How to use cleanPropTypes method in storybook-root

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Source:createType.ts Github


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...72 full: !isNil(full) ? full : short,73 inferedType,74 };75}76function cleanPropTypes(value: string): string {77 return value.replace(/PropTypes./g, '').replace(/.isRequired/g, '');78}79function splitIntoLines(value: string): string[] {80 return value.split(/\r?\n/);81}82function prettyObject(ast: any, compact = false): string {83 return cleanPropTypes(generateObjectCode(ast, compact));84}85function prettyArray(ast: any, compact = false): string {86 return cleanPropTypes(generateCode(ast, compact));87}88function getCaptionForInspectionType(type: InspectionType): string {89 switch (type) {90 case InspectionType.OBJECT:91 return OBJECT_CAPTION;92 case InspectionType.ARRAY:93 return ARRAY_CAPTION;94 case InspectionType.CLASS:95 return CLASS_CAPTION;96 case InspectionType.FUNCTION:97 return FUNCTION_CAPTION;98 case InspectionType.ELEMENT:99 return ELEMENT_CAPTION;100 default:...

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Source:prop-types.js Github


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1const error = (message) => {2 console.warn(`[PropTypes] : ${message}`);3 throw new Error('An exception occurred during the rendering, see above for details');4};5const badType = (propName, expected, prop, component) => {6 let received;7 if (prop === null) {8 received = 'null';9 } else if (prop === undefined) {10 received = 'undefined';11 } else if (Array.isArray(prop)) {12 received = 'array';13 } else {14 received = typeof prop;15 }16 error(`"${propName}" in component "${component}" was marked as "${expected}" but is "${received}"`);17};18const badValue = (propName, expected, prop, component) => {19 error(`"expected "${propName}" in component "${component}" to be one of "${expected}" but is "${prop}"`);20}; = function (type) {22 if (type === 'array') return Array.isArray(this);23 if (type === 'null') return this === null;24 if (this === null && type === 'object') return false;25 if (Array.isArray(this) && type === 'object') return false;26 return typeof this === type;27};28export const cleanProptypes = (proptypes) => {29 Object.keys(proptypes).forEach((p) => {30 const prop = proptypes[p];31 if (typeof prop === 'undefined') {32 error(`proptype for prop "${p}" does not exist`);33 }34 if (typeof prop.isRequired === 'object') {35 prop.isRequired = false;36 }37 });38 return proptypes;39};40export const checkPropTypes = (proptypes, props, component) => {41 const componentName =;42 proptypes = cleanProptypes(proptypes);43 Object.keys(props).forEach((propName) => {44 const validator = proptypes[propName];45 const prop = props[propName];46 if (typeof validator === 'undefined') {47 error(`variable "${propName}" of component "${componentName}" is missing props validation`);48 return;49 }50 if (validator.isRequired && props[propName] == null) {51 error(`missing value for required prop "${propName}" of component "${componentName}"`);52 }53 const { type: validatorType } = validator;54 switch (validatorType) {55 case 'array':56 if (!prop?.is(validatorType)) {57 badType(propName, validatorType, prop, componentName);58 }59 break;60 case 'object':61 if (!prop?.is(validatorType)) {62 badType(propName, validatorType, prop, componentName);63 }64 break;65 case 'null':66 if (prop !== null) {67 badType(propName, validatorType, prop, componentName);68 }69 break;70 case 'enum':71 {72 const { data: values } = validator;73 if (74 !'array')75 || !values.every((value) =>'string') ||'number'))76 ) {77 error(`expected enum values of prop "${propName}" of component "${componentName}" to be an array of type "<${['string', 'number'].join('|')}>"`);78 }79 if (!values.some((v) => v === prop)) {80 const expectedValues = `[${values.join('|')}]`;81 badValue(propName, expectedValues, prop, componentName);82 }83 break;84 }85 case 'structure':86 {87 const { data: structure } = validator;88 if (!structure?.is('object')) {89 error(`expected structure of prop "${propName}" of component "${componentName}" to be an object`);90 }91 if (!prop?.is('object')) {92 error(`expected prop "${propName}" of component "${componentName}" to be an object`);93 }94 checkPropTypes(structure, prop, component);95 break;96 }97 default:98 if (!prop?.is(validatorType)) {99 badType(propName, validatorType, prop, componentName);100 }101 }102 });103};104const getValidator = (type, data, required) => ({105 type,106 data,107 isRequired: required || getValidator(type, data, true),108});109export default {110 any: getValidator('any'),111 array: getValidator('array'),112 boolean: getValidator('boolean'),113 function: getValidator('function'),114 number: getValidator('number'),115 object: getValidator('object'),116 string: getValidator('string'),117 null: getValidator('null'),118 enum: (values) => getValidator('enum', values),119 structure: (props) => getValidator('structure', props),...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import React from "react";2import { storiesOf } from "@storybook/react";3import { withRootDecorator } from "storybook-root-decorator";4import { withInfo } from "@storybook/addon-info";5import { withKnobs } from "@storybook/addon-knobs";6import { MyComponent } from "../src";7const story = storiesOf("MyComponent", module)8 .addDecorator(withRootDecorator)9 .addDecorator(withInfo)10 .addDecorator(withKnobs);11story.add(12 () => <MyComponent />,13 cleanPropTypes({14 })15);16import MyComponent from "./MyComponent";17export { MyComponent };18import React from "react";19import PropTypes from "prop-types";20const MyComponent = ({ prop1, prop2, prop3 }) => (21 {prop1}22 {prop2}23 {prop3}24);25MyComponent.propTypes = {26};27export default MyComponent;28import React from "react";29import { shallow } from "enzyme";30import MyComponent from "./MyComponent";31describe("MyComponent", () => {32 it("should render", () => {33 const wrapper = shallow(<MyComponent />);34 expect(wrapper).toMatchSnapshot();35 });36});37import React from "react";38import { storiesOf } from "@storybook/react";39import { withInfo } from "@storybook/addon-info";40import { withKnobs } from "@storybook/addon-knobs";41import { MyComponent } from "../src";42const story = storiesOf("MyComponent", module)43 .addDecorator(withInfo)44 .addDecorator(withKnobs);45story.add(46 () => <MyComponent prop1="prop1" prop2="prop2" prop3="prop3" />47);

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1import { cleanPropTypes } from 'storybook-root-decorator';2import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';3import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';4import { withKnobs, text } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';5import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';6import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';7import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';8const stories = storiesOf('Test', module);9stories.addDecorator(withRootDecorator);10stories.addDecorator(withKnobs);11stories.addDecorator(withInfo);12stories.add('test', () => {13 const text = text('text', 'text');14 return <div>{text}</div>;15});16stories.add('test2', () => {17 const text = text('text', 'text');18 return <div>{text}</div>;19});20import { addDecorator, addParameters } from '@storybook/react';21import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';22import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';23import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';24addDecorator(withRootDecorator);25addParameters({26 info: {27 },28});29import { addDecorator, addParameters } from '@storybook/react';30import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';31import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';32import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';33addDecorator(withRootDecorator);34addParameters({35 info: {36 },37});38const path = require('path');39module.exports = ({ config, mode }) => {40 config.module.rules.push({41 include: path.resolve(__dirname, '../'),42 });43 return config;44};45{46 "dependencies": {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { cleanPropTypes } from 'storybook-root-decorator';2import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';3import Button from './Button';4storiesOf('Button', module)5 .add('default', () => <Button />, {6 propTypes: cleanPropTypes(Button.propTypes),7 })8 .add('primary', () => <Button primary />, {9 propTypes: cleanPropTypes(Button.propTypes),10 });11import React from 'react';12import PropTypes from 'prop-types';13export default function Button({ primary }) {14 return <button className={primary ? 'primary' : ''}>Button</button>;15}16Button.propTypes = {17};18import React from 'react';19import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';20import Button from './Button';21storiesOf('Button', module)22 .add('default', () => <Button />)23 .add('primary', () => <Button primary />);24import React from 'react';25import { render } from '@testing-library/react';26import Button from './Button';27test('renders button', () => {28 const { getByText } = render(<Button />);29 expect(getByText('Button')).toBeTruthy();30});31test('renders primary button', () => {32 const { getByText } = render(<Button primary />);33 expect(getByText('Button')).toHaveClass('primary');34});

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1import {cleanPropTypes} from 'storybook-root-cause';2import {MyComponent} from './MyComponent';3export default {4 argTypes: cleanPropTypes(MyComponent),5};6const Template = (args) => <MyComponent {...args} />;7export const MyComponentStory = Template.bind({});8MyComponentStory.args = {};9import PropTypes from 'prop-types';10export const MyComponent = (props) => {11 return <div>MyComponent</div>;12};13MyComponent.propTypes = {14};15MyComponent.defaultProps = {16};17import {render} from '@testing-library/react';18import {MyComponent} from './MyComponent';19describe('MyComponent', () => {20 it('renders', () => {21 const {getByText} = render(<MyComponent />);22 expect(getByText('MyComponent')).toBeInTheDocument();23 });24});

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1import { cleanPropTypes } from 'storybook-root-decorator';2const propTypes = {3 address: PropTypes.shape({4 }),5};6const defaultProps = {7 address: {8 },9};10const Component = ({ name, age, address }) => (11 <p>Name: {name}</p>12 <p>Age: {age}</p>13 Address: {}, {address.state} {}14);15Component.propTypes = cleanPropTypes(propTypes);16Component.defaultProps = defaultProps;17export default Component;18import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';19import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';20import Component from '../test';21storiesOf('Component', module)22 .addDecorator(withRootDecorator())23 .add('default', () => <Component />);24import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';25import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';26import Component from '../test';27storiesOf('Component', module)28 .addDecorator(withRootDecorator())29 .add('default', () => <Component />);30MIT © [vishalnarkhede](

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1import { cleanPropTypes } from "storybook-root-decorator";2const cleanPropTypes = require("storybook-root-decorator").cleanPropTypes;3const { cleanPropTypes } = require("storybook-root-decorator");4const cleanPropTypes = require("storybook-root-decorator").cleanPropTypes;5const { cleanPropTypes } = require("storybook-root-decorator");6const cleanPropTypes = require("storybook-root-decorator").cleanPropTypes;7const { cleanPropTypes } = require("storybook-root-decorator");8const cleanPropTypes = require("storybook-root-decorator").cleanPropTypes;9const { cleanPropTypes } = require("storybook-root-decorator");10const cleanPropTypes = require("storybook-root-decorator").cleanPropTypes;11const { cleanPropTypes } = require("storybook-root-decorator");12const cleanPropTypes = require("storybook-root-decorator").cleanPropTypes;13const { cleanPropTypes } = require("storybook-root-decorator");14const cleanPropTypes = require("storybook-root-decorator").cleanPropTypes;15const { cleanPropTypes } = require("storybook-root-decorator");16const cleanPropTypes = require("storybook-root-decorator").cleanPropTypes;17const { cleanPropTypes } = require("storybook-root-decorator");

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1import { cleanPropTypes } from 'storybook-root-decorator';2import { propTypes } from 'react-component';3import { defaultProps } from 'react-component';4import { displayName } from 'react-component';5import { component } from 'react-component';6import { description } from 'react-component';7import { notes } from 'react-component';8import { examples } from 'react-component';9import { propTables } from 'react-component';10import { propTablesExclude } from 'react-component';11import { styles } from 'react-component';12import { styleguide } from 'react-component';13import { styleguideFile } from 'react-component';14import { styleguidePath } from 'react-component';15import { styleguideVersion } from 'react-component';16import { styleguideConfig } from 'react-component';17import { styleguideComponents } from 'react-component';18import { styleguideSections } from 'react-component';19import { styleguideDisplay } from 'react-component';20import { styleguideExample } from 'react-component';21import { styleguideExampleCode } from 'react-component';22import { styleguideExamplePath } from 'react-component';23import { styleguideExampleFile } from 'react-component';24import { styleguideExampleName } from 'react-component';

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1import { cleanPropTypes } from 'storybook-root-decorator';2import { Button } from 'react-native-elements';3cleanPropTypes(Button);4import { Button } from 'react-native-elements';5export default {6};7export const Default = () => <Button title="Default" />;8export const Primary = () => <Button title="Primary" type="primary" />;9export const Secondary = () => <Button title="Secondary" type="secondary" />;10export const Success = () => <Button title="Success" type="success" />;11export const Danger = () => <Button title="Danger" type="danger" />;12export const Warning = () => <Button title="Warning" type="warning" />;13export const Info = () => <Button title="Info" type="info" />;14export const Light = () => <Button title="Light" type="light" />;15export const Dark = () => <Button title="Dark" type="dark" />;16export const Link = () => <Button title="Link" type="link" />;17export const Outline = () => <Button title="Outline" type="outline" />;18export const Clear = () => <Button title="Clear" type="clear" />;19export const Disabled = () => <Button title="Disabled" disabled />;20export const Loading = () => <Button title="Loading" loading />;21export const LoadingWithColor = () => (22 <Button title="Loading" loading loadingProps={{ color: 'red' }} />23);24export const LoadingWithSize = () => (25 <Button title="Loading" loading loadingProps={{ size: 'large' }} />26);27export const LoadingWithColorAndSize = () => (28 loadingProps={{ color: 'red', size: 'large' }}29);30export const LoadingWithColorAndSizeAndStyle = () => (31 loadingProps={{ color: 'red', size: 'large', style: { marginTop: 10 } }}32);33export const LoadingWithColorAndSizeAndStyleAndOtherProps = () => (34 loadingProps={{

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