 assert.equal(writeFile([{321 "LVL": "1",322 "TITLE": "test",323 "DEADLINE": {"ml": 1525294800000},324 "TEXT": [],325 "PROPS": {}326 }]), "* test\nDEADLINE: <2018-05-03 Thu>");327 assert.equal(writeFile([{328 "LVL": "1",329 "TITLE": "test",330 "SCHEDULED": {"ml": 1525294800000},331 "DEADLINE": {"ml": 1525294800000},332 "TEXT": [],333 "PROPS": {}334 }]), "* test\nSCHEDULED: <2018-05-03 Thu> DEADLINE: <2018-05-03 Thu>");335 });336 QUnit.test("should return as expected with properties", (assert) => {337 assert.equal(writeFile([{338 "LVL": "1",339 "TITLE": "test",340 "TEXT": [],341 "PROPS": {}342 }]), "* test");343 assert.equal(writeFile([{344 "LVL": "1",345 "TITLE": "test",346 "TEXT": [],347 "PROPS": {"prop1": "val1"}348 }]), "* test\n:PROPERTIES:\n:prop1: val1\n:END:");349 assert.equal(writeFile([{350 "LVL": "1",351 "TITLE": "test",352 "TEXT": [],353 "PROPS": {"prop1": "val1", "prop2": "val2"}354 }]), "* test\n:PROPERTIES:\n:prop1: val1\n:prop2: val2\n:END:");355 assert.equal(writeFile([{356 "LVL": "1",357 "TITLE": "test",358 "TEXT": [],359 "SCHEDULED": {360 "ml": 1525294800000,361 "n": {"ml": 1525381200000},362 },363 "PROPS": {"prop1": "val1", "prop2": "val2"},364 }]), "* test\nSCHEDULED: <2018-05-03 Thu>-<2018-05-04 Fri>\n:PROPERTIES:\n:prop1: val1\n:prop2: val2\n:END:");365 assert.equal(writeFile([{366 "LVL": "1",367 "TITLE": "test",368 "TEXT": [],369 "DEADLINE": {"ml": 1525294800000},370 "SCHEDULED": {371 "ml": 1525294800000,372 "n": {"ml": 1525381200000},373 },374 "PROPS": {"prop1": "val1", "prop2": "val2"},375 }]), "* test\nSCHEDULED: <2018-05-03 Thu>-<2018-05-04 Fri> DEADLINE: <2018-05-03 Thu>\n:PROPERTIES:\n:prop1: val1\n:prop2: val2\n:END:");376 });377 QUnit.test("should return as expected with text", (assert) => {378 assert.equal(writeFile([{379 "LVL": "1",380 "TITLE": "test",381 "TEXT": ["log1"],382 "PROPS": {}383 }]), "* test\nlog1");384 assert.equal(writeFile([{385 "LVL": "1",386 "TITLE": "test",387 "TEXT": ["log1", "log2"],388 "PROPS": {}389 }]), "* test\nlog1\nlog2");390 assert.equal(writeFile([{391 "LVL": "1",392 "TITLE": "test",393 "TEXT": ["log1", "log2"],394 "PROPS": {"prop1": "val1", "prop2": "val2"},395 }]), "* test\n:PROPERTIES:\n:prop1: val1\n:prop2: val2\n:END:\nlog1\nlog2");396 assert.equal(writeFile([{397 "LVL": "1",398 "TITLE": "test",399 "DEADLINE": {"ml": 1525294800000},400 "SCHEDULED": {401 "ml": 1525294800000,402 "n": {"ml": 1525381200000},403 },404 "TEXT": ["log1", "log2"],405 "PROPS": {"prop1": "val1", "prop2": "val2"},406 }]), "* test\nSCHEDULED: <2018-05-03 Thu>-<2018-05-04 Fri> DEADLINE: <2018-05-03 Thu>\n:PROPERTIES:\n:prop1: val1\n:prop2: val2\n:END:\nlog1\nlog2");407 });408 QUnit.test("should return as expected with multiple nodes", (assert) => {409 assert.equal(writeFile(Object.assign([410 {"LVL": "1", "TITLE": "test1", "TEXT": [], "PROPS": {}},411 {"LVL": "2", "TITLE": "test2", "TEXT": [], "PROPS": {}}], {"TEXT": "setting"})),412 "setting\n* test1\n** test2");413 assert.equal(writeFile(Object.assign([414 {"LVL": "1", "TITLE": "test1", "DEADLINE": {"ml": 1525294800000}, "TEXT": [""], "PROPS": {}},415 {"LVL": "2", "TITLE": "test2", "PROPS": {"prop1": "val1", "prop2": "val2"}, "TEXT": ["text1"]}], {"TEXT": "setting"})),416 "setting\n* test1\nDEADLINE: <2018-05-03 Thu>\n\n** test2\n:PROPERTIES:\n:prop1: val1\n:prop2: val2\n:END:\ntext1");417 });418 QUnit.test("write proper CLOSED", (assert) => {419 assert.equal(writeFile([{420 "LVL": "1",421 "TITLE": "test",422 "TEXT": [],423 "CLOSED": {424 "ml": 1532693134504,425 "hs": "15:05",426 },427 "PROPS": {}428 }]), "* test\nCLOSED: [2018-07-27 Fri 15:05]");429 });430 QUnit.test("write time should be at least 100k nodes/sec @i7-6700HQ", (assert) => {431 var done = assert.async();432 $.get("./", (orgFileTxt) => {433 const nodes = ORG.Parser.parseFile("", orgFileTxt, ORG.defaults);434 const p0 =;435 writeFile(nodes);436 assert.ok( - p0 < 10);437 done();438 }).fail(() => {439 assert.ok(1);440 done();441 });442 });...
1const fs = require('fs');2const path = require('path');3const chalk = require('chalk');4const lignator = require('lignator');5function writeFile(fileName, fileNameTemp, dir = '.') {6 if (!fs.existsSync(`${dir}/${fileName}`)) {7 const tempPath = path.join(__dirname, '../templates');8 const lastPath = dir.substring(dir.indexOf('/') + 1);9 const fileTemp = fs.readFileSync(`${tempPath}/${dir === '.' ? fileNameTemp : lastPath + '/' + fileNameTemp}`);10 const indent = dir === '.' ? '' : ' ';11 fs.writeFileSync(`${dir}/${fileName}`, fileTemp);12 console.log(`${indent}â Create ${dir === '.' ? fileName : dir + '/' + fileName} successful`));13 } else console.log(`â File ${fileName} already exists!`));14}15function makeDir(dir) {16 if (!fs.existsSync(`./${dir}`)) {17 fs.mkdirSync(`./${dir}`, { recursive: true });18 console.log(`â Make directory ${dir} successful`));19 return true;20 } else {21 console.log(`â Directory ${dir} already exists!`));22 return false;23 }24}25var actions = {};26actions.init = path => {27 var initSuccess = true;28 var startTime = process.hrtime();29 /** make directory if path defined */30 if (path) {31 makeDir(path);32 } else path = '.';33 const expExists = fs.existsSync(`${path}/app.js`) || fs.existsSync(`${path}/package.json`);34 if (!expExists) {35 /** create package.json */36 writeFile(`${path}/package.json`, 'packageTemp.json');37 /** create app.js */38 writeFile(`${path}/app.js`, 'appTemp.js');39 /** create module apidoc */40 const apiDocDir = `${path}/apidoc`;41 if (makeDir(apiDocDir)) {42 writeFile('apidoc.html', 'apiDocTemp.html', apiDocDir);43 writeFile('favicon.ico', 'faviconTemp.ico', apiDocDir);44 writeFile('icon.png', 'iconTemp.png', apiDocDir);45 }46 /** create module config */47 const configDir = `${path}/config`;48 if (makeDir(configDir)) {49 writeFile('config.js', 'configTemp.js', configDir);50 writeFile('graphql.js', 'graphqlTemp.js', configDir);51 writeFile('swagger.js', 'swaggerTemp.js', configDir);52 }53 /** create module docs */54 const docsDir = `${path}/docs`;55 if (makeDir(docsDir)) {56 writeFile('1-introduction.js', '1-introductionTemp.js', docsDir);57 writeFile('meta.js', 'metaTemp.js', docsDir);58 }59 /** create module graphql */60 const graphqlDir = `${path}/graphql`;61 if (makeDir(graphqlDir)) {62 const graphqlResloversDir = `${graphqlDir}/resolvers`;63 if (makeDir(graphqlResloversDir)) {64 writeFile('ExampleResolvers.js', 'ExampleResolversTemp.js', graphqlResloversDir);65 writeFile('index.js', 'indexTemp.js', graphqlResloversDir);66 }67 const graphqlSchemaDir = `${graphqlDir}/schema`;68 if (makeDir(graphqlSchemaDir)) {69 writeFile('schemagraphql.js', 'schemagraphqlTemp.js', graphqlSchemaDir);70 }71 }72 /** create module logs */73 const logsDir = `${path}/logs`;74 if (makeDir(logsDir)) {75 fs.writeFileSync(`${logsDir}/.keep`);76 }77 /** create module models */78 const modelsDir = `${path}/models`;79 if (makeDir(modelsDir)) {80 writeFile('Example.js', 'ExampleTemp.js', modelsDir);81 writeFile('index.js', 'indexTemp.js', modelsDir);82 }83 /** create module restapi */84 const restapiDir = `${path}/restapi`;85 if (makeDir(restapiDir)) {86 const restapiControllersDir = `${restapiDir}/controllers`;87 if (makeDir(restapiControllersDir)) {88 writeFile('BaseController.js', 'BaseControllerTemp.js', restapiControllersDir);89 writeFile('ExampleController.js', 'ExampleControllerTemp.js', restapiControllersDir);90 writeFile('HandleError.js', 'HandleErrorTemp.js', restapiControllersDir);91 writeFile('index.js', 'indexTemp.js', restapiControllersDir);92 }93 const restapiRoutesDir = `${restapiDir}/routes`;94 if (makeDir(restapiRoutesDir)) {95 writeFile('example.js', 'exampleTemp.js', restapiRoutesDir);96 }97 const restapiServicesDir = `${restapiDir}/services`;98 if (makeDir(restapiServicesDir)) {99 writeFile('BaseService.js', 'BaseServiceTemp.js', restapiServicesDir);100 writeFile('ExampleService.js', 'ExampleServiceTemp.js', restapiServicesDir);101 writeFile('index.js', 'indexTemp.js', restapiServicesDir);102 }103 }104 /** create module server */105 const serverDir = `${path}/server`;106 if (makeDir(serverDir)) {107 writeFile('apiLimiter.js', 'apiLimiterTemp.js', serverDir);108 writeFile('cluster.js', 'clusterTemp.js', serverDir);109 writeFile('compression.js', 'compressionTemp.js', serverDir);110 writeFile('cors.js', 'corsTemp.js', serverDir);111 writeFile('graphql.js', 'graphqlTemp.js', serverDir);112 writeFile('log.js', 'logTemp.js', serverDir);113 writeFile('routes.js', 'routesTemp.js', serverDir);114 writeFile('swagger.js', 'swaggerTemp.js', serverDir);115 }116 /** create module utils */117 const utilsDir = `${path}/utils`;118 if (makeDir(utilsDir)) {119 writeFile('index.js', 'indexTemp.js', utilsDir);120 writeFile('ResponseBuilder.js', 'ResponseBuilderTemp.js', utilsDir);121 }122 } else initSuccess = false;123 if (initSuccess) {124 console.log(`\n⨠Initialization done in ${process.hrtime(startTime)}s`));125 return true;126 } else {127 console.log('â Application server already exists!'));128 return false;129 }130};131actions.clean = async path => {132 const pathExists = await fs.existsSync(path);133 if (path !== undefined && pathExists) {134 const startTime = process.hrtime();...
...15 * function is not passed.16 *17 * ```js18 * var writeFile = require('write');19 * writeFile('foo.txt', 'This is content...', function(err) {20 * if (err) console.log(err);21 * });22 *23 * // promise24 * writeFile('foo.txt', 'This is content...')25 * .then(function() {26 * // do stuff27 * });28 * ```29 * @name writeFile30 * @param {string|Buffer|integer} `filepath` filepath or file descriptor.31 * @param {string|Buffer|Uint8Array} `data` String to write to disk.32 * @param {object} `options` Options to pass to [fs.writeFile][fs]{#fs_fs_writefile_file_data_options_callback} and/or [mkdirp][]33 * @param {Function} `callback` (optional) If no callback is provided, a promise is returned.34 * @api public35 */36function writeFile(filepath, data, options, cb) {37 if (typeof options === 'function') {38 cb = options;39 options = {};40 }41 if (typeof cb !== 'function') {42 return writeFile.promise.apply(null, arguments);43 }44 if (typeof filepath !== 'string') {45 cb(new TypeError('expected filepath to be a string'));46 return;47 }48 mkdirp(path.dirname(filepath), options, function(err) {49 if (err) {50 cb(err);51 return;52 }53 fs.writeFile(filepath, data, options, cb);54 });55};56/**57 * The promise version of [writeFile](#writefile). Returns a promise.58 *59 * ```js60 * var writeFile = require('write');61 * writeFile.promise('foo.txt', 'This is content...')62 * .then(function() {63 * // do stuff64 * });65 * ```66 * @name .promise67 * @param {string|Buffer|integer} `filepath` filepath or file descriptor.68 * @param {string|Buffer|Uint8Array} `val` String or buffer to write to disk.69 * @param {object} `options` Options to pass to [fs.writeFile][fs]{#fs_fs_writefile_file_data_options_callback} and/or [mkdirp][]70 * @return {Promise}71 * @api public72 */73writeFile.promise = function(filepath, val, options) {74 if (typeof filepath !== 'string') {75 return Promise.reject(new TypeError('expected filepath to be a string'));76 }77 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {78 mkdirp(path.dirname(filepath), options, function(err) {79 if (err) {80 reject(err);81 return;82 }83 fs.writeFile(filepath, val, options, function(err) {84 if (err) {85 reject(err);86 return;87 }88 resolve(val);89 });90 });91 });92};93/**94 * The synchronous version of [writeFile](#writefile). Returns undefined.95 *96 * ```js97 * var writeFile = require('write');...
...6let inSrc = false;7let inApp = false;8let inAssets = false;9let inEnv = false;10function writeFile(fileName) {11 console.log(`Creating ${fileName} ...`);12 let url;13 if (!inSrc) {14 url =15 "" +16 fileName;17 } else if (inSrc && !inApp && !inAssets && !inEnv) {18 url =19 "" +20 fileName;21 } else if (inSrc && inApp) {22 url =23 "" +24 fileName;25 } else if (inSrc && inAssets) {26 url =27 "" +28 fileName;29 } else if (inSrc && inEnv) {30 url =31 "" +32 fileName;33 }34 const file = fs.createWriteStream(`${fileName}`);35 const request = http.get(url, (res) => {36 res.on("error", (err) => {37 console.log(err);38 process.exit(1);39 });40 res.pipe(file);41 });42}43function changeDir(dir) {44 if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {45 fs.mkdirSync(dir);46 process.chdir(dir);47 } else {48 process.chdir(dir);49 }50 console.log(`Now working in ${process.cwd()}`);51}52function getAppName(query) {53 const rl = readline.createInterface({54 input: process.stdin,55 output: process.stdout,56 });57 return new Promise((resolve) =>58 rl.question(query, (ans) => {59 rl.close();60 resolve(ans);61 })62 );63}64async function init() {65 let appName = process.argv[2];66 if (!appName) {67 appName = await getAppName("Please enter a root directory name: ");68 }69 console.log("***** Instializing Astro angular starter kit *****");70 changeDir(`./${appName}`);71 console.log(`Root directory ${appName} created!`);72 writeFile("package.json");73 writeFile(".browserslistrc");74 writeFile(".editorconfig");75 writeFile(".gitignore");76 writeFile("angular.json");77 writeFile("karma.conf.js");78 writeFile("");79 writeFile("");80 writeFile("tsconfig.json");81 writeFile("tsconfig.spec.json");82 //create src dir, or change into it if it exists83 changeDir("./src");84 inSrc = true;85 writeFile("favicon.ico");86 writeFile("index.html");87 writeFile("main.ts");88 writeFile("polyfills.ts");89 writeFile("styles.scss");90 writeFile("test.ts");91 console.log(`/src directory created in ${process.cwd()}`);92 //create public dir or change into it if already exists93 changeDir("./app");94 inApp = true;95 writeFile("app.component.html");96 writeFile("app.component.scss");97 writeFile("app.component.spec.ts");98 writeFile("app.component.ts");99 writeFile("app.module.ts");100 console.log(`./app directory created in ${process.cwd()}`);101 //create assets dir102 changeDir("../");103 inApp = false;104 changeDir("./assets");105 inAssets = true;106 writeFile(".gitkeep");107 console.log(`./assets directory created in ${process.cwd()}`);108 changeDir("../");109 inAssets = false;110 changeDir("./environments");111 inEnv = true;112 writeFile("");113 writeFile("environment.ts");114 console.log(`./environments directory created in ${process.cwd()}`);115 console.log(`Finished!`);116 console.log(`******************`);117 console.log(`Please run: `);118 console.log(`cd ${appName}`);119 console.log(`npm install`);120 console.log(`npm start`);121 console.log(`Thanks for using AstroUXDS!`);122 console.log(`******************`);123}...
...21var v9 = new blynk.VirtualPin(9);2223// Setting GPIOs up as outputs24for(var i in pins) {25 setTimeout(function() {fs.writeFile(path + 'export', i, done);26 }, delay);27 setTimeout(function() {fs.writeFile(path + 'gpio' + i.toString() + '/direction', 'out', done);28 }, delay);29 }303132// fs.writeFile(path + 'export', 30, done); // v0 - domke33// fs.writeFile(path + 'export', 60, done); // v1 - gabbi34// fs.writeFile(path + 'export', 31, done); // v2 - cole 35// fs.writeFile(path + 'export', 50, done); // v3 - vibha36// fs.writeFile(path + 'export', 48, done); // v4 - bailey37// fs.writeFile(path + 'export', 51, done); // v5 - randy38// fs.writeFile(path + 'export', 5, done); // v6 - off campus39// fs.writeFile(path + 'export', 4, done); // v7 - around campus40// fs.writeFile(path + 'export', 3, done); // v8 - class41// fs.writeFile(path + 'export', 2, done); // v9 - apartments4243// fs.writeFile(path + 'gpio30/direction', 'out', done);44// fs.writeFile(path + 'gpio60/direction', 'out', done);45// fs.writeFile(path + 'gpio31/direction', 'out', done);46// fs.writeFile(path + 'gpio50/direction', 'out', done);47// fs.writeFile(path + 'gpio48/direction', 'out', done);48// fs.writeFile(path + 'gpio51/direction', 'out', done);49// fs.writeFile(path + 'gpio5/direction', 'out', done);50// fs.writeFile(path + 'gpio4/direction', 'out', done);51// fs.writeFile(path + 'gpio3/direction', 'out', done);52// fs.writeFile(path + 'gpio2/direction', 'out', done);535455// DUTY56v0.on('write', function(param) { // domke57 console.log('V0:', param[0]);58 fs.writeFile(path + 'gpio30/value', param[0], done);59});6061v1.on('write', function(param) { // gabbi62 console.log('V1:', param[0]); 63 fs.writeFile(path + 'gpio60/value', param[0], done);64});6566v2.on('write', function(param) { // cole 67 console.log('V2:', param[0]);68 fs.writeFile(path + 'gpio31/value', param[0], done);69});7071v3.on('write', function(param) { // vibha72 console.log('V3:', param[0]);73 fs.writeFile(path + 'gpio50/value', param[0], done);74});7576v4.on('write', function(param) { // bailey77 console.log('V4:', param[0]);78 fs.writeFile(path + 'gpio48/value', param[0], done);79});8081v5.on('write', function(param) { // randy82 console.log('V5:', param[0]);83 fs.writeFile(path + 'gpio51/value', param[0], done);84});8586// LOCATION87v6.on('write', function(param) { // off campus88 console.log('V6:', param[0]);89 fs.writeFile(path + 'gpio5/value', param[0], done);90});9192v7.on('write', function(param) { // around campus93 console.log('V7:', param[0]);94 fs.writeFile(path + 'gpio4/value', param[0], done);95});9697v8.on('write', function(param) { // class98 console.log('V8:', param[0]);99 fs.writeFile(path + 'gpio3/value', param[0], done);100});101102v9.on('write', function(param) { // apartments103 console.log('V9:', param[0]);104 fs.writeFile(path + 'gpio2/value', param[0], done);105});106107function done() {108 console.log("Done");
...22, 'Unsupported format \'txt\'')23})24test('save() should reject if file cannot be written', async t => {25 const writeFile = td.function()26 td.when(writeFile(td.matchers.anything(), td.matchers.anything()))27 .thenCallback(new Error('no such file or directory'))28 td.replace(fs, 'writeFile', writeFile)29 const err = await t.throwsAsync({}, 'write-test.json', 'json'))30 t.regex(err.message, /no such file or directory/)31})32test('save() should write JSON file', async t => {33 const writeFile = td.function()34 td.when(writeFile(td.matchers.anything(), td.matchers.anything())).thenCallback()35 td.replace(fs, 'writeFile', writeFile)36 await t.notThrowsAsync({foo: 'bar'}, 'write-test.json', 'json'))37 td.verify(writeFile('write-test.json', '{"foo":"bar"}', td.matchers.isA(Function)))38})39test('save() should write YAML file', async t => {40 const writeFile = td.function()41 td.when(writeFile(td.matchers.anything(), td.matchers.anything())).thenCallback()42 td.replace(fs, 'writeFile', writeFile)43 await t.notThrowsAsync({foo: 'bar'}, 'write-test.yaml', 'yaml'))44 td.verify(writeFile('write-test.yaml', 'foo: bar\n', td.matchers.isA(Function)))...
1var test = require('./helpers/test');2test('writeFile', function(fs, t) {3 fs.writeFile('/test.txt', 'hello', function(err) {4 t.notOk(err);5 fs.readFile('/test.txt', function(err, data) {6 t.same(data.toString(), 'hello');7 fs.stat('/test.txt', function(err, stat) {8 t.same(stat.mode, 0666);9 t.same(stat.size, 5);10 t.ok(stat.isFile());11 t.end();12 });13 });14 });15});16test('writeFile + encoding', function(fs, t) {17 fs.writeFile('/foo', new Buffer('foo'), function(err) {18 t.notOk(err);19 fs.readFile('/foo', function(err, data) {20 t.same(data.toString(), 'foo');21 fs.writeFile('/foo', '68656c6c6f', 'hex', function(err) {22 t.notOk(err);23 fs.readFile('/foo', function(err, data) {24 t.same(data.toString(), 'hello');25 t.end();26 });27 });28 });29 });30});31test('multiple writeFile', function(fs, t) {32 fs.writeFile('/foo', new Buffer('foo'), function(err) {33 t.notOk(err);34 fs.writeFile('/foo', new Buffer('bar'), function(err) {35 t.notOk(err);36 fs.writeFile('/foo', new Buffer('baz'), function(err) {37 t.notOk(err);38 fs.readFile('/foo', function(err, data) {39 t.same(data.toString(), 'baz');40 t.end();41 });42 });43 });44 });45});46test('writeFile + mode', function(fs, t) {47 fs.writeFile('/foo', new Buffer('foo'), {mode:0644}, function(err) {48 t.notOk(err);49 fs.stat('/foo', function(err, stat) {50 t.same(stat.mode, 0644);51 t.end();52 });53 });54});55test('overwrite file', function(fs, t) {56 fs.writeFile('/test.txt', 'foo', function(err) {57 t.notOk(err);58 fs.writeFile('/test.txt', 'bar', function(err) {59 t.notOk(err);60 fs.readFile('/test.txt', function(err, data) {61 t.same(data.toString(), 'bar');62 t.end();63 });64 });65 });66});67test('cannot writeFile to dir', function(fs, t) {68 fs.mkdir('/test', function() {69 fs.writeFile('/test', 'hello', function(err) {70 t.ok(err);71 t.same(err.code, 'EISDIR');72 t.end();73 });74 });...
Using AI Code Generation
1const fs = require('fs');2const path = require('path');3const { chromium } = require('playwright');4(async () => {5 const browser = await chromium.launch();6 const context = await browser.newContext();7 const page = await context.newPage();8 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });9 await page._writeFile(10 path.join(__dirname, 'example.png'),11 await page.screenshot()12 );13 await browser.close();14})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch({ headless: false });4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.screenshot({ path: 'test.png' });7 await browser.close();8})();9const playwright = require('playwright');10(async () => {11 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch({ headless: false });12 const context = await browser.newContext();13 const page = await context.newPage();14 await page.screenshot({ path: 'test.png' });15 await browser.close();16})();17const playwright = require('playwright');18(async () => {19 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch({ headless: false });20 const context = await browser.newContext();21 const page = await context.newPage();22 await page.screenshot({ path: 'test.png' });23 await browser.close();24})();25const playwright = require('playwright');26(async () => {27 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch({ headless: false });28 const context = await browser.newContext();29 const page = await context.newPage();30 await page.screenshot({ path: 'test.png' });31 await browser.close();32})();33const playwright = require('playwright');34(async () => {35 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch({ headless: false });36 const context = await browser.newContext();37 const page = await context.newPage();38 await page.screenshot({ path: 'test.png' });39 await browser.close();40})();41const playwright = require('playwright');42(async () => {43 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch({ headless: false });44 const context = await browser.newContext();45 const page = await context.newPage();46 await page.screenshot({
Using AI Code Generation
1const fs = require('fs');2const { chromium } = require('playwright-chromium');3const browser = await chromium.launch();4const context = await browser.newContext();5const page = await context.newPage();6await page.screenshot({ path: 'google.png' });7const content = await page.content();8fs.writeFile('content.html', content, function (err) {9 if (err) throw err;10 console.log('Saved!');11});12await browser.close();
Using AI Code Generation
1await page._delegate.writeFile('test.txt', 'test');2await page._delegate.writeFile('test.txt', 'test', { encoding: 'utf8' });3await page._delegate.writeFile('test.txt', 'test', { encoding: 'utf8', mode: 0o666 });4await page._delegate.writeFile('test.txt', 'test', { encoding: 'utf8', mode: 0o666, flag: 'w' });5await page._delegate.readFile('test.txt');6await page._delegate.readFile('test.txt', { encoding: 'utf8' });7await page._delegate.deleteFile('test.txt');8await page._delegate.deleteDirectory('test');9await page._delegate.deleteDirectory('test', { recursive: true });10await page._delegate.deleteDirectory('test', { recursive: true, force: true });11await page._delegate.deleteDirectory('test', { recursive: true, force: true, noFollow: true });12await page._delegate.deleteDirectory('test', { recursive: true, force: true, noFollow: true, maxRetries: 5 });13await page._delegate.deleteDirectory('test', { recursive: true, force: true, noFollow: true, maxRetries: 5, retryInterval: 1000 });14await page._delegate.deleteDirectory('test', { recursive: true, force: true, noFollow: true, maxRetries: 5, retryInterval: 1000, retryIntervalMultiplier: 2 });15await page._delegate.deleteDirectory('
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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