How to use installDone method in storybook-root

Best JavaScript code snippet using storybook-root


Source:App.js Github


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1import React from 'react';2import './App.css';3import {Alert, Button, Card, Divider, Form, Input, Layout, message, Spin, Steps, Typography} from 'antd';4import axios from "axios";5import Text from "antd/es/typography/Text";6import * as querystring from "querystring";7const FormItem = Form.Item;8const {Title} = Typography;9const {Content, Footer} = Layout;10const {Step} = Steps;11const formItemLayout = {12 labelCol: {13 xs: {span: 24},14 sm: {span: 4},15 },16 wrapperCol: {17 xs: {span: 24},18 sm: {span: 8},19 },20};21class App extends React.Component {22 constructor(props) {23 super(props);24 this.state = {25 current: -1,26 loading: true,27 installDone: false,28 steps: [29 {30 title: '-',31 },32 {33 title: '-',34 },35 {36 title: '-',37 },38 ],39 dataBaseInfo: {},40 weblogInfo: {},41 res: {42 installWizard: '',43 utfTips: ''44 }45 };46 axios.defaults.baseURL = document.baseURI47 }48 formDataBaseInfoRef = React.createRef();49 formWeblogInfoRef = React.createRef();50 setDatabaseValue(changedValues, allValues) {51 this.formDataBaseInfoRef.current.setFieldsValue(changedValues);52 this.setState({53 dataBaseInfo: allValues,54 });55 }56 setWeblogValue(changedValues, allValues) {57 this.formWeblogInfoRef.current.setFieldsValue(changedValues);58 this.setState({59 weblogInfo: allValues,60 });61 }62 fetchRes(installed) {63 axios.get('/api/public/installResource').then(({data}) => {64 = + ' ZrLog'65 this.setState({66 res:,67 current: 0,68 steps: [{69 title:['installDatabaseInfo']70 }, {71 title:['installWebSiteInfo']72 }, {73 title:['installComplete']74 }],75 loading: false,76 installDone: installed77 });78 document.title = this.state.res.installWizard;79 })80 }81 componentDidMount() {82 axios.get('/api/public/installed').then(({data}) => {83 this.fetchRes( })85 }86 next() {87 if (this.state.current === 0) {88 axios.get("/api/install/testDbConn?" + querystring.stringify(this.state.dataBaseInfo)).then(({data}) => {89 if (!data.error) {90 const current = this.state.current + 1;91 this.setState({current});92 } else {93 message.error(data.message);94 }95 })96 } else if (this.state.current === 1) {97"/api/install/startInstall", querystring.stringify({98 ...this.state.dataBaseInfo,99 ...this.state.weblogInfo100 }), {101 headers: {102 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'103 }104 }).then(({data}) => {105 if (!data.error) {106 const current = this.state.current + 1;107 this.setState({current});108 } else {109 message.error(data.message);110 }111 })112 } else {113 }114 }115 prev() {116 const current = this.state.current - 1;117 this.setState({current});118 }119 render() {120 const {current} = this.state;121 return (122 <Spin spinning={this.state.loading} style={{height: "100vh"}}>123 <Layout hidden={this.state.loading}>124 <Content>125 <Card title={this.state.res.installWizard} className='container'>126 {this.state.installDone && (127 <Title level={3} type={"danger"}128 style={{textAlign: 'center'}}>{this.state.res.installed}</Title>129 )}130 {!this.state.installDone && (131 <div>132 {/*utf tips for some window env*/}133 <div hidden={this.state.res['utfTips'] === ''}>134 <Alert type='error'135 message={<div136 dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: this.state.res['utfTips']}}/>}137 showIcon>138 </Alert>139 <Divider/>140 </div>141 <Steps current={current}>142 { => (143 <Step key={item.title} title={item.title}/>144 ))}145 </Steps>146 <div className="steps-content" style={{marginTop: '20px'}}>147 {current === 0 && (148 <Form ref={this.formDataBaseInfoRef} {...formItemLayout}149 onValuesChange={(k, v) => this.setDatabaseValue(k, v)}>150 <div>151 <Title level={3}152 type="danger">{this.state.res.installPrompt}</Title>153 <ul>154 <li><Text type="danger">{this.state.res.installWarn1}</Text>155 </li>156 <li><Text type="danger">{this.state.res.installWarn2}</Text>157 </li>158 </ul>159 </div>160 <Title level={4}>{this.state.res.installInputDbInfo}</Title>161 <FormItem name='dbHost' label={this.state.res.installDbHost}162 rules={[{required: true}]}>163 <Input placeholder=''/>164 </FormItem>165 <FormItem name='dbName' label={this.state.res.installDbName}166 rules={[{required: true}]}>167 <Input placeholder='ZrLog'/>168 </FormItem>169 <FormItem name='dbUserName' label={this.state.res.installDbUserName}170 rules={[{required: true}]}>171 <Input placeholder='root'/>172 </FormItem>173 <FormItem name='dbPassword' label={this.state.res.installDbPassword}>174 <Input type='password'/>175 </FormItem>176 <FormItem name='dbPort' label={this.state.res.installDbPort}177 rules={[{required: true}]}>178 <Input type='number' placeholder='3306'/>179 </FormItem>180 </Form>181 )}182 {current === 1 && (183 <Form ref={this.formWeblogInfoRef} {...formItemLayout}184 onValuesChange={(k, v) => this.setWeblogValue(k, v)}>185 <Title level={3}>{this.state.res.installInputWebSiteInfo}</Title>186 <FormItem name='username' label={this.state.res.installAdmin}187 rules={[{required: true}]}>188 <Input placeholder='admin'/>189 </FormItem>190 <FormItem name='password' label={this.state.res.installAdminPassword}191 rules={[{required: true}]}>192 <Input type='password'/>193 </FormItem>194 <FormItem name='email' label={this.state.res.installAdminEmail}>195 <Input type='email'/>196 </FormItem>197 <FormItem name='title' label={this.state.res.installWebSiteTitle}198 rules={[{required: true}]}>199 <Input placeholder={this.state.res.installWebSiteTitleTip}/>200 </FormItem>201 <FormItem name='second_title'202 label={this.state.res.installWebSiteSecond}>203 <Input/>204 </FormItem>205 </Form>206 )}207 {current === 2 && (208 <div style={{textAlign: 'center'}}>209 <Title level={3} type='success'>{this.state.res.installSuccess}</Title>210 <a href={document.baseURI}>{this.state.res.installSuccessView}</a>211 </div>212 )}213 </div>214 <div className="steps-action" style={{paddingTop: '20px'}}>215 {current < this.state.steps.length - 1 && (216 <Button type="primary" onClick={() =>}>217 {this.state.res.installNextStep}218 </Button>219 )}220 {current === this.state.steps.length - 1 && (221 <Button type="primary"222 onClick={() => message.success(this.state.res.installSuccess)}>223 {this.state.res.installDone}224 </Button>225 )}226 {current > 0 && (227 <Button style={{margin: '0 8px'}} onClick={() => this.prev()}>228 {this.state.res.installPreviousStep}229 </Button>230 )}231 </div>232 </div>233 )}234 <Divider/>235 <Title level={4} style={{textAlign: "center", marginTop: '20px'}}>236 <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: this.state.res.installFeedback}}/>237 </Title>238 </Card>239 </Content>240 <Footer style={{textAlign: 'center'}}>{this.state.res.copyrightTips} . All Rights Reserved.</Footer>241 </Layout>242 </Spin>243 );244 }245}...

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Source:add.ts Github


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...53 const installDone = commandLog(`Installing the ${addonName} Storybook addon`);54 try {55 packageManager.addDependencies({}, [packageArg]);56 } catch (e) {57 installDone(58 `Something went wrong installing the addon: "${getPackageName(addonName, isOfficialAddon)}"`59 );60 logger.log();61 process.exit(1);62 }63 installDone();64};65export const addStorybookAddonToFile = (66 addonName: string,67 addonsFile: string[],68 isOfficialAddon: boolean69) => {70 const addonNameNoTag = addonName.split('@')[0];71 const alreadyRegistered = addonsFile.find((line) => line.includes(`${addonNameNoTag}/register`));72 if (alreadyRegistered) {73 return addonsFile;74 }75 const latestImportIndex = addonsFile.reduce(76 (prev, curr, currIndex) =>77 curr.startsWith('import') && curr.includes('register') ? currIndex : prev,...

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Source:add.js Github


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...50 }51 logger.log();52 const installDone = commandLog(`Installing the ${addonName} Storybook addon`);53 if (result.status !== 0) {54 installDone(55 `Something went wrong installing the addon: "${getPackageName(addonName, isOfficialAddon)}"`56 );57 logger.log();58 process.exit(1);59 }60 installDone();61};62export const addStorybookAddonToFile = (addonName, addonsFile, isOfficialAddon) => {63 const addonNameNoTag = addonName.split('@')[0];64 const alreadyRegistered = addonsFile.find(line => line.includes(`${addonNameNoTag}/register`));65 if (alreadyRegistered) {66 return addonsFile;67 }68 const latestImportIndex = addonsFile.reduce(69 (prev, curr, currIndex) =>70 curr.startsWith('import') && curr.includes('register') ? currIndex : prev,71 -172 );73 return [74 ...addonsFile.slice(0, latestImportIndex + 1),...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { installDone } from 'storybook-root';2installDone();3import { installDone } from 'storybook-root';4installDone();5import { installDone } from 'storybook-root';6installDone();7import { installDone } from 'storybook-root2';8installDone();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { installDone } from "storybook-root";2installDone();3import { configure } from "@storybook/react";4import { install } from "storybook-root";5install();6configure(require.context("../src", true, /\.stories\.js$/), module);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { installDone } from 'storybook-root';2installDone();3import { configure } from '@storybook/react';4import { install } from 'storybook-root';5import '../test.js';6install();7configure(require.context('../src', true, /\.stories\.js$/), module);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import storybookRoot from 'storybook-root'2storybookRoot.installDone()3import { installDone } from 'storybook-root'4import { installDone as installDoneRoot } from 'storybook-root'5import { installDone as installDoneRoot } from 'storybook-root'6import { installDone } from 'storybook-root'7import { installDone } from 'storybook-root'8import { installDone as installDoneRoot } from 'storybook-root'9import { installDone as installDoneRoot } from 'storybook-root'10import { installDone as installDone } from 'storybook-root'11import { installDone as installDoneRoot } from 'storybook-root'12import { installDone } from 'storybook-root'13import { installDone as installDone } from 'storybook-root'14import { installDone as installDoneRoot } from 'storybook-root'15import { installDone as installDone } from 'storybook-root'16import { installDone } from 'storybook-root'17import { installDone as installDoneRoot } from 'storybook-root'18import { installDone } from 'storybook-root'19import { installDone as installDone } from 'storybook-root'20import { installDone } from 'storybook-root'21import { installDone as installDoneRoot } from 'storybook-root'22import { installDone as installDone } from 'storybook-root'23import { installDone } from 'storybook-root'24import { installDone } from 'storybook-root'25import { installDone as installDoneRoot } from 'storybook-root'26import { installDone

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { installDone } from 'storybook-root';2installDone();3let doneCallback;4export const installDone = (cb) => {5 doneCallback = cb;6};7export const storybookRoot = () => {8 doneCallback && doneCallback();9};10import { installDone, storybookRoot } from 'storybook-root';11it('should call installDone', () => {12 const mockFn = jest.fn();13 installDone(mockFn);14 storybookRoot();15 expect(mockFn).toHaveBeenCalled();16});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { installDone } from 'storybook-root';2installDone();3import { installDone } from 'storybook-addon-viewport';4export function installDone() {5 installDone();6}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { installDone } from 'storybook-root';2import { expect } from 'chai';3describe('test', () => {4 it('test', async () => {5 await installDone;6 expect(true);7 });8});

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