Best JavaScript code snippet using storybook-root
1/*! minibus - v3.1.0 - 2014-11-222 * *4 * Copyright (c) 2014 Akseli Palen <>;5 * Licensed under the MIT license */6(function (root, factory) {7 'use strict';8 // UMD pattern commonjsStrict.js9 // if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {11 // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.12 define(['exports'], factory);13 } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {14 // CommonJS & Node15 factory(exports);16 } else {17 // Browser globals18 factory((root.Minibus = {}));19 }20}(this, function (exports) {21 'use strict';22// Minibus23//**************24// Constructor *25//**************26var Bus = function () {27 // event string -> sub route map28 this.eventMap = {};29 // route string -> route object30 this.routeMap = {};31 // free namespace shared between the event handlers on the bus.32 this.busContext = {};33};34exports.create = function () {35 return new Bus();36};37// For extendability.38// Usage: Minibus.extension.myFunction = function (...) {...};39exports.extension = Bus.prototype;40//*******************41// Helper functions *42//*******************43var isArray = function (v) {44 return === '[object Array]';45};46var isEmpty = function (obj) {47 for (var prop in obj) {48 if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {49 return false;50 }51 }52 return true;53};54//*************55// Exceptions *56//*************57var InvalidEventStringError = function (eventString) {58 // Usage59 // throw new InvalidEventStringError(eventString)60 = 'InvalidEventStringError';61 this.message = 'Invalid event string given: ' + eventString;62};63var InvalidRouteStringError = function (routeString) {64 // Usage65 // throw new InvalidRouteStringError(routeString)66 = 'InvalidRouteStringError';67 this.message = 'Invalid route string given: ' + routeString;68};69var InvalidEventHandlerError = function (eventHandler) {70 // Usage71 // throw new InvalidEventHandlerError(eventHandler)72 = 'InvalidEventHandlerError';73 this.message = 'Invalid event handler function given: ' + eventHandler;74};75//*******************************************76// Member functions. They all are mutators. *77//*******************************************78var _emit = function (eventString) {79 // Emit an event to execute the bound event handler functions.80 // The event handlers are executed immediately.81 //82 // Parameter83 // eventString84 // Event string or array of event strings.85 // arg1 (optional)86 // Argument to be passed to the handler functions.87 // arg2 (optional)88 // ...89 //90 // Return91 // nothing92 //93 // Throw94 // InvalidEventStringError95 // if given event string is not a string or array of strings.96 //97 var emitArgs, i, subRouteMap, routeString, eventHandlers, busContext;98 // Turn to array for more general code.99 if (!isArray(eventString)) {100 eventString = [eventString];101 }102 // Validate all eventStrings before mutating anything.103 // This makes the on call more atomic.104 for (i = 0; i < eventString.length; i += 1) {105 if (typeof eventString[i] !== 'string') {106 throw new InvalidEventStringError(eventString[i]);107 }108 }109 // Collect passed arguments after the eventString argument.110 emitArgs = [];111 for (i = 1; i < arguments.length; i += 1) {112 emitArgs.push(arguments[i]);113 }114 // Collect all the event handlers bound to the given eventString115 eventHandlers = [];116 for (i = 0; i < eventString.length; i += 1) {117 if (this.eventMap.hasOwnProperty(eventString[i])) {118 subRouteMap = this.eventMap[eventString[i]];119 for (routeString in subRouteMap) {120 if (subRouteMap.hasOwnProperty(routeString)) {121 eventHandlers.push(subRouteMap[routeString].eventHandler);122 }123 }124 }125 }126 // Apply the event handlers.127 // All event handlers on the bus share a same bus context.128 busContext = this.busContext;129 for (i = 0; i < eventHandlers.length; i += 1) {130 eventHandlers[i].apply(busContext, emitArgs);131 }132};133// See Node.js events.EventEmitter.emit134Bus.prototype.emit = _emit;135// See Backbone.js Events.trigger136Bus.prototype.trigger = _emit;137// See Mozilla Web API EventTarget.dispatchEvent138// See Uncomment to enable. Too lengthy to be included by default.140//Bus.prototype.dispatchEvent = _emit;141// See Uncomment to enable. Too rare to be included by default.143//Bus.prototype.fireEvent = _emit;144var _on = function (eventString, eventHandler) {145 // Bind an event string(s) to an event handler function.146 //147 // Parameter148 // eventString149 // Event string or array of event strings.150 // Empty array is ok but does nothing.151 // eventHandler152 // Event handler function to be executed when the event is emitted.153 //154 // Throw155 // InvalidEventStringError156 // InvalidEventHandlerError157 //158 // Return159 // a route string or an array of route strings160 //161 var wasArray, i, routeObject, routeString, routeStringArray;162 // Turn to array for more general code.163 // Store whether parameter was array to return right type of value.164 wasArray = isArray(eventString);165 if (!wasArray) {166 eventString = [eventString];167 }168 // Validate all eventStrings before mutating anything.169 // This makes the on call more atomic.170 for (i = 0; i < eventString.length; i += 1) {171 if (typeof eventString[i] !== 'string') {172 throw new InvalidEventStringError(eventString[i]);173 }174 }175 // Validate the eventHandler176 if (typeof eventHandler !== 'function') {177 throw new InvalidEventHandlerError(eventHandler);178 }179 routeStringArray = [];180 for (i = 0; i < eventString.length; i += 1) {181 routeObject = {182 eventString: eventString[i],183 eventHandler: eventHandler184 };185 routeString = Identity.create();186 routeStringArray.push(routeString);187 if (!this.eventMap.hasOwnProperty(eventString[i])) {188 this.eventMap[eventString[i]] = {};189 }190 this.eventMap[eventString[i]][routeString] = routeObject;191 this.routeMap[routeString] = routeObject;192 }193 if (wasArray) {194 return routeStringArray;195 } // else196 return routeStringArray[0];197};198// See Backbone.js Events.on199// See Node.js events.EventEmitter.on200Bus.prototype.on = _on;201// See = _on;203// See Node.js events.EventEmitter.addListener204// Uncomment to enable. Too lengthy to be included by default.205//Bus.prototype.addListener = _on;206// See Mozilla Web API EventTarget.addEventListener207// See Uncomment to enable. Too lengthy to be included by default.209//Bus.prototype.addEventListener = _on;210var _once = function (eventString, eventHandler) {211 // Like _on but reacts to emit only once.212 //213 // Parameter214 // See _on215 //216 // Return217 // See _on218 //219 // Throw220 // InvalidEventStringError221 // InvalidEventHandlerError222 //223 var that, routeString, called;224 // Validate the eventHandler. On does the validation also.225 // Duplicate validation is required because a wrapper function226 // is feed into on instead the given eventHandler.227 if (typeof eventHandler !== 'function') {228 throw new InvalidEventHandlerError(eventHandler);229 }230 that = this;231 called = false;232 routeString = this.on(eventString, function () {233 if (!called) {234 called = true; // Required to prevent duplicate sync calls235;236 // Apply. Use the context given by emit to embrace code dryness.237 eventHandler.apply(this, arguments);238 }239 });240 return routeString;241};242// See Node.js events.EventEmitter.once243// See Backbone.js Events.once244Bus.prototype.once = _once;245var _off = function (routeString) {246 // Unbind one or many event handlers.247 //248 // Parameter249 // routeString250 // A route string or an array of route strings or251 // an array of arrays of route strings.252 // The route to be shut down.253 //254 // Parameter (Alternative)255 // eventString256 // An event string or an array of event strings or257 // an array of arrays of event strings.258 // Shut down all the routes with this event string.259 //260 // Parameter (Alternative)261 // (nothing)262 // Shut down all the routes i.e. unbind all the event handlers.263 //264 // Throws265 // InvalidRouteStringError266 //267 // Return268 // nothing269 //270 var noArgs, i, routeObject, eventString, subRouteMap, rs;271 noArgs = (typeof routeString === 'undefined');272 if (noArgs) {273 this.routeMap = {};274 this.eventMap = {};275 return;276 }277 // Turn to array for more general code.278 if (!isArray(routeString)) {279 routeString = [routeString];280 }281 // Flatten arrays to allow arrays of arrays of route strings.282 // This is needed if user wants to off an array of routes. Some routes283 // might be arrays or route strings because 'on' interface.284 // // // Reference/Global_Objects/Array/concat287 var flat = [];288 flat = flat.concat.apply(flat, routeString);289 routeString = flat;290 // Validate all routeStrings before mutating anything.291 // This makes the off call more atomic.292 for (i = 0; i < routeString.length; i += 1) {293 if (typeof routeString[i] !== 'string') {294 throw new InvalidRouteStringError(routeString[i]);295 }296 }297 for (i = 0; i < routeString.length; i += 1) {298 if (this.routeMap.hasOwnProperty(routeString[i])) {299 routeObject = this.routeMap[routeString[i]];300 delete this.routeMap[routeString[i]];301 delete this.eventMap[routeObject.eventString][routeString[i]];302 // Remove sub route map from the event map if it is empty.303 // This prevents outdated eventStrings piling up on the eventMap.304 if (isEmpty(this.eventMap[routeObject.eventString])) {305 delete this.eventMap[routeObject.eventString];306 }307 } else {308 // As eventString309 eventString = routeString[i];310 if (this.eventMap.hasOwnProperty(eventString)) {311 subRouteMap = this.eventMap[eventString];312 for (rs in subRouteMap) {313 if (subRouteMap.hasOwnProperty(rs)) {314 delete this.routeMap[rs];315 }316 }317 delete this.eventMap[eventString];318 }319 }320 }321 // Assert: event handlers and their routes removed.322};323// Backbone.js = _off;325// Node.js events.EventEmitter.removeListener326Bus.prototype.removeListener = _off;327// See Mozilla Web API EventTarget.removeEventListener328// Uncomment to enable. Too lengthy to be included by default.329//Bus.prototype.removeEventListener = _off;330var Identity = (function () {331 // A utility for creating unique strings for identification.332 // Abstracts how uniqueness is archieved.333 //334 // Usages335 // >>> Identity.create();336 // '532402059994638'337 // >>> Identity.create();338 // '544258285779506'339 //340 var exports = {};341 /////////////////342 exports.create = function () {343 return Math.random().toString().substring(2);344 };345 ///////////////346 return exports;347}());348 // Version349 exports.version = '3.1.0';350// End of intro...
1var fadeTime = 800;2var animTime = 18;3var removeTime = 4500;4var medalsPath = 'medals://';5var playQueue = [];6var eventJSONCache;7var playVol;8var suppressRepeat = false;9var medalWidth = '3.5vw';10var leftPos = '6.78vw';11var bottomPos = '32vh';12var transform = 'skew(0,-2.75deg)'; 13var juggleEvent = 0;14var juggleDelay = 3000;15var settingsArray = { 'Game.CefMedals': '1', 'Game.MedalPack': 'default', 'Game.SuppressJuggling': '0', 'Settings.MasterVolume': '50', 'Settings.SfxVolume': '100' };16dew.on("mpevent", function (event) {17 if(settingsArray['Game.CefMedals'] == 1){18 medalsPath = "medals://" + settingsArray['Game.MedalPack'] + "/";19 if(!eventJSONCache){20 $.getJSON(medalsPath+'events.json', function(json) {21 eventJSONCache = json;22 parseEvent(event);23 });24 }else{25 parseEvent(event);26 }27 }28});29function parseEvent(event){30 if(settingsArray['Game.SuppressJuggling'] == 1){31 suppressRepeat = true;32 } else {33 suppressRepeat = false;34 }35 var sfxVol = settingsArray['Settings.MasterVolume']/100;36 var mstrVol = settingsArray['Settings.SfxVolume']/100;37 playVol = sfxVol * mstrVol * 0.3;38 var medal =;39 if(suppressRepeat && ( medal.startsWith('ctf_event_flag_') || medal.startsWith('assault_event_bomb_') || medal.startsWith('oddball_event_ball') || medal.startsWith('king_event_hill_c'))){40 juggleEvent++;41 setTimeout(function(){42 if(juggleEvent > 0){ juggleEvent--; }43 }, juggleDelay);44 } 45 if(juggleEvent > 2 && ((medal.startsWith('oddball_event_ball') && (medal != 'oddball_event_ball_spawned' && medal != 'oddball_event_ball_reset')) || (medal.startsWith('ctf_event_flag_') && medal != 'ctf_event_flag_captured')||(medal.startsWith('assault_event_bomb_') && medal != 'assault_event_bomb_placed_on_enemy_post') || medal.startsWith('king_event_hill_c'))){46 return47 }48 doMedal(,; 49}50$.fn.pulse = function() { 51 var i = 0.5, x = 0, medal = this.selector;52 function pulseLoop(medal) { 53 setTimeout(function () { 54 $(medal).css({'transform': 'scale('+ i +','+ i +')', 'opacity': x });55 i+=0.1, x+=0.4;56 if (i < 1.5) { 57 pulseLoop(medal);58 } else if (i = 1.5) {59 $(medal).css({'transform' : 'scale(1.2,1.2)'}); 60 setTimeout(function () { 61 $(medal).css({'transform' : 'scale(1,1)'}); 62 }, animTime)63 } 64 }, animTime)65 }66 pulseLoop(medal);67};68function queue_audio(audio){69 playQueue.push(medalsPath + 'audio/' + audio);70 playQueue.splice(4, Infinity);71 if(!isPlaying){72 play(playQueue[0]); 73 }74}75var isPlaying = false;76function play(audio){77 isPlaying = true;78 var audioElement = new Audio(audio);79;80 audioElement.volume = playVol;81 audioElement.onended = function(){82 advanceQueue();83 }84 audioElement.onerror = function(){ 85 advanceQueue();86 }; 87 function advanceQueue(){88 isPlaying = false;89 playQueue.splice(0, 1);90 if(playQueue.length > 0){91 play(playQueue[0]); 92 }93 }94}95var medalNum = 0;96function display_medal(medal){97;98 $('#medalBox').css({99 left:leftPos,100 bottom: bottomPos, 101 transform: transform102 });103 var currentMedalNum = medalNum;104 $('<img />', { 105 id: currentMedalNum,106 src: medalsPath + 'images/' + medal,107 css: {108 width: medalWidth109 }110 }).prependTo($('#medalBox'));111 $("#"+currentMedalNum).pulse();112 setTimeout(function(){113 $("#"+currentMedalNum).fadeOut(fadeTime, function() { 114 $("#"+currentMedalNum).remove(); 115 if(!$('#medalBox img').length){116 dew.hide(); 117 }118 });119 }, removeTime);120 medalNum++;121}122function doMedal(eventString, audience){123 //console.log(eventString+', '+audience);124 if(eventJSONCache[eventString]){125 switch(audience){126 case 0:127 if(eventJSONCache[eventString].hasOwnProperty('cause_player')){128 if(eventJSONCache[eventString].cause_player.hasOwnProperty('image')){129 if(typeof eventJSONCache[eventString].cause_player.image === 'string'){130 display_medal(eventJSONCache[eventString].cause_player.image);131 }132 else{133 var items = eventJSONCache[eventString].cause_player.image;134 display_medal(items[Math.floor(Math.random()*items.length)]);135 }136 }137 if(eventJSONCache[eventString].cause_player.hasOwnProperty('sound')){138 if(typeof eventJSONCache[eventString].cause_player.sound === 'string'){139 queue_audio(eventJSONCache[eventString].cause_player.sound); 140 }141 else{142 var items = eventJSONCache[eventString].cause_player.sound;143 queue_audio(items[Math.floor(Math.random()*items.length)]);144 }145 }146 }147 break;148 case 1:149 if(eventJSONCache[eventString].hasOwnProperty('cause_team')){150 if(eventJSONCache[eventString].cause_team.hasOwnProperty('image')){151 if(typeof eventJSONCache[eventString].cause_team.image === 'string'){152 display_medal(eventJSONCache[eventString].cause_team.image);153 }154 else{155 var items = eventJSONCache[eventString].cause_team.image;156 display_medal(items[Math.floor(Math.random()*items.length)]);157 }158 }159 if(eventJSONCache[eventString].cause_team.hasOwnProperty('sound')){160 if(typeof eventJSONCache[eventString].cause_team.sound === 'string'){161 queue_audio(eventJSONCache[eventString].cause_team.sound); 162 }163 else{164 var items = eventJSONCache[eventString].cause_team.sound;165 queue_audio(items[Math.floor(Math.random()*items.length)]);166 }167 }168 }169 break;170 case 2:171 if(eventJSONCache[eventString].hasOwnProperty('effect_player')){172 if(eventJSONCache[eventString].effect_player.hasOwnProperty('image')){173 if(typeof eventJSONCache[eventString].effect_player.image === 'string'){174 display_medal(eventJSONCache[eventString].effect_player.image);175 }176 else{177 var items = eventJSONCache[eventString].effect_player.image;178 display_medal(items[Math.floor(Math.random()*items.length)]);179 }180 }181 if(eventJSONCache[eventString].effect_player.hasOwnProperty('sound')){182 if(typeof eventJSONCache[eventString].effect_player.sound === 'string'){183 queue_audio(eventJSONCache[eventString].effect_player.sound); 184 }185 else{186 var items = eventJSONCache[eventString].effect_player.sound;187 queue_audio(items[Math.floor(Math.random()*items.length)]);188 }189 }190 }191 break;192 case 3:193 if(eventJSONCache[eventString].hasOwnProperty('effect_team')){194 if(eventJSONCache[eventString].effect_team.hasOwnProperty('image')){195 if(typeof eventJSONCache[eventString].effect_team.image === 'string'){196 display_medal(eventJSONCache[eventString].effect_team.image);197 }198 else{199 var items = eventJSONCache[eventString].effect_team.image;200 display_medal(items[Math.floor(Math.random()*items.length)]);201 }202 }203 if(eventJSONCache[eventString].effect_team.hasOwnProperty('sound')){204 if(typeof eventJSONCache[eventString].effect_team.sound === 'string'){205 queue_audio(eventJSONCache[eventString].effect_team.sound); 206 }207 else{208 var items = eventJSONCache[eventString].effect_team.sound;209 queue_audio(items[Math.floor(Math.random()*items.length)]);210 }211 }212 }213 break;214 case 4:215 if(eventJSONCache[eventString].hasOwnProperty('image')){216 if(typeof eventJSONCache[eventString].image === 'string'){217 display_medal(eventJSONCache[eventString].image);218 }219 else{220 var items = eventJSONCache[eventString].image;221 display_medal(items[Math.floor(Math.random()*items.length)]);222 }223 }224 if(eventJSONCache[eventString].hasOwnProperty('sound')){225 if(typeof eventJSONCache[eventString].sound === 'string'){226 queue_audio(eventJSONCache[eventString].sound); 227 }228 else{229 var items = eventJSONCache[eventString].sound;230 queue_audio(items[Math.floor(Math.random()*items.length)]);231 }232 }233 break;234 }235 }236}237dew.on("variable_update", function(e){238 for(i = 0; i <; i++){239 if([i].name in settingsArray){240 settingsArray[[i].name] =[i].value;241 if([i].name == "Game.MedalPack"){242 eventJSONCache = null;243 }244 }245 }246});247$(document).ready(function(){248 loadSettings(0);249})250function loadSettings(i){251 if (i != Object.keys(settingsArray).length) {252 dew.command(Object.keys(settingsArray)[i], {}).then(function(response) {253 settingsArray[Object.keys(settingsArray)[i]] = response;254 i++;255 loadSettings(i);256 });257 }...
1// For simplicity this calendar has no backend.2// An event is displayed as a sentence below the event creation dialogue3// with the details of the event in readable English.4/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////5// New Event Creation6/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7$(function() {8 $('#create-event-button').click(function() {9 if (checkInputs()) {10 $('#create-event-button').trigger('log', ['event created', {}]);11 writeEventToScreen(getEventText());12 }13 });14});15// End time must come after start time16function isValidEndTime() {17 var startTime = $('#event-start-date').datetimepicker('getValue');18 var endTime = $('#event-end-date').datetimepicker('getValue');19 return !(endTime < startTime);20}21function checkInputs() {22 if (!isValidEndTime()) {23 writeEventToScreen('End date must come after start date.');24 return false;25 }26 var frequency = $('#' + $('input[name=recurrent-event-time-selector]:checked').val() + '-recurrent-freq').val();27 console.log(frequency);28 if (!$.isNumeric(frequency)) {29 writeEventToScreen('Frequency must be a numeric value.');30 return false;31 }32 return true;33}34// Functions for building the event string35function getWeeklyRepeatingDays() {36 var days = [];37 var weekdayIds = ['#weekday-sun', '#weekday-mon', '#weekday-tue', '#weekday-wed', '#weekday-thu', '#weekday-fri', 38 '#weekday-sat'];39 var weekdays = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'];40 for (i = 0; i < weekdayIds.length; i++) {41 if ($(weekdayIds[i]).is(':checked')) {42 days.push(weekdays[i]);43 }44 }45 return days;46}47function getMonthlyRepeatingDays() {48 var days = [];49 var monthdayIds = ['#month-1', '#month-2', '#month-3', '#month-4', '#month-5', '#month-6', '#month-7', '#month-8',50 '#month-9', '#month-10', '#month-11', '#month-12', '#month-13', '#month-14', '#month-15', '#month-16',51 '#month-17', '#month-18', '#month-19', '#month-20', '#month-21', '#month-22', '#month-23', '#month-24',52 '#month-25', '#month-26', '#month-27', '#month-28', '#month-29', '#month-30', '#month-31'];53 for (i = 0; i < monthdayIds.length; i++) {54 if ($(monthdayIds[i]).is(':checked')) {55 days.push(i+1);56 }57 }58 return days;59}60function getYearlyRepeatingMonths() {61 var months = [];62 var monthIds = ['#year-jan', '#year-feb', '#year-mar', '#year-apr', '#year-may', '#year-jun', '#year-jul', 63 '#year-aug', '#year-sept', '#year-oct', '#year-nov', '#year-dec'];64 var monthsNames = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sept', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];65 for (i = 0; i < monthIds.length; i++) {66 if ($(monthIds[i]).is(':checked')) {67 months.push(monthsNames[i]);68 }69 }70 return months;71}72function getWeeklyRepeatingString(arr) {73 var eventString = 'on every ';74 for (i = 0; i < arr.length-1; i++) {75 eventString += arr[i] + ', ';76 }77 if (arr.length > 1) {78 eventString += 'and ';79 }80 eventString += arr[arr.length-1] + ' of the week ';81 return eventString;82}83function getMonthlyRepeatingString(arr) {84 var eventString = 'on the ';85 for (i = 0; i < arr.length-1; i++) {86 eventString += arr[i] + ', ';87 }88 if (arr.length > 1) {89 eventString += 'and ';90 }91 eventString += arr[arr.length-1] + ' of the month ';92 return eventString;93}94function getYearlyRepeatingString(arr) {95 var eventString = 'in ';96 for (i = 0; i < arr.length-1; i++) {97 eventString += arr[i] + ', ';98 }99 if (arr.length > 1) {100 eventString += 'and ';101 }102 eventString += arr[arr.length-1] + ' on the corresponding day of the month(s) ';103 return eventString;104}105function getEventText() {106 var a=document.getElementById('event-location').value;107 var b=document.getElementById('event-name').value;108 var c=document.getElementById('event-start-date').value;109 var d=document.getElementById('event-end-date').value;110 var e=document.getElementById('all-day-event-date').value;111 var f=document.getElementById('recurrent-event-end-date').value;112 113 if(a=='' || b==''){114 var eventstring='Please Enter all the required fields';115 return eventstring;116 117 }118 else if(a!='' && b!='' && e!=''){119 var eventName = $('#event-name').val();120 var eventLocation = $('#event-location').val();121 122 var eventString = 'Event created: ' + eventName + ' at ' + eventLocation + ', ';123 var allDayEvent = $('#all-day-event-checkbox').is(':checked');124 if (allDayEvent) {125 var eventDate = $('#all-day-event-date').datetimepicker('getValue');126 eventString += 'an all day event on ' + eventDate;127 } else {128 var startTime = $('#event-start-date').datetimepicker('getValue');129 var endTime = $('#event-end-date').datetimepicker('getValue');130 eventString += 'starting at ' + startTime + ' and ending at ' + endTime;131 }132 var repeatOption = $('input[name=r]:checked').val();133 if (repeatOption == 'none') {134 eventString += '.';135 return eventString;136 } else if (repeatOption == 'day') {137 eventString += ', repeating every day ';138 } else if (repeatOption == 'week') {139 eventString += ', repeating every week ';140 } else if (repeatOption == 'month') {141 eventString += ', repeating every month ';142 } else if (repeatOption == 'year') {143 eventString += ', repeating every year ';144 } else { // custom145 var frequencyOption =$('input[name=recurrent-event-time-selector]:checked').val();146 var frequency = 1;147 var repeatingUnits = [];148 if (frequencyOption == 'daily') {149 frequency = $('#daily-recurrent-freq').val();150 eventString += ', ' + 'repeating every ' + frequency + ' day(s) ';151 } else if (frequencyOption == 'weekly') {152 frequency = $('#weekly-recurrent-freq').val();153 repeatingUnits = getWeeklyRepeatingDays();154 eventString += ', ' + 'repeating every ' + frequency + ' week(s) ' + getWeeklyRepeatingString(repeatingUnits);155 } else if (frequencyOption == 'monthly') {156 frequency = $('#monthly-recurrent-freq').val();157 repeatingUnits = getMonthlyRepeatingDays();158 eventString += ', ' + 'repeating every ' + frequency + ' month(s) ' + getMonthlyRepeatingString(repeatingUnits);159 } else { // yearly160 frequency = $('#yearly-recurrent-freq').val();161 repeatingUnits = getYearlyRepeatingMonths();162 eventString += ', ' + 'repeating every ' + frequency + ' year(s) ' + getYearlyRepeatingString(repeatingUnits);163 }164 }165 var endDate = $('#recurrent-event-end-date').datetimepicker('getValue');166 eventString += 'until ' + endDate + '.';167 return eventString;168}169if(c=='' || d==''){170 var eventstring='Please Enter all the required fields';171 return eventstring;172}173else if( c!='' && d!='' && a!='' && b!='')174{175 var eventName = $('#event-name').val();176 var eventLocation = $('#event-location').val();177 178 var eventString = 'Event created: ' + eventName + ' at ' + eventLocation + ', ';179 var allDayEvent = $('#all-day-event-checkbox').is(':checked');180 if (allDayEvent) {181 var eventDate = $('#all-day-event-date').datetimepicker('getValue');182 eventString += 'an all day event on ' + eventDate;183 } else {184 var startTime = $('#event-start-date').datetimepicker('getValue');185 var endTime = $('#event-end-date').datetimepicker('getValue');186 eventString += 'starting at ' + startTime + ' and ending at ' + endTime;187 }188 var repeatOption = $('input[name=r]:checked').val();189 if (repeatOption == 'none') {190 eventString += '.';191 return eventString;192 } else if (repeatOption == 'day') {193 eventString += ', repeating every day ';194 } else if (repeatOption == 'week') {195 eventString += ', repeating every week ';196 } else if (repeatOption == 'month') {197 eventString += ', repeating every month ';198 } else if (repeatOption == 'year') {199 eventString += ', repeating every year ';200 } else { // custom201 var frequencyOption = $('input[name=recurrent-event-time-selector]:checked').val();202 var frequency = 1;203 var repeatingUnits = [];204 if (frequencyOption == 'daily') {205 frequency = $('#daily-recurrent-freq').val();206 eventString += ', ' + 'repeating every ' + frequency + ' day(s) ';207 } else if (frequencyOption == 'weekly') {208 frequency = $('#weekly-recurrent-freq').val();209 repeatingUnits = getWeeklyRepeatingDays();210 eventString += ', ' + 'repeating every ' + frequency + ' week(s) ' + getWeeklyRepeatingString(repeatingUnits);211 } else if (frequencyOption == 'monthly') {212 frequency = $('#monthly-recurrent-freq').val();213 repeatingUnits = getMonthlyRepeatingDays();214 eventString += ', ' + 'repeating every ' + frequency + ' month(s) ' + getMonthlyRepeatingString(repeatingUnits);215 } else { // yearly216 frequency = $('#yearly-recurrent-freq').val();217 repeatingUnits = getYearlyRepeatingMonths();218 eventString += ', ' + 'repeating every ' + frequency + ' year(s) ' + getYearlyRepeatingString(repeatingUnits);219 }220 }221 var endDate = $('#recurrent-event-end-date').datetimepicker('getValue');222 eventString += 'until ' + endDate + '.';223 return eventString;224}225if(e=='' || a=='' || b==''){226 var eventstring='Please Enter all the required fields';227 return eventstring;228 }229}230function writeEventToScreen(eventString) {231 $('#new-event-text').text(eventString);...
Using AI Code Generation
1import React from 'react';2import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';3import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';4import { linkTo } from '@storybook/addon-links';5import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';6import { Button, Welcome } from '@storybook/react/demo';7import { withEventString } from 'storybook-root';8const eventString = withEventString();9storiesOf('Welcome', module).add('to Storybook', () => <Welcome showApp={linkTo('Button')} />);10storiesOf('Button', module)11 .add(12 withInfo()(() => (13 <Button onClick={eventString(action('clicked'))}>Hello Button</Button>14 .add(15 withInfo()(() => (16 <Button onClick={eventString(action('clicked'))}>17 );
Using AI Code Generation
1import React from 'react';2import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';3import { linkTo } from '@storybook/addon-links';4import { Welcome } from '@storybook/react/demo';5import { withKnobs, text, boolean, number } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';6import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';7import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';8import { withNotes } from '@storybook/addon-notes';9storiesOf('Welcome', module).add('to Storybook', () => <Welcome showApp={linkTo('Button')} />);10storiesOf('Button', module)11 .addDecorator(withKnobs)12 .addDecorator(withInfo)13 .addDecorator(withNotes)14 .add('with text', () => (15 <button onClick={action('clicked')}>{text('Label', 'Hello Button')}</button>16 .add('with some emoji', () => (17 <button onClick={action('clicked')}>{text('Label', 'π π π π―')}</button>18 .add('with some emoji and action', () => (19 <button onClick={action('clicked')}>{text('Label', 'π π π π―')}</button>20 .add('with some emoji and action', () => (21 <button onClick={action('clicked')}>{text('Label', 'π π π π―')}</button>22 .add('with some emoji and action', () => (23 <button onClick={action('clicked')}>{text('Label', 'π π π π―')}</button>24 .add('with some emoji and action', () => (25 <button onClick={action('clicked')}>{text('Label', 'π π π π―')}</button>26 .add('with some emoji and action', () => (27 <button onClick={action('clicked')}>{text('Label', 'π π π π―')}</button>28 .add('with some emoji and action', () => (29 <button onClick={action('clicked')}>{text('Label', 'π π π π―')}</button>30 .add('with some emoji and action', () => (31 <button onClick={action('clicked')}>{text('Label', 'π π
Using AI Code Generation
1import { eventString } from 'storybook-root';2console.log(eventString);3import { eventString } from 'storybook-root';4console.log(eventString);5import { eventString } from 'storybook-root';6console.log(eventString);7import { eventString } from 'storybook-root';8console.log(eventString);9import { eventString } from 'storybook-root';10console.log(eventString);11import { eventString } from 'storybook-root';12console.log(eventString);
Using AI Code Generation
1import { eventString } from 'storybook-root'2import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react'3storiesOf('Test', module).add('test', () => {4 return <div>{eventString}</div>5})6import { configure } from '@storybook/react'7import { addParameters } from '@storybook/react'8import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/react'9import { withA11y } from '@storybook/addon-a11y'10import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info'11import { withKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs'12import { withTests } from '@storybook/addon-jest'13import { withConsole } from '@storybook/addon-console'14import { withOptions } from '@storybook/addon-options'15import { withViewport } from '@storybook/addon-viewport'16import { withBackgrounds } from '@storybook/addon-backgrounds'17import { withStorysource } from '@storybook/addon-storysource'18import { withActions } from '@storybook/addon-actions'19import { withLinks } from '@storybook/addon-links'20import { withNotes } from '@storybook/addon-notes'21import { withOptions } from '@storybook/addon-options'22import { setOptions } from '@storybook/addon-options'23import { setDefaults } from '@storybook/addon-info'24import { setDefaults } from '@storybook/addon-knobs'25import { setConsoleOptions } from '@storybook/addon-console'26import { setDefaults } from '@storybook/addon-backgrounds'27import { setDefaults } from '@storybook/addon-viewport'28import { setDefaults } from '@storybook/addon-storysource'29import { setDefaults } from '@storybook/addon-notes'30import { setDefaults } from '@storybook/addon-options'31import { themes } from '@storybook/components'32import { setOptions } from '@storybook/addon-options'33import { setDefaults } from '@storybook/addon-info'34import { setDefaults } from '@storybook/addon-knobs'35import { setConsoleOptions } from '@storybook/addon-console'36import { setDefaults } from '@storybook/addon-backgrounds'37import { setDefaults } from '@storybook/addon-viewport'38import { setDefaults } from '@storybook/addon-storysource'39import { setDefaults } from '@storybook/addon-notes'40import { setDefaults } from '@storybook/addon-options
Using AI Code Generation
1var storybook = require('storybook-root');2var story = storybook.story('My Story');3story.eventString();4var storybook = require('storybook-root');5var story = storybook.story('My Story');6story.eventString();7var storybook = require('storybook-root');8var story = storybook.story('My Story');9story.eventString();10var storybook = require('storybook-root');11var story = storybook.story('My Story');12story.eventString();13var storybook = require('storybook-root');14var story = storybook.story('My Story');15story.eventString();16var storybook = require('storybook-root');17var story = storybook.story('My Story');18story.eventString();19var storybook = require('storybook-root');20var story = storybook.story('My Story');21story.eventString();22var storybook = require('storybook-root');23var story = storybook.story('My Story');24story.eventString();25var storybook = require('storybook-root');26var story = storybook.story('My Story');27story.eventString();28var storybook = require('storybook-root');29var story = storybook.story('My Story');30story.eventString();31var storybook = require('storybook-root');32var story = storybook.story('My Story');33story.eventString();34var storybook = require('storybook-root');35var story = storybook.story('My Story');36story.eventString();37var storybook = require('storybook
Using AI Code Generation
1import { eventString } from 'storybook-root';2import { eventString } from 'storybook-root';3import { eventString } from 'storybook-root';4import { eventString } from 'storybook-root';5import { eventString } from 'storybook-root';6import { eventString } from 'storybook-root';7import { eventString } from 'storybook-root';8import { eventString } from 'storybook-root';9import { eventString } from 'storybook-root';10import { eventString } from 'storybook-root';11import { eventString } from 'storybook-root';12import { eventString } from 'storybook-root';13import { eventString } from 'storybook-root';14import { eventString } from 'storybook-root';15import { eventString } from 'storybook-root';
Using AI Code Generation
1import { eventString } from 'storybook-root';2const log = eventString('test', 'test');3log('test');4export * from './src';5export const eventString = (event, message) => {6 return (value) => {7 console.log(event, message, value);8 };9};10export const eventString = (event, message) => {11 return (value) => {12 console.log(event, message, value);13 };14};15export const eventString = (event, message) => {16 return (value) => {17 console.log(event, message, value);18 };19};20export const eventString = (event, message) => {21 return (value) => {22 console.log(event, message, value);23 };24};25export const eventString = (event, message) => {26 return (value) => {27 console.log(event, message, value);28 };29};30export const eventString = (event, message) => {31 return (value) => {32 console.log(event, message, value);33 };34};35export const eventString = (event, message) => {36 return (value) => {37 console.log(event, message, value);38 };39};40export const eventString = (event, message) => {41 return (value) => {42 console.log(event, message, value);43 };44};45export const eventString = (event, message) => {46 return (value) => {47 console.log(event, message, value);48 };49};
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