How to use replaceRemapping method in storybook-root

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Source:dts-localize.ts Github


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1/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */2import path from 'path';3import fs from 'fs-extra';4import { sync } from 'read-pkg-up';5import * as ts from 'typescript';6const parseConfigHost = {7 useCaseSensitiveFileNames: ts.sys.useCaseSensitiveFileNames,8 readDirectory: ts.sys.readDirectory,9 fileExists: ts.sys.fileExists,10 readFile: ts.sys.readFile,11};12function getAbsolutePath(fileName: string, cwd?: string) {13 if (!path.isAbsolute(fileName)) {14 fileName = path.join(cwd !== undefined ? cwd : process.cwd(), fileName);15 }16 return fileName;17}18function getCompilerOptions(inputFileNames: string[], preferredConfigPath?: string) {19 const configFileName =20 preferredConfigPath !== undefined ? preferredConfigPath : findConfig(inputFileNames);21 const configParseResult = ts.readConfigFile(configFileName, ts.sys.readFile);22 const compilerOptionsParseResult = ts.parseJsonConfigFileContent(23 configParseResult.config,24 parseConfigHost,25 path.resolve(path.dirname(configFileName)),26 undefined,27 getAbsolutePath(configFileName)28 );29 return compilerOptionsParseResult.options;30}31function findConfig(inputFiles: string[]) {32 if (inputFiles.length !== 1) {33 throw new Error(34 'Cannot find tsconfig for multiple files. Please specify preferred tsconfig file'35 );36 }37 // input file could be a relative path to the current path38 // and desired config could be outside of current cwd folder39 // so we have to provide absolute path to find config until the root40 const searchPath = getAbsolutePath(inputFiles[0]);41 const configFileName = ts.findConfigFile(searchPath, ts.sys.fileExists);42 if (!configFileName) {43 throw new Error(`Cannot find config file for file ${searchPath}`);44 }45 return configFileName;46}47interface Options {48 externals: string[];49 cwd?: string;50}51export const run = async (entrySourceFiles: string[], outputPath: string, options: Options) => {52 const compilerOptions = getCompilerOptions(entrySourceFiles);53 const host = ts.createCompilerHost(compilerOptions);54 const cwd = options.cwd || process.cwd();55 const pkg = sync({ cwd }).packageJson;56 const externals = Object.keys({ ...pkg.dependencies, ...pkg.peerDependencies });57 // this to make paths for local packages as they are in node_modules because of yarn58 // but it depends on the way you handle "flatting of files"59 // so basically you can remove this host completely if you handle it in different way60 host.realpath = (p: string) => p;61 const program = ts.createProgram(entrySourceFiles, compilerOptions, host);62 const printer = ts.createPrinter({ newLine: ts.NewLineKind.LineFeed, removeComments: false });63 const typeChecker = program.getTypeChecker();64 const sourceFiles = program.getSourceFiles();65 const filesRemapping = new Map<string, string>();66 const replaceRemapping = new Map<string, string[]>();67 entrySourceFiles.forEach((file) => {68 const sourceFile = sourceFiles.find((f) => f.fileName === file);69 actOnSourceFile(sourceFile);70 });71 /**72 * @param {string} basePath the path is the directory where the package.json is located73 * @param {string} filePath the path of the current file74 */75 function getReplacementPathRelativeToBase(basePath: string, filePath: string) {76 const relative = path.relative(basePath, filePath);77 let newPath = '';78 /*79 first we work out the relative path from the basePath80 we might get a path like: ../../node_modules/packagename/dist/dir/file.ts81 Here's a few examples of what the idea is:82 ../../node_modules/packagename/dist/dir/file.ts => _modules/packagename-dist-dir-file.ts83 ../../node_modules/packagename/node_modules/b/dist/dir/file.ts => _modules/packagename-node_modules-b-dist-dir-file.ts84 ./node_modules/packagename/dist/dir/file.ts => _modules/packagename-dist-dir-file.ts85 ./dist/ts-tmp/file.ts => file.ts86 87 */88 if (relative.includes('node_modules/')) {89 const [,] = relative.split('node_modules/');90 const filename = parts.join('node_modules/').split('/').join('-');91 newPath = path.join(outputPath, '_modules', filename);92 } else if (relative.includes('dist/ts-tmp/')) {93 const [,] = relative.split('dist/ts-tmp/');94 const filename = parts.join('').split('/').join('-');95 newPath = path.join(outputPath, filename);96 } else {97 const filename = relative.split('/').join('-');98 newPath = path.join(outputPath, filename);99 }100 return newPath;101 }102 function wasReplacedAlready(fileName: string, target: string) {103 // skipping this import because is has been previously replaced already104 if (replaceRemapping.has(fileName) && replaceRemapping.get(fileName).includes(target)) {105 return true;106 }107 return false;108 }109 function getReplacementPathRelativeToFile(110 currentSourceFile: string,111 referencedSourceFile: string112 ) {113 filesRemapping.set(currentSourceFile, getReplacementPathRelativeToBase(cwd, currentSourceFile));114 filesRemapping.set(115 referencedSourceFile,116 getReplacementPathRelativeToBase(cwd, referencedSourceFile)117 );118 const result = path119 .relative(filesRemapping.get(currentSourceFile), filesRemapping.get(referencedSourceFile))120 .slice(1)121 .replace('.d.ts', '')122 .replace('.ts', '');123 replaceRemapping.set(currentSourceFile, [124 ...(replaceRemapping.get(currentSourceFile) || []),125 result,126 ]);127 return result;128 }129 function wasIgnored(target: string) {130 if (externals.includes(target)) {131 return true;132 }133 return false;134 }135 function replaceImport(node: ts.Node) {136 if (137 (ts.isImportDeclaration(node) || ts.isExportDeclaration(node)) &&138 node.moduleSpecifier !== undefined139 ) {140 // @ts-ignore141 const target: string = node.moduleSpecifier.text;142 let currentSourceFile = '';143 let referencedSourceFile = '';144 if (wasIgnored(target)) {145 return true;146 }147 currentSourceFile = node.getSourceFile().fileName;148 if (wasReplacedAlready(currentSourceFile, target)) {149 return true;150 }151 // find the sourceFile the import is pointing to152 referencedSourceFile = getSourceFile(153 typeChecker.getSymbolAtLocation(node.moduleSpecifier).valueDeclaration154 ).fileName;155 const replacementPath = getReplacementPathRelativeToFile(156 currentSourceFile,157 referencedSourceFile158 );159 // @ts-ignore160 node.moduleSpecifier = ts.createStringLiteral(replacementPath);161 return true;162 }163 if (ts.isImportTypeNode(node)) {164 const target = node.argument.getText().slice(1, -1);165 let currentSourceFile = '';166 let referencedSourceFile = '';167 // check if the import's path is in the ignore-list168 if (wasIgnored(target)) {169 return true;170 }171 currentSourceFile = node.getSourceFile().fileName;172 // check if it's already been replaced previously173 if (wasReplacedAlready(currentSourceFile, target)) {174 return true;175 }176 // find the sourceFile the import is pointing to177 referencedSourceFile = getSourceFile(178 typeChecker.getSymbolAtLocation(node).valueDeclaration179 ).fileName;180 const replacementPath = getReplacementPathRelativeToFile(181 currentSourceFile,182 referencedSourceFile183 );184 // @ts-ignore185 node.argument = ts.createStringLiteral(replacementPath);186 // node.argument = ts.factory.createStringLiteral(replacementPath); // TS4187 return true;188 }189 return undefined;190 }191 function getSourceFile(moduleNode: ts.Node) {192 while (!ts.isSourceFile(moduleNode)) {193 moduleNode = moduleNode.getSourceFile();194 }195 return moduleNode;196 }197 function walkNodeToReplaceImports(node: ts.Node) {198 // it seems that it is unnecessary, but we're sure that it is impossible to have import statement later than we can just skip this node199 if (replaceImport(node)) {200 return;201 }202 ts.forEachChild(node, (n) => walkNodeToReplaceImports(n));203 }204 function outputSourceToFile(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile) {205 const newPath = filesRemapping.get(sourceFile.fileName);206 fs.outputFileSync(newPath, printer.printFile(sourceFile).trim());207 }208 function actOnSourceFile(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile & { resolvedModules?: Map<any, any> }) {209 // console.log(sourceFile);210 filesRemapping.set(211 sourceFile.fileName,212 getReplacementPathRelativeToBase(cwd, sourceFile.fileName)213 );214 walkNodeToReplaceImports(sourceFile);215 outputSourceToFile(sourceFile);216 // using a internal 'resolvedModules' API to get all the modules that were imported by this source file217 // this seems to be a cache TypeScript uses internally218 // I've been looking for a a public API to use, but so far haven't found it.219 // I could create the dependency graph myself, perhaps that'd be better, but I'm OK with this for now.220 if (sourceFile.resolvedModules && sourceFile.resolvedModules.size > 0) {221 Array.from(sourceFile.resolvedModules.entries()).forEach(([k, v]) => {222 // console.log({ k }, v.resolvedFileName);223 if (externals.includes(k)) {224 return;225 }226 const x = sourceFiles.find((f) => f.fileName === v.resolvedFileName);227 if (!x) {228 return;229 }230 if (replaceRemapping.has(v.resolvedFileName)) {231 return;232 }233 actOnSourceFile(sourceFiles.find((f) => f.fileName === v.resolvedFileName));234 });235 }236 }...

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Source:util.ts Github


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1'use strict';2export function formatPath(contractPath: string) {3 return contractPath.replace(/\\/g, '/');4}5/**6 * Replaces remappings in the first array with matches from the second array,7 * then it concatenates only the unique strings from the 2 arrays.8 *9 * It splits the strings by '=' and checks the prefix of each element10 * @param remappings first array of remappings strings11 * @param replacer second array of remappings strings12 * @returns an array containing unique remappings13 */14export function replaceRemappings(remappings: string[], replacer: string[]): string[] {15 remappings.forEach(function (remapping, index) {16 const prefix = remapping.split('=')[0];17 for (const replaceRemapping of replacer) {18 const replacePrefix = replaceRemapping.split('=')[0];19 if (prefix === replacePrefix) {20 remappings[index] = replaceRemapping;21 break;22 }23 }24 });25 return [ Set([...remappings, ...replacer])];...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1module.exports = {2};3const path = require('path');4const webpack = require('webpack');5const { getLoader } = require('react-app-rewired');6const rewireReactHotLoader = require('react-app-rewire-hot-loader');7const rewireStyledComponents = require('react-app-rewire-styled-components');8const rewiredConfig = (config, env) => {9 const fileLoader = getLoader(10 rule => rule.loader && rule.loader.indexOf(`file-loader`) != -111 );12 fileLoader.exclude.push(/\.svg$/);13 config.module.rules.push({14 {15 },16 {17 options: {18 },19 },20 });21 config.module.rules.push({22 loaders: [require.resolve('@storybook/addon-storysource/loader')],23 });24 config.resolve.alias = {25 '@': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src'),26 };27 return config;28};29module.exports = rewiredConfig;

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1import { replaceRemapping } from 'storybook-root-alias';2replaceRemapping();3import { withStorybookRootAlias } from 'storybook-root-alias';4module.exports = withStorybookRootAlias(module.exports);5module.exports = {6 stories: ['../src/**/*.stories.@(js|jsx|ts|tsx)'],7};8const path = require('path');9const rootAlias = require('storybook-root-alias');10module.exports = async ({ config }) => {11 config.resolve.alias = {12 ...rootAlias.webpackAlias(),13 };14 config.resolve.modules.push(path.resolve(__dirname, '..'));15 return config;16};17{18 "compilerOptions": {19 "paths": {20 }21 }22}23"scripts": {24},25"devDependencies": {26}27{28 "compilerOptions": {29 "paths": {30 }31 }32}33import { withStorybookRootAlias } from 'storybook-root-alias';34module.exports = withStorybookRootAlias(module.exports);35import { withStorybookRootAlias } from 'storybook-root-alias';36module.exports = withStorybookRootAlias(module.exports);37import { withStorybookRootAlias } from 'storybook-root-alias';38module.exports = withStorybookRootAlias(module.exports);39import { withStorybookRootAlias } from

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1const path = require('path');2const { replaceRemapping } = require('storybook-root-alias');3replaceRemapping({4});5module.exports = {6};7module.exports = {8 {9 options: {10 babel: async (options) => {11 const path = require('path');12 const { replaceRemapping } = require('storybook-root-alias');13 replaceRemapping({14 });15 return options;16 },17 },18 },19};

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1const { replaceRemapping } = require('storybook-root-alias');2replaceRemapping();3const req = require.context('../src/components', true, /\.stories\.js$/);4function loadStories() {5 req.keys().forEach(filename => req(filename));6}7configure(loadStories, module);8const { getLoader, loaderByName } = require('@craco/craco');9const path = require('path');10module.exports = ({ config }) => {11 config.resolve.alias['storybook-root-alias'] = path.join(12 );13 const babelLoader = getLoader(14 rule => rule.loader && rule.loader.includes('babel-loader')15 );16 babelLoader.options.plugins.push('babel-plugin-root-import');17 return config;18};19const path = require('path');20module.exports = {21 '@': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/'),22 '@components': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/components/'),23 '@containers': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/containers/'),24 '@pages': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/pages/'),25 '@utils': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/utils/'),26};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { replaceRemapping } from 'storybook-root-alias'2replaceRemapping({3})4const { replaceRemapping } = require('storybook-root-alias')5replaceRemapping({6})7const { replaceRemapping } = require('storybook-root-alias')8const path = require('path')9module.exports = async ({ config, mode }) => {10 replaceRemapping({11 })12 config.module.rules.push({13 test: /\.(ts|tsx)$/,14 include: path.resolve(__dirname, '../'),15 {16 loader: require.resolve('ts-loader'),17 },18 {19 loader: require.resolve('react-docgen-typescript-loader'),20 },21 })22 config.resolve.extensions.push('.ts', '.tsx')23}24const { replaceRemapping } = require('storybook-root-alias')25const path = require('path')26module.exports = async ({ config, mode }) => {27 replaceRemapping({28 })29 config.module.rules.push({30 options: {31 loaders: {32 },33 },34 })35 config.resolve.extensions.push('.ts', '.tsx')36}37const { replaceRemapping } = require('storybook-root-alias')38const path = require('path')39module.exports = async ({ config, mode }) => {40 replaceRemapping({41 })42 config.module.rules.push({43 {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { replaceRemapping } from 'storybook-root-alias';2replaceRemapping();3import Button from 'components/atoms/Button';4import Button from '../../../components/atoms/Button';5import Button from '../../../../components/atoms/Button';6import Button from 'components/atoms/Button';7import Button from '../../../components/atoms/Button';8import Button from '../../../../components/atoms/Button';9import Button from 'components/atoms/Button';10import Button from '../../../components/atoms/Button';11import Button from '../../../../components/atoms/Button';12import Button from 'components/atoms/Button';13import Button from '../../../components/atoms/Button';14import Button from '../../../../components/atoms/Button';15import Button from 'components/atoms/Button';16import Button from '../../../components/atoms/Button';17import Button from '../../../../components/atoms/Button';18import Button from 'components/atoms/Button';19import Button from '../../../components/atoms/Button';20import Button from '../../../../components/atoms/Button';21import Button from 'components/atoms/Button';22import Button from '../../../components/atoms/Button';23import Button from '../../../../components/atoms/Button';24import Button from 'components/atoms/Button';25import Button from '../../../components/atoms/Button';26import Button from '../../../../components/atoms/Button';27import Button from 'components/atoms/Button';28import Button from '../../../components/atoms/Button';

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { replaceRemapping } from 'storybook-root-alias';2replaceRemapping('@', '../src');3module.exports = {4};5const path = require('path');6const rootAlias = require('storybook-root-alias');7module.exports = async ({ config }) => {8 config.resolve.alias = {9 ...rootAlias.webpackAlias(),10 };11 return config;12};13{14 "compilerOptions": {15 "paths": {16 }17 }18}19Next, import the addon in your .storybook/main.js file:20module.exports = {21};22Then, import the knob functions in your storybook stories:23import { text, boolean, number, select } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';24export default {25};26export const test = () => {27 const name = text('Name', 'John Doe');28 const age = number('Age', 44);29 const content = `I am ${name} and I'm ${age} years old.`;30 return <div>{content}</div>;31};

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